ATPoBtVS/AtS Discussion Board Archives

July 2002

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Deconstructing Buffy (UK broadsheet article) -- Simon, 05:14:18 07/01/02 Mon
How I (want to) spent (d) my (next) summer vacation -- LadyStarlight, 07:08:22 07/01/02 Mon
Totally OT I met Magneto, er Gandalf, er Sir Ian McKellan!! -- Deeva, 09:32:51 07/01/02 Mon
rebroadcast of OMWF -- isis, 10:11:24 07/01/02 Mon
New wrinkle in the woes of AngelX vs Fox -- Rufus, 17:32:35 07/01/02 Mon
You know you have Buffyitis when...... -- Dochawk, 00:17:29 07/02/02 Tue
OT: the full Australian Jedi religion story -- Caesar Augustus, 04:53:31 07/02/02 Tue
Could Sunnydale High have a 5 year reunion? -- neaux, 08:21:28 07/02/02 Tue
OT: Please join me in wishing condolences to our friend Sheri -- Liq, 09:56:48 07/02/02 Tue
Two-part article on Padme Amidala up - OT -- Dedalus, 14:57:06 07/02/02 Tue
anya's wishes -- LozzieB, 15:48:30 07/02/02 Tue
Am I the only one who found it an anticlimax that Buffy was "normal" in Dead Things? -- Caesar Augustus, 22:03:57 07/02/02 Tue
Let's clear this (Dawn) thing up! -- Magus777, 22:10:36 07/02/02 Tue
Quick thought (question?) regarding Angel and Spike ( slight spoilers for end of s.6) -- Purple Tulip, 06:21:44 07/03/02 Wed
Robert vs Joey, part 7 -- VampRiley, 08:17:22 07/03/02 Wed
Spike's Chip (mild S6 spoilers; S7 speculation in last paragraph) -- J, 13:06:28 07/03/02 Wed
Thin & Crispy vs. Thick & Chewy or ME vs. the Posters -- Copper, 15:57:17 07/03/02 Wed
Excerpt from "Dawn, Pandora and the Key" (Part II of III) -- cjl, 23:20:59 07/03/02 Wed
Possible endings to the show? (No spoilers) -- Liam, 09:47:33 07/04/02 Thu
My Question for Joss (that he answered) -- Dedalus, 18:58:18 07/04/02 Thu
GREAT news! SMG stamps out those ugly "Britney Spears" guest star rumors! -- Rob, 21:28:20 07/04/02 Thu
Things Fall Apart.......but Forever? -- Rufus, 00:26:08 07/05/02 Fri
Question concerning Buffy S3 concerning Angel -- wiscoboy, 06:47:03 07/05/02 Fri
What's up with Parachat... (is it a Macintosh thing?) -- neaux, 10:38:29 07/05/02 Fri
NOT a Classic Movie of the Week -- MaeveRigan, 10:45:28 07/05/02 Fri
Spike's Soul (spoilers of course) -- Purple Tulip, 10:47:58 07/05/02 Fri
Afraid to Live: Does Xander have a death wish? -- K-Dizzy, 12:54:51 07/05/02 Fri
UPN is purchasing Angel? -- MayaPapaya9, 18:29:18 07/05/02 Fri
Is Buffy and Xander's treatment of Spike and Anya justifiable? -- CMC, 20:19:22 07/06/02 Sat
Classic Movie of the Week - July 6th 2002 -- OnM, 21:54:43 07/06/02 Sat
will Angel die of starvation? -- plainjane, 05:51:32 07/07/02 Sun
S7 spec and a question (spoilers) -- Juliette, 08:53:09 07/07/02 Sun
And now, something completely different, on topic though -- JBone, 19:41:17 07/07/02 Sun
If Anya is truly good ... (spoilers thru Grave) -- Caesar Augustus, 21:49:01 07/07/02 Sun
Biological Warfare and The "Buffy Paradigm" link to pdf file -- Rufus, 00:06:42 07/08/02 Mon
New take on "Lullaby" (spoilery) -- purplegrrl, 08:22:07 07/08/02 Mon
Choice and Siring -- Finn Mac Cool, 17:02:16 07/08/02 Mon
