July 2002
End of the World Get-Together -- Dedalus,
12:07:34 07/25/02 Thu
Okay, I'm sure most of us have heard the news about that
British astronomer guy that located a mile and a half
asteroid that seems to be on a collision course with earth.
It's set to hit a few days before my 43rd birthday, on
February 1, 2019. Scientists say they need some thirty years
to get together something that could sufficiently deflect
it, but we've only got seventeen years to spare.
Okay, so there's always some doomsday scenario on the
horizon, and chances are the calculations are not in any way
correct, but just for the sake of argument ...
I mean, come on! If we're going out, we may as well have
some fun with it. Yeah, the world may be ending, but hey, I
still wanna hang. So I'm proposing the Ultimate Existential
Scooby Get Together on January 31, 2019. If there's going to
be an asteroid streaking through the atmosphere that will
eventually land and bring to an end human civilization as we
know it, I at least want a good seat, so I'm suggesting our
bash should be on top of Stone Mountain. You know, to give
it that Front Row Seat kinda feel.
One of the big advantages of this is there's simply not a
lot of room for excuses. A lot of people might whine and
say, "Well, I really haven't got the money," or "I just
can't take off from school/work then." Screw that! It's the
end of the world! What else have you got to do? I mean,
honestly, I see this as the best opportunity for all of us
to get together, and give the world-before-its-reduced-to-a-
fiery-nightmarish-post-apocalyptic-ash-heap a big
Existential Scooby send off. We'll talk philosophy, read
poetry, sing songs, eat pop corn, poll favorite Buffy and
Angel episodes, and what the hell, maybe even work in an
orgy. If these board romances continue, half the board will
probably be married by that time anyway.
What do you think? Can I get a "Whoa Existential Scooby End
of the World Get Together!"?
Re: So next year is a no go, huh? :-) -- LittleBit,
12:21:48 07/25/02 Thu
[> [>
I knew Ded could find another excuse to postpone if he
only looked..:-D -- zargon, 12:23:48 07/25/02 Thu
Count me in... ;o) -- dubdub, 14:30:51 07/25/02
...should I live that long!
I'll come if we can make snow angels. And drink beer in
our pj's. -- Dichotomy, 15:03:20 07/25/02 Thu
I figure we can fit those activities in before the orgy.
Whaddya think?
Sure, what do I have to lose? -- Earl Allison,
17:40:26 07/25/02 Thu
Maybe it's a GOOD thing, this way, I'll never see 50 :)
Take it and run.
Hey, we might even get Joss and the rest of ME to
come! -- Dedalus :-P, 18:07:32 07/25/02 Thu
I'm in...I'll need another vacation by then
anyways. -- LadyStarlight, 19:05:12 07/25/02 Thu
got nothing else better to do that day.... -- Liq,
19:47:26 07/25/02 Thu
Hummm... wonder what the Classic Movie of the Week will
be that week? -- OnM, 06:19:35 07/26/02 Fri
What if it lands in the ocean? Should we bring swim suits,
or will we still be all naked after the orgy?
[> [>
Re: Did I miss the memo on this? -- Brian,
06:28:46 07/26/02 Fri
I'll bring hot dogs and buns!
[> [>
Heck, OnM, that's easy--George Pal's "When Worlds
Collide" -- cjl, 07:16:51 07/26/02 Fri
What else?
Oh, and pencil me in for the orgy.
[> [>
Not particularly a good movie...but the obvious choice
for me would be "Armageddon" -- Rob,
09:23:30 07/26/02 Fri
...and the fact that Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck could
defeat the evil asteroid could give us some false sense of
[> [> [>
or the Canadian version - Last Night -- ponygirl,
10:13:26 07/26/02 Fri
...where instead of trying to save the world everyone just
politely waits for it to finish.
Fab movie though, definitely worth renting if you can find
it. I'll bring my copy to the orgy!
[> [> [> [>
YES!!! Incredible movie! But we should see it.. -
- redcat, 11:00:24 07/26/02 Fri
*before* the Last Night, in case the damn thing hits at
high noon...
[> [> [> [>
Re: or the Canadian version - Last Night --
matching mole, 11:55:42 07/26/02 Fri
A great film. Loved David Cronenberg calling everyone up to
assure that the Gas Company was going to keep on working
until the end.
A very civilized way to have an apocalypse.
Joss on the Death of Tara ...taken from Watch with
Wanda ...no spoilers -- Rufus, 20:32:31 07/25/02
Quote from Watch with Wanda July 26/02
On that note, before signing off, I want to share with you a
bit of a conversation I had with Joss about Tara's death and
the subsequent outrage. Hundreds of you emailed me with
differing opinions on the way it was handled, and many of
you forwarded me that thought-provoking article by Robert A.
Black, so I feel it's important to address.
I asked Joss if he was surprised that Tara's death upset so
many people, and he said: "No, I wanted people to be upset--
it's my job to upset them. What was surprising was that
there was a lot of hate toward us. It was an episode that
was so clearly about male violence and male dominance, and
suddenly I'm a gay basher. It's one thing when you piss off
the people you want wiped off the planet. It's different
when it's people you care about--your audience. But it's
especially frustrating when they treat you in the same knee-
jerk manner."
I asked if he could understand why it was painful to lose
TV's only positive lesbian relationship. "You have to
understand," he said, "I'm not watching TV. You either watch
it or you make it. So,when people said,'Willow and Tara were
all we had.' I was like, 'I didn't know that.' And I felt
bad that that should be the reality. But on the other hand
then, it's like we were the coolest."
Robert Black or BBovenGuys essay is at the Trollop Board
I always saw the death of Tara as something about male
violence but do admit that the timing could have appear to
be invoking the "Lesbian Cliche"....so how I made up my mind
on the subject was to look at the history of both Willow and
Tara and the events of Tara's death and feel that Joss is
right it's about senseless violence and how it can have
unexpected consequences. JMO
I agree, Rufus. (season 6 spoilers) -- Rob,
21:29:05 07/25/02 Thu
I understand how some have read it, but that is taking the
details of the story out of context, IMO. If Willow came
out, fell in love with Tara, Tara was killed, and Willow
went evil all within the space of two or three episodes,
then it would have been the old lesbian cliche. But I
thought it was quite clear that Willow wasn't being punished
for being gay. If she was, it was three full years after
having a rich, rewarding, and most importantly, positive and
healthy relationship with a woman. No, I don't buy that.
