September 2002 posts
Season 4 hopes and questions - - Masq, 16:43:02 09/17/02
I was recently contacted by the TV writer for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
newspaper in Little Rock, Arkansas to give my speculations and
hopes for Season 4 of Angel for her upcoming article announcing
the show's 4th Season. Thought I'd pass along my response and
see what other folks think.
Mark your spoilers if you plan to post some, so I can hide my
virigin eyes! (OK, I admit, I watched the previews on Sunday...
but that's it!!)
I'm what you call a "spoiler-free" fan. That means I
don't read the press releases that give clues about the upcoming
season, nor do I read the rumors circulating among internet fans.
I don't want to know what will happen until it happens. So everything
I'm going to say is based on how season 3 ended.
The third-season finale felt more like a mid-season December break
than a May season finale. It left just about every character suspended
in mid-story.
The biggest news of Season 3 was the mysterious mystical birth
of a human child to Angel and Darla, both vampires. Darla died
giving the baby life, and Angel brought his son, who he named
Connor, home to raise with the help of his friends.
* As the season drew to a close, however, Wesley took the infant
Connor away from Angel out of a misguided fear that Angel would
harm him. Then Angel's old enemy, Holtz, stole the baby from Wesley
and disappeared with him into a hell dimension. Angel was devastated,
and Wesley was ostracized by Angel's friends and co-workers.
Wesley was just starting to go downhill into despair from losing
his friends, just starting to respond to the seduction of Lilah,
a lawyer from Wolfram and Hart (the evil law firm that dogs Angel's
every step) when the season ended.
Will Wesley continue his downward spiral? Will his anger and self-loathing
bring out a dark side lurking within? And will his old friends
try at all to help him?
Personally, I'm hoping to see a little more of Wesley's dark side.
We know he was emotionally abused as a child, and that his decisions
as a Watcher in Sunnydale and as a leader in Angel Investigations
have sometimes been just a little bit ruthless--he has been willing
to sacrifice the one or the few to save the many (e.g., "Choices"
from BtVS, "There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb" from Angel
season 2).
I hope they play Wesley's descent subtly, though, because I don't
see a basically good man like Wesley being remotely tempted by
the kind of obvious evil that Lilah and Wolfram and Hart represent.
* With only three episodes left of season 3, Connor returned to
Earth, a teen-ager. His adopted "father" Holtz followed,
now older as well. Holtz stole Connor from Angel to get revenge
for a time in the distant past when Angelus killed his family,
and at the end of season 3, Holtz had a final plan of vengeance
against Angel. Holtz told Angel he was returning Connor to Angel's
custody, then arranged his own death so that Connor would conclude
that Angel killed him.
In his grief over Holtz' death, Connor buried Angel alive in the
watery depths of the ocean. Angel's been down there for months
at this point. Vampires don't die of starvation, but don't expect
Angel to be healthy--or happy--when he is freed.
Father and son barely had time to get to know each other last
season, so I'm looking forward to more exploration of the Angel-Connor
relationship. Connor was raised by Holtz to despise his real father,
to think of him as evil, and Angel, who is a hero now, has missed
out on sixteen years of his son's life and wants them to be closer.
Angel and Connor are more alike than different, and they need
each other, but I don't believe it will be easy for Angel to win
Connor over. If the story begins to head in a happy direction,
however, you know something dreadful will happen to wrench the
two apart again. That's just how Joss Whedon works.
* Many fans will be wondering what will happen in season 4 between
Cordelia and Angel. They were just about to admit their blossoming
romantic feelings for each other when fate intervened to whisk
them both away from their appointed meeting place.
I don't have much interest in this story line. The two don't work
well as a romantic couple for me. However, the writers will continue
with this story, and it will raise an important issue. The last
time Angel was truly in love, he made love with his beloved (Buffy)
and lost his soul and became the evil Angelus again. Angel's ambivalent
feelings for Darla allowed him to have sex with her and walk away
with his soul. But if Angel is truly in love with Cordelia, he
won't be able to enter into a relationship with her without dealing
with the nasty "small print" catch to his gypsy curse.
* As season 4 starts, the more urgent Cordelia question for me
is--where the heck is she? In season 3, Cordelia chose to become
part demon in order to keep her psychic visions and her life.
The newer powers she acquired by becoming a demon, however, have
barely been explored. They only started to appear in the last
few episodes of the season, and what seemed clear (at least to
me) was that she didn't have much control over them.
So it was a little odd when her demon mentor, Skip, stopped her
on the freeway in the season finale to praise her use of those
powers. He called her a "higher being" and drew her
up towards "higher dimensions" to fight against evil
there. In season 4, Cordelia's coming back to Earth. That much
I know. So I have to ask--what really happened on that freeway?
Was everything as it appeared, as Cordelia believed it to be?
Or was the "saintly" new Cordelia seduced by her once-infamous
Let's just say you can color me a little confused if Cordelia's
ascension was exactly what it appeared to be. That'd be lame.
Of course, the biggest question I will be asking about Season
4 Cordelia is--will she return with that really bad haircut she
was sporting at the end of last season?
* Cordelia and Angel and Wesley's exits left relative new- comers
Charles Gunn and Fred (Winifred) Burkle alone to take care of
Angel's detective business. You gotta wonder how this twosome
of cuteness has fared, both in demon-fighting and in their own
romance. And what do they think has happened to their friends?
These are the questions I'll expect answers to in the first few
episodes of season 4. Of course, if this season goes like any
other, some of the questions won't be answered until much later
on. Just in time for them to leave us with new questions!
[> Excellent summary...
-- JBone, 17:20:44 09/17/02 Tue
And whatever quibbles I may have with your speculations and hopes
are minor enough that I won't even bother voicing them. I'd rather
just watch a new episode.
[> [> This is pure speculation
(no spoilers)... -- Marie, 01:15:57 09/18/02 Wed
...but I don't think much, if any, time will have elapsed in the
Angelverse when S4 starts. After all, Gunn and Fred are still
there, and they're going to be looking for answers - surely they're
going to have to start with Connor?
And once they find him, and/or Justine, I don't think an angry
Connor is going to be able to hide the fact that Angel (as he
thinks) killed his 'father'. Which in turn will surely lead them
to Holtz's body and the discovery that Angel actually didn't.
And they are investigators aren't they? Won't be that hard for
them to follow the clues, surely? Fred is going to be they key
figure there, I think. So Angel may not be in his watery coffin
that long... say, up to episode 3?
I think all that business with Skip was a con - a test, that Cordelia
failed. Will they send her back down to test her some more? As
far as she and Angel are concerned - Angel will never have that
moment of pure happiness if his son still hates him, so the writers
may feel that gives them a safety net, at least for a while. And
will they have a good hairdresser up there, d'ya think?!
I too, hope that Wesley stays dark. I think he'll make a more
interesting noir-Wesley than Angel made noir-Angel. I hope we're
shown some more of his background, and what makes him tick.
[> [> [> Re: This
is pure speculation (no spoilers)... -- Arethusa, 05:08:35
09/18/02 Wed
It would be more interesting dramatically if three months have
passed, so I expect that to happen. I think the afterefects of
Angel's time in a watery grave will help maintain a huge strain
in the relationship between Angel and Connor, although if I were
the boy I might not be around. Still, you can't have conflict
without Connnor's presence, so I expect Angel and Connor to spend
several episodes fighting.
I already guessed about Cordelia's faate, but I'm not sure about
C/A. It didn't really seem to be going anywhere last season. There
was only one conversation between Angel and Cordy about their
relationship. Either they'll drag this on forever or they'll end
it-can't tell which.
Since all relationships are doomed at ME, I think Gunn and Fred
will break up, at least for a while. Maybe that will make Fred
more interesting, and we'll see more kicka-- Gunn. Here's hoping.
More Wesleyus, more mutual torture scenes between Lilah and Wes.
That's an order, not a prediction.
[> [> [> Re: This
is pure speculation (no spoilers)... -- shadowkat, 07:32:27
09/18/02 Wed
"Which in turn will surely lead them to Holtz's body and
the discovery that Angel actually didn't. And they are investigators
aren't they? Won't be that hard for them to follow the clues,
surely? " Thought the same thing. But remember, Connor and Justine
burned Holtz body at the beginning of the season finale. His Body
is ash. (Sorry can never remember the names of Ats episodes.)
So, they won't be able to prove it that way.
Not sure they'll ever be able to prove it unless someone like
Justine or Holtz's ghost or some other entity tells them.
[> [> [> Re: This
is pure speculation (no spoilers)... -- shadowkat, 07:34:18
09/18/02 Wed
"Which in turn will surely lead them to Holtz's body and
the discovery that Angel actually didn't. And they are investigators
aren't they? Won't be that hard for them to follow the clues,
surely? " Thought the same thing. But remember, Connor and Justine
burned Holtz body at the beginning of the season finale. His Body
is ash. (Sorry can never remember the names of Ats episodes.)
So, they won't be able to prove it that way.
Not sure they'll ever be able to prove it unless someone like
Justine or Holtz's ghost or some other entity tells them.
[> [> [> [> Oops
double post. Sorry..Stupid computer. -- shadowkat, 07:36:02
09/18/02 Wed
[> [> [> [> Drat'ndrabbit!
How soon we - er - I - forget! -- Marie, 07:45:10 09/18/02
I just remembered the decapitation, forgot the body-burning! Wonder
what that says about me?! Though I still think Fred'll find a
way to figure things out - finding the implement Justine used
(forgotten that, too!) would be a start. Did Justine remember
to wash off the blood? Did she even throw it away?
[> MMMmmmmmm Wesley.....:):):):)
-- Rufus, 01:53:03 09/18/02 Wed
I'm what you call a "spoiler-free" fan. That means
I don't read the press releases that give clues about the upcoming
season, nor do I read the rumors circulating among internet fans.
I don't want to know what will happen until it happens. So everything
I'm going to say is based on how season 3 ended.
I have to agree with you....I sat there thinking WTFudgesicle
when the season finale finished. I hated what they did with Cordy
because it seemed so fake...I did however appreciate Connor sending
his Dad for a long bath, it shows how even with best intentions
things can go so wrong. Angel didn't deserve what Connor did to
him, but just like Angel couldn't understand his own father so
long ago it makes sense that fatherhood would end up with the
same sort of misunderstandings. Angels father didn't spare the
rod and look what happened to the child, I wonder what approach
Angel will take with his own son or will it turn into yet another
twisted 'contest'.
What I hope for the season is for Wesley to dance on that line
between darkness and light then have something happen that gets
him to smarten up.....or at least quit boinking the vicious bitch/Lilah.
Fred to knock off the Lolita act....Lorne to return to the fold....and
Cordy to get better hair (I just can't comment on her storyline).
[> [> The Lolita act?
-- Masq, 05:58:08 09/18/02 Wed
Maybe my Lolita isn't up to snuff, but how is Fred acting like
a Lolita?
[> [> [> Re: The Lolita
act? -- yabyumpan, 06:22:18 09/18/02 Wed
I think Lolita is probably stretching it a bit but I agree that
she is a woman who I would think is probably in her mid- twenties,
who acts a lot of times like a little girl. It is a bit squirmy
[> [> [> [> Remember
she spent all that time in Pylea -- shadowkat, 07:28:57
09/18/02 Wed
Now I love Fred. But...she has a tendency to act like a child
at times, which while incredibly creepy and annoying works for
the character if you think about it.
(The high halting voice, the thing about pancakes, the mannerisms...I'm
sure others can find better examples )
She spent the better part of five years (or was it longer) in
another dimension, alone, enslaved, living in a Cave.
She should be a bit socially challenged and like a child.
Even more so than Anya is in Btvs. Even before she got sucked
into the porthole, she was described as a loner, very bookish,
and not good with people. So characterwise?
I think Fred works. Hopefully she'll grow past it more this season.
I'm also not real fond of the Gunn - Fred pairing, sorry see 0
chemistry there. But apparently the writers do...
so i guess i will have to just continue to ignore their romance
and deal.
[> [> [> [> [>
Does it matter at all... -- pr10n, 09:06:59 09/18/02
... that she identifies with a traditionally male name?
"Fred" + Pylea = identity issues?
I think I'd arrest in my adolescence too, if that was the last
happy memory I had before poofing into a HellDimension.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Why the Fred/Gunn romance SHOULD work (but doesn't)
-- cjl, 10:03:52 09/18/02 Wed
I've been looking at the pairing of Fred and Gunn and I'm wondering
why it doesn't work for me. Is it Amy Acker and J. August Richards?
(Sometimes, it is the actors, you know. See Marc Blucas/SMG.)
No, I kind of think they look cute together. They both have well-defined,
if underutilized, characters. So what the heck is wrong?
I think the problems is that I don't understand the basis of the
relationship. Why is Fred attracted to Gunn, and vice versa? What
aspects of their characters draw them to each other? Is it because
he's a big, yet sensitive hunk o' he- man who buys her pancakes?
Because she's a brainy, yet adorable daffy physicist who LIKES
I'd feel a lot better about the pairing if we had a scene where
Gunn, for instance, talked to Cordelia about what lights a fire
under him when he sees Fred. If he told Cordy that Fred's determination
and passion to survive in Pylea and her willingness to fight for
AI, reminds him of the fire he saw in his sister. Something like
Otherwise, just too much goopy pancake syrup and not enough nutrition
for my taste.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> Re: Why the Fred/Gunn romance SHOULD work (but
doesn't) -- shadowkat, 11:05:01 09/18/02 Wed
I think you hit the nail on the head here. They have done next
to nothing to establish a relationship between Gunn
and Fred. I actually saw more of a relationship developing between
Fred and Wes and maybe Cordy and Gunn. The Gunn/Fred relationship
surprised me and not in a ...whoa
should have seen that sort of way. No clear build up.
It's not really the actors so much as the writing. Also the epsiodes
that are meant to further their relationship and make us care
about them, seem to fall oddly flat.
Double or Nothing comes to mind = that was supposed to be the
big Fred/Gunn episode. And the episode with Cordy, Groo and the
Tree = which I can't even remember the name of.
Neither episode registered. If anything I was just annoyed.
They did show a little sparkage in Loyalty and some in
Sleep Tight and The Price...but not enough to convince me
that they really loved each other.
Again it could be personal taste. There are fans out there that
love them.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> Re: Why the Fred/Gunn romance SHOULD work
(but doesn't) -- Cleanthes,
11:12:42 09/18/02 Wed
I actually saw more of a relationship developing between Fred
and Wes and maybe Cordy and Gunn.
I saw even more of a relationship developing between Wes and Gunn.
THEY have chemistry, IMO.
Am I the only one who thinks this?
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> Not the only one! -- Scroll, 11:26:19
09/18/02 Wed
Honestly, when you think about it, Fred is pretty much Girl Wesley.
How weird is that? Especially when you factor in all the UST between
Wes and Gunn last season. I definitely see more chemistry between
Wes and Gunn, more chemistry between Cordy and Gunn, than between
Fred and Gunn. But of course this is JMHO.
I really wish ME (or the WB execs if they're forcing ME) would
get over the idea that we need to put every single character into
a romantic relationship, Just Because. Personally, I loved the
"we're family" approach from Seasons 1 and 2 much better.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> Re: Not the only one! --
Slain, 17:55:29 09/19/02 Thu
That sums up feelings I've been having about Angel (er, feelings
about the show 'Angel', not feeling about Angel), but hadn't
put into words. In BtVS, they have a good balance in which a central
family (Buffy, Willow, Xander, Giles) share slightly a flirtatious
platonic relationship, with additional characters added and subtracted.
Whereas with AtS, you have an established group of Angel, Cordy,
Wes and Gunn and no one really breaching that. And everyone knows
that incest isn't good for the gene pool. The Willow/Xander/Buffy
triangle didn't work beyond one season for BtVS, after all.
I like Gunn and Fred, because it just seemed natural and deliberately
not rationalised in a 'these are the things I love about her'
way - which was how I felt Cordy seemed to behave about Groo,
telling us why she loved him. Perhaps the reason why I
like Fred with Gunn is that I prefer Wesley as a miserable, somewhat
Raskolnikoff or Camus- like character, isloated and bitter, sleeping
around and hitting the bottle.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> Nope...saw that one myself -- shadowkat,
11:28:46 09/18/02 Wed
Actually Wes and anyone has chemistry right now.
But I saw a ton between Wes and Gunn, particularly in that scene
where Gunn goes to Wesely in The Price to get
Fred's cure. Whoa!
