9/11, the Teletubbies and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
A couple of days after 9/11 I sat around wishing I was stoned
and watching LaLa, Dipsy, Tinky-Winky and Po as they hauled their
fat, multicolored butts through the rabbits and the flowers and
rolled around on the grass while the baby sun giggled. Wishing
I was stoned even though I hate drugs. Wishing I was drunk even
though I hate alcohol. I wished I was stoned or drunk and could
watch the Teletubbies and forget. I didn't want to see those
murders on TV anymore, murder by airliner. What was wrong with
those people? Hadn't they heard of guns?
I didn't want to see it again. Except that I was obsessed with
The terrorist attack seemed like a horrific movie and I kept
waiting for it to end but they kept rerunning it 24/7 on almost
every channel.
The worst part was the people who jumped or fell. I would close
my eyes and turn my head away when they showed them on TV. I
couldn't bear to watch. Watching the buildings fall, that wasn't
too badÖyou couldn't see any people and I didn't let myself
imagine them. But the tapes of people falling, that long, long
fallÖno imagination needed. You know, when someone falls
like that, when they finally hit, they kind ofÖexplode,
blood and body parts and bones scattered around them. I see them
falling and think of Öthat.
They say that a man and a woman jumped together and held hands
on the way down. I never saw any pictures but I wondered about
them a lot. Did they know each other before that moment? Were
they lovers, spouses, friends? Or were they strangers clinging
for comfort in the last moments of their lives. Did they have
other lovers or spouses who looked at pictures of their freefall,
recognized them and saw that jump as evidence of a betrayal?
Were they jealous of that final closeness? Or relieved that their
loved one had a hand to hold onto.
Thank God, they stopped showing those tapes. Except we still
see them. They're seared into our brains.
And the calls from those about to die. You know how if a loved
one is killed people always say they wish they could have talked
to them one more time, told them that they loved them? It turns
out the victims want that too. People in the towers, in the planes,
trapped, knowing they were soon to die, they got on their mobile
phones and called the people they loved to say goodbye. To reach
out and touch one more time. Before mobile phones who knew? Before
mobile phones we might have guessed they were too concerned with
survival to think of their families, their lovers, but no. They
too wanted that final closure, they wanted to say "I love
you" one last time before they leapt into the eternal dark.
So I watched the Teletubbies and tried to mellow out. No one
ever dies on the Teletubbies. No one ever gets hurt. The bunnies
munch on the grass and the Teletubbies munch on Teletubbie pudding
and they giggle a lot and act shy and silly. It's totally sweet
and completely boring. Probably a lot like heaven.
I watched Teletubbies then after about a month I got into Buffy
the Vampire Slayer. No terrorists on Buffy. No airplanes. Barely
any cars. My flight into fantasy was a flight from reality but
reality had had its chance and now I rejected it. In addition
to Season 6 on UPN, F/X was showing reruns of previous seasons,
two a day, 5 days a week, plus there were single episodes on
Saturday (Fox) and Sunday (UPN). So, over the course of a couple
of months, I watched every episode of Buffy ever made. It was
like watching an enormous miniseries and never once in any episode
did a plane fly into a building killing thousands. Ya gotta love
that. There was a threatened apocalypse from time to time, but
Buffy and her friends were always able to avert it. On Buffy
love, courage and sacrifice make a difference. They hold back
the dark instead of being crushed by it. Also Buffy was more
popular than Bush. At least online. "Buffy" gets about
twice as many hits on Google as "George W. Bush" does.
Just what I wanted. And there was the great and surprisingly
explicit love affair between Slayer Buffy and Vampire Spike.
Talk about star-crossed lovers. And the actor who plays Spike
is fantastic. It was all a great distraction. And there were
many, many sites that discussed BtVS (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
in deeply intellectual and totally trivial detail. Like Spike
and Courtly Love or Origins and Metaphors Relating to Reinvention
of Self, Parts I & II or Spike's Redemption-Subverting or Supporting Canon?,
even wrote some myself, Investing
in Spuffy, and Taming
Spike. But now reality is creeping even into the analysis
of BtVS or Buffy metaphors are being dragged into more serious
or Slaying Terrorism. It's starting to depress
me. No more hiding place.
Now I'm back to reading Buzzflash.com
and getting more depressed about the condition of the world.
Jeez. Reality. You can keep it.