Willow might have been cosmically punished as a result of
resurrecting Buffy, but that's about it. I thought it was
quite clear (again, don't want to assign my opinion to
others) that Tara's death was a negative thing. And Willow's
transformation was a result of her hurt and pain over Tara's
death, especially so soon after finally reuniting with her,
not as a declaration that lesbian sex leads to death and
evilness. Why didn't this happen the other bajillion times
they had sex? If one were to argue that there was not as
much graphic touchage between the two before, I would point
him or her to a little song called "Under Your Spell" from
OMWF, especially the action occurring during the last
stanza. ;o)
I think all the touching and kissing was necessary to make
it clear that finally after months of hell, Willow's life
was finally coming back into place. Everything was
absolutely fairy-tale perfect...and then the rug was pulled
out from under her, making Tara's death all the more tragic
and her reaction all the more gutwrenching.
[> [>
Here, here -- cjc36, 01:52:07 07/26/02 Fri
[> [>
I don't understand... -- Darby, 07:11:51
07/26/02 Fri
...How people think that cliches aren't cliches because one
detail doesn't particularly line up. Think about all of the
variations of the "be trampy, have sex, get killed" cliche
that have been done in horror/slasher movies (Joss even
alludes to it on one of the DVD tracks). The W/T example
may have some mitigating details, but the "be lesbian, have
sex, get killed, go evil" cliche is very much there. And it
is largely irrelevant to say, "No, see, that's not really
the message here!" The cliche carries its own weight, as
cliches do. And someone on the ME staff (deKnight,
maybe?)admitted to knowing about the lesbian cliche long
before the ep was plotted (in the original breakdown, it was
largely avoided; I think that cliches become cliches
because they are valuable as cheap manipulation, and that's
why they get used and why it got used here).
No one has seriously accused ME of purposely sending the
message that goes with the cliche. That's the sad thing,
though: they knew what the cliche message classically is
and didn't take the creative steps to avoid it. Many of us
see this as indicative of a lack of...what? Talent? Social
consciousness? Probably effort. Does anyone here think
they could not have come up with a way to accomplish
their goals that would have given us that old emergence-of-
Angelus rush? Instead, it's this lingering jump-the-shark
And does anybody believe that Joss didn't know the
significance of the W/T relationship on TV? How many times
have his own words said otherwise? Sure, our Great Nerd
Auteur is totally unaware, even after being interviewed for
gay and lesbian publications, of doing something fairly
unique. As I've said before, his attitude of "make the
viewers upset, give them stuff they don't want" has itself
become a cliche, and it's a dangerous one if you don't put
enough thought into it. This one has bitten back big-time,
and I'd just like to see them acknowledge it and move on.
Heck, I'm trying to talk myself into doing essentially that
same thing.
And for someone who never watches tv, he sure does snipe a
lot at Charmed...
[> [> [>
Agreed. -- AurraSing, 07:36:33 07/26/02 Fri
My view of this article was a lot more negative than
Rufus'...I've basically lost most of my faith in both ME and
Joss after the debacle of season 6. Pouring salt into the
wounds of those who were most outraged by the way W/T was
resolved does not help matters in any way,shape or form. It
was not so much the death of a lesbian lover but the death
of the last loving sexual relationship on the show and the
lame attempt to turn Willow into a BB that really was a slap
in the face to me.Was this truly the best that ME could come
up with??
"We can't think of anything better to do so let's break up
the couple and do a "Dark Phoenix" with Willow. And hey,we
are the coolest!!!"
After reading this article I've decided NOT to try and talk
my friends who have stopped watching BTVS during or at the
end of season 6 to start watching the show again when season
7 resumes.
If in fact ME does pull off a decent season,I'll urge them
to watch the reruns.
But based on the mistruths and sleight-of-hand they have
been pulling off over the past while,I'm the least
optimistic I've been about any tv show coming back for
another season in a long,long time.
I embarassed myself early this spring on one board by
declaring that "Hey,trust in Joss,things will get turned
around and we will all be happy about how things turned
out"...well,I apologise now for that statement and have
learned never to defend those who really don't deserve
In this case I've been burnt and I'm coming back very,very
[> [> [>
Re: I don't understand... -- grifter, 07:38:55
07/26/02 Fri
"No one has seriously accused ME of purposely sending the
message that goes with the cliche. That's the sad thing,
though: they knew what the cliche message classically is and
didn't take the creative steps to avoid it."
See, the sad thing really is that people really DID think
they were doing the "cliche" on purpose. After two years of
the most beautiful relationship ever in a tv series people
over at the W/T boards really WERE accusing ME and Joss as
being gay-haters. I enjoyed the "Kitten Board" very much,
but soon after news of Taraīs death came out the whole
board, including, sadly, the moderators, weas running amok.
I had to leave it because I couldnīt stand it anymore that
people I had come to like over the last few months were
suddenly hating the people who were responsible for the very
existence of our community. I just didnīt make sense.
"Many of us see this as indicative of a lack of...what?
Talent? Social consciousness? Probably effort. Does anyone
here think they could not have come up with a way to
accomplish their goals that would have given us that old
emergence-of-Angelus rush? Instead, it's this lingering jump-
the-shark twinge..."
Maybe they did see the cliche coming. I think they tried to
avoid being to cliche-y. Have they failed? Apperently so. Is
this a reason to suddenly damn them all to hell? I donīt
think so. People make mistakes. Joss himself admitted to
making lots and lots of them. Why canīt you accept that and
move on?
"And does anybody believe that Joss didn't know the
significance of the W/T relationship on TV? How many times
have his own words said otherwise? Sure, our Great Nerd
Auteur is totally unaware, even after being interviewed for
gay and lesbian publications, of doing something fairly
The funny thing is that if Joss was trying to make the
perfect lesbian couple because he didnīt see it anywere else
on TV, he couldnīt suceed. And he knows that. The only
reason W/T were so great is that Joss never tried to create
the best lesbian couple on tv, but just to create two
fascinating human beings in love with each other. Thatīs
what he does, he creates humans, not rolemodels, who have
human relationships and lifes, not role-model relationships
and lifes.
"And for someone who never watches tv, he sure does snipe a
lot at Charmed..."
Well, Charmed really DOES deserve to be sniped at. ;)
[> [> [> [>
Re: I don't understand... -- skeeve, 08:34:42
07/26/02 Fri
It seems to me, having Tara die so soon after sex with
Willow was probably a side-effect of poor writing,
specifically the small amount of time devoted to the W/T
Regarding the rest of it: Joss tries to do math. Joss
sucks at math. Maybe Joss tried to avoid a cliche. Maybe
Joss sucked at it.
Who knows, maybe Tara will come back. Just because Osiris
won't send her back, doesn't mean that she can't come back
on her own intiative. Maybe heaven is optional.