Shame ME doesn't appear to want to do a male homosexual relationship.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> I, too, miss the days when Wes could
execute a perfect "soul brother" handshake. -- cjl,
11:43:26 09/18/02 Wed
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> That's it! The developing friendships...
-- Arethusa, 12:01:58 09/18/02 Wed
are being sacrificed to the developing romances. That's why I
can't get into the ships on AtS, and have preferred non-AI romantic
partners for the Bat Gang. The sense of family is dissipating
as the romances heat up. Could that be what ME is doing-using
the romances to break up the truly important, familial relationships,
thereby adding angst for AI and torment for us? Could ME just
be playing with us?
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> Destroying friendships
on purpose -- Scroll, 12:22:54 09/18/02 Wed
I maintain that Gunn/Fred was added simply because the writers
needed the Gunn/Fred/Wes love triangle. If the writers hadn't
needed to isolate Wes in a truly horrific way (make the guy fall
in love, get possessed and stalk/kill the girl, then have girl
hook up with best friend, brain-suck best friend so that he acts
like a jealous doof) they wouldn't have bothered with Gunn/Fred
(I hope).
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> Falling through the Looking
Glass with Dad -- alcibiades, 20:28:26 09/18/02 Wed
Could that be what ME is doing-using the romances to break
up the truly important, familial relationships, thereby adding
angst for AI and torment for us? Could ME just be playing with
They're not playing with us, they're doing it on purpose. It's
a serious motif and one they are very conscious of.
On Angel there is this visual metaphor they use to define who
is in the family at any one point -- it may have started in Pangs
On Buffy, or at least that is the first time I saw it, There is
a shot where Angel is on the outside and framed through the window
you see the Buffy family -- which includes a tied up Spike but
no Riley. The point is that Angel's path is now irrevocably split
from Buffy's because although she senses him, he is no longer
can be a part of her family.
In any case, this visual device of the window as a way of defining
family repeats in several Angel shows. (And I have to confess
I haven't seen any Angel 1's and only a few Angel 2's and I saw
most of the Angel 3's before I realized what was going on, so
it may be in more than I mention here.)
You see the window symbol again in the hospital scene in A Thin
Blue Line, where Angel is once again looking through the hospital
window into the room where his family is, Gunn, Wes, Cordy, maybe
someone else, but Angel is again on the outside. He's lost his
family -- the imagery is clear. But in case the imagery doesn't
speak loudly enough, they tell him so point blank.
There is another scene in Angel 3, after Wesley's "betrayal",
where Angel has his office back and Fred and Gunn are standing
outside looking in at Angel working all alone, because at that
point with the two couples paired off and his son gone to hell,
that is who his family consists of. Angel, alone.
Finally, in the first lengthy episode where Connor returns, when
Angel and he are fighting the drug guys in that squatter's den,
Angel tells Connor to jump out the window and escape. Connor leaps,
but he is about to be shot, so Angel stands and takes the bullet
for him and they leap out the window together. It is that moment
that they sail through the window together that Connor re-evaluates
Angel for the first time as possible family -- as a father figure
who was ready to die for him. He stops running away from him and
treats him with a certain amount of respect. And a certain question
in his mind begins to grow about Holtz.
It makes sense that the question of family should change over
time. Angel, of course, is desperately in search of a family --
as Spike defines himself through love of a woman, Angel defines
himself by building a family around himself. Without a family,
he feels like nothing. It is a sympton of Liam -- he needs a family
so much because his own family did not love him. He creates a
family as a vampire, however unhealthy and disfunctional. He threatens
to kill Spike when Spike disrupts the safety of the family. Just
as he tries to kill Wesley when Wesley succeeds in disrupting
the safety of his family. Angel finds forgiving Wesley intolerable,
but he can forgive Holtz, because he destroyed Holtz's family,
and that resonates with his own values, whereas he finds Wesley's
actions unforgiveable -- at least so far. (Of course, from Wesley's
POV, he was acting as a savior to a son he thought was going to
be abused/consumed/eaten/destroyed by his father just as his father
tried to consume/eat/destroy him.)
The central necessity of family to Angel also explains two more
The first thing is why Angel was so sensitive to Joyce's request
to him that he break up with Buffy so that she could have a normal
family. Since this is one of his issues, he was particularly sensitive
to it as far as Buffy went as well.
The second thing is the reason the re-emergence of Darla so torpedoed
Angel's incipient work family -- the question of loyalties and
ties reared its head - do we owe loyalty to our original family,
to our mother who is psychologically our model for a lover, or
to the family one we choose and create as an independent adult.
And until that question is resolved for Angel, obsession and self-destruction
is the result.
But at some point, of course, the work family or family of friends
is going to be replaced by the natural family -- because people
pair off and have children and leave their friends to some extent.
And that is what started happening last year on Angel -- Angel
had a child with his mother, so to speak, or perhaps we should
call her the divorced wife, and everyone else coupled off.
So, in fact, I think ME is trying not to play with us, but to
show the natural evolution of family for Angel.
I am not entirely sure this image is relevant here, but it is
interesting that when Cordelia looks in the looking Glass in the
final episode of A3, all she sees is herself reflected back at
her more splendidly. And she listens to and falls in love with
that more transcendent image. Inescapably one thinks of Narcissus.
But it also seems to indicate that Cordelia is not yet ready to
be in a "relationship," to couple off, because her narcissism
-- as opposed to healthy self-love -- is still firmly in place.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Wow! That was a brilliant
analysis! -- ponygirl, 08:15:02 09/19/02 Thu
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Very interesting
-- Arethusa, 08:32:11 09/19/02 Thu
Good point about family. I'll pay more attention to the meaning
of how the scenes are framed now. And about Cordy- it was in Through
the Looking Glass that Cordeia was made princess of Pylea, a false
and glorified image of herself.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Also wow! This is
really insightful -- Scroll, 10:15:28 09/19/02 Thu
I've never really seen Angel's desire for family so clearly laid
out before, though I had a glimmer of it in the back of my mind.
This analysis seems dead-on, especially in regards to how Angel
sees Wesley and vice versa. Makes you wonder where exactly ME
is going with the pairings at the end of Season 3 because obviously
they wouldn't create the heightened tensions we saw without proving
some kind of point at the end.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Another point
about framing -- alcibiades, 11:13:59 09/19/02 Thu
Thanks for the positive comments.
Just one more point about "framing" in Angel. After
the earthquake, the episode after Wesley goes to the Loa Burger,
and for I believe the next two shows after that, a shot ME keeps
returning to is a picture frame on the wall knocked askew.
It's meant to refer to the state of affairs at AI. That everything
now has been thrown off and is askew.
Come to think of it, the characters -- was it Cordy? -- also reference
the fact that cracks have now appeared in the walls that will
never go away until proper work is done on them to fix them --
not shoddy attempts at covering them with a paint job -- a new
facade to hide the foundational fractures.
Doesn't Angel say, the good thing about living in an (empty!)
hotel is that if something is wrong is one room, you can move
to another. Like usual when it comes to wiggy emotional stuff,
and not fixing the problem.
(Relying on faulty memory here, so with Psyche temporarily down,
hope I haven't made up Angel's reply.)
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> The hotel
as metaphor (was there any doubt?) -- Arethusa, 11:36:02
09/19/02 Thu
The hotel, as a whole, represents Angel's attempt to get his house
in order, so to speak. As s'kat noted, it is in the hotel that
Angel has probably his biggest test, post- resouling: fight the
paranoia demon to save the less-than- savory inhabitants. He fails,
being still unconnected to humanity, but later steps up to helping
Buffy. When he goes back to the hotel to defeat the paranoia demon
decades later, he is ready to help humanity. His failings often
result in damage to the hotel itself, hence the "weekly scrubbing
of the lobby floor." And the cracks from the earthquake are
like the cracks in the relationships, which will reappear if just
plastered over and would cost a lot to fix permanently-if they
can be fixed at all.
Incidentally, the Hyperion is really the Los Altos Hotel and Apartments,
in LA. Check it out:
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re:
The hotel as metaphor (was there any doubt?) -- shadowkat,
12:42:26 09/19/02 Thu
Ats seems to use buildings as a metaphor a lot.
Notice that when the family almost got broken apart in Season
1 - the Forces of Darkness blew up Angel Investigations. This
time it was outside forces that tried to break them asunder as
opposed to internal forces.
The demon came in to Shanshu in LA and put Cordy & Wes in the
hospital. As well as resurrecting Darla.
Then Darla served to break Angel apart from his friends, albeit
briefly. Causing the friends to change residences - he kicked
them out of the hotel.
Now with Hyperion - which Wes had to help Angel clean of the demon,
Angel couldn't do it alone, he needed Wes and Cordy and Gunn's
help. As each character leaves - damage appears to the hotel.
First it's Wes - the earthquake, bombed room, then the baby -
the marks on the floor...
The building seems to take on the attributes of its owners.
(As buildings can often do in real life - hence the notion of
hauntings). And great point about how Angel thinks the best way
of handling the problem is to change rooms.
Groo thinks its best to brighten the colors, make it pretty.
Cordy to just paint over the mistake. We can't scrub it out, let's
cover it.
Gunn considers moving locals.
Angel ignores or jumps rooms. (Angel's way of dealing with his
problems has always reminded me a great deal of Buffy's btw.)
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
In all fairness... -- Masq, 13:00:59 09/19/02 Thu
Angel did say, "nice thing about owning a hotel, it's full
a rooms. I'll move into another one till we get it fixed"
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re:
The hotel as metaphor (was there any doubt?) -- Rahael, 03:00:26
09/20/02 Fri
Excellent points, Alcibiades, Arethusa.
There's also Cordelia's haunted apartment, with its dark skeletal
secret hidden away. Surely there must be some significance in
Cordelia's confrontation with the maternal, child killing figure,
and her ability to co-exist in peace with the murdered ghost,
Then in Birthday, she discovers her true calling by peeling away
wallpaper, as if to say that the person she really is is always
there, under the fancy clothing and make up.
There's the maggots that emerge from the hotel when Connor arrives,
and the peeling walls of the hotel, just as the man's skin peels.
I still haven't seen that ep, so I'm going by posts and vague
recollections of wildfeeds.
The Hotel, as you point out, Arethusa, haunted by the paranoia
demon with it's hatred of mankind and happiness...surely that's
analogous to the misery that's stalked Angel? And the old woman,
living in a room, scared, lonely, but feeding on that fear to
protect her? Surely that too is a part of Angel. Angel's struggle
to forgive himself for his crimes has a resemblance for Judy's
secret shame. He returns, kills the paranoia demon and says that
there's nothing to forgive. Able to inhabit the Hotel, which looks
the same as the Hotel haunted by the demon, but is a very different
place. Much like Angelus and Angel look the same, but aren't.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: The hotel as metaphor (was there any doubt?) -- alcibiades,
06:29:47 09/20/02 Fri
Thanks Rahael.
The Hotel, as you point out, Arethusa, haunted by the paranoia
demon with it's hatred of mankind and happiness...surely that's
analogous to the misery that's stalked Angel? And the old woman,
living in a room, scared, lonely, but feeding on that fear to
protect her? Surely that too is a part of Angel.
I've never seen the ep, but that does seem to be Angel -- and
in fact it helps to answer Masq's objection that Angel says he
wants to move rooms until his room is fixed.
Because when Angel does get his room repainted and put together
again, he insists that it be in exactly the same way it was. And
its because he is needing to hold onto the misery and loneliness
and chaos and failure of his life without Connor.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
[> Re: The hotel as metaphor (was there any doubt?)
-- yabyumpan, 08:00:32 09/20/02 Fri
Carrying on the metaphor: The hotel could also be seen as Angel's
potential; many rooms not used but empty, just needing to be 'fixed
up'. In 'The Price' we had a whole wing to be discovered and explored
and the discovery of the ballroom/pool.
We had the wonderfull discusion in the memes thread about dancing
representing interaction with others etc, different dances representing
different patterns (if I've mis- represented anything anyone said,
please correct me. I'm going by the impression the discussion
left me with, not remebering specific sentences etc).
We also have the pool which could represent emotions yet to be
explored. In various ritual/paganish work I've done, water represents
the emotions and the flow and state of the water can be seen as
a metaphor for the emotional state. In 'The Price' we had a large
hidden pool of stagnent water which can be seen as Angel's hidden
desires and emotions. Interesting that it was Groo who found it.
All of which is probably stupid waffle but it's fun.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Fascinating! Could
that mean... -- Darby, 12:11:22 09/19/02 Thu
...That the fanged four is a sort of twisted version of the core
Scoobies, plus Angel?
Darla, the assertive but closed-off blonde reflection of Buffy?
(Do we need to get Buffy pregnant? Volunteers...?)
Spike, the irreverent, loyal, lost-in-the-simple-concepts dark
version of Xander?
Dru, the spindly contributor of non-sequiturs whose special abilities
the others sort of don't understand, but use anyway? The wallflower
of the group who turns out more powerful and ambitious than any
of them...a more skewed version of Willow in a universe where
we had already seen a vamped Willow?
I really like the window thing, something new to look
for now...
- Darby
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Fascinating!
Could that mean... -- Slain, 15:22:53 09/20/02 Fri
Very interesting idea, I agree. Perhaps at the root of the antagonism
between Spike and Xander is that they recognise in each things
in themselves they dislike. Spike's initial brooding after Buffy
was similar to Xander's infatuation in Season 1, and both Spike
and Xander seem to have a jealous nature.
I always felt that it was no accident that Dru wasn't in The Wish
of Dopplegangland - the parallels between her and Vamp Willow
would have seemed too sharp. While Dru is sometimes more dependent
and childlike than Vamp Willow, the characters are very similar.
And how different was Vamp Xander from Vamp Spike?
To me, Darla is what Buffy would be like if she'd been vamped
in Season 1 - a coquettish, girlish exterior, with a monster lurking
beneath. However, beyond that I don't see a parallel - perhaps
the similarities are mostly in Angel's mind.
[> [> [> Re: The Lolita
act? -- Dead Soul, 10:11:31 09/18/02 Wed
I have to say that several times during S3, Fred really squicked
me. I know that the actress is in her 20's, but with the combination
of hair, wardrobe and childish voice/mannerisms, she sometimes
looked younger than Dawn. Gave me actual physical yuck shudders.
Yet I love the character - the way she rambles and non sequiturs
and figures things out and always looks for the best in people
and tries to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and is not-on-purpose
funny and I like her and Gunn together, just every so often a
certain scene would catch me sideways when there were too many
childish elements juxtaposed against adult/romantic elements and
I would, no other word for it, squick.
Dead (yet also made uncomfortable by Dawn kissage during ATW even
before I knew he was a vamp) Soul
[> [> [> [> Yup,
that's what my friend picked up on. -- Rufus, 15:49:09
09/18/02 Wed
It was the combination of dress and voice(not all the time though)
that did grate at me a bit. I know that the actors playing the
roles are about the same age, and that Fred has moments when she
surprises people, but I understand she is a bit fragile and her
character will change just like all of the others have.
[> [> [> Re: The Lolita
act?,,,,<g> -- Rufus, 15:45:56 09/18/02 Wed
Got your attention didn't I.....the term Lolita came from another
poster and it was a comment of how childlike Fred can act. I like
Fred and Gunn together......but I do find that they seem to be
holding back on the relationship a bit...meaning I don't see that
much passion between them. They have many being
Fred thinks in terms of numbers and can go on quite the tangent
when she starts thinking in a loop, and Gunn gets right to the
point and may not be a guy with letters after his name, but he
can see some things the others miss cause they are overthinking
the situation. I have to wonder what type of character will slowly
evolve from the girl in a cave in Pylea?
[> [> [> [> Re:
The Lolita act?,,,,<g> -- Miss Edith, 04:13:17 09/20/02
Well the actress says they see Fred as younger and more naive
than the other characters, presumedly she plays her as such. Cordy
is as far as we know still only 21 so perhaps the actress felt
the need to play up Fred's vunerability in order to have her appear
younger than Cordy. Of course it doesn't make much difference
as the actress playing Cordy does look older, particularly following
her haircut, and they are careful not to confirm her characters
age on- screen. How old is Fred meant to be?
