ATPoBtVS/AtS Discussion Board Archives

September 2002

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Speculative Season Seven Survey (itsy bitsy spoilers) -- Darby, 10:11:42 09/01/02 Sun
Season 6 and Season 3. Is there a reason for Similarities? Spoilers for both seasons. -- Artemis, 22:36:25 09/01/02 Sun
Classic Movie of the Week - August 31st 2002 *Guilty Pleasures/Buried Treasures Pt. V* -- OnM, 20:48:59 09/01/02 Sun
The Key and the Monks -- meritaten, 10:26:31 09/02/02 Mon
Questions about Spike's chip (spoilers) -- Quentin Collins, 23:53:05 09/02/02 Mon
WorldCon: All Things Do in Fact Lead to BtVS -- Buffyboy, 02:27:24 09/03/02 Tue
Almost a 'Vampire Layer'? A reason why I didn't like Buffy in season 6 -- Liam, 05:54:01 09/03/02 Tue
SMG married Sunday -- Cheryl, 13:07:25 09/03/02 Tue
Additional Worldcon review -- Dochawk, 13:53:14 09/03/02 Tue
Vampires and cemetaries -- Quentin Collins, 00:41:07 09/04/02 Wed
TNT Cancelled Witchblade (off topic) -- Robert, 14:18:24 09/04/02 Wed
O/T - I'm Back -- Rattletrap, 17:59:54 09/04/02 Wed
Witches, Faith and Dualistic Socks -- fresne, 07:37:24 09/05/02 Thu
Skip, Cordelia and Ascensions of a Different Kind-spoilers for end of S3 and spec. -- Arethusa, 09:24:32 09/05/02 Thu
Dilemma -- Darby, 07:35:19 09/06/02 Fri
Fellow Buffy fanatics, an opinion please! The Great Recording Question -- Thomas the Skeptic, 08:40:11 09/06/02 Fri
Olivia? S4 spoilers -- wtofts, 11:35:04 09/06/02 Fri
See you next week, everyone. It's my b-day AND Rosh Hashanah tomorrow. -- cjl, 14:26:38 09/06/02 Fri
Capt Cardboard and the BtVS insult; does it fit? -- JBone, 18:11:17 09/06/02 Fri
Farscape cancelled by SciFi! Please help rectify the situation! -- Rob, 21:45:30 09/06/02 Fri
Kevin Smith and Joss Whedon. Could it happen? Should it? -- Finn Mac Cool, 15:46:16 09/07/02 Sat
Who exactly are 'The Scoobies'? -- Rook, 12:00:35 09/08/02 Sun
Classic Movie of the Week - September 7th 2002 -- OnM, 21:13:39 09/08/02 Sun
Vamp individuals as metaphors for human traits. -- Darby, 07:46:23 09/09/02 Mon
Muse Attack! Mr. William T. Bloody, poetry teacher -- HonorH the Mad Writer, 14:55:50 09/09/02 Mon
Angel question -- Belladonna, 20:16:45 09/09/02 Mon
Willow and her sexuality -- Yellowork, 14:32:35 09/10/02 Tue
Semi O/T - Prime Time Soaps -- Rattletrap, 18:34:18 09/10/02 Tue
Why would a vampire want an apocalypse? -- Quentin Collins, 04:26:09 09/11/02 Wed
Assaulting Deceased Equines (Villains spoilers) -- Darby, 07:29:51 09/11/02 Wed
Who's Gonna Open... (Angel Season 3 Spoilers) -- Sharfholz, 08:32:00 09/11/02 Wed
ATPoBtVS board 9-11-01 -- Masquerade, 09:08:26 09/11/02 Wed
Riley (possible spoilers S4-S6) -- meritaten, 13:57:24 09/11/02 Wed
Mayor Wilkins vs Warren -- JBone, 19:51:25 09/11/02 Wed
Addictions, Admittance and ??? (spoils season 6 and spec) -- neaux, 13:41:23 09/12/02 Thu
Pliny the Vampire Identifier?? -- purplegrrl, 13:47:54 09/12/02 Thu
The First Day of Buffy -- Wolfhowl3, 21:10:03 09/12/02 Thu
9/11, the Teletubbies and Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- BlueLight, 03:17:02 09/13/02 Fri