[> [> [>
Re: Charmed -- Robert, 09:59:13 07/26/02 Fri
>> "And for someone who never watches tv, he sure does snipe
a lot at Charmed..."
This is interesting. Could you please provide me links or
sources? Thanks!
[> [> [> [>
Wish I could... -- Darby, 11:21:03 07/26/02
There's the problem with having read WAY too many interviews
- I couldn't begin to cite specific sources.
The major impression I've gotten from Joss is that he sees
Charmed as essentially ripping Buffy off in a
very substandard way. I remember him specifically alluding
to Buffy plots being "recycled" (he used a different word,
more accusatory, but I don't remember exactly what it was)
by Charmed. He has used the show as a general stand-
in for bad tv when he makes snarky remarks. And there's the
whole Shannon Doherty thing - there was a rumor that she
would guest on Buffy, and his response was something
to the effect that he only works with "real" - what?
Actors? Professionals? Something that amounted to a pretty
nasty put-down (especially considering that SD and SMG are
supposed to be friends).
Can anybody help out my failing memory with specifics here?
I'll see if I can track some references down...
[> [> [> [> [>
Here's one... -- Darby, 19:05:53 07/26/02
Man, this is one difficult thing to do a web search on!
[> [> [> [> [>
...And another... -- Darby, 19:13:53 07/26/02
I guess these were mostly postings - he does get a bit
nastier posting/
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Buffy can get preggers -- skeeve, 09:14:46
07/29/02 Mon
Thanks, Darby.
That site answered an interesting question, though Joss did
sort of hint that he really hadn't thought about it.
"Joss says:
(Mon May 29 20:38:51 2000
Yes, Buffy can get preggers. I assume. Lotta girls can.
in a leaving mode..."
It leaves open the question of whether birth control pills
would work on her.
Of course if Spike comes back to Sunnydale with a soul and a
healthy body, Buffy might incorrectly assume that birth
control is unnecessary.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [>
G, I always assumed Slayers Were Sterile, for
practicallity purposes at least. -- Majin Gojira,
16:55:56 07/29/02 Mon
[> [> [>
Re: I don't understand... -- JBone, 17:06:17
07/26/02 Fri
OK, this is coming from someone who had no idea that there
was even such a thing as a lesbian cliche until this whole
controversy exploded. I knew of the horror cliche in movies
when someone has sex, they die, but had no idea of a special
lesbian clause. I'm fully immersed in the Buffyverse, and I
was only vaguely aware of the kudos that ME was receiving
from the gay/lesbian community for the Willow/Tara couple.
I'm upset that Tara was killed off, much the same way I was
upset that Jenny, Doyle, Joyce or Buffy was killed off.
It's sad and tragic, but the best stories usually are. And
Tara's death was arguably the most tragic story told on
BtVS. Anyway, this whole debate is giving me tired head,
and wishing for the good ole days of Spike saturation. Like
that subject never got its just due.
I don't mean to be insensitive, if this is, because I
understand the "burn Joss" point of view. I just don't
agree with it. I've been reading this stuff for three
months now, and I really just want to turn the page on it.
So go ahead and fry me, I'm a white, heterosexual male,
living in America if that helps you spray the lighter
[> [> [> [>
The two cliches conflated -- d'Herblay, 20:26:17
07/26/02 Fri
I am (big surprise) with Rah in thinking that whether or not
something is or is not a cliché has more to do with
its effect on the reader than with how many times it has
been done before. After all, the "Identical Twins Separated
at Birth" trope has been a standard element of farce since
at least the first century. That does not mean that when
Shakespeare went back to it in Comedy of Errors, he
was being cliché. Nor was Mark Twain, going back to
that well in The Prince and the Pauper, indulging in
cliché. But these are subjective judgments, and I'd
bet there were groundlings who sat through Comedy of
Errors muttering "This was old when Plautus did it."
It seems to me, that in the rush to find some reason (any
reason?) to condemn the death of Tara, people have conflated
two entirely separate clichés and created this
supposed "lesbian cliché" ab novo. The first
cliché is an expansion on the one JBone mentions as
being associated with horror films: someone has sex, someone
dies. But it is not limited to just sexual situations. It is
a recurring plot point in Buffy that just when people
are finally happy again, whammo! I just watched
"Passion" the other night, and one can see Jenny's death
just as she and Giles reconcile as cliché, or one may
prefer to view such as the stuff from which tragedy is made.
Again and again in the Buffyverse, people just manage to get
their lives back together only to have them fall apart.
"Passion," "Becoming," "The Body" -- if these were
cliché, give me cliché every Tuesday. I
suppose that there has never been a direct causation between
happiness and death on Buffy, never anything like the
cliché of the cop three days from retirement who's
just had a baby and has a bull's-eye on his back where you
can look right at a character and know he's doomed, but
there has been a definite corelation.
The other cliché cited over at the Kitten manifesto
is an "Evil Lesbian" cliché. I think this is a recent
innovation, dating back to Sharon Stone in Basic
Instinct, and it concerns a villainous female character
who uses her sexuality for nefarious purposes. (Jennifer
Tilly in Bound may be an example of such a character
who escapes cliché; Jane March in The Color of
Night one who does not. Denise Richards and Neve
Campbell in Wild Things also come to mind, but that's
not such a rare occurance.) Technically, it should be the
Evil Bisexual cliché, but never mind that.
This cliché is only evoked when the sexuality is
bound up with the evil. VampWillow might fit the criteria,
but EvilWillow certainly does not. A less sexual being I
cannot imagine.
I don't think either of these clichés really
occur during the season endgame, and I am certain that the
bastardized combination of the two currently being called
the "lesbian cliché" is not a cliché at all.
After all, if so many people have to be educated as to its
existence, can it really have become trite?
I also suspect that some people are so proudly waving the
this supposed cliché in Joss's face because they are
desperate for some grounds on which to criticize the loss of
a favorite character or the extreme transformation of
another favorite, and if, in the process, they can wrap
themselves in a rainbow flag and make themselves look holier-
than-thou, then all to their benefit. I thought that "Seeing
Red" was the most powerful Buffy episode of 2002, and
I am unwilling to let it be implied that in this subjective
preference I am somehow either insensitive to gay issues
(though I may well be; my apologies if anything in this post
offends) or not well-versed enough in popular culture to
recognize a cliché.
[> [> [> [> [>
THANK YOU, OnM! -- Rob, 21:10:05 07/26/02
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Ooof! I meant d'Herb! God...I'm too tired to be
typing. -- Rob, 21:23:00 07/26/02 Fri
A thousand pardons, d'Herb! Sorry!