[> [> [> [> [>
Fred is at least 23 or 24 -- Scroll, 08:56:50 09/20/02
Fred must be at least 2 or 3 years older than Cordelia. Since
she moved to L.A. to study to be a physicist (presumably at UCLA?)
before she got sucked into Pylea, we can estimate she is about
23 or 24. Even if she got sucked into Pylea at age 18 (first year
university?), she spent 5 years (in Earth time) in Pylea. I'm
not going to guess what the difference in time is between Pylea
and Earth, but from other Hell-dimension episodes, we can assume
that Pylea time moves faster than Earth time.
[> Re: Angel Season 4 hopes
and questions -- yabyumpan, 06:19:25 09/18/02 Wed
Thanks for the summery Masq. My thoughts/hopes for S4:
Because of the cliff-hanger we were left with, I think the start
of the season has got to focus on the hanging threads, which seem
to me to be about Angel's relationship with those he loves:
Angel and Connor: no idea where they are going to go with this,
are we going to get some sort of tentative bonding, Connor feeling
some remourse when finding out that Angel didn't kill Holtz? Or
are we going to get Connor the Destroyer with Angel being the
one who has to stop him from destroying mankind? Could go either
way, maybe we'll get both. For me, this is the most interesting
relationship to be explored and the one I'm most looking forward
to. Apart from the whole'tragic greek myth' feel to it, DB and
VK IMO work really well together, all their scenes so far have
been very compelling.
Angel and Cordy: I must admit, I do love this ship and have seen
the buildup since the end of S2. That said, I actually don't mind
if it doesn't happen on the show as long as we get a reasonable
explaination of why it isn't. I can get my C/A shippy goodness
from fanfic and Ijust know that if they do actually get together
on the show, it's all gonna end in tears, why would I wish that
on my favorite couple?
I agree with Masq, that there's got to be more to Cordy's ascending
lark than meets the eye. My only grip with S3 was the way her
demonization was handled, I hope they do better with her story
in S4.
Angel and Wesley: This is more of a problem for me. I could hardly
bare to watch Wesley at the end of last season, even now, just
the thought of him makes me angry so he's obviously pushing a
lot of my buttons! I'm really not interested in 'DarkWesley'.
If ME actually explore his mindset i.e. his early childhood abuse,
his relationship with the WC and show him coming to some sort
of awareness then I'll watch him but if we just get more self-pitying
and no show of remourse or an apology, then I'll just be hitting
the Fast Farward button again.
I would like to see a reconciliation between Angel and Wesley,
I liked the friendship they had, although I very much doubt it
will ever go back to the way it was. I was struck in 'the Price'
when Cordy forced Angel's feeing out into the open at the begining,
that Wesley's betrayal seemed to hurt him almost as much a Connor
being taken. (I can't get to psyche's site at the moment so I
don't have the exact quote) Angel has had two real friends in
250 years, Cordelia and Wesley, and now he's lost one of them,
that must be a huge blow for him. I can see the love that Angel
feels for him constantly doing battle with the anger and hurt.
I think the fact that Wesley is still alive says to me that Angel
has at least started to forgive, as to whether he'll ever trust
him again is another matter.
I'm really excited about the comming season. Although none of
the above are spoilers I am a total spoiler whore and it looks
like S4 is going to amazing
And I say, bring it on.....
[> I'm SO with you about
Cordelia! -- vh, 07:05:41 09/18/02 Wed
[> Masq eh?? so no Groo
Spec? -- neaux, 07:24:48 09/18/02 Wed
maybe I missed it... did you not put anything about Groo in there?
[> [> Re: Masq eh?? so
no Groo Spec? -- Masq, 09:26:47 09/18/02 Wed
Since I'm spoiler-free, I'm assuming that the Groo character has
been retired to Pylea never to be seen again.
[> [> [> (sheds a
river of tears) -- neaux, 10:26:57 09/18/02 Wed
[> [> [> To Pylea?
-- Vickie, 12:34:26 09/18/02 Wed
Did the show actually say that he was going back to Pylea? I had
the impression he'd given up everything in Pylea and had nothing
to return for, let alone a way to return.
Added pathos to his departure, for me. Was I wrong?
[> [> [> [> Stuck
on Earth, political refugee -- Scroll, 12:41:34 09/18/02
Yeah, I think it's implied that Groo could never go back to Pylea
because of political unrest (he's kinda like a political refugee).
Not to mention lack of portals. So yeah, I felt so bad for him
in "Tomorrow". We should send him up the coast to Sunnydale.
He could at least help Buffy with the patrolling, give her a night
off once in a while. Groo and Anya could commiserate over the
fate of being demons in love, stuck in a human world.
[> [> [> [> [>
oooh, Groo and Buffy? -- Vickie, 13:28:56 09/18/02 Wed
Now there's a possibility. Groo: handsome, honorable, brave, preternaturally
strong fighter, champion for good in his own right.
I like it. Which means ME won't do it.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> I just have the horrible feeling Buffy wouldn't be attracted
to him. -- cjl, 13:38:57 09/18/02 Wed
a) What does that say about me; and
b) What does that say about the way Buffy has been portrayed?
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> Why is it horrible? -- shadowkat, 07:30:18
09/19/02 Thu
I'm not attracted to Groo. Fred wasn't.
Cordy was, well sort of, but Cordy likes big hulking football
player types. Buffy likes a bit more of a poet in her man, some
darkness/mystery, and someone who is willing to let her fight.
People who want to protect her - tee her off. Groo was into the
whole - I'm going to save you my Princess. You stand back over
there, while I do it. It annoyed Cordy at times and I doubt Buffy
would have tolerated it - she barely tolerated it in Riley and
Can't say I blame her. Wouldn't have tolerated it much better
It says nothing horrible about Buffy and tons about Groo. The
character just wasn't developed. What do we know about him?
Hmmm: big hulking warrior guy with heart of gold and apparently
very small brain. Although he began to show promise in Tomorrow.
Was beginning to see a little depth there, a little insight, a
little brain activity. But in typical ME fashion...just as a minor
character gets interesting - off he goes - gallumphing into the
Sorry, found Groo more interesting fighting beside Wes and Gunn
than as a love interest. He was as Cordy so accurately described
him: a big fluffy puppy.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> I think you're underestimating Groo....
-- cjl, 09:55:14 09/19/02 Thu
"Groo was into the whole - I'm going to save you my Princess.
You stand back over there, while I do it. It annoyed Cordy at
times and I doubt Buffy would have tolerated it - she barely tolerated
it in Riley and Angel. Can't say I blame her. Wouldn't have tolerated
it much better myself."
Groo did the whole "Stand back Princess" bit because
he didn't feel Cordelia was ready to defend herself in battle.
He obviously changed his mind about this towards the end, because
in The Price and other late-stage Groo eps, they're both in the
thick of it with nary a peep from our Pylean knight. I'm sure
if Groo encountered Buffy, Faith, and any of the other ass-kicking
ladies of Sunnydale, he'd fight alongside them as equals. He's
a warrior; he wants to win the fight. Life-and-death battles have
no place for male pride.
And he's not stupid--or at least, not as stupid as we thought
he was. He developed some much-needed snark near the end, and
I got the impression he was annoyed that Angel's moodiness put
the team in a bad tactical position just as much as he was jealous
of Cordy's wandering affections. With a bit more seasoning, the
Grooster could be a good leader himself.
And as for Buffy's taste in men--you nailed it. Buffy wants the
darkness and mystery, along with a touch of the poet. Groo is
neither dark nor mysterious, and Buffy would probably be bored
stiff. I just think darkness and mystery are overrated in a partner,
if the poetry is there--and Groo, I think, has the poetry.
But...the heart wants what it wants...
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> Re: I think you're underestimating
Groo.... -- shadowkat, 10:15:33 09/19/02 Thu
"And as for Buffy's taste in men--you nailed it. Buffy wants
the darkness and mystery, along with a touch of the poet. Groo
is neither dark nor mysterious, and Buffy would probably be bored
stiff. I just think darkness and mystery are overrated in a partner,
if the poetry is there--and Groo, I think, has the poetry."
Nope sorry don't see the poetry. It's probably just personal tast
and therefore irrelevant. But Groo bored me to the extent I could
barely watch him. I couldn't like him and believe me I tried.
But every word or action of his caused my eyes to roll. (Of course
I didn't like Pylea either.) The episodes that focused on him,
I didn't like and paid little attention to. I would have to say
without a shadow of doubt every male character on both shows in
the history of both shows, including Forrest (although Adam and
the MAyor would be stretching things) would be more interesting
paired with Buffy than Groo. Groo reminded me of Cordy's other
boyfriends prior to Xander - people who worshipped her but she
couldn't have much of a conversation with.
sk (who is doing the happy snoopy dance that ME writes the show
not fans and ME chose to write out Groo. Mutant Enemy does know
what they are doing far better than we do ;-) )
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> Groo has always struck me as
a modern incarnation of Hal Foster's Prince Valiant... --
cjl, 10:53:48 09/19/02 Thu
Perhaps on the very first leg of his long and illustrious career:
a bit naive, but with a good heart--a gentle soul in a warrior's
body. In years ahead, he will be faced with many crushing disappointments
and defeats, but he'll learn from them, and become more worldly
and wiser. Eventually, he'll be ready to return to Pylea and lead
his world into a new age the way he was probably always meant
to do.
These days, Prince Valiant is definitely an acquired taste. I
can understand why people saw Groo in Angel S2 with the page boy
haircut and the anachronisitc speech patterns and dismissed him
out of hand. I don't know...maybe he reminded me of a figure out
my boyhood comic book days, but I smiled a little at his two-dimensionality
and cut him a little slack. The character only got better in S3,
and I really want to see more of him if Joss and crew can find
a proper place and time...
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> Groo as Cordelia. -- Darby,
14:48:44 09/19/02 Thu
I thought Groo's arc paralleled Cordy's original arc - seems something
pretty straightforward at first - hunky, noncerebral fightin'
man vs rich high school queen bee - and, as we get to know him,
shows emotional layers that increase our empathy for him. I was
just getting really interested in him when they tossed him. Too
bad - once fully acclimated, he, more than any of the others,
could have really challenged Angel's position in the group, more
than the token amount he did previously.
- Darby, also liking Groo the semi-obscure comics reference.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> Groo undestands being an outsider...
-- Scroll, 10:53:34 09/19/02 Thu
I'm not going to bother arguing for a Buffy/Groo pairing cuz it's
just not gonna happen! But I do feel that Groo has much to offer
beyond being a sweet, but puppyish, doof.
Groo was born different from everyone else in his family. As he
grew up, he began to look more and more like a "cow",
a slave. He was looked down on, considered inferior, was often
ostracised from society. He was an outcast, alone, believing himself
to be tainted and unwanted because of his physical appearance.
He became suicidal and took on all those challenges as a way to
get himself killed while gaining some measure of respect. (Sounds
a lot like a certain bloody awful poet, actually.) But to his
surprise, he won those challenges and became Groosalug, the Brave
and Undefeated. Then the Pylean priests took over his life, manipulating
him as a way to control the throne. But in the end, Groo's love
and loyalty to Cordy helped him to overcome the priests' propoganda
and defy them to save Lorne's life.
I think Groo understands what it's like to be a freak of nature,
and how it feels to be a pawn for a bureaucratic organisation
(Buffy/Kendra/Faith - the Council, Riley - the Initiative?). He's
a stranger lost in a strange land, and yeah, I guess not everyone
will be drawn to his puppy-dog act, but I am! Groo Lovers Unite!
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> Is your acronym GLU? -- ponygirl,
11:48:20 09/19/02 Thu
I found Groo very annoying at first but his increasing snarkiness
towards the end made him far more appealing than the puppydog
act. There was a definitely a glimmer of depth behind those eyes,
and I for one would be glad to see him back on AtS, where everyone
underestimates him. Groo provides an interesting dilemma for all
the would-be champions out there, what happens when the battles
are won, and the world is saved? I feel pretty bad for the guy,
he did everything he was supposed to do and what was his reward?
Talking about impossible ships, I like the idea of Groo/Kendra.
For all the reasons you mention, and their by the book methods
and more formal attitudes would mesh. Plus Groo could certainly
be respectful enough to get past Kendra's "no boys"
Watcher. Perhaps in some alternate universe...
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Grooving on Groo/Buffy -- Scroll, 13:41:37 09/18/02
Probably will never ever happen, but it would be nice for Buffy
to finally meet a really nice guy who also could understand her
darker impulses (Groo may be a gentleman, but he's also a half-demon
warrior). Of course, Groo may have to grow up a little (the way
Anya did), but I think our happy- to-be-alive Buffy could take
on the challenge of showing Groo the ropes.
Maybe I'm a fluff lover at heart, after all, despite everything
I said about Angel/Cordy in my post below. Want more Groo! Want
more Lorne! Want Buffy happy! Want Groo happy! More happy ships!
[> [> [> [> [>
[> They already have-Buffy and Riley. -- Arethusa, 13:46:37
09/18/02 Wed
And it didn't work. Spike was almost right-Buffy needs a man who
understands and is not repelled by the "monster"
in her. Groo wants to worship his Lady. He would never be
able to give Buffy what she needs.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> I want Groo/Anya - she could use some being worshipped
right about now -- Dead Soul, 13:50:22 09/18/02 Wed
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> Monster in Buffy? -- Vickie, 13:55:28 09/18/02
With Psyche's site unavailable, I can't go looking for your quote.
I don't remember anyone ever saying there was monster in Buffy,
just darkness. I recall the "wants some monster in her man"
line, but that's different.
Since Groo admired Cordy for her demonization for the sake of
the cause, I would expect he'd admire Buffy for whatever darkness
aids her own Slayerness. I agree he's probably too nice to attract
Buffy. I would sure find it fun to watch, though.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> Re: They already have-Buffy and Riley. -- alcibiades,
20:40:24 09/18/02 Wed
And it didn't work. Spike was almost right-Buffy needs a man
who understands and is not repelled by the "monster"
in her.
No Spike was right. She needs a man with some monster in him.
Last year, he was a monster with a lot of man in him.
This year, with the soul, he'll be a man with some monster in
He had the right ingredients. He needed to correct the balance.
And he had to realize he loved Buffy enough to sacrifice his narcissism
for her.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> Exactly. Well put. -- shadowkat, 07:32:54
09/19/02 Thu
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Gruffy?! Should be banned for the name alone! --
ponygirl shuddering, 13:53:28 09/18/02 Wed
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> Could be Boo (worse and worse) -- Vickie, 13:59:03
09/18/02 Wed
[> [> [> [> Nope,
don't know anything different than you do. My bad. -- Masq,
12:43:34 09/18/02 Wed
[> [> [> [> Scooby
Dooby Groo: a proposed first meeting -- cjl, 18:23:38 09/19/02
(Time: somewhere in the middle of S7. The place: just outside
of Sunnydale Cemetary. Buffy, Willow and Xander are approaching
the front gate, when a tall, well-muscled, stylishly dressed,
sword-wielding assailant springs out of nowhere and menacingly
approaches the trio.)
BUFFY: Xander?
XANDER: The three-iron?
BUFFY: You got it.
(XANDER reaches into the weapons bag and hands her a dazzling
sword with a gleaming black blade and a solid jade handle. BUFFY
and the mystery man circle each other as WILLOW and XANDER back
away, out of the field of battle. The two combatants come together
and trade lightning fast strikes, to no effect. The mystery man
charges in a beserker assault, and their two swords lock together.
The taller man tries to use superior leverage to squash BUFFY
into submission, but she easily throws him off. He swipes at her
legs, but she leaps over the blade. He lunges; she grabs him by
the forearm and flings him five feet into the cemetary gate. He
bounces off, stunned. Then he smiles. He plunges his blade into
the grass, and then, both hands on the hilt, drops to one knee
and bows his head in supplication to BUFFY. XANDER is ready to
leap into the fray, but BUFFY waves him off.)
BUFFY: Xander--no!
GROO: You are the One.
BUFFY: Excuse me?
GROO: You are the warrior I have been seeking. The Destroyer of
Demons, the Guardian at the Gates of the Netherworld, the light
of righteousness in the midst of Hell itself. The Chosen One...the
BUFFY: Wow. You make me sound...really impressive. Uh, that's
me, I guess. And who, may I say, is seeking?
GROO: In my world, I was called Groosalugg, the Brave and Undefeated.
WILLOW (staring): Those clothes...
GROO: For many months, I have been wandering your lands, lost
and despairing, searching for a battle worthy of my blade. Then,
I heard whispers of a great conflict approaching on the mouth
of hell, and I knew my quest was at an end.