It's time to annotate "Angel" (the episode, not the show)!!! Please respond! -- Rob, 21:05:50 07/08/02 Mon
vampires and Telepathy -- Kate, 22:45:39 07/08/02 Mon
Cast Rumors for Season 7 (Mild Spoiler, no details) -- Laurie, 13:21:25 07/09/02 Tue
Where do we go from Here? Where have I heard this before? -- neaux, 18:23:21 07/09/02 Tue
Selfless Spike -- Finn Mac Cool, 18:55:08 07/09/02 Tue
Tara article -- Simon, 08:43:35 07/10/02 Wed
The friendship ring -- plainjane, 08:59:04 07/10/02 Wed
Hope for Season 7 -- Drizzt, 12:37:48 07/10/02 Wed
Who is Spike Now? (Spoilers from last season) -- Alex, 15:43:24 07/10/02 Wed
Souled Spike (spoilers for season 6, well only a little bit) -- Seasmucker, 20:13:10 07/10/02 Wed
Buffy the animated series -- Jimmy, 10:00:04 07/11/02 Thu
Was spike trying to get his soul back, or was he trying to go back to being evil? -- briseis, 10:36:00 07/11/02 Thu
Why did you choose your posting name ? -- Etrangere, 13:32:08 07/11/02 Thu
News on Anthony specific spoilers -- Rufus, 14:53:57 07/11/02 Thu
Dead Bodies on Buffy -- Finn Mac Cool, 17:55:41 07/11/02 Thu
Buffy/ Spike " I am going to prove something" Guess? -- Instantkrma, 20:28:16 07/11/02 Thu
oz ==> spike foreshadowing in "new moon rising"? (spoilers for that ep & end of s7) -- anom, 20:55:38 07/11/02 Thu
Season 7 Spec. -- Bachman, 21:18:32 07/11/02 Thu
What was the Original Hell like before humans? -- death, 21:19:44 07/11/02 Thu
S/W Journey Part III: Atonement w/Father Intro -- shadowkat, 05:40:24 07/12/02 Fri
If you didnt know. Here is the Official BTVS Video Game website -- neaux, 07:57:11 07/12/02 Fri
Dark Willow and "The Story." (S6 finale, etc., spoilers) -- Darby, 08:09:37 07/12/02 Fri
Doing the Right Thing: Absolute Truths or True Love of Buffy? -- K-Dizzy, 13:04:52 07/12/02 Fri
Funny Buffy Reference -- Majin Gojira, 06:30:44 07/13/02 Sat
Age difference between Angel and Buffy -- meritaten, 13:10:47 07/13/02 Sat
Classic Movie of the Week - July 13th 2002 -- OnM, 21:47:46 07/13/02 Sat
Renewed attack on season 6. Why was it off? -- Caesar Augustus, 05:58:09 07/14/02 Sun
Just how is Dark Willow evil? -- ZachsMind, 15:52:05 07/14/02 Sun
Angel and Siring -- Finn Mac Cool, 16:00:12 07/14/02 Sun
Crosses on Vampires -- Harry Parachute, 16:11:59 07/14/02 Sun
Buffy mentioned on "Farscape" -- jbb, 17:53:06 07/14/02 Sun
Anointed One - what happened to him? -- meritaten, 00:19:16 07/15/02 Mon
Polices in S2 (spoliers for S2) -- Sang, 02:08:18 07/15/02 Mon
A disturbing thought for season 7 and a few other things ( one teensy spoiler from end of season 6) -- Purple Tulip (The faded and wilted), 07:09:49 07/15/02 Mon
If you've ever -- buffalupagus, 12:07:29 07/15/02 Mon
Justifying Vampires -- Finn Mac Cool, 22:53:05 07/15/02 Mon
An odd spoiler for next season -- Alvin, 05:23:27 07/16/02 Tue
More on artistic responsibility. (Spoilers for American Gods, sort of) -- Darby, 08:36:41 07/16/02 Tue
Speculation on Season 7 -- Spike Lover, 09:34:05 07/16/02 Tue
What demon on both Buffy and Angel is the most powerful so far? -- daemon, 11:54:21 07/16/02 Tue