Rob :o)
[> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Does this mean I have to write a movie review
tomorrow? -- d'Herblay, 23:31:07 07/26/02 Fri
Well, short notice but ok. And if OnM has to do the
archives, yay!!!!
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
And what will your CMoTW be? ;o) -- Rob,
08:32:41 07/27/02 Sat
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
I'm starting to suspect that OnM took my offer
seriously! -- d'Herblay, 18:10:37 07/28/02 Sun
Where is the CMotW, anyway?
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Look up! :-) -- OnM, a day late, but only 50c
short. Not bad, considering., 19:17:50 07/28/02 Sun
[> [> [> [> [>
Nice post -- Rahael, 05:14:46 07/27/02 Sat
Let's not forget the jealous black man killing his white
girlfriend cliche, or the greedy and rapacious Jew or
powerhungry ambitious women, evil witches, miserable
puritans etc.
Though it does remind me of the amusing story where a woman
goes to see Hamlet for the first time. Asked what she
thought of it, she said "It was good. But did the lines have
to be so cliched? (!).
And err, Rob, LOL
[> [> [> [> [>
Cliche City -- Darby, 07:24:53 07/27/02 Sat
People with more background and better memories than I wrote
essays back when this was a fresh controversy invoking
movies and television that were so old that I remember
watching it when I had no idea there were lesbians to
punish, so it's older than Sharon Stone, literally. I seem
to remember that it was a point of discussion in The
Celluloid Closet, and the images shown seemed to support
the idea.
For me, a cliche becomes problematical when it draws you out
of the story, when the pattern is so stubbornly adhered to
that any sense of tension in "Oh, what's going to happen?"
becomes this nasty mixture of "Here it comes, here it
comes," and "Oh, they're not really going to do this, are
they? Have they no pride?" I mentioned the Mark Harmon
subplot on the season finale of The West Wing, which
is a great / horrible example - he just needed a red shirt
to complete it.
And it occurs to me that I might not be quite fair in this
instance because there's a significant difference: part
of what made the whole thing seeme cliched is that I knew
what was going to happen anyway. I quickly learned here
that I prefer to remain unspoiled, but there was no way to
avoid more-or-less knowing about Tara, so maybe the set-up
just seemed cliched.
Nope, nope, that's not what happened here. I forgot,
cliches work two different ways: there are the ones you see
coming (like, from this discussion, I'll see rolling in
every time a BtVS character is shown being blissful) and
which are distracting in the moment, and the ones which you
don't see because of ignorance, like the minority
stereotypes in the movies I watched as a kid but now,
because I know more, I can't ignore. I have to admit that I
didn't pick up on the cliche when I watched the episode for
the first time, but it sure colors my attitude toward it
And I'd forgive it if there was some inherent payoff -
there's a difference between the cliches of Scream
and the ones of the current Halloween. Shakespeare
could take a cliche and twist it into something fresh,
something ME is generally good at. Where's the twist here?
Is Tara coming back from the astral plane to say, "Well,
Will, I had to die, I was the lesbian. You didn't go all
evil, did you?"
But even though that may happen, the infuriating thing about
this has been the "Who, us?" innocence exhibited by ME.
When it was pointed out that the wig lady monster was
disturbingly phallic, they immediately confessed with an
"Oops!" and acknowledged it on the show when the chance
arose. There is a certain responsibility as artist
exercised here, as also showed up in "Yeah, the season was
depressing, but we meant to do that, and maybe it didn't
work out as well as we'd like." (Why do I suddenly feel
like the "Smell this shoe!" lady on Boston
What I've seen from ME that bothers me is a combination of
pleading ignorance - "Really, even though we've been asked
about the lesbian cliche and discussed it in the past, we
really knew nothing about it" - and misdirection (this is
coming more from fans) - "Yeah, well, they had obvious
sweaty lesbian sex, and then one partner died and the other
went all psycho-bitch, but hey, how about Willow and Tara in
season 5? Wasn't that great?"
What makes me want desperately to drop the subject but what
also keeps bringing me back to it is that most responses
don't seem to understand why and how cliches are an
indicator of bad writing (and a single instance, not an
overall condemnation) and that the detail or extraneous
details are irrelevant. That Mark Harmon was a Secret
Service Agent does not make a war-movie cliche "fresh;" the
backstory on W/T changed the emotional resonance of the
scene but the pertinent details of the cliche - be lesbian,
entice heroine, have sex (and in previous more cencored
incarnations, it was mostly implied), one partner gets
killed, the other goes nuts and becomes evil/suicidal/martyr
- were all there.
This is where it gets dicey - people bring more to the
table. They read conscious anti-gay messages in - but no
one here is doing that, that I've seen. I think that
people also react to my problems as if I'm indicting the
entire season and all of the writers, but I'm not. I do
find this disturbing beyond a single bad cliche, for reasons
I've mentioned, but if I didn't like and respect the show I
wouldn't be here.
So D'Herb, would you really put this usage of a cliche on a
Prince and the Pauper level and not It Takes
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Cliche City -- Sophist, 10:37:55 07/27/02
The most disturbing aspect of cliches is the fact that
they are invisible to most viewers at the time. When
Elizabethan audiences watched Merchant of Venice,
they didn't see Shylock as a "cliche", they saw a portrayal
of a Jew that fit their pre-existing prejudices. When Ilsa
Lund referred to Sam as a "boy" in Casablanca,
American audiences in 1942 didn't think of it as a cliche,
that's what they thought of African Americans. That lack
of conscious recognition is what makes it a cliche.
The fact that so many people were unaware of the cliche is
evidence for its existence, not its absence. However, if you
don't like the term cliche under such circumstances, you
could call it a failure to identify with the Other. :)
There are no new scenes in art. Every artist has to take a
plot as old as Abraham and re-work it. What distinguishes
art from a cliche is not whether the viewers recognize the
cliche, but whether the artist can bring something fresh to
an old story.
In the S2 commentary, JW admits being aware of the horror
film cliche in which the character (usually the girl) has
sex and gets killed. He knew his story arc invoked that
cliche. It worked because he made something new and fresh.
Great artistry. It didn't work that way in S6.
I completely agree with Darby about having limited
criticisms of S6. As I've made clear before, there was a lot
that I liked in S6 and I liked that a lot.
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Cliche City -- Rahael, 10:38:28 07/27/02
"What makes me want desperately to drop the subject but what
also keeps bringing me back to it is that most responses
don't seem to understand why and how cliches are an
indicator of bad writing (and a single instance, not an
overall condemnation) and that the detail or extraneous
details are irrelevant."