XANDER (quietly, to Willow): At last--the Most Holy Grail! (WILLOW
glares at him.) What?
BUFFY: Well...I appreciate the thought. But you know, you could've
called and said you were coming over. You didn't have to do the
whole "trial by fire" thing.
WILLOW: I know I've seen that jacket...
GROO: Forgive me. I am still somewhat strange to your ways. But
I had to be sure. And you are everything he said you would be.
BUFFY: He? (Groo winces. A fatal slip. Buffy presses.) Whoís
GROO: Angel. I have heard many tales of your exploits from Angel,
Wesley and my Pr...Cordelia. I promised him I would not tell you
of our friendship. Coming here was my idea-- but he said you would
think he is interfering in your life.
BUFFY (a little stunned): Angel.
WILLOW (light bulb): Now I remember! Buffy, Cordelia told me about
this guy! Told me--well, I-I can't really use the words she did
because it would be, uh, kind of embarrassing- -but she said he
was a good guy, and he really knew how to use a sword. Didn't
nearly do him justice, though...
(BUFFY sees the pain in Grooís eyes when Willow mentions
BUFFY: Donít worry. I wonít tell. (Pause.) You and
Cordelia were pretty tight, huh?
GROO: "Tight." Yes. But not as "tight" as
I would have believed.
WILLOW (to Xander): Cordelia broke up with HIM?
BUFFY: What happened?
GROO: I would...rather not say.
WILLOW: Always knew the girl was nuts. (Xander glares at her.)
BUFFY: Guys--Scooby huddle.
(Xander and Willow walk around Groo for a team meeting.)
WILLOW: Aw, Buffy, can we keep him?
XANDER: You know, Will, you are seriously damaging your lesbian
street cred...
WILLOW (mock annoyance): Sh.
BUFFY: No! No more picking up stray warriors! Geez, you think
we would have learned with the last one.
XANDER: Buffy, no offense, but the way things are going, weíre
probably going to need all the muscle we can get.
BUFFY: Thatís easy for you to say. Where am I going to
keep him, the broom closet? Iím still not exactly rolling
in dough, and Prince Valiant over there doesnít look like
heís familiar with the concept of "rent."
(WILLOW and BUFFY look at XANDER.)
XANDER: Ohhh no no no no no no--the roommate thing? Not gonna
happen! Last one I had didnít work out too well, remember?
WILLOW: Xander, youíre the one who keeps saying weíll
need an army. We gotta start somewhere.
(XANDER looks over at Groo, who is still bent over in supplication,
but keeping one hopeful eye on the proceedings.)
XANDER (sighs): Oh all right.
(GROO springs to his feet, sheaths his sword, walks over to the
gang, and claps Xander on the shoulder.)
GROO: Thank you. I am truly sorry about the inconvenience. But
you will find that I am excellent with household chores.
XANDER: Glad to hear it--(struggles) Grooser... Groober... weíre
going to have do something about the name.
GROO: My friends said calling me "Groo" was easier.
XANDER: Really? Cool! I love that comic.
BUFFY: You guys get settled. Come over to the house later, and
weíll talk a little strategy.
GROO: I hope I can be worthy of your trust.
BUFFY: I donít think thatíll be a problem.
(GROO and XANDER slowly walk off.)
XANDER: Cordelia, huh? Believe me, fella, I sympathize.
GROO: You do?
XANDER: Does she...ever talk about me? Xander?
GROO: Ah! Xander Harris. This is you? The young man with great
bravery and aquatic skills?
XANDER: "Aquatic sk--" Oh, the swim team! Yeah, you
got it!
GROO: I would...rather not say.
XANDER (groans): Oh, MAN...
[> [> [> [> [>
LOL! How I wish Joss would do this! -- Scroll, 09:00:45
09/20/02 Fri
[> [> [> [> [>
LOL! I loved it! -- Just George, 09:07:05 09/20/02 Fri
[> Angel & Connor, Angel
& Wesley (no spoilers) -- Scroll, 08:01:46 09/18/02 Wed
I'll admit I haven't been very good at avoiding spoilers so far,
but I'm only going to list what I want to see happen this season
(no spoilers). Please be advised that I'm probably waaay off!
Angel/Connor: Not reconcile until at least half way through
the season; Connor to find out (through Justine?) that Angel didn't
kill Holtz.
Wesley: To stay dark and angry, but still be a force for
good (Rogue Demon Hunter?); to sleep with Lilah some more, then
dump her with an appropriately scathing remark; to be the one
to actually become friends with Connor; to apologise to Angel/Connor/Lorne
(but not Gunn/Fred/Cordy, they don't deserve it); to reconcile
with Angel some time before mid season?
Cordelia: What the frell is up with her? Don't know, don't
care. But agree with the rest of the world about her hair. Okay,
I do care a smidgen. I want Queen C back! I want a strong woman
who is compassionate but snarky. Who was that girl in "Tomorrow"?
I still maintain she was body- snatched...
Angel/Cordy: Must die horrible death. If ME insists on
this story line, I want to see them actually address the curse,
instead of act like the loophole got fixed while Angel was in
Tibet between Seasons 2 and 3.
Gunn/Fred: No more pancake kisses. To be confused and lost
because they're all alone, but still struggling to run Angel Investigations.
Lorne: To come back to L.A. and open Caritas again!
Anyone else want to weigh in?
[> [> Oooh, forgot Groo!
-- Scroll, 08:10:28 09/18/02 Wed
Forgot about Groo! I actually liked the guy; in fact I liked him
way more than Cordy by the end of "Tomorrow". Here's
a real gentleman with honour, courage, honesty, sensitivity, subtleness,
a sense of humour, and an amazing build, who worships the ground
you walk on - and you pass him over for a vampire that, last time
you checked, had the emotional and physical availability of a
cobra snake?!
Groo is the real Champion here, ladies and gentlemen, and I think
he and Lorne should both come back. Groo makes an excellent foil
for Angel, and Mark Lutz has amazing chemistry with Andy Hallett.
We need more Groo!
[> [> [> Re: Oooh,
forgot Groo! -- yabyumpan, 12:13:51 09/18/02 Wed
"Forgot about Groo! I actually liked the guy; in fact I liked
him way more than Cordy by the end of "Tomorrow". Here's
a real gentleman with honour, courage, honesty, sensitivity, subtleness,
a sense of humour, and an amazing build, who worships the ground
you walk on"
Why would any one want to be with someone who worships the ground
you walk on? (been there,done that and it sucks)Someone who calls
you Princess and expects you to act like one, waiting for him
to rescue you and tells you off when you defend yourself.(The
Price). This is not someone who sees the real you but a projected
image of who thy think you are and should be.
That's why I like Cordy with Angel, it's a relationship built
on a long friendship and everyday sticky, grimey reality. There's
no unrealistic expectations, no 'worshiping', just complete acceptance
of who they both are, the good and the bad. It's a relationship
that I think is unique in whendonverse. There's no grand passion
(which I think is why people don't see chemistry), no great mythic
'love', just the gradual, growing feelings of two far from perfect
collegues and friends.
I agree, Groo is a real Hero and Champion and deserves and a real
Heroine and Princess who he can worship and rescue, I hope he
finds one. Personally, he just made my skin crawl.
[> [> [> [> You're
right... -- Scroll, 12:33:09 09/18/02 Wed
I think the Angel/Cordy friendship/psuedo-romance really is unique
in the Whedonverse. And if they'd continued with the tone set
in Heartthrob, I might've been able to get on board. But what
we ended up with was Kye-rumption, Moira, destiny, lack of free
will, and Cordy needing a vision of her future self in order to
get that she was in love. That's what I hate about Angel/Cordy,
not the acceptance and comfort and honesty, which I think is beautiful.
I just like Groo. But I don't like Cordy/Groo. You're right, they're
totally unsuited for each other. But I still want Groo back! hehe
Maybe Lorne/Groo?
[> Agree with Masq and Scrolls
specs -- shadowkat, 09:38:48 09/18/02 Wed
1. Wesely/Lilah and Weseley/Angel - I believe this is going
to be a major arc next season. Wesely being outside the group
is vital. First I think he may be the one who
not only frees Angel but takes on Angelus, if we see Angelus next
year. Rumor has it we will. I'm unspoiled,
so don't know.
Like Masq and Scroll and Rufus - I really want to see dark Wes
explored more. See tons of interesting potential there.
And I must admit that I love the Lilah/Wes combo. Best chemistry
on Angel since well Angel/Darla. No one else on the show appears
to have any IMHO.
2. What Connor/Angel relationship will be? How will Connor handle
a dark Angel? How will dark Angel (Angelus) handle Connor?
I agree these two are a lot alike. Looking forward to seeing their
relationship explored. Particularly considering both have serious
daddy issues.
Also interested in seeing how Justine figures into it.
I still think they should do something with Justine and Weseley...but
have my doubts they'll pursue it. (Was I the only one who saw
sparkage there?)
Want to see how Connor interacts with the others as well, particularly
Wes and to a smaller extent Cordelia.
3. Cordelia. Have to admit she is not one of my favorite characters.
What little I loved about her seemed to be sucked out by Tomorrow.
Prior to Birthday she still had some of her old snarky spunk.
That said, I'm convinced she'll return as snarky Queen Cordy.
I think Skip tricked her - seducing her through her infamous pride/vanity.
Don't really care one way or the other about the C/A ship.
IMHO the actors have 0 chemistry and are sort of boring together.
But I have a sneaking suspicion the C/A pairing is far from over....
(Clearly chemistry is a subjective thing - since there are lots
of people who like the C/A ship.)
I don't think Cordy will be the one who causes Angel to become
Angelus. I think they are doing something else. Just not clear
But whatever it is - it will probably effect the ship and I seriously
doubt the ship will last past Season 4, assuming they resume it.
Agree with everyone else - please bring Cordy back with a better
hair style.
4. I think Groo is gone for good. Lorne is definitely returning
in some capacity. I think W&H are going to figure in and possibly
have something to do with Angelus' return.
Also believe Wes will debate joining W&H as a sort of double-
agent and will be killing demons on his own.
The rogue demon hunter he wanted to be before he joined Angel
and Company.
Well that's it. Back to work (sigh) SK
[> [> Eep, I think some
spoilers in sk's post -- Sc, 10:04:15 09/18/02 Wed
[> [> [> Angel and
Cordy -- yabyumpan, 10:33:22 09/18/02 Wed
I'm curious, many people on this board have expressed a dislike
of the Angel/Cordy ship and I'd like to know the reasons. Not
wanting to get into any sort of shipper war but as i said above,
this is the one ship in whendonverse that I totally get, so I'm
just curious as to why there seems to be so much oppostion to
it here.
[> [> [> [> Why
I can't get into Angel/Cordy (kinda rant-y) -- Scroll, 11:21:10
09/18/02 Wed
I'll admit right from the get-go that I was a huge B/A fan, and
to some extent, still am. I loved their relationship, their chemistry,
and their pathos. That being said, I don't hate B/R or B/S. I
don't hate Angel/Kate, Angel/Faith, Angel/Darla (actually quite
fond of this ship), or Angel/Lorne/Wesley/Lindsey/Lilah, etc.
In fact, I find all these ships interesting and fun, though I
don't invest myself into them that heavily (except Angel/Wes which
I still wish Joss had the guts to do). The reason why I can't
believe in Angel/Cordy is that I can't believe in it.
Up to the end of Season 2 (and even in bits of Season 3), I still
strongly felt the A/C vibe to be brother/sisterly. Obviously this
is JMO; lots of people saw romantic chemistry. But considering
how often Angel, Cordy, Wes, etc. make comments to being "family",
and the very strong "family" vibe carried over from
Season 1 and 2, I still get squicked at the idea of Angel/Cordy.
Just like I get squicked at Xander/Dawn or even Xander/Buffy (remember
DreamBuffy's 'big brother' affection in "Restless".
When I see Angel/Cordy, I remember Angel/Dru. Maybe I'm the only
one, but I think it's there. This would actually be quite daring
of ME, and if it's on purpose, maybe I could get into a darker
A/C ship.
In Heartthrob, Angel and Cordy had a "best friends"
chemistry that could've easily evolved into something more. I
could see Angel, with Buffy dead, wanting to move on and seeing
Cordy as a mature, compassionate woman whom he could love. I can
believe that this is largely unconscious. But once Fred opened
her mouth and said the dreaded word, "Kye- rumption",
all hope for me believing in A/C was gone. Instead of forging
a new path -- good friendship evolving into romantic love -- they
fell back on the tried and true "oh, it's destiny!"
and "Champions fated to be together!" Even if we put
down Fred's amnesia (3 eps after Cordy explains why Angel can
never get involved with a woman AKA The Curse, and Fred thinks
it would be just peachy- keen if Angel and Cordy were in lurve?)
as leftover insanity, there's still Angel and Cordy (and Wes and
Gunn and Lorne) who all know perfectly well that Angel and true
love just don't get on well together.
But no. Sometime between "Reprise" and "Offspring",
some gypsies or the PTB or Mary Sue must've dropped by (off screen)
and told Angel he'd suffered enough for murdering half of Europe
and deserved to have love now.
If forced, I might admit after "Birthday" (which in
my logic actually argues against Cordy being in real love
with Angel) that Cordy possibly has a glimmer of romantic feeling
for Angel. I could also admit Xander might still has a glimmer
of romantic feeling for Buffy. But what I don't get is why Cordy
in "Tomorrow" -- once Groo and a vision of herself have
kindly informed her that she is in love with Angel -- does not
cringe at the very possibility that Angel might love her back
and feel perfect happiness. (I'm not saying that Angel being in
love is enough to cause perfect happiness. Hell, if witnessing
his son's miraculous birth isn't enough to send his soul flying,
I don't know what will.) But the possibility is there; everyone
can see that it's there, but nobody addresses it beyond Fred poking
Angel with a stick because he's humming! (I have faith
that all this ball-dropping actually leads to arcs in S4, so I'll
forgive it for now.)
So maybe I don't hate the idea of Angel/Cordy as much as I hate
how Angel/Cordy is written. The writers wanted Angel and
especially Cordy to be clueless about their own powerful emotions
-- I get what they were trying to do. I just think it failed in
execution. JMHO, of course. Maybe I'm too conditioned to expect
doom and gloom from Joss, and just couldn't understand why fluffy
Angel/Cordy was being proposed as a Good Thing. (Btw, even
though they're separated in "Tomorrow", it's all through
external factors. With no internal fears or regrets and with an
attitude of "Curse, What Curse?", I consider this 'ship
totally fluffy. And Angel and fluffy just Does Not Work.)
Eep, looking back I realise I've just unloaded on you for asking
a legitimate question. Sorry, yabyumpan! These are just my issues
with Season 3, because I really think it was the most powerful
Angel season so far. Loved it way more than Buffy,
actually. Because at the end of the day, the true strength of
Angel is dark, tragic, film- noir season-long arcs.
[> [> [> [> [>
Hmmm...a darker A/C relationship (wild, unsubstantiated S4
spec) -- cjl, 11:59:27 09/18/02 Wed
Are you talking about Angel and Dark Cordy, or....
I find the latter monstrously interesting. Suppose Angelus comes
back and DOES see Cordy as a possible new and improved Dru (less
insanity, more snark) and tries to recruit her for evil. Angelus
could make snarky comments about her previous boyfriends; snarky
comments about her hairstyle(s); snarky comments about her friends.
He'll make disgusting, lascivious comments about Cordy's body
and try to do the whole psychological torture thing. It'll be
Cordy's worst nightmare: yes, it's all about her, but not the
way she usually wants it. (And for that matter, Angelus will tell
her that she loves it, anyway.)
It would be a way of unleashing Angel's carnal thoughts about
Cordy and scaring the audience sh**less at the same time.
I'm in!
I'm shipping Cordy/Angelus for S4.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Standard Potentially Spoilery Speculation Disclaimer
For AtS S4 -- Arethusa, 12:11:44 09/18/02 Wed
Cordelus! aka "The fans want C/A? We'll give them C/A! Bwahahaha!"
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Oooh now that is interesting. Count me in too. --
shadowkat, 12:18:29 09/18/02 Wed
Although I'm like Arethusa - don't tend to ship for Ats.
Like the friendships more.
But the dark ships of Wesley/Lilah
and Cordy/Angelus would be fun.
Go Angelus.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Er, not quite what I meant =) -- Scroll, 12:21:49
09/18/02 Wed
...But hey, if it means me actually not rolling my eyes at the
TV, I'm all for it.