Faith's Turn to the Darkside - Could Buffy have won without it? -- Majin Gojira, 10:09:33 09/13/02 Fri
the stakes of the warrior--for your perusal -- leslie, 10:59:36 09/13/02 Fri
The true essence of magic? (season 7 speculation) -- Slain, 13:39:26 09/13/02 Fri
A Poem for the 7th Season of "Buffy" (minor season 6 spoilers)--kind of a "Night Before Xmas" parody -- Rob, 23:12:44 09/13/02 Fri
Mea Culpa: Buffy's Greatest Fear (and why I should give the girl a break) -- cjl, 23:43:51 09/14/02 Sat
Gandalf, Giles, and the true essence of magic..(season 6 spoilers) -- Scharfholz, 01:37:57 09/15/02 Sun
Buffy numbers game -- Rook, 03:29:42 09/15/02 Sun
The Nature Of Angel -- Kenny, 06:42:00 09/15/02 Sun
Classic Movie of the Week - September 14th 2002 -- OnM, 15:56:20 09/15/02 Sun
Why did Holtz frame Angel? -- Arethusa, 19:27:12 09/15/02 Sun
Angel Spoilers -- zombie, 19:32:32 09/15/02 Sun
It Don't Mean a Thing If ... -- Cleanthes, 20:49:20 09/15/02 Sun
Doesn't Darby get some kind of award? -- Sophist, 21:15:22 09/15/02 Sun
BtVS and the Sopranos (mock profanity much)(spoilers for BtVS S6) -- Buffyboy, 17:57:39 09/16/02 Mon
Responding to Mal, re: Buffy Greatest Fear -- cjl, 22:01:14 09/16/02 Mon
Gender and power in 'Grave' -- Quentin Collins, 01:18:57 09/17/02 Tue
Soul Metaphors in Btvs & Ats Intro. (Spoilers Seasons 6 Btvs, 3 Ats ) -- shadowkat, 05:51:45 09/17/02 Tue
To aliera and Darby (and anyone else still interested in this topic; as if) -- Sophist, 08:48:35 09/17/02 Tue
Angel Season 4 hopes and questions -- Masq, 16:43:02 09/17/02 Tue
Still not digging Grave -- alcibiades, 20:26:08 09/17/02 Tue
Undermining the importance of the Slayer? -- Earl Allison, 02:17:09 09/18/02 Wed
Adam's Soul -- Arethusa, 09:26:07 09/18/02 Wed
My hopes and dreams for the new seasons (BtVS S6, AtS S3 Spoilers) -- Honorificus (The Dream-Come True Herself), 13:48:15 09/18/02 Wed
If it does happen, what would *you* call it? -- OnM, 13:56:09 09/18/02 Wed
Who is Mary Sue? -- Nic, 01:56:44 09/19/02 Thu
Why isn't Anya Anyanka? -- Darby, 06:55:46 09/19/02 Thu
The Postmodern Thing -- Slain, 18:22:50 09/19/02 Thu
Eastern Philosophy & vampires -- maribeth martell, 19:40:41 09/19/02 Thu
Splinter Group of Disenfranchised Revolutionaries. -- Rochefort, 22:37:49 09/19/02 Thu
Be Honest. Is anyone else dreading this next season? -- Spike Lover, 08:47:10 09/18/02 Wed
The Scoobie Attacks (Buffy, Willow.. and Xander?) -- neaux, 08:37:10 09/19/02 Thu
Coming out of the Buffy closet -- Apophis, 20:49:11 09/19/02 Thu
Last year's predictions -- dream of the consortium, 09:40:34 09/20/02 Fri
Firefly Chat Tonight - 9-10 PM EST -- Dedalus, 14:11:37 09/20/02 Fri
Firefly First Impressions (Premiere Spoilers) -- Darby, 20:35:47 09/20/02 Fri
Dawn Question -- Meritaten, 15:45:18 09/21/02 Sat
Nice article about Joss Whedon... -- Sarand, 16:23:22 09/21/02 Sat
How I saved my cousin from a year without Buffy... -- Rob, 22:42:20 09/21/02 Sat
Seeing Red' (exclude the attempt rape incident) -- luvthistle1, 23:53:42 09/21/02 Sat
What do you think they should make an episode about? -- xaliasslayer, 14:13:10 09/22/02 Sun
Buffy, product placement, and me -- Rochefort, 17:08:15 09/22/02 Sun