Please explain further. At some point everything can become
a cliche "Vampire with a soul? how lame is that?". The
stuffy English librarian. The bitchy airhead who gets taught
a lesson about life and becomes a better human being. Angel
going psycho after sex, and 'not calling' the next day.
Professor Walsh, the mad scientist who creats a monster.
What confuses me is when people talk about 'bad writing'.
Don't you mean bad plotting?
If you are saying that Seeing Red was a badly written
epsiode, full of clunky lines, unoriginal and stunted
dialogue, hack writing etc, I clearly have no critical
discrimination. Because I think it is a finely written
episode. You say, Shakespeare delivered things with an
original twist - I don't think he did. He made good drama
using and playing up to cultural stereotypes - look at the
Welsh and Scottish characters in Henry V. He didn't subvert
the cliche (did Shylock somehow turn round and confront
society's prejudices?) He just wrote great, complex drama
where even the villains were real human beings. Adding flesh
to the cliche.
Writers write the same stories again and again. They do rip
off each other. THey do use familiar storylines. Shakespeare
didn't make up most of his plots - he used existing
I can see that western culture has often portrayed
homosexuality as deviant, as sick, as mentally ill and as
undesirable. That if you're gay, you are doomed to a life of
misery and abnormality. Please show me how ME reinforces
this in Seeing Red. To be honest, so far the arguments that
have been advanced have been disengenous. If we're going to
condemn ME for stereotypes and cliches, we should start with
Episode 1, Season 1 and work our way through. And I strongly
protest that we take one episode out of context. BtVS is all
about nuance, about context. That's the level where cliches
get *subverted*. If you ignore the subtext, you get a
reduced and impoverished and misleading reading.
And I have observed that the most harmful and discriminatory
way that Television and Film operate is in the subtle
subtext. Well, nowadays, because it can no longer openly
display itself. For ME to so flagrantly and openly take on a
cliche and make it gut wrenching drama which is all about
Willow and her grief and her pain, is brave and
I've been the first to defend ME from charges of racism. But
a much stronger case for casual, and wilful racism could be
directed at them than at perpetuating harmful stereotypes
about sexual orientation. People are getting angry at the
way two main gay characters are acting. Where are the
protests about the behaviour of the two main black
characters? Oh, wait. They aren't there
I think a more clear charge of lazy writing could be
directed at the Willow/Tara relationship of Season 5.
Willow, lispy little girl and Tara the placid blank slate. A
clear indicator from ME that being gay infantilises you and
makes you want your partner to read you cute bedtime
stories. I could write post after post that made Joss appear
to be a misogynist, a man who falls back on easy stereotypes
and who produces a programme which is trivial and lazy.
Buffy never gets a break - you could argue that Joss enjoys
punishing women. That being a strong woman means you'll
never have a happy life. Men go away. They are threatened.
They turn evil after sex. Why not just kill yourself and go
to heaven?
This is a view which picks and chooses, which prefers BtVS
show us how to live our lives, and portrays morally
improving characters. It is a reductive approach. Because it
doesn't acknowledge the depth of character, the power of the
narrative, the emotions the show stirs up. If people said
"well, of course it's perfectly natural she turn evil" then
the cliche is alive and well. If they say, "how did that
happen? she was the best of them? how could someone like her
do that?" Then, then, I think, here is a show which is both
challenging, thought provoking and worthy of my interest.
The day I know that Willow is always going to do the right
thing, because of course, she's gay, and the day that Buffy
always is clever and correct in her decisions, because, of
course, she's a woman, and the day that I know Kendra is
going to be a loveable human being the minute I see her
because she's black is the day I hope never to see on Buffy.
Because, that is the real cliche.
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The function of criticism -- Sophist, 11:01:13
07/27/02 Sat
Your post makes a good point, though I'm not sure you
intended it so. The fact is, there are many directions from
which one could analyze the show. Your best example is that
people have argued here about the lack of characters "of
Where I think the problem rests is this: there is nothing
per se illegitimate about any such criticism. The
function of criticism is to deconstruct (yeah, I'm
deliberately using a loaded word) and expose hidden
assumptions and attitudes expressed in the show. The only
real issue is whether the critic provides reasonable
evidence to support the criticism.
What is bothersome about ME, and in some of the posts I've
seen here (not yours and not dH's, and
not any in this thread), is the attempt to de-
legitimize the very effort to discuss the problems with the
W/T story arc. The critics (IMHO) are being berated
dismissively rather than refuted.
I have some limited sympathy with the critics. My posts here
have probably given the impression that I feel more strongly
about this issue than I do. In truth, I consider this issue
relatively minor compared to my real problem with the ending
of S6 (the consequences of Dark Willow and the contrived
ending on the hilltop).
What really bothers me -- and the only reason I continue to
post about W/T -- is the failure by so many to address the
issue on the merits.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: The function of criticism -- Rahael,
12:10:43 07/27/02 Sat
I'll take the backhanded compliment. Of course, all sorts of
criticisms can be made about the show. And this forum of all
places should be a legitimate forum for criticism. I can
remember back to the heated race debate. I remember feeling
very irritated by being told that to simply look for, and
criticise any show about race was a) illegitimate b) having
a chip on my shoulder. Regardless whether I choose to defend
ME or criticise them, the freedom to do so should exist.
To be honest, I think that a lot of people have made very
clear why the Willow/Tara storyline is not regarded by them
as cliched. Others have an equal right to bring up their
dissatisfaction as many times as they want (if I didn't want
to argue the point, I would bypass the thread, and not
bother responding). There is no official party line
Seeing Red has provoked quite the most thought and
discussion of any ep apart from OMWF. I think that it is to
be welcomed. I am not someone who easily excuses writers/tv
from the perpetuation and transmission of dubious messages -
nor am I someone who is unaware of hidden assumptions and
messages. I've always seen everypart of my life, whether at
my workplace now, or in my academic work to unpick ideas,
and deconstruct texts.
I am probably influenced by how shell shocked I was as a
result of lurking at the Kitten Board after SR. I'm not
surprised, considering all the insults and threats against
ME that the writers are not responding. There is no
obligation for them to defend themselves. Their show speaks
for them, and there is no better defence they could mount.
If I believed that Joss wrote a show which was steeped in
racism and misogyny and fired by knee jerk prejudices, I
wouldn't even accord it the dignity of a response. I'd
simply stop watching it, and since I don't watch much
television anyway, that's not an idle threat. Everything
about this show makes me feel at home, and the more I learn,
and the more I deconstruct, the more I realise how
thoughtful and tolerant and sophisticated it is. Just look
at IRYJ!
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I agree with you about the Kitten Board -- Sophist,
12:23:18 07/27/02 Sat
I think grifter expressed that pretty well higher up in this
thread. Their reaction was self-destructive and abusive.