By "darker" I meant a relationship that had actual problems
inherent because of the two characters involved. Angel and Cordy
have tons of issues (vampire, curse, half-demon glowy thing, being
in separate dimensions) but nobody seems to even consider these
when talking about Angel/Cordy shipping (and I don't mean A/C
fans, but the actual characters on the show and, by extension,
the writers). A mostly fluffy relationship would be Willow/Oz
which, while Oz was a werewolf, didn't focus on this very much.
Maybe I just expect more for Angel (king of angst) because I simply
can't see him in any relationship that is fluffy. Still,
I'm crossing my fingers for a really good explanation for all
the ball-dropping in Season 4.
[> [> [> [> [>
What Scroll said! -- Masq, 12:08:28 09/18/02 Wed
[> [> [> [> [>
Poss spoilery for Tomorrow -- yabyumpan, 13:05:52 09/18/02
Scroll, I actually agree with a lot of what you said. I also hated
the whole Kyrumption/moira stuff. For me, what I really like about
A/C is that it 'isn't' some great 'mythic', destiny thing. It's
the gradual realisation of a friendship becoming something more.
I don't think the whole issue of the curse was dropped, infact
I think Cordelia is very aware of it, hence the Eunuch comments
and saying how no woman could tempt him in 'Couplet'. I think
she put a lot of effort into de- sexulizing him in her mind, to
keep him unavailable. But she also in the same episode, created
a clone who she could com- shuck with.
There is stuff in the shooting script of 'Tomorrow' which was
sadly dropped which actually had her addressing it. I can't actually
get to psyche's site now (does anyone know when it will be back
up?), but it was a scene where she's deciding what to wear to
meet Angel and one of the things she puts on is a heavy coat because
they'll never be able to have sex any way so what's the point
in dressing up.
I don't see that Angel feels "he'd suffered enough for murdering
half of Europe and deserved to have love now" any more than
he did with Buffy and he probably wouldn't have pursued it if
Cordelia hadn't rung him. In WITW, he's still full of doubts when
talking to Lorne. I think in 'Tomorrow' he was high on Connor,
Lorne had told him that Cordy felt the same and he allowed himself
to have hope.
My theory about Cordy's assension is that their meeting would
have given him that 'perfect happiness' moment and so the PTBs
interveened. I agree that that episode came across as 'fluffy'
in someways, but I think it was to give us the 'Tragedy'. I don't
see C/A as a couple 'fluffy' at all, they know each other far
to well to go with any extreme soppyness. I'm sure that ME will
make them suffer loads, if they actually get together at all.
I'm sure the evilness that is ME will be throwing many an obstacle
in their path if they do, which is why part of me would be happy
if they don't get together!
I loved S3 but I do think that ME tried to throw to many things
in the pot, some of which just didn't cook as well as it should.
Hopefully S4 will deal with some of these dropped balls, I can't
actually see S4 going anywhere near anyone having a good time
of it for quite a while, so I don't think you'll have to worry
to much about 'fluffy' anybody.
thanks for responding by the way. :-)
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Re: Poss spoilery for Tomorrow -- Scroll, 13:21:54
09/18/02 Wed
You're welcome, and I see that we actually don't disagree on many
points. Much as I loved the Connor story line, I really think
everything else suffered from lack of time to properly tell the
stories. I do trust Joss to clarify all things confusing me two
weeks from now (counting the days!) and you're probably right
that nobody's going to be perfectly happy while Connor is running
around, thinking Angel killed Holtz.
While Angel/Cordy will never be one of my favourite ships, I think
it has the potential to be interesting and feasible. Sometime
soon. As long as Fred and Lorne never, ever, ever uses
the words Kye-rumtion, Moira, or Champion, ever again!
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Re: Poss spoilery for Tomorrow -- acesgirl, 15:35:26
09/18/02 Wed
Oh, yabyumpan I agree with everything that you have posted and
I wanted to let you know that you are not the only one who sees
the Cordy/Angel relationship the way you do. The slow build up
from friendship to love just works for me on so many levels and
I was really hoping that ME was getting ready to explore a much
more real to life relationship that is not based in angst and
emotional torture but rather in equality and support. To each
his own about chemistry between the actors but I see it and have
since season 1.
Regarding the curse, I also don't understand why some people think
that this is being swept under the rug. I think the curse is what
holds Angel back from exploring any romantic feelings for anyone.
That's why he has to be told by Fred that he might have feelings
for Cordy. He cannot even allow himself the possibility because
of the consequences. And its the same for Cordy. She knows they
can never have a romantic or sexual relationship so she just shuts
the thoughts out of her mind. We know that she's physically attracted
to him, that was clear back in S1 of Btvs, but she was there when
Angelus was tormenting Buffy & the scoobies. She doesn't want
to go there in her mind, can't even think about it, its absurd,
she does not have feelings for Angel, while at the same time she's
making over Groo to look exactly like him and she's shunning Wesley
to stand by him. I'm not saying that ME handled the storytelling
the best that they could, but I just don't see the fingers in
ears "la la la, what curse?" vibe that some people see.
The curse is ever present, its the big fat white elephant in the
That's the Cordy & Angel ship that I see and the one I hope they
explore. But I know that a lot of people disagree and I can understand
that too. Sometimes, you just don't see a pairing and the thought
of it is kind of yucky. Buffy/Xander fit this category for me
- blech.
[> [> [> [> [>
Let's rein in the rhetorical extravagence a bit, guys!
-- leslie, 15:28:15
09/18/02 Wed
"...told Angel he'd suffered enough for murdering half of
Okay, if Angel killed half of Europe, and Spike killed half of
Europe, how is there anyone *left* over there? Factor in Darla
and Dru's predations, and you're into them killing the unborn
and even the twinkles in Daddy's eyes.
But seriously, folks, yes, they've been evil, but not *limitlessly*
evil, and I think that has some relevence to how much redemption/atonement
is necessary. Not in a letting- them-off-the-hook way, either--you
start throwing around "murdering half of Europe" and
it's just a faceless mass-- you limit it to who they actually
killed, it's real people in real situations. Angel didn't kill
half of Europe, but he wiped out entire families, and that's what's
led to the whole Holz thing.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Fair enough, leslie... -- Scroll, 08:47:54 09/19/02
Yeah, I kinda noticed I was getting a bit flamboyant with the
"half of Europe" thing (*sheepish grin*) but I was on
a roll! What does math and actual birth rates have to do with
Re: killing families. Maybe that's why A/C felt off to me. Here's
Angel, ready to pursue a new relationship (albeit tentatively),
while knowing he has a curse and having the "depravity of
his sins" (i.e. murdering families) thrown in his face with
Holtz around. I get that Angel is not allowing himself to brood
as much, but you'd think seeing a guy whose family you killed,
reinforcing the guilt and inciting the compassion that is part-and-parcel
of having a soul, would remind you that - hey! You have a soul!
It comes with a loophole! Maybe it's just a matter of preference,
but I wish the writers had focused more on Angel's dealings with
Holtz and less on pursuing a relationship Angel (as far as he
knows) can never have.
Whether Angel has suffered enough, I have no answer for that.
Maybe he has, maybe he hasn't. Holtz would think he hasn't; Cordy,
Wes, et al. would say he has. What does Angel think? I'd like
to know. He probably won't feel entirely forgiven until he becomes
human. Of course, not being forgiven won't hold him back from
doing the right thing ("Epiphany"). Which I can at least
appreciate. =)
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> Re: Fair enough, leslie... -- leslie,
11:18:50 09/19/02 Thu
Yeah, the real reason Angel and Cordy feels off to me is that
she's the only one in AI who *experienced* Angelus. I do think
she's smart enough to have at least wondered just how impenetrable
that line between Angel and Angelus is--and interestingly enough,
she has never shown any attraction at all to "bad boys."
But, if we are agreed that what is between Angel and Cordy is
more of a brother/sister vibe than a lover vibe, and we think
about Angel's general problem with families, well, if we were
really evil, there might be some interesting incestuous possibilities
to be explored....
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> Yup, I've said as much before! -- Scroll,
14:14:59 09/19/02 Thu
Angel/Cordy really reminds me of Angel/Drusilla. Sick and twisted,
but there it is. After all, family blood is the sweetest, there's
nothing else like it! Yeah, and I refuse to believe I'm the only
one perverted enough to see hints of it lurking! =) ...Um, okay,
backing off now before A/C shippers start hunting me down...
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> Could you elaborate? -- alcibiades,
14:58:45 09/19/02 Thu
Angel/Cordy really reminds me of Angel/Drusilla. Sick and twisted
... Don't see it yet.
Isn't Cordy more like Darla -- with that alpha female vibe going
on, and the bitchiness and the love of clothes?
Fred seems more like Drusilla -- the long floaty hair, the impossible
thinness, the strange bursts of insight and esotericism and isolation,
her need to find protection, her love for Angel that quickly morphs
into love for his junior associate, Gunn, an excellent fighter
and a straightforward warrior type minus Angel's scary/kinky side.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> I meant me "Sick and twisted"
not A/C! Sorry... -- Scroll, 09:07:57 09/20/02 Fri
And you're probably right that Fred is more like Dru and Cordelia
is more like Darla. Guess I was going for the shallow similarities
of dark brown hair (which, now that I think about it, doesn't
work anymore because Cordy has blonde hair... more's the pity!)
But mostly I meant that I interpreted the Angel/Cordy vibe as
brother/sister and not as lovers, so when Season 3 began to explicitly
state that Angel was in love with Cordy, I was kinda squicked.
Of course, YMMV. I know this is only my interpretation. Some people
get squicked at Spike/Dawn, but I don't (as long as she's not
15!) so I can't really throw stones.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> [> [> A/C and Incest -- Finn
Mac Cool, 20:26:41 09/20/02 Fri
While the brother/sister vibe may make people become squickish,
but I ask you to consider something I heard:
A tribe of American Aboriginals (can't remember the specific one)
used to have a tradition where men and woman who weren't related
were forbidden from meeting and speaking to each other. Because
of this, it was not uncommon for brothers and sisters to marry,
since that was pretty much the only way that someone could get
to know their spouse before getting married.
Cordelia and Angel are in a similar situation. Neither can really
just pick up someone to go on a date with, because their lives
are just too weird to bring someone else into them. Angel has
an extra-restriction in that he dares not go seeking dates (let
alone love) because that can lead to sex, and sex leads to evil
and leather pants. So, prevented from seeking out relationships,
they turn their attention inwards to their Angel Investigations
family. But, like in the tribe I mentioned, a sibling is someone
a person is continually brought in contact with, is very familiar,
and the boundaries keeping somone from pursuing a love life don't
apply there. Hence predominantly sexless and loveless people like
Angel and Cordelia are left with their sibling relationships to
focus their urges on, creating a love with definite incestous
[> [> [> [> Re:
Angel and Cordy (NO spoilers, promise) -- shadowkat, 12:14:18
09/18/02 Wed
"I'm curious, many people on this board have expressed a
dislike of the Angel/Cordy ship and I'd like to know the reasons"
I think this is more a matter of personal taste than anything
else. The one ship in the whedonverse that really works for me
and turns me on - you probably despise. C'est la vie.
I don't hate C/A together. I just don't really care one way or
another. Their romantic scenes seem silly as opposed to hot to
me. So I well, didn't really watch them. Have yet
to really closely watch Birthday. Didn't really pay much attention
to Cordy and Groo either. Just didn't interest me.
Logically? Yeah I guess they work. Tons in common. Similar coloring.
Cordy feels like she's being punished and is vain and is proud
and has daddy betrayle issues and a thing about money. Angel feels
punished and is vain and is proud and is into clothes like Cordy.
But it feels like Brother/Sister in a way. They have too much
in common.
But if I was writing this? Yeah logically, I'd try to put them
together. They certainly have the back history. The characters
have the right amount of knowledge about each other. And the pairing
probably should have riveted me like Buffy and Spike did. (The
writers certainly meant it too) It didn't. Why? The actors. Charisma
Chase in Waiting in The Wings looked like she wanted to flee the
scene when Angel kissed her. She looked so completely uncomfortable
and Boreanz had a similar awkward reaction. Didn't see any tension
or desire or lust there, just discomfort and awkwardness. Now
I don't know if the awkwardness was intended to create more tension
or not - but it didn't work for me. Instead if made me want to
flip channels out of embarrassment for the actors. No other pairing
makes me feel that way. Don't know why this one did. But it does
strike me as interesting that the network has never rerun the
episode, it's one of the few i don't have on tape.
So to answer your question? It's the fact that the actors have
no chemistry that really did it for me.
I also agree with a post that someone made some time ago
that the writers forced this one down our throat. Scroll
is write when he/she writes that kyreption did the ship in.
It did. Fred started going on about how Cordy and Angel were Champions
and all this kyreption (sp?) business and I found myself suddenly
rolling my eyes and thinking come on.
If they hadn't done that? I might have cared.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not against the relationship. I just
don't care. I'm more interested to see how and if both characters
re-appear and what Wes does than if they get together.
Also as you can tell - I'm a lover of dark plots. Happy fluffy
relationships bore me. It's why I prefer Angel and Btvs over say
Seventh Heaven and Friends. To me the horrorifying aspects in
relationships are far more interesting and real. (I have friends
who won't watch Btvs and Angel b/c they only want to watch nice
people and the happy stuff. As I said, personal taste.)
[> [> [> [> [>
Re: Angel and Cordy (NO spoilers, promise) -- Masq, 12:40:59
09/18/02 Wed
"The actors. Charisma Chase in Waiting in The Wings looked
like she wanted to flee the scene when Angel kissed her. She looked
so completely uncomfortable and Boreanz had a similar awkward
reaction. "
I interpreted that as the characters being uncomfortable with
being thrown into a sexual situation by the haunting of the room.
I'm a Cordy-Angel Friendship shipper (think they make interesting
friends to each other), so I saw that as two good friends of the
opposite sex being forced into a romantic situation. Hence the
[> [> [> [> [>
[> I agree with you about WiTW, but overall, I'm with S'kat...
-- cjl, 12:48:43 09/18/02 Wed
To me?
C/A friendship vibe = off the charts
C/A sexual vibe = car engine on a December morning in Buffalo
Of course, Angel could have all these hot 'n' bothered thoughts
about Cordy and vice versa, but I don't see it in their interaction.
It is, as 'kat said, more of a brother/sister relationship, IMO.
So if Joss and crew are going to do C/A, they'll need a way to
get those feelings out in the open. In a big way. (That's why
I'm hoping for Angelus to come back and fixate on Cordy. That's
one demon who always says what's on his mind. Heck, Cordy even
admired that quality in him!)
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Actually like C/A as friends. -- shadowkat, 13:11:22
09/18/02 Wed
Cordy/Angel FRIENDHSIP shipper as well. Love them as friends.
They feel like brother/sister to me in the same way that Xander
and Buffy do actually. And your interpretation of Waiting in the
Wings actually works for me. Much better than the one that there
was sexual tension.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> Another C/A Friendship shipper -- Scroll, 13:31:55
09/18/02 Wed
I'm actually not a huge fan of romantic ships, especially after
the fiascos of Season 6 Buffy and Season 3 Angel.
I love the best-friends dynamic of Buffy/Willow/Xander and Angel/Cordy
and Wes/Gunn. I miss them just hanging out, doing fun friend things.
Whatever else anyone says about "Grave", it at least
clarified the importance of friendship. Your friends are the ones
who will be there for you when Joss rips apart your budding romance
with the glee of a little boy ripping the wings off flies. Family/friends
has always been the foundation of these two shows, and it's a
pity romantic pairings are being used to tear friends apart. Well,
makes for great drama, I suppose.
[> [> [> [> [>
Re: WITW -- yabyumpan, 13:28:26 09/18/02 Wed
I agree with you, even as a massive C/A shipper, I hated this
episode. I'm someone who does see loads of chemistry between the
actors but JW somehow managed to make it disappear. That's not
the only reason I hated it, I felt the whole thing was self indulgent
and in parts, just crass. Lorne saying "we all know you have
a thing for cheerleaders" just makes me cringe. It actually
made me loose a lot of respect for Joss and I'm really not looking
forward to him being more involved in S4, as he's said he's going
to, now that DG has gone.
I also agree with the whole kyrumption/moira stuff, hated it.
For me what's special about A/C is that it's based in everyday,
grimey reality, not 'destiny'.