Both Buffy and Xander managed to bring out the worst in their partners. -- VHF, 18:31:55 07/16/02 Tue
Buffyless Buffy - Idle Speculation. (Plus - Emmys tomorrow!) -- Darby, 07:49:55 07/17/02 Wed
Find the pun, B. -- Arethusa, 11:02:51 07/17/02 Wed
Was VampHarmony in "Disharmony" really any worse than Spike from S4 or S5? -- Earl Allison, 12:42:25 07/17/02 Wed
**SPOILER** - villian for S7 -- meritaten, 15:03:08 07/17/02 Wed
Things we don't want to see... (spoilers maybe for 6) -- Lilac, 17:40:48 07/17/02 Wed
Could We See An Evil Xander (some possible Spoilers) -- trebor, 20:57:44 07/17/02 Wed
Evolution of Evil in the BuffyVerse from Simple Evil to Pogo, Part Three (1 of 2) -- LittleBit, 22:48:49 07/17/02 Wed
Musings about S7 BB (spoilers and wild speculation for S7) -- Off-kilter, 04:11:39 07/18/02 Thu
s7 speculation, no s7 spoilers, based only on aired episodes of BTVS/ATS -- abt, 05:00:30 07/18/02 Thu
Snubbed Again! BtVS Emmy Nominations. -- Darby, 06:06:37 07/18/02 Thu
Greenwalt-less Angel - Who is this Simkins guy? -- Darby, 07:29:53 07/18/02 Thu
'Buffy' Emmy Nominations -- Sebastian, 08:27:04 07/18/02 Thu
Bad Writing, And where I thought the writers were going w/ Buffy's feelings this season -- Spike Lover, 10:29:59 07/18/02 Thu
Definition of evil -- purplegrrl, 15:02:10 07/18/02 Thu
Buffy/Willow Paralle - Focus on Buffy's Fear of Abandonment Part I -- shadowkat, 18:56:09 07/18/02 Thu
Buffy - Struggling With Being The Hero in a Dark World Part I -- shadowkat, 10:10:12 07/19/02 Fri
The Gift - Plot Holes? -- sunshine, 14:49:58 07/19/02 Fri
Let's play: Spot the Buff-ite -- SingedCat, 16:15:34 07/19/02 Fri
An ethical Question -- Dochawk, 14:21:51 07/20/02 Sat
Was Adam undead? -- eternal, 14:52:57 07/20/02 Sat
Is Drusilla responsible for her actions? -- Earl Allison, 15:16:17 07/20/02 Sat
What constitutes a person in the Buffyverse -- Etrangere, 15:51:07 07/20/02 Sat
Poll...who is the best actor on BTVS & Angel? -- Drizzt, 19:46:09 07/20/02 Sat
Classic Movie of the Week - July 20th 2002 -- OnM, 21:18:15 07/20/02 Sat
B/X (or Why Sophist Shouldn't Hate Xander) -- Malandanza, 22:05:22 07/20/02 Sat
Here's a silly diversion... -- Darby, 07:27:20 07/21/02 Sun
Sense and Sensibility & the noise factor (Part 1) -- John Burwood, 08:04:14 07/21/02 Sun
The Demonic Sea Cucumber! or The Identiy of the Hellmouth Spawn! -- Majin Gojira, 09:05:49 07/21/02 Sun
Foreshadowing (major Angel S3 spoilers) -- sunshine, 12:24:24 07/21/02 Sun
Will Firefly become a Blatant Rip of Dear Favorite Scifi shows? -- neaux, 16:53:09 07/21/02 Sun
Foreshadowing in Primeval? -- Kerri, 22:11:59 07/21/02 Sun
A Friday Topic Revisited: Buffy's responsibility to self -- Arystocrat, 07:54:49 07/22/02 Mon
A Midsummer Night's Shakespeare Parody (LONG) -- lindabarlow, 15:19:03 07/22/02 Mon
Soulmate vs. Lover- B/A Theory -- Wizardman, 15:55:35 07/22/02 Mon
I need evil Spanish help! -- d'Herblay, 03:49:41 07/23/02 Tue
Angel article on Zap2it... about Writing Helm and Spoilers S3 & 4 -- neaux, 04:55:36 07/23/02 Tue
The replacement: Two Spikes? -- luvthistle1, 07:14:49 07/23/02 Tue