Even with the Kittens, however, I don't believe anyone
accused ME of intentionally stereotyping lesbians (I
could be wrong here; there were lots of wild accusations
posted there). I'm quite sure no one here has suggested
that. The question for critics is whether ME handled the
potential for stereotyping in a way that was artistically
sound and emotionally sensitive.
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the problem with selective fandoms... --
celticross, 21:14:26 07/27/02 Sat
I too lurked at the Kitten Board after Seeing Red aired. I
didn't like the episode all that much, it was far too
painful to be enjoyable - I don't deny its artistic merits,
but I'll never be able to watch it again. I'd heard the
online rumbles about Tara's death, and I knew the Kittens
would take it hard, but I was unprepared for the level of
rage expressed on that board in the days following Seeing
Red. And I begin to think about the nature of fan boards
and select communities of fans online. The internet has
provided a place for people with similar views to
congregate. If you love the Willow/Tara relationship, there
are others who share your view.
However, it becomes all too easy for a party line to
develop, as Rah put it, and in such an environment, fans
tend to zero in on what they love best about the show and
cling to that as their reason for watching and their
barometer for how well they like what they see. For many of
the Kittens, W/T was the only reason they watched BtVS, and
a few even stated they'd rather see Willow killed off than
with someone new, male or female. Spike is the only reason
some watch, and it was the most ardent redemptionistas who
lead the charge against Marti Noxon (which also got nasty,
though not nearly as vocal). There are websites dedicated
to every possible romantic pairing, and to every character.
We all have favorite characters. I personally prefer Spike,
Giles and Willow (pre Magic Crack, when it was still her
fault). And we like these characters because we can
identify with them. The problem becomes OVER-
identification, which, in my mind, makes watching far less
There. I've rambled. Make some sense of it if you can.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
good points - I agree. Some additional ones --
shadowkat, 06:15:20 07/28/02 Sun
You make a great deal of sense celtic-cross and I agree with
your points. Been trying to stay away from this topic
because - well it was thrashed too death before SR even
aired. But you make some good points I think about the
episode and fandom.
1."I didn't like the episode all that much, it was far too
painful to be enjoyable - I don't deny its artistic merits,
but I'll never be able to watch it again."
Agree. Seeing Red was IMHO tightly written, well acted with
some Emmy worthy performances. It blew me away with some of
the scenes. But like you I'll never be able to watch
segments of it again.
A friend asked me on Friday, whether Btvs or ATs had ever
done anything this controversial in the past. If they did
they cloaked it in layers of metaphor so the audience wasn't
hit over the head with hammer. Not so in SR. They hit us
over the head with the hammer. What they decided to do in SR
was risky to do. They created not one but two very powerful
and controversial scenes around characters that fandom had
become obsessed with. Similar scenes unfortunately had
already been done on a plethora of tv shows, both daytime
and nighttime. Most notably daytime soaps. (See Lifetime
Channel on Cable for the made-for-tv movies both on the bad
boyfriend and on
the homosexual relationship - which television tends to stay
away from. Everything from Dawson's Creek to 90210 have
dealt with these things and not very well IMHO.)But as
others on the board have pointed out - There really aren't
any new ideas out there - just new ways of expressing them.
And ME normally does an amazing job of expressing these
ideas in new and different ways.
Since I knew Tara was going to die as early as Restless and
only briefly got dissuaded from this opinion, I really had
no problems with that part of the episode. I tend to agree
with Rufus, Rah, D'H and Rob on that one. But that said- I
think the writers made an honest mistake as writers do and
to be honest I may have done the same thing as a writer. We
have to remember that creating something is very different
than watching it. You may watch what you create but it is
unlikely you'll notice what someone else less close to the
art notices.
What was their mistake? How they used the metaphor. Yeah,
yeah - i know Whedon and company were moving away from
metaphors this season, but they still used them. And some of
the metaphors they used contradicted how they used them
previously - confusing the audience. (I think they tend to
forget that their audience remembers every episode and has
analyzed some of the episodes to death.) On W/T - they
attempt to get around the WB censors in Seasons 4-5 by using
magic as a sexual metaphor. Which would have been fine if
they weren't also planning on using magic as a drug
metaphor. PArt of the audience, got confused. What was ME
trying to say? That a lesbian relationship led to darkness?
Or is it a power addiction? Or drugs? At least with OZ,
Willow wasn't using magic as much in the beginning, their
sexual relationship did not feel associated with magic in
the least. It wasn't used as a metaphor for their feelings
towards each other. With Tara - the magic, Joss admits this
in Hush and Restless commentary - was a metaphor for the
sex. What they attempt to do is switch the metaphor - and
let Tara and Willow really have sex. Which would have also
worked well if they had started doing it in Bargaining not
SR. We really don't see them naked in bed until SR. We do
see them kiss and in bed together. But not to the degree. I
see what the writers intended - which was quite innocent and
very nice dramatically but I can also see why a portion of
their audience reacted negatively towards it. If they had
shot Tara anywhere but the bedroom. The backyard. The coffee
house. It wouldn't have been as bed. Of course the bedroom
was more dramatic and enabled them to do the Dawn scene and
link the whole thing to Joyce - etc. I honestly don't think
it ever occurred to them that a portion of the audience
would see the shooting in the bedroom as a negative message
about lesbianism. I didn't see it that way.
But then it's not an issue I live with or that is close to
my heart. Nor was I heavily invested in W/T since I always
knew Tara or whomever they put Willow with would die. That
seemed obvious to me. But i can see why it didn't for other
"We all have favorite characters. I personally prefer Spike,
Giles and Willow (pre Magic Crack, when it was still her
fault). And we like these characters because we can identify
with them. The problem becomes OVER-identification, which,
in my mind, makes watching far less enjoyable."
I agree and feel the same way. My favorites are also
Giles and Willow and (pre-drug metaphor Willow). I also
agree that there is a danger of over-identifying with these
characters. For some reason posting and inter-acting on the
internet tends to foster this. Mob mentality? Some of the
boards tend to bolster the emotions, heating them to a
frenzy. I saw that with the Marti threads and the SR
threads. The boards I've stayed with - B C & S and ATP
did not do that. The moderators kept control. We tend to
forget sometimes that Btvs is JUST a television show. It may
be an amazing television show. But it is still just
televison. The characters aren't real and are often created
to serve a plot device or storyline. That's the nature of
fiction. To over-identify with a fictional character to the
extent that they become real and you'll actually send hate
mail to the creator for killing them - may mean it's time to
turn off that tv set, get off the computer, and go outside
for a few walks in the woods.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
[> [>
I agree cc, sk -- Rahael, 07:34:27 07/28/02
and just a comment on the magic metaphor. It, like Vampirism
has been used a shifting metaphor - it changes in the
context, just as blood has been a shifting metaphor, and
Was magic a metaphor for lesbian sex or addiction when Giles
used it? or Ethan Rayne? or the Master? Actually, I never
saw the Willow/Tara sex allusions to magic-sex as a metaphor
- more of a sly allusion. A bit of a nod and a wink to a
clued in audience. There is always the danger of
misinterpretation, and harmful misinterpretation in art.