I also hope they don't go with the fluff, and if they keep to
the true characterizations of both Angel and Cordy, I don't see
how they can. There's just to much darkness and 'issues' for both
of them.
Actually, on the A/C shipper board I go to (stranger things),
there's pretty much universal agreement about all the things that
have been mentioned here. We don't want Destiny or Fluff or papering
over of the issues i.e. THE CURSE and most C/A fics that are written
are pretty dark and angsty. If ME do go the Fluffy, curse,what
curse? route, we'll be the ones that will be most disappointed!
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Re: WITW -- Dead Soul, 14:33:29 09/18/02 Wed
WITW was the first AtS I ever saw and I almost decided to never
watch another. I have still only seen it that once and I don't
remember it well enough because I was so confused and put off
at the time, to remember exactly what it was that curdled my whey,
but I do remember being a little confused by the awkwardness between
Cordy and Angel and being surprised that the scene didn't have
at least a little zazazoo to it.
At that time I hadn't had a chance to see and enjoy their friendship,
so now both the awkwardness and lack of zing are explained. The
only romantic relationship I can see them in is the kind where
she continues to call him on his sh*t and keeps him from being
so self-absorbed. Yes, he's had some rough stuff happen lately,
but I think it's been her Mother Theresa attitude towards him
of late that has made the idea of the two of the them together
so blech.
The Cordy who would have been good for Angel as either
a romantic partner or just good friend would have gotten both
sides of the Angel/Wesley falling out and made them play nice.
But if this had happened, we wouldn't have Wesley/Lilah, which
I love, so I guess I'll just have to put up with being blah on
Best of both worlds? As has been suggested elsewhere in this thread
- Angelus/Cordy and Wesley/Lilah. Ooo! Gives me happy shivers.
Dead (yet still completely unable to pick a point and stick with
it) Soul
[> [> [> [> [>
Re: Angel and Cordy (NO spoilers, promise) -- Miss Edith,
12:18:51 09/20/02 Fri
Angel and Cordy make sense from a story purpose as like you say
they do have things in common. Wheares a couples like Wesley and
Lilah for instance make sense from a character standpoint. Hence
me finding Wesley with Lilah interesting as it emerged naturally
in the characters development. The writers have said the fling
was unplanned and it was only developed when they saw the chemistry
the actors had and realised the possibilites available to them.
Angel and Cordy just feel false to me. Other characters telling
me I should accept them as they are both champions is not helping
me accept A/C as a romantic couple either. It feels forced. They
have a great brother/sister vibe though.
[> [> Yes, spoilers above
-- Masq, 10:08:37 09/18/02 Wed
I heard those rumors, too. But I covered my ears and sang "la
la la"
Not that I'm not intrigued by the rumors, but, you know... staying
on the non-spoiler straight and narrow is a full- time job : )
[> [> [> Rumors count?
oh. -- shadowkat, 10:17:31 09/18/02 Wed
This is much harder than I thought.
Sorry. SK
[> [> [> [> On
spoilers -- Masq, 10:31:10 09/18/02 Wed
Yes, rumors count if they're wide-spread. It usually means there's
a source of them that might be the, uh, actual truth.
I am assuming those rumors are wide-spread because there were
articles on it at the Trollop board site (I only went there once,
to look at pictures of SMG's wedding, and regretted it!)
My policy is, everything you hear about the upcoming season, rumor
or not (and it's mostly all rumors), is a "spoiler".
If it's your personal speculation, then it's "spoiler speculation".
But I tend to vote that anything that says anything about upcoming
episodes, rumor, speculation or good source, should be marked
as spoilery.
[> [> [> [> [>
Thanks -- shadowkat, 11:13:32 09/18/02 Wed
Didn't get them from Spoiler Trollop Board (been avoiding it like
the plague) just from idle
speculating amongst friends and well a TV Guide PReview, but I
left out most of that stuff. Actually left out everything but
the spec doing amongst friends (who probably are's
hard to tell anymore).
It is tough though. I've had to stop reading interviews on,
had to stop visiting other sites, had to inform all my online
friends, and had to stop reading
Warning Angel is heavily spoiled in WB Promos (last one lead me
to a ton of spec), Entertainment Weekly's season preview, and
Tv Guide's. (I left out the stuff I got from those - nothing i
read in those publications should appear.)
Btvs isn't, oddly enough. Not sure why. But I've found
it easier to stay unspoiled on it this season than Angel.
So thanks again for that...for my sake and everyone elses.
And very sorry for the slippage. SK
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Noticed the same thing (not spoilery but spec about spoilers?)
-- Sarand, 14:39:26 09/19/02 Thu
I think that best characterizes what I'm going to say.
I've been doing my best to remain unspoiled as well and have basically
done what you are doing, shadowkat. But I noticed that there was
much more information on Angel in the TVGuide and in the WB promo
after one of Angel's reruns than there has been about BtVS. The
TVGuide did not say anything more about Buffy than Whedon had
said in an interview shortly after S6. And the promo for the season
opener? Really no information at all. Since I presume (or maybe
it's assume?) that such things are put out by the networks' publicity
departments in conjunction with the producers, I found the difference
interesting. Have no idea why but I thought it was interesting.
[> [> [> [> [>
I told you to only look at the Pictures.....naughty Masq....;)
-- Rufus, 15:51:10 09/18/02 Wed
[> [> [> [> [>
I only saw the subject lines, didn't read the posts --
Masq, 16:13:03 09/18/02 Wed
Didn't have to. I pressed the "back" button and fast!
"I don't want to know!"
[> [> Re: Agree with
Masq and Scrolls specs -- leslie,
15:15:07 09/18/02 Wed
"I still think they should do something with Justine and
Weseley...but have my doubts they'll pursue it. (Was I the only
one who saw sparkage there?)"
Given the outrage at the idea of Buffy continuing any kind of
relationship with someone who tried to rape her, are we really
going to be expected to believe that Wes is going to hook up with
the woman who slit his throat?
[> [> Wes and Justine
-- alcibiades, 20:49:22 09/18/02 Wed
Also interested in seeing how Justine figures into it.
I still think they should do something with Justine and Weseley...but
have my doubts they'll pursue it. (Was I the only one who saw
sparkage there?)
No, I saw it and wanted it but then she cut his throat and he
slept with Lilah.
If Wes moves from sleeping with Lilah to sleeping with the woman
who cut his throat, poor Wes will be in terrible trouble.
Angel and Connor have great acting chemistry -- they were terrific
together last year.
[> [> [> Re: Wes and
Justine -- shadowkat, 08:57:18 09/19/02 Thu
Oh I agree - no romantic relationship could truly be
possible with someone who tried and entirely intended on killing
you. Justine thought she had.
Wonder what she'll do when she realizes she did not succeed? Does
she know?
I just want to see these two confront each other. Justine confront
her guilt or lack thereof for killing two humans: Wes and Holtz
(who clearly made her do it, but still).
And Wes for Justine's betrayle which in some ways was similar
to his betrayle of Lorne.
Justine reminds me a little of Darla in the show. I know I'm in
the minority, having been one of the few people who enjoyed watching
Justine as a character. I find her an interesting villain. Just
as I found Darla to be an incredibly fascinating villain.
[> [> [> [> Re:
Wes and Justine -- Masq, 09:10:59 09/19/02 Thu
"no romantic relationship could truly be possible with someone
who tried and entirely intended on killing you."
And yet people still root for "true love" between Buffy
and Spike instead of what we got, a strained, somewhat dark sexual
And I was someone who loved Justine as a character. Plus Laurel
Holloman as an actress.
[> [> [> [> [>
Good point. -- shadowkat, 09:30:58 09/19/02 Thu
You know I still would have no problem with Justine and Wes...
don't know what that says about me? ;-) On the fence here...
I think the difference is Buffy and Spike mutually tried to kill
each other and Spike is a vampire. And hasn't tried
to kill her for at least two years.
But you are right, the same can be said of course for
Angelus/Angel and Buffy. Cordelia/Angel. Also Buffy and SG. Or
for that matter Oz/Willow. I guess..we could make an argument
that most of the characters have at one time been
close to killing each other and got past it. And come up with
all sorts of rationalizations for why some of these dysfunctional
pairings work and others don't etc. (shrug).
[> [> [> [> [>
[> Disagree -- alcibiades, 10:17:32 09/19/02 Thu
The situation between Spike and Buffy was not at all the same
between Justine and Wesley.
When Spike tried to kill Buffy and vice verse, the situation between
them was clear. As Spike said in SR -- Slayer, Vampire, Vampire
kills Slayer. They were honourable adversaries so to speak bound
to kill each other by the laws of un-nature. That is the way Spike
likes to fight. Out in the open, fists and fangs, nothing hidden
about it.
Whereas, Justine played on Wesley's compassion and sympathy, and
then slit his throat as he was helping her. It is a major betrayal.
I suppose some people might think of it as a kind of karmic justice
that Wesley would have his throat slit through betrayal in the
very moment that he himself is betraying his friend. But it really
goes to expose Justine's whole personality. There is something
extremely twisted there, since this is not an isolated incident.
She blames Angel for Holtz' death as well right after he has saved
her life.
As Fred realizes, for Justine, there is no happy, there is no
better, there are no feelings at all. She is well on her way to
being a sociopath.
BTW, I like Justine as well. Although I loved Holtz -- too bad
he is gone -- his voice, that was something else -- totally seductive.
Best Big Bad ever in my opinion.
Come to think of it, it is interesting that ME has never had a
Big Bad that seduces people over to the dark side. They should
get one -- it would be a lot of fun.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> Re: Disagree -- Malandanza, 11:08:46 09/19/02
"Come to think of it, it is interesting that ME has never
had a Big Bad that seduces people over to the dark side. They
should get one -- it would be a lot of fun."
My feeling is that W&H is that Big Bad -- slowly seducing Angel
to the dark side (or at least trying to) and that AtS is all about
redemption and damnation. I think Wesley, rather than Angel, is
the one who'll be seduced in the upcoming season, but W&H's
ultimate goal regarding Angel is corruption (and the demon child
in the White Room made significant progress).
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> Agree, except on Justine, and agree with Mal on
BB -- shadowkat, 11:33:48 09/19/02 Thu
Mal had a great point about W&H being the dark seducer.
I've always seen that, one of the things I love most about
Ats. I agree with Mal's view that they are seducing Wes and corrupting
Angel. How true! And I think a major part of the
4 year Ats arc. W&H IMHO is one of ME's finest creations.
I think you're being a bit hard on Justine. Everything she's done
has been for Holtz. While she's done bad things, I don't see her
as evil. She did feel remorse for what she did to Wes. She allows
Gunn and Fred to leave without her minions killing them because
of it. She also goes to save them all from Saijhan because of
I see Justine as being a sort of a female Wes. She believes that
what she is doing will save more lives in the long run. She has
bought Holtz routine hook, line and sinker.
And in the end of Tomorrow, she figuratively became Holtz.
Taking on his mission to destroy Angelus no matter what the cost
- even if it is her soul.
I love Holtz's line when he makes Justine kill him: "I'm
not asking you to follow me to hell, just to send me there."
Not exact but close. In a way he's punched her ticket as well
as his own. How ironic.
So no, Justine is no more a sociopath than Holtz was.
There are still feelings. She'd actually be better off if there
weren't any. It's the feelings that are destroying and eating
her up inside.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> Wes/Justine -- Arethusa, 11:43:36
09/19/02 Thu
Agree with the Wes/Justine comparison. Both are betrayed and betrayer.
And if Justine is following Holtz's path, Wesley is following
Angel's of Season 2. He is letting himself slip into the darkness
and despair. Let's hope, though, that he doesn't get Lilah pregnant
to get out of it.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> If Lilah were pregnant... -- Scroll,
14:23:39 09/19/02 Thu
I've actually wondered what would happen if Lilah got pregnant.
I'd love to see everyone's reactions to that situation.
Lilah: Pissed that she has to carry around this kid for 9 months
before she can pop it out and sacrifice it to W&H.
Wes: In absolute fear that even if he can convince Lilah not to
sacrifice the kid to W&H, some vampy souled guy might try
to do eye-for-eye (no matter how slim that possibility may be);
also in great fear that he will screw up his own kid even worse
than he screwed up Connor.
Angel: Not fair! Wes loses my kid and now he gets his own? Screw
the PTB!
Gavin: Darn, now I've got to go get a woman pregnant and sacrifice
it to W&H. Better pencil it in...
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> Wes/Justine -- Arethusa, 11:47:51
09/19/02 Thu
Agree with the Wes/Justine comparison. Both are betrayed and betrayer.
And if Justine is following Holtz's path, Wesley is following
Angel's of Season 2. He is letting himself slip into the darkness
and despair. Let's hope, though, that he doesn't get Lilah pregnant
to get out of it.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> I knew it-stinking IP-always cutting
me o -- Arethusa, 11:49:17 09/19/02 Thu
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> Re: Agree, except on Justine, and agree with
Mal on BB -- alcibiades, 12:29:45 09/19/02 Thu
We'll see abut Justine next year. The most telling thing will
be how helping to take care of Connor over the summer - if that
is what she has done - has effected her.
I suppose it would be too easy or too repetitious for Connor to
help return Justine to her soul -- the way he did for Darla, although
that is what the very act of nurturing implies.
We'll also see how their interaction will effect Connor. If Justine
has helped him over the summer and earned his affection in some
way, and then he finds out she betrayed him with Holtz, the question
of what he will do to her then becomes more complicated -- Will
human affection and the recognition that she has done him some
good begin to mitigate his black and white perspective so that
he can live at some sort of ease in the Angelverse?
As for Big Bads that seduce, you are right about W&H, although
I meant my comment in another way -- Big Bads who begin to seduce
the audience as well. W&H may have begun to effect to Angel and
Wesley, but they haven't seduced the audience yet. And I don't
see that they will.
I suppose Spike is the one counter example. A still somewhat evil
character who has seduced large parts of the audience. But not
to evil, just to Spuffy.
If Wesley is ever turned evil, now he too could have real charisma
with the audience.
Willow socked home truths to Buffy that she deserved at the end
of the season, which was cathartic in a way, but there wasn't
anything seductive about her brand of evil.
[> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [> [> Re: Agree, except on Justine, and agree
with Mal on BB -- shadowkat, 09:52:08 09/20/02 Fri
"As for Big Bads that seduce, you are right about W&H,
although I meant my comment in another way -- Big Bads who begin
to seduce the audience as well. W&H may have begun to effect to
Angel and Wesley, but they haven't seduced the audience yet. And
I don't see that they will. "
Uh..well, actually you're not quite right there. Darla had
people in the audience rooting for her. As did Lindsey.
And there's a huge Lilah faction. There are large portions of
the audience feeling quite the Lindsey/Lilah love. I really miss
Lindsey and when he left? I stopped watching for a while.
And hey, I loved Holtz.
So, guess it depends on the audience. Again subjective vs. objective
taste, which is not only hard to predict but hard to measure since
the audience is such a mixed bunch. ;-)
[> [> [> Wes & Justine
- suicide -- Scroll, 10:33:16 09/19/02 Thu
I really doubt ME will ever pair Wes and Justine. If Wes ever
sunk so low as to sleep with Justine, it would be IMO a clear
indication of suicidal thoughts. Not so much that Justine would
try to slit his throat again, but that she represents Death for
him - death of his physical life, death of his faith in helping
innocents (which he thought she was until she tried to kill him),
death of friendship. Rather the way Buffy was sleeping with Death
all season through Spike. A Wes/Justine dynamic actually would
be a fascinating path to explore, but I don't think ME will ever
try it beyond being enemies.
And I too think Justine is a fascinating character, and I like
the actress who plays her. I don't want to see Justine die, but
maybe learn and grow. If she dies without ever coming to grips
with her past actions, I'll be... well, not disappointed. Maybe
just grumpy. I want her to have a good ending, if not a good life.
not digging Grave -- alcibiades, 20:26:08 09/17/02 Tue
This time around, I still disliked Grave. I found SMG's acting
undistinguished in the episode -- it seemed to repeat a lot of
her facial expressions from earlier on in the season -- although
perhaps that was the way the part was written. But she didn't
present anything new. Except the scene with Giles, which I felt
more comfortable with this time around.
I found the scene with Willow and Xander OTT sentimental -- although
that is in character for Xander at least, since he's a sentimentalist
whose discourse would run to breaky yellow crayons.
But I found the reconciliation scene with Buffy and Dawn schmaltzy
and sentimentalized as well.