Mild Spoiler... Angel season 4 -- monsieurxander, 20:02:54 09/22/02 Sun
Classic Movie of the Week - September 21st 2002 -- OnM, 21:42:16 09/22/02 Sun
AMC "backstory" on "Buffy" the movie -- Quentin Collins, 21:54:44 09/22/02 Sun
Did You Hear the Calling? - Dawn the Vampire Slayer (Spoilers thru Grave and the Graphic Novels) -- Dochawk, 01:14:08 09/23/02 Mon
Question about Marti's interview with Wanda -- Tamara, 10:21:43 09/23/02 Mon
tara in "the body" & buffy in s6 -- anom, 23:04:25 09/23/02 Mon
What's With Faith? Possible Spoiler -- Angelina, 06:36:12 09/24/02 Tue
I hear Joss' voice... (pre-premiere OT) -- Darby, 06:38:16 09/24/02 Tue
Dawn's origins -- Portia, 13:45:12 09/24/02 Tue
Conspiracy Theories (Spoilers for "Lessons") -- Darby, 19:34:02 09/24/02 Tue
The subject i wanted would ***spoil*** people! -- Corwin of Amber, 20:07:39 09/24/02 Tue
So, what are the "Lessons?" ****spoilers ***** -- Humanitas, 20:32:45 09/24/02 Tue
Let's play: Construct the personalities of the new people!!! -- Rochefort, 21:03:07 09/24/02 Tue
Something big is coming? -- marcus, 21:05:27 09/24/02 Tue
Spike in Lessons (Spoilers for Lessons) -- Silky (connected by a thread), 06:13:40 09/25/02 Wed
Werewolf (Spoilers for "Lessons," Buffy Episode 7.1 -- Earl Allison, 08:28:15 09/25/02 Wed
Who was the girl that got knifed by the guys in the robes? -- Wolfhowl3, 08:33:47 09/25/02 Wed
OoOoOoo... Principal Wood -- sTalking Goat, 08:53:06 09/25/02 Wed
I was PLEASANTLY surprised (spoilers) -- Spike Lover, 09:37:36 09/25/02 Wed
Mole people predictions (spoilers for Lessons and far fetched speculation) -- matching mole, 13:15:49 09/25/02 Wed
A whole bunch of new questions, and a few old ones -- J, 13:27:54 09/25/02 Wed
Lessons: the Super-Evil Review (Spoilers, duh!) -- Honorificus (The Fabulous-Beyond-Fabulous One), 15:58:43 09/25/02 Wed
So what do you think the Scrappy Gang will do? -- Charles Phipps, 16:37:21 09/25/02 Wed
Existentialism vs. Postmodernism in the Season 7 opening (long!) -- Slain, 19:27:44 09/25/02 Wed
Metanarration, Antimatter, and the Unmirrored Universe Before the Big Bang - Thoughts on *Lessons* -- OnM, 21:17:51 09/25/02 Wed
Buncha Little Things. (Spoilery) -- Harry Parachute, 02:35:06 09/26/02 Thu
BtVS dissected by Christians and Humanists -- Simon, 04:18:59 09/26/02 Thu
Did Xander finally make the Hellmouth work for him? (Or is that vice versa?) -- cjl, 10:12:27 09/26/02 Thu
Spike's Chip Spoiler -- Angelica, 11:55:43 09/26/02 Thu
Article on ME Writers no season 7 spoilers..Bring it On, Baby: Kings of Pain -- Rufus, 12:05:07 09/26/02 Thu
A niggling little point to ponder (BtVS 7:1 spoiler) -- HonorH, 14:56:13 09/26/02 Thu
Reply to Indri, re: Spike and postmodernism -- Slain, 15:46:51 09/26/02 Thu
Probably insignificant, but ... (spoilers for BtVS 7.1) -- Cheryl, 19:35:30 09/26/02 Thu
How Spike situation differ from Angel (some spoilers) -- luvthistle1, 01:05:40 09/27/02 Fri
Season 7 future spoiler speculation -- ACE of Hearts, 07:22:22 09/27/02 Fri
Lessons on Lessons: General ramblings, thoughts and questions. (Spoilers for 7.1) -- JCC, 08:34:56 09/27/02 Fri

October 2002 | Current board