Whether being responsible means fencing off whole storylines
(Tara can't die, Willow shouldn't turn dark) is one that I
have yet to be persuaded upon. Being persuaded on one issue
in BtVS would mean a shift in my entire world view, and
that's something I'm reluctant to undertake.
As for over-identification - I think that only becomes a
probem when you white wash the character. I'm a good person.
That character is me! That character shouldn't do anything
bad. I wouldn't do it, so how can he/she?
In real life, we can never truly know what other human
beings think. One of the great attractions of my reading
obsesssion has been the ability to see how other people
think - not only the writers, but the illusion that you are
in someone elses head, someone elses mind. It's kind of
potent. We come to feel that we have an ownership of the
I can understand why the mood is so angry at the
Kittenboard. Quite apart from the Lesbian cliche thing (that
phrase is rapidly turning into a cliche itself) their entire
raison d'etre has gone! How would we feel if Joss turned
around and said "sorry folks, no real meaning. I just made
it up as I go along. The Shakespeare weekends? a little joke
of mine. I don't actually read any books". I'd like to think
that I'd react with extreme hilarity rather than anger, but
who knows?
By the way, Miss Edith, I think the Kittens are free to say
whatever they want. But they are fighting a public campaign,
so I don't think their discussions are a private matter. Why
else would they write a manifesto? Why else seek to persuade
ME and other fans of their perspective? It most assuredly is
not private. I registered there quite some time ago, before
this whole thing blew up.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [>
Re: I agree cc, sk -- Miss Edith, 09:14:18
07/28/02 Sun
Willow and Tara's love wasn't just a sly allusion to magic.
Joss has admitted on the season 4 DVD that magic was used as
a clear metaphour. E.g in Who Are You the spell was their
first sexual experience (Joss's words). And in Family when
Tara's father was talking about her being into witchcraft
there was a strong subtext. Even in season 6 when making
love in Seeing Red Tara says about the sex "there was plenty
of magic".
And I agree that the Kittens are seeking to educate people
about the lesbian cliche and how it was used. I really meant
that a lot of people talk about the Kitten board and how
terrible it is there as they are so unfair to Joss etc. Not
suggesting anyone on this board has said this but there is a
lot of condemnation of the Kittens discussions on their own
board which is what I was mainly refering to. It is true
that they are fighting a public campign by writing letters
to magazines and articles to show how Joss offended them.
But the insults and name-calling directed at ME are really
confined to their own board from what I can see and it's how
they let off steam (I'm not a member of the Kitten board
BTW, just an occasional lurker). I don't have a problem with
them letting their feelings about the lesbian cliche and how
Joss followed it known. I would still say their discussions
on their own board are private. JMHO.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [>
Yes...I agree Rah and miss edith. -- shadowkat,
13:31:46 07/28/02 Sun
You make some excellent points here.
I agree that the magic metaphor kept shifting. ME shifts all
its metaphors and trusts that it's audience gets that.
Having rewatched all of Season 1 ATs - I've found a new
appreciation for this. In the course of five episodes, the
writers shift and fully explore several aspects of the soul
metaphor for guilt, vampirisim - removal of guilt and desire
for immortality and the whole desire for clarity - with a
soul everything seems more ambiquous. They do the same thing
with magic. Magic is used to symbolize power, sex, control,
drugs, and experimentation. What is fascinating is all five
of these ideas can be entangled. Often sex is used to
control someone, to show power. Often drugs are used to make
someone have sex with you. Often we experiment with drugs
and sex and lose control. In the past the metaphor was used
with Giles and Jenny and Ethan...now Willow. It is a complex
and interesting metaphor. Me's use of metaphor is one of the
many reasons that I am so obsessed with their shows.
Also agree with the over-identification. We all do it. But I
like to think like you...I would laugh if someone revealed
Joss didn't read books. Probably would. I already laughed
when I discovered that Asmodea came from a video game that
Petrie and Fury were playing and Promethea in Primeval came
from Alan Moore's comic books. What I love about writing is
so much of what we create comes from our unconscious...comes
from what we unconsciously pick up around us. When we read
books or watch tv shows - we get to see how someone else's
mind works what their subconscious picks up and it helps us
understand why others do what they do better. Its one of the
reasons I love to read books - being inside another's head
and one of the reasons I love to write.
Agree with you on the Kitten Board as well. I went there
before and after the spoilers on SR were released. I haven't
been back. There were people who wanted to get the epsiode
pulled and change the writers' story. They also bashed the
writers. That bothered me. It still does. I believe in
authorial integrity and am against censorship.
One of the reasons I love Btvs and Ats is they DON'T pay
attention to what fans want - unlike just about every other
show on television. I've stopped watching most of the other
television shows because of this. I may have despised the AR
scene for instance, but I would never tell the writers to
remove it. I don't know what they have planned next. It's
not my story. I'm just lucky enough to be along for the ride
and so far am enjoying it. The nice thing about it, is if
there comes a time that I no longer enjoy the ride, I can
hop off, turn off the tv and move onto something else. Done
it with more tv programs than I can count.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
[> [>
Fictional characters -- Rufus, 23:07:35 07/28/02
We tend to forget sometimes that Btvs is JUST a
television show. It may be an amazing television show. But
it is still just televison. The characters aren't real and
are often created to serve a plot device or storyline.