I just didn't feel moved by the acting -- even Ally who was so
good in Two to Go I found less convincing in this role. There
were times she lifted her hands for power surges and it just seemed
weightless and stagey, not like she was doing anything. Not to
mention that there was a problem with disappearing blood under
her nose in one of the scenes with Giles. First it's there, then
it's gone, then it's back. Definitely distracting.
One point is interesting however -- how little Willow is that
she becomes whatever power source is filling her at any moment.
It shows her as not possessing a core or a center. I suspect we'll
be dealing with that quite a bit this year.
Anyone else want to weigh in?
[> Re: Still not digging
Grave -- celticross, 20:48:11 09/17/02 Tue
I found Grave boring the first time I watched it. I had it taped
and actually turned off the tape about 30 minutes in because I'd
lost interest. I didn't go back and finish it until the next day.
It simply felt repetitive. Evil Willow makes snarky evil comments,
good guys fail to make snappy come back, butts are kicked. As
my little brother noted right before we stopped watching the first
time, "I get it. She's bad".
The second half isn't so bad, though I agree on the schmaltz factor
of Buffy and Dawn's final conversation. My biggest question, however,
is who was out landscaping Sunnydale while Willow was on the rampage,
because it's certainly never looked that good before.
On a positive note, I am now a confirmed Giles and Anya shipper.
Forget Xander, An! :)
[> Re: Still not digging
Grave -- Deeva, 21:19:18 09/17/02 Tue
As season enders go, this is not up there as one of my absolute
favorites. The only things that I got from it in May and now,
is how much of a misdirect the writers were going for in the whole
soul thing and how much I missed Giles. And how perhaps I'm now
possibly rooting for Giles/Anya (Ganya? Gilanya? Aniles? Angiles?)
Upon second viewing, I still don't like "I got it all
wrong. I don't want to protect you from the world. I want to show
it all to you. And to be there for the beautiful woman that you
will become cause she's gonna be powerful!" Ugh. I'm
sorry I think I could gag. That moment just felt so, so weird
or icky. I'm not sure which. It just felt like a line from a Hallmark
Movie of the Week or something that my grandmother, in a particularly
sentimental moment, would've said to me when I was 16. Followed
by me rolling my eyes and saying "Grandma! You're freaking
me out!"
[> Re: Possible Future Guilty
Pleasures -- Just George, 01:49:43 09/18/02 Wed
I understand that Grave is not the best season ender by a log
shot. I have been feeling uneasy about BTVS for the whole summer
because of the unpleasant state the characters are in.
However, I get the feeling that once the Scoobies are all acting
like heroes again, and dealing with external big bads rather than
internal ones, I will feel differently about it. I disliked Graduation
Pt. 2 when I first saw it, but now I smile when I watch the silly
final fight with Mayor. I expect that the Villains to Grave arc
will become guilty pleasures because of their over the top story
lines and a bunch of fun lines (fun in a good bad movie kind of
BTW, this only works if I end up enjoying the way S7 turns out.
-Just George
[> Just chiming in.
-- CW, 06:18:10 09/18/02 Wed
I agree with the folks above. Grave wasn't so great. David Fury
has some clever ideas, but he's just an average writer. Someone
else should have written the season finale. Like Joss.
Where did the makeup people get the idea that scribbling straight
lines on AH's face would look like purply veins? Kinda spoiled
the mood.
the importance of the Slayer? -- Earl
Allison, 02:17:09 09/18/02 Wed
Well, "Grave" brought it all back to me, but there have
been lots of instances on both shows to prompt me to ask this;
Does the number of NORMAL humans being able to combat vampires
fairly easily undermine the concept of the Slayer as a Big Deal?
I mean, on "Angel," we have Gunn and his old gang, and
now Fred (?!?) being able to hold their own pretty well against
multiple vampires. Holtz's protege Justine and her teammates captured
vampires to use in practice fights!
And last night's airing of "Grave" just made me grind
my teeth as Dawn demonstrated "combat skills via osmosis"
against the Willow-summoned demons.
Does anyone remember how a SINGLE VAMPIRE in Season Two or Three
"Buffy" could tie up almost all of the supporting cast,
and none of them could score an easy kill? Even as late as Season
Six's eye-rolling demon bikers, the Scoobies didn't exactly make
a great showing of it.
Heck, Kendra just barely staked one vamp before Drusilla killed
her -- yet the shows (more Angel than Buffy) seem to imply that
any idiot can fight vampires and kick major undead tail with some
minor training.
If so, what's the big deal with the Slayer? If anyone with some
training can fight them -- who cares? The Slayer is stronger and
faster, so what? Apparently anyone who watches her for a length
of time can fight well (oh, how my eyes hurt from the rolling),
as can most other normals who decide to fight vampires.
I realize that "Angel" is more action-oriented, and
the cast are supposed to be slightly older, but does that excuse
Are the Scoobies just overwhelmingly incompetant, or is there
something majorly wrong with ME's presentation overall? Because
I would hate to think Dawn is a more skilled fighter than Xander,
Willow or Giles (depite them having YEARS more experience in both
actual field work and watching Buffy).
Thoughts? Am I missing something?
Take it and run.
[> Dawn's sudden superpowers
(S7,8 spec only) -- tim, 06:21:22 09/18/02 Wed
For the most part I agree with you; that had sort of begun to
irk me, as well. Dawn may be a special case, though.
While I am unspoiled for next season, I have a deep and abiding
suspicion that our little Dawnie has powers beyond that of a mere
mortal. Perhaps she did learn by watching Big Sis, but that doesn't
mean that just anyone could pick it up that way. I could be way
off, but I'm expecting this newfound fierceness to be tied back
to her Key-ness early in S7, paricularly since they may be grooming
her (both character and actor) to take over the Slayer role in
S8 if SMG leaves for the greener pastures of Scooby Doo
[> Inflation -- CW,
06:35:51 09/18/02 Wed
Inflation is just as dread in the world of entertainment as it
is in the financial world. Trying to keep things interesting can
slowly ruin any action show. The problem is that to make a particular
episode exciting the writers have X fight two vampires instead
of one. Then next time it's three. Then four... If X can stand
a chance against so many, individually they can't seem so tough
any more. Pretty soon you wonder why the half-crazy weak-sister
Dru didn't just beat the tar out of Angelus when he started bothering
her, back when she was still alive.
[> Re: Undermining the importance
of the Slayer? -- vh, 06:55:21 09/18/02 Wed
Remember, Dawn has two special qualities: she contains this great
powerful green glowy essence (whatever that is, it was enough
for the monks to create Dawn and rewrite the history of everybody
who remotely touched her) and she was made out of the very substance
of Buffy, which should have some special characteristics of its
own. Actually, I was rather disappointed in how boringly ordinary
Dawn turned out to be in season 6.
[> Re: Undermining the importance
of the Slayer? -- Majin Gojira, 08:13:34 09/18/02 Wed
Their are several factors missing:
Age/power of Vampire being fought.
regularity of Vampire Slayage
Dawn having the "Same Blood" as Buffy.
Slayers can fight/defeat Vampires up to about 300years old with
relative ease. and on a nightly basis.
See: Angel. "Sanctuary". where angel tells buffy 'Your
just a little bit stronger than me'
And WttHM, where Buffy beats the crap out of Darla with apparent
A Normal Human can put up a fight to fesh vampires up to a maximum
of about 70 years. otherwise, they have to relie on a trap/intelegence
to overcome the opponent. and this is only on a weekly basis at
Someone else covered the Dawn-blood thing so I don't have to.
[> I agree -- Sophist,
09:46:11 09/18/02 Wed
And just to be more provocative, nothing could possibly undermine
the importance of the slayer more than to have some ordinary person
save the entire world. If everyone is a superhero, why have a
show about Buffy?
[> [> My sarcasm-meter
is broken -- are you really mocking me? -- Earl
cowering-in-shame Allison, 10:00:02 09/18/02 Wed
[> [> [> Ignore above
post (hit wrong key) -- Earl
Allison, 10:04:37 09/18/02 Wed
Sorry for the accidental post.
It's so hard to tell with you, Sophist.
Are you upset with my comments, playing devil's advocate, or absolutely
Tending towards the first or second -- didn't think you disliked
the ending THAT much ...
Take it and run.
Soul -- Arethusa, 09:26:07 09/18/02 Wed
It took me so long to think this post out that the thread disappeared!-but
for the same reason I can't trash it.
In "Goodye, Iowa," Adam says,
"I've been thinking... About the world.
I wanted to see it. Learn it. I saw the
inside of that boy, and it was
beautiful, but it didn't tell me about
the world. It just made me feel. So
now I want to know about me. Why
I feel. What I am.
Mother wrote things down. Hard
data, but also her... feelings. That's
how I learned I have... a job here.
And that she loved me. "
"You feel smothered. Trapped like
an animal, pure in its ferocity,
unable to actualize the urges
withinÖ Clinging to one truth
like a flame struggling to burn
within an enclosed glassÖ That
a beast this powerful cannot be
contained. Inevitably it will
break free and savage the land
againÖ I will make you whole
again. Make you savage." (To Spike, in The Yoko Factor)
"Once you forget your
old life and embrace your destiny
as I have, you'll know power
you've never dreamed of.
I think you're going to like it." (To Riley, in Primeval)
"Demons cling to old ways
and ancient feuds. And they're
hopeless with technology. Unworthy.
Disappointed by demonkind,
we turn to humans. Smart,
adaptive, but emotional and weak.
Blind. There is imperfection
everywhere. Something must
be done. Who will deliver us?
Mother. She creates me -
demon strength, human will,
high-grade titanium. Evolution
through technology. I am the new
standard for all living beings and
our mother knew that. She saw
our future, yours and mine." (Ditto)
Quotes are from:
but beware; Season 7 episode discriptions are just sitting there,
spoiling the unwary. I had to avert my eyes so quickly they rolled
in the sockets like dice in a craps game.
I don't think Adam has a soul. He is self-aware, but can't reject
his programming, or even realize that other, possibly valid, points
of view exist. His opinions and decisions are based on what Walsh
believed and programmed into him. Adam's goals, beliefs and prejudices
reflect Walsh's soul, not his own. His connections to others seem
to be programmed into him, confined to those needed to fulfill
his mother's master plan. He feels no connection to humanity beyond
the mother/son and brother/brother bonds that are heavily dependent
on his programming. He is unable to feel empathy for anything
he kills. If Spike is an adolescent, Adam is a newborn, unconnected
with anything but his mother. And he kills her, so it seems that
his connection is really a programmed directive, subordinate to
his goal.
I wonder-would he have developed a human-type connection to the
hybrids he wanted to create?
Thanks to you and cjl for the kind words.
[> Above is a response to
shadowkat -- Arethusa, 09:29:56 09/18/02 Wed
[> A vote to resurrect it
-- Rahael, 09:37:22 09/18/02 Wed
Is voy doing its thing again? The board doesn't seem so large
to me at the moment!
Anyway, there's so much goodness in that thread it should be brought
And this has nothing to do with the fact I have posts I want to
do to it!
[> [> Thanks Masq, Rah
and Arethusa! -- shadowkat, 10:01:17 09/18/02 Wed
[> Shadowkat's thread restored
below -- Masq, 09:55:14 09/18/02 Wed
[> Wow...beautifully written
response -- shadowkat, 09:58:36 09/18/02 Wed
Thanks for not trashing it! I think you answered the whole question
about robots as well - who are also self-aware in the sense that
you describe.
"I don't think Adam has a soul. He is self-aware, but can't
reject his programming, or even realize that other, possibly valid,
points of view exist. His opinions and decisions are based on
what Walsh believed and programmed into him. Adam's goals, beliefs
and prejudices reflect Walsh's soul, not his own. His connections
to others seem to be programmed into him, confined to those needed
to fulfill his mother's master plan. He feels no connection to
humanity beyond the mother/son and brother/brother bonds that
are heavily dependent on his programming. He is unable to feel
empathy for anything he kills. If Spike is an adolescent, Adam
is a newborn, unconnected with anything but his mother. And he
kills her, so it seems that his connection is really a programmed
directive, subordinate to his goal. "
This reminds me oddly enough of Star Trek NExt Generation's story
arc on Lt. Data - who as the story progressed began to become
more and more connected to the humans around him, in the end acquiring
the much desired emotions. Emotions were the final link.
I think you're right - when she created Adam, Walsh inserted and
programmed portions of herself. Just as Lt. Data in Star trek's
creator implants himself. The child learns from it's parents.
Somewhat Freudian concept of the soul or super-ego - where the
values and beliefs are formed partly by the environement in which
we are raised.
The newborn child has no super-ego or soul. No awareness of anything
outside itself. As it grows it makes connections, forms attachments
- like Spike does with Dru, the SG, Buffy.
Or we see Angel begin to do in the Hotel in that episode Were
you now or if you ever were (can never remember it
right) - he tries to make connections with the woman and the other
members of the hotel - only to be horribly betrayed by her. So
he removes himself again and through Whistler and Buffy...starts
to make more connections and grows through them. So I too wonder
what would have happened if the SG had not defeated Adam. Would
he have begun to bond with Forrest and Riley and the other creations?
Is the formation of the soul - something that happens over time
- as we grow or did our souls always exist and in each reincarnation
are wiped clean? Don't really know. In past two months I read
selections from six philosophers and they all seemed to have differing
views on it.
I do find the idea of growing a soul though to be an interesting
one, although I agree Adam didn't have a soul so much as a programmed
Thanks for going to the buffyscripts site and getting this for
us. And especially for warning me about the spoilers there. Psyche
transcripts appears to be down at the moment,it's still the safest,
which is why not all my quotage is great. And I'm afraid to go
to other sites. Really trying to stay unspoiled this year. ;-)
hopes and dreams for the new seasons (BtVS S6, AtS S3 Spoilers)
-- Honorificus (The Dream-
Come True Herself), 13:48:15 09/18/02 Wed
I, for one, am sick of all this sickly sweet speculation. Will
poor, darling Willow be all angst-stricken because she was a Naughty
Girl? How will they bring dear Wesley back into the fold of the
Good and Righteous? And what about Spike and his shiny new soul?
Enough! It's time we Super-Evil Alter Egos had our say. Are Joss
and Co. going to disappoint us yet again?
Willow, for instance. She finally got really interesting long
about the end of last season, and then they go and yank our chains
by having Xander--Xander!--stop her lovely destructive
tear. May I just say, lame? Here's hoping she's used the summer
to evaluate the direction her life's taking and decide to screw
it all and just be evil. Bypass the angst, honey--I'm with you
all the way.
At least Anyanka's back in the fold. I've gotta say, though, I'm
very disappointed with her so far. Not one gut- exploding mess
since she became a Vengeance Demon again. Where's Joss' courage?
Is he afraid to let her show her true nature because he thinks
the audience won't like it? What I want is for her to truly get
back to her roots this coming season. Being human was a fun experiment,
certainly, but all the sex in the world can't compare to the satisfaction
of causing truly messy deaths. Maybe she and Evil Willow can hook
Buffy's hardly even worth talking about. I hope she goes nuts,
kills the Brat, and then takes a flying leap off of Kingman's
Bluff. Not that TPTB will ever listen to me. Noooo! They've gotta
have their stupid hero! Just like every other friggin' TV show
out there. Bite me, Whedon.
As for Xander--after the stunt he pulled in "Grave,"
I hope Evil Willow takes him out first. After all, he's earned
Giles is a tougher case. I mean, yes, he's Good and all, but I've
got a thing for him. He's really got potential, with that lovely
Ripper side and all. Perhaps he, like Willow, will give it up
and just indulge his inner Evil. But maybe not. He could turn
out to be a very interesting antagonist for Our Villains.
Spike. Well. What can I say? If Whedon has any sense, he'll just
let the boy be evil again. Angel tried to go evil after he got
his soul back; why not let Spike actually make it? Show the true
triumph of Evil over Good? That would be the courageous thing,
which leads me to believe it won't happen.
On to AtS. My dream storyline: Angel comes off the floor of the
ocean completely bonkers, and his demon side overwhelms his soul.
He chows down on the first Making Out Couple he can find parked
along the oceanfront and goes back to being the murdering psychotic
we all knew and loved during BtVS S2.
Wesley (yum!), meanwhile, continues down his own Dark Path, led
by Lilah. He and Angel remain enemies, however, so we do still
have an element of conflict on the show. Fred and Gunn get killed
in the crossfire.