Buffy's New Gig (spoilers for season 7) -- Purple Tulip, 07:20:14 07/23/02 Tue
Nimrod -- MaryAnn, 11:56:44 07/23/02 Tue
Angel the series - Do you or don't you? -- Darby, 08:53:19 07/24/02 Wed
Road Trip! **Spoilers for Angel Season 4** -- Arethusa, 09:06:02 07/24/02 Wed
Buffy vs Angel. Decide! -- JCC, 11:29:00 07/24/02 Wed
Great Article with an anti-Emmy rant due to OMWF snub...No spoilers -- Rob, 12:55:25 07/24/02 Wed
The Scoobies' Fault -- Finn Mac Cool, 17:37:01 07/24/02 Wed
The problem with Anyanka II -- cjl, 08:15:34 07/25/02 Thu
Welcome to the All Things Philosophical on Buffy, Public Enemy #1 Posting Thread -- LB, 08:16:19 07/25/02 Thu
End of the World Get-Together -- Dedalus, 12:07:34 07/25/02 Thu
Joss on the Death of Tara ...taken from Watch with Wanda spoilers -- Rufus, 20:32:31 07/25/02 Thu
VampOZ? -- Big McBad, 21:14:44 07/25/02 Thu
Bogus foreshadowing in "Restless" -- KdS, 05:07:09 07/26/02 Fri
Anya's new job (mild S6/7 spoilers) -- KKC, 08:05:24 07/26/02 Fri
The Council, Warewolves, the Hellmouth...and Spike of course! (a little spoiler-one small tiny one) -- Purple Tulip, 10:51:33 07/26/02 Fri
two fingers -- isis, 14:56:12 07/26/02 Fri
Examining the Three Plot Arcs of Season Six (S6 spoilery) -- ZachsMind, 18:06:54 07/26/02 Fri
Spike/Willow Journey Part IV: Handling Rejection Intro(X/Cecily/Cordy etc.) -- shadowkat, 09:40:49 07/27/02 Sat
Strange cryptic Paige Moss (Veruca) remark -- JCC, 10:56:23 07/27/02 Sat
O/T Whingeing -- dubdub, 15:22:47 07/27/02 Sat
Another Returning Tara Idea.. (S7 spec/spoilery) -- ZachsMind, 19:22:54 07/27/02 Sat
Promethea, Primeval and assorted ramblings -- ponygirl, 23:18:50 07/27/02 Sat
You know you watch too much Buffy when... -- change, 11:46:59 07/28/02 Sun
Classic Movie of the Week - July 27th 2002 -- OnM, 18:27:29 07/28/02 Sun
Spike's Modus Operandi -- Finn Mac Cool, 21:14:31 07/28/02 Sun
Tara's Return - How many ways - Spoilers!? -- Brian, 04:56:01 07/29/02 Mon
The Pivotal Prelude of Pylea -- Darby, 07:38:42 07/29/02 Mon
Awarness of the "Cliché" (added here to avoid archive death) -- cjc36, 09:59:15 07/29/02 Mon
Symbolism in Buffy (spoilers for end of season six---longish) -- Purple Tulip, 11:34:10 07/29/02 Mon
Buffy Anne Summers IS "The Prisoner" -- cjl, 19:36:54 07/29/02 Mon
Positive message from W/T to general audience. -- cjc36, 06:03:23 07/30/02 Tue
Firefly is doomed (rant regarding Fox) -- The Last Jack, 07:23:22 07/30/02 Tue
Really dumb question, but it's been bugging me. (oh and S*P*I*K*E!) -- LadyStarlight, 09:10:46 07/30/02 Tue
Desperate plea--No more W/T threads for a while, pleeeez!! -- Rob on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown!!!, 10:53:06 07/30/02 Tue
Turing Test for Conscience (NOT a Spike thread) -- lulabel, 15:19:09 07/30/02 Tue
What Was Your First Buffy Experience? -- Finn Mac Cool, 20:51:43 07/30/02 Tue
Question ALL assumptions. -- Drizzt, 21:35:46 07/30/02 Tue
Blood -- Purple Tulip, 06:28:44 07/31/02 Wed
No Wonder Willow Was Evil -- Dedalus, 11:15:25 07/31/02 Wed

August 2002 | Current board