As for Cordelia, she returns from her "Higher Plane"
having been seduced by dark forces. She's a true Demon now, and
the first thing she does is seek out Angel. With her new powers,
she strips him of his soul, and our couple leads the Bad Fight
and terrorizes Los Angeles and Wolfram & Hart.
Connor's a difficult one. We could have him lead the Forces of
Good, but I dunno. I'm rather fond of the boy in spite of his
irrational prejudice against demons. Say he discovers Justine's
duplicity and decides hell with it, I'll just join up with old
Dad and be evil myself. He, Angelus, and Demon Cordy would make
the loveliest family, don't you think? Role models for demon families
everywhere. We've been sadly underrepresented on television. It's
time for that to stop.
And Lorne can just switch sides. In spite of all his pretensions
to Goodness (which he only put on as a show on account of his
crush on Angel), he's really a neutral force. He can swing either
So. That's what I'm hoping for. How about the rest of you demons
out there?
[> Hail to thee, Honorificus,
foul pestilent creature of the pits! Now, about S7... -- The
Unclean, 14:23:37 09/18/02 Wed
The miserable creatures who have run this series into the ground
have no conception of the carnage resulting in the battles between
the children of our Ancient forefathers and the sniveling offspring
of the Powers. Collectively, we have razed countless dimensions,
devastated entire races and strewn corpses across the multiverse.
I would hope that in Season 7, the battle for Earth's dimension
erupts in all its infernal glory, with the limbs of Sunnydale's
ineffectual and whimpering defenders flying across the television
screen in a glorious ballet of mutilation. I wish to see the middle-class
coffin-box homes of Sunnydale ablaze with hellfire and the Slayer
roasted on the pyre of her own pretentions and delusional sense
of morality.
Death! Death and destruction to all!
(And I want to see Willow find a nice girl and be happy. Because
I hated what happened to Tara.)
[> [> I'll second all
of that! -- Honorificus (The Small- Nosed and Naturally Curly
One), 21:02:10 09/18/02 Wed
Yes, seeing the Hellmouth erupt in a flood of chaos and destruction
would be an exceedingly happy ending to this series, if this is
indeed the final season. It would be a long-denied payoff for
the Forces of Evil who have suffered so horribly under the Slayer's
Reign of Terror.
And yes, I, too, hated what happened to Tara. For a goody- two-shoes,
she was actually rather endearing.
[> LOL! If Evil has its
way... -- Scroll, 14:32:31 09/18/02 Wed
You know how everyone went ape over naked!Spike this past season?
Well, I want naked!Wes and lots of it! Hardcore, tie Lilah up
and inflict whips and chains on her. Would be fun, and she wouldn't
mind, would she? No, the dear girl is quite the good little sub.
I want more leather, more Big Dog motorcycles, more insane vampires
(Angelus, honey, you wanna big bite of physicist? Tastes just
like chicken!) fewer pancakes, fewer drive-in movies, fewer white-robed
saints (though their jeeps can be left just where they are on
the highway, cuz I wanna see that 20-car pile-up happen, baby!)
More Darth Willow, more Spike with Dru rampaging through Sunnyhell,
more Dawn as a nuclear weapon analogies. Less sisterly bonding
unless it's a tie-you-to-the-train-tracks kind of bonding. And
of course, for the new high school principal to be eaten. Gotta
love tradition!
[> [> Please, you're
making me drool! -- Honorificus (Her Effulgent Darkness),
18:31:54 09/18/02 Wed
Naked!Wes with Sub!Lilah all chained up? What a tasty pair! I'll
take 'em both. On toast. With lots of butter!
[> Mostly agree (I hate
that!) -- Saguaro Stalker, 14:50:03 09/18/02 Wed
But, Wesley? Who cares about the skinny kid with the glasses?
He got picked last in gym class. I say let the goody team have
him. Turn Gunn bad, really bad. When that goody-goody Angel comes
up from the sea, have Gunn nail that punk Connor in the box and
send it back down to the bottom again. That twit Angel will love
Have Fred turn bad, really bad, and vindictive. When she comes
back from above, Fred can ask Cordy questions like "Where
were you when we needed you, you trollop!?" "I always
knew you were stuck on yourself, but did you think the Angel in
the show's title meant you, birdbrain?" and "What century
were those gunny-sacks you've got on, in style, you baglady!?"
Now that's entertainment.
[> [> Watch what you
say about Wesley, Imp! -- Honorificus (The Clean-Smelling
Shiny One), 19:19:25 09/18/02 Wed
He may be part dweeb, but I happen to like dweebs better than
a lot of demons I could name. The actor who plays him is terrific,
and Wesley's got enough intelligence to make him a formidable
player in our game. Add to that a wide streak of ruthlessness
and you've got one sexy human. I'd take him any day. Or night.
[> [> [> Re: Watch
what you say about Wesley, Imp! -- Saguaro Stalker, 03:59:51
09/19/02 Thu
I didn't say Wesley isn't a fine plaything for his betters, like
you. But, come on. He's such a bungler, he does so much more for
us baddies, when he thinks he's working on the good side. Fortunately
for us, in Wesley's case, a little knowledge is a deliciously
bad thing!
And "Imp?" You're such a charmer!
[> Re: My hopes and dreams
for the new seasons (AtS S4 Spoilers) -- The First Evil, 15:06:40
09/18/02 Wed
I will personally stand behind Angel when he first lays eyes on
Cordy again this coming season and say,
"Take her. Take what you want. Pour all that frustration,
all that guilt into her and you'll be free!"
"She wants you to taste her. Think of the peace... you would
never see us again!"
Then boom! We have our beloved Angelus back!
[> Ya know what'd be reeeeally
evil? (season 6 spoilers, 'cause I'm EEEVIL!) -- Hydra (since
7 heads are better than one Apophis), 15:22:31 09/18/02 Wed
Tara comes back to the land of the living... and she's PISSED!!!
Look at what all that goody-good, white magic, nice girl crap
got her? We could sway her easily. Pull a few strings and she's
back on the material plane, tricked out bad girl style, ready
to see just what the TRUE essence of magic is! POWER, baby! Who
needs love and kindness when you can destroy everything that gets
in your way. First, she stomps Xander for stopping Willow's divine
vengeance. Next, she wastes Willow for giving up so easily. Then,
she recruits EvilWesley and a "re-educated" Faith to
complete her triad of terror. They'll make the Hellmouth a movable
feast; why should SoCal have all the fun?
[> [> Ooh, and she could
suck the Brat's power, too! -- Honorificus (The Sexy, Yet
Subtle One), 22:45:48 09/18/02 Wed
All that green glowy energy, just waiting to be tapped into by
the right entity. I'd have done it and done it right, but noooo!
Glory's got to go and squander the best chance to do unleash true
chaos and terror. Idiot. Mom always liked her best. It's not fair!
[> One demon to another,
don't waste your smoke, Sweetness. -- Devilish, 16:01:36
09/18/02 Wed
Honorificus, honey, darling, you are looking for satisfaction
in all the wrong places. Are you looking to this demigod called
Joss, to fufill your evil quotient? Cause I just donít
see that happening. Some may say that he is truly an evil being
but I am not fooled by such talk. He may claim to wear the mantle
of evil but deep down in his calculatingly merciless heart he
is a poof. Illusions of grand tragic love, humans who aspire to
be full blooded demons, heroines who donít stay dead and
what not. Pish posh. Hardly the work of an evil creature. More
like the annoying ramblings of a neglected, picked on little boy
who did not like school very much.
I, on the other hand, watch the antics of this motley bunch with
an iota of interest. This Spike creature that they go on about
isÖintriguing. Heís the example to be held up to all
our little ones. ìSee what happens when you play with
your people and donít eat them, when youíre supposed
No, my amusement will derive from other more fruitful areas. HmmÖI
think I see some trouble brewing over on another dimension. Where
are all the good minions when you need them?
it does happen, what would *you* call it? -- OnM, 13:56:09
09/18/02 Wed
While writing out my response to the 'dread S7' thread below,
it occurred to me that a number of folks don't cotton to the idea
of 'Dawn the Vampire Slayer', either as a concept, or maybe just
for the name-- it seems a bit derivative, eh wot?
So, a mini-poll here. Let's say that Dawn is the character
chosen to be some kind of next Chosen One (not necessarily literally
the next Slayer). What would you name this new show?
In my choice, I am going to presume that Buffy (SMG) will play
a minor or only recurring role-- perhaps she's off in another
dimension doing Slayage there, and just pops in once and a while
to the regular Sunnydale plane of existence.
My vote would be to name the show simply
which harkens back to my old idea of a Slayer trinity, namely
Buffy, Faith and Dawn. (Mother, 'daughter', 'holy ghost'-- you
decide which is which! Ah, ambiguity... ;-)
(Plus, Josswise, there is the cool Matrix ref.)
Post 'em if you've got 'em!
[> How about 'New Dawn'
? -- Cactus Watcher, 14:13:03 09/18/02 Wed
A play on her presumed new status as slayer. I'd prefer a show
with no slayer at all, just the gang fighting to keep things as
they are. Call it Sunnydale.
[> SUNNYDALE - "A nice
place to visit, but it's hell to live there" -- cjl,
14:13:21 09/18/02 Wed
[> "Off Key"?
It has a certain je ne sais quoi.;) -- mundusmundi, 14:31:36
09/18/02 Wed
[> "Brats: Dawn and
Connor" - kinda Buffy/Angel, the Next Generation -- Scroll,
14:40:43 09/18/02 Wed
[> If Connor's in it - "Rising
Dhamp" -- Dead (yet still referencing obscure British
sitcoms) Soul, 14:43:43 09/18/02 Wed
[> The Dawn chronicles:
year one -- luvthistle1, 15:05:44 09/18/02 Wed
I think they should call it "the Dawn Chroncles," after
the journal she kept.
[> "Bloodlines"
- to encompass Dawn and/or Future Slayers -- Scroll, 15:09:34
09/18/02 Wed
[> Break of Dawn (pure cheeze)
-- neaux, 15:28:08 09/18/02 Wed
[> The Key to Sunnydale
-- dubdub ;o), 15:50:26 09/18/02 Wed
[> Dark Hour -- Arethusa,
19:02:02 09/18/02 Wed
"The darkest hour is that before the dawn." Euripedes
[> Crap -- Rochefort,
19:08:26 09/18/02 Wed
[> I would call it...
-- JBone, 20:17:53 09/18/02 Wed
Steve. Hey, Steve is the new Bob.
[> [> Steve is the new
Bob??? When did this happen?? I'm *so* outa the loop... --
OnM, 20:27:23 09/18/02 Wed
[> I like "Bloodlines",
but..... -- FriarTed,
22:15:54 09/18/02 Wed
I'd call it "Slayers"- and have a definitive explanation
as to why there are more than a "Chosen One" (and always
have been, the Watchers Council was blinded to that by their preconceived
notion that there was just One).
[> FlippantBoy says: "Avoid
Your Television" -- pr10n, 23:16:49 09/18/02 Wed
[> Why not 'Hellmouth' -
sums it up & no sell-by date. -- John Burwood, 00:15:23
09/19/02 Thu
[> "The Remainders"?
-- Darby, 08:55:42 09/19/02 Thu
[> "Hellmouth"
-- grifter, 09:43:00 09/19/02 Thu
You know, that wacky Hellmouth-thingie is still there, maybe they
should use it again in a story or two?
[> "Gifted"
-- mrpointy, 10:05:19 09/19/02 Thu
This is the obvious choice, simple, easily recalled, and resonant
with the whole "The Gift" thing (pretty much the Buffsters
highest moment).
[> Or, my personal favorite
"Restless" -- mrpointy, 10:11:47 09/19/02 Thu
"Restless" is my fav, and would be the best choice because
it hits the resonance Trifecta of A) elegant simplicity and ease
of recall, B) identifying with Buffy's struggle with her own identity
as the slayer, and C) simply describing Spike, or any other Vamp
out there in the BV, vampires can never rest, which is a fact
of experience they share with the slayer. Ok. Nuff said.
is Mary Sue? -- Nic, 01:56:44 09/19/02 Thu
I am hopelessly ignorant about this reference. I've read alot
of essays and posts where Jonathan is referred to as a Mary Sue;
just read a post where Riley is called that. But nobody explains
what that means.
Who or what is a Mary Sue? I don't have a shadow of a clue about
the meaning!
Please, please, please take pity on me and shed some light on
the topic.
[> Re: Who is Mary Sue?
inside -- Rufus, 02:48:43 09/19/02 Thu
From Dr.
Merlin's Guide to Fan Fiction
V. Who Is Mary Sue and Why Does She Have to Die?
I honestly wish I'd kept a copy of the first essay I read about
Mary Sueism. It was well-done, and I don't think I can do the
subject half the justice the original did. However, I'll give
it my best shot.
You already know Mary Sue. Mary Sue is the perky, bright, helpful
sixteen-year-old ensign who beams about the ship. Everyone on
the ship likes Mary Sue, because Mary Sue is good at everything.
Mary Sue is an engineer, a doctor in training, a good leader,
an excellent cook, and is usually a beautiful singer. Mary Sue
often has mental powers that may manifest themselves as telepathy,
precognition, or magic. Her past is tragic, more so than any other
character on the series. (Many Mary Sues have a backstory that
reads like a V.C. Andrews novel. This is a clue.) If Mary Sue
is very young, she is often the offspring of one or two already
established characters. If she's a little older, she will probably
end up sleeping with the author's favorite character. Sometimes,
she fills both roles. Her name is often the author's name, be
it a, a favored nickname, or the author's middle name
(this is seen in the most famous Mary Sue of all time, Wesley
Crusher, who was named after Trek creator Eugene Wesley Roddenbery).
By the end of the story, Mary Sue will be in bed with the desired
character, will have beamed away amid cheers from all the regulars,
or will be dead, usually accompanied by heavy mourning from the
cast. The reader, on the other hand, will be celebrating. BTW,
Mary Sue's twin brother can often be identified by his brooding,
solitary behaviour, matched by his maverick disregard for authority
(for a great example, see the very beginning of TNG's "Hollow
Pursuits" alias Barclay, Part One).
Before I go any further, I would like to point out that I have
read several excellent stories with characters that fit every
part of this description. Fortunately, there are authors who can
take this character type, and make a figure just as memorable
and vibrant as any ever seen on the series. My absolute favorite
Mary-Sue-made- wonderful is Fionnuala Rowan, in Tara O'Shea's
Gargoyles stories. If you haven't read them, you really really
should. They're ... remarkable. There are others who've managed
to do it well (I'm going to be slapped by some of them for not
saying so here, but I've drawn a blank to names right now). Still,
for the most part, unless you know what you're doing, if you see
a character of your own fitting this description, find another
way of telling the story. Please. Remember, fanfic is about characters
we know and love, not about how much they like a new person who
has nothing to do with their universe. Mary Sues not only stop
fanmail, they often invite flames. Use them wisely, or not at
Hope that helps.
[> [> Re: Who is Mary
Sue? -- Robert, 08:11:04 09/19/02 Thu
>>> "Remember, fanfic is about characters we know
and love, not about how much they like a new person who has nothing
to do with their universe."
Would it be valid for me to conclude (from your essay) that a
"Mary Sue" character is new character introduced for
the duration of a story, novel or an episode?
I ask, because in Nic's original posting, he said that both Jonathon
and Riley have been referred to as "Mary Sue" characters.
You essay would seem to argue otherwise, because Jonathon has
been around since first season and Riley was around for 1-1/2
[> Jonathan and Riley as
Mary Sue(s) -- cjl, 08:54:27 09/19/02 Thu
Jonathan in "Superstar" is actual a PARODY of a Mary
Sue character, or a Mary Sue character fitted with an extra meta-
narrative level (because, hey, it's BUFFY) in which we see the
how cheesy these characters can be romaing around in a predefined
Riley is a tougher call. In most of S4, he's almost a Mary Sue
character, supposedly an idealized version of MN's husband retrofitted
for Buffy. (That's all I'm saying about Marti. Do NOT want to
go there.) But in S5, his limitations become clear, his inappropriateness
for Buffy is equally clear, and he leaves, not with a bang, but
with a whimper. Granted, he's inspired the fan hatred given to
many a Mary Sue character, but I don't think it's warranted.
I'm tempted to think ME and Doug Petrie winked at us in AYW by
pairing up Riley with the "Mary Sue-est" Mary Sue in
the history of BtVS: Sam.
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