That's the nature of fiction. To over-identify with a
fictional character to the extent that they become real and
you'll actually send hate mail to the creator for killing
them - may mean it's time to turn off that tv set, get off
the computer, and go outside for a few walks in the
Amber Benson was in Toronto recently and mentioned the
fictional nature of the show and for viewers not to take
things too personally. Seeing Red was a great episode and I
can watch it over and over again. Not because they showed
the death of Tara but because it continued on the evolving
nature of Willows relationship with power. The only thing
that could be questionable in any way was the actual timing
of the death close on the heels of the couple having
It is well within Willows character to react in the vengeful
way she did. It was foreshadowed in Tough Love in Season 5,
where Taras sanity was taken from her in the mind suck from
Glory. Willow immediately went to find what she needed to
get revenge on who had harmed her lover. In this case the
villian was a God and Willow was no match for her(at the
time, I'd have to wonder season six). Willow acted out in a
violent way with Giles, the same as she had with Glory in
Tough Love(scene with the knives). The difference between
season five and six is that in five, Willow was more limited
in her dark powers and Tara survived, but if she could have
killed Glory in Tough Love she would have, just as Giles
would have killed Angel for the murder of Jenny. There was a
shift in the magic metaphor from sex to drugs, but it did
make some sense. At first Willow had posative feedback from
her powers(though she screwed up many of her spells), she
began to find her identity through power, she felt it was
the reason Tara "could" love her, and when she sourced dark
magicks she paid for her arrogance by losing herself to that
darkness she used to get her way. While Willow used magic in
a posative way, the results we saw just that "magic", she
got the girl, got respect, felt good about who she was. As
soon as magic became a way of getting everything she wanted
her way, Willow became corrupted and all her subsequent uses
of power were tainted by the need for self gain.
When Tara was killed, Willow found out who did it and went
and got her bloody revenge. In the cries of "lesbian cliche"
the original villian, Warren was fogotten. Before I knew of
the lesbian cliche, I took the story for what Joss said it
was, the abuse of male power. I saw that Tara died because
some insecure j/a could only feel good when someone,
preferably female, suffered or was humiliated. Most of all,
Willow(who is still gay) is lost in the need to vent about
the loss of Tara.
The characters in BTVS are fictional, and people do get
emotionally invested in them, but when that investment
includes personal attacks on living people I have to wonder
about the people doing the attacking. I've lurked many
places and I can see why ME would be acting in a less than
friendly way to people who say they are fans and proceed to
use insults and profanity to make their point. If some fans
are finding the reaction of Joss and the other writers to be
less than they want, they should look at their original
message....ones with F*ck you
emoticons....personal insults and harassing behavior on
message boards when a writer visits...should remember that a
fictional character died, and being cruel to live people and
expecting them to be friendly to you is not going work.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
[> [> [>
Re: Fictional characters -- Miss Edith, 09:21:20
07/29/02 Mon
If the Kittens feel better by venting on their own messsage
board and swearing at the writers than I will say again I
still think they have every right to do that. It is their
community and no one is forcing the writers to visit a place
where they know they will recieve a hostile reception. As
long as writers aren't receiving personal threats through
the post I believe the Kittens can behave as they wish on
their own board. There are far worse sites on the internet
than a community saying amongst themselves that they hate
the writers of Buffy and feel personally betrayed. More than
one Kitten is so deeply upset they have mentioned being
suicidal. Not becuase of Buffy alone of course. But Joss
assuring them they could trust him to tell a love story
without having it end in suffering for the lesbian as in the
cliche was a betrayel in their minds. They were personally
assured by writers that the lesbian cliche was purposely
going to be avoided and Willow and Tara were a safe ship to
emotionally invest in. T/W were the light in a dark world
and many Kittens want their pain acknowledged.
One young girl is in the hospital with a suspected tumour
waiting and hoping that her grandmother will visit. Her
grandmother (who she lives with) wants nothing to do with
the young girl who has come out as gay and her only support
and way of feeling less alone is on the Kitten board. There
is a lot of pain and betrayel there as well as hate and
anger. If the people there feel like saying Joss is an a-
hole, he screwed us etc whether I agree or not they do have
a right to say it on their own board in my mind.
Joss and ME have cetainly fueled the fire with their own
harsh attitudes. Whether it is a response to the comments or
not no compassion was shown to the Kitten board from the
very beginning of Tara's death way before the bitterness
rose. If having puking emoticons makes them feel better who
am I to disagree. I would speak against intimadation of Joss
through threatening e-mail. That is not what the Kittens are
doing. Maybe a fringe element is personally threatening Joss
as any unpleasant minority will do when pushed but the board
as a whole is not encouraging such behaviour. Someone
mentioned Marti having a gay mother and they were told not
to talk about the writers personal lives. The writers work
and decision to kill Tara and make Willow the sterotypical
vengeful lesbian/evil witch is what is critisiced. Certainly
the Kittens are not going about condemning MEs recent work
kindly or tactfully but again it is their board and they do
have a right to do this if it helps them to feel better. No
writer is forced to read what the Kittens think of them on
that board.
And as for your comment about the real message of the
Tara/Willow arc is a caution against male power I would
disagree. Yes Warren was presented as a hateful character
but the focus is on Willow and how power is corrupting her.
That is the message most viwers are getting from the images
they watch. The end of season 6 will be remembered as the
one where Willow was the big bad, not Warren purely because
we have more of an emotional investment in Willow's
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I can't agree -- Sophist, 09:46:09 07/29/02
There is some sense to the idea that a Board can serve as a
private place to vent feelings that shouldn't be expressed
elsewhere. BUT. A group hatefest is hardly likely to lead to
calmer, more rational views. Sometimes we let out emotions
on others for cathartic effect, and it's helpful to us
because the other person provides sympathy and
understanding. When the others react with even more venom,
this is not catharsis, it's a mob mentality. ME's behavior
has hardly been ideal, but their reactions are not without
If someone is truly suicidal "because" of W/T, I would
politely and sympathetically suggest that that person had
problems pre-dating W/T. I do sympathize with social
outsiders. I do understand that TV role models can be
significant in their personal struggles. But they are just
fictional characters. Real tragedy is the death of Abraham
Lincoln or MLK, Jr.
Notwithstanding what people may assume from my posts here,
the W/T story arc (as distinct from DarkWillow) does not
affect in any way my view of any S6 episode, including SR. A
posting board should provide a way for viewers to come to
terms with the problems they have with a scene or a story.
This Board does that; I gain a great deal from the views of
others even when I argue most strongly against them. The
posters on the Kitten Board are hurting themselves even more
than they are anyone else.
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Re: I can't agree -- Miss Edith, 10:29:03
07/29/02 Mon
There really isn't the group hatefest that is assumed by
Buffy fans on the Kitten board. The anger there is clear but
the rep the Kittens are getting on other boards really is
exagerated. There is one thread purely for venting which is
The Angry Rant Thread. Other threads on the board do have
people critisicing the decisions made regarding W/T but it
isn't as much as some would claim. The reputation really
comes from the venem displayed directly after Seeing Red
aired. The board was at that point not a pleasant place to
visit I will admit. But the feelings whilst still there no
longer overwhelm the board in the way that many critics
would like to claim. (Not saying you are BTW.)
On other boards a lot of mocking is aimed at the Kittens and
the board only allows registrated people to post following
the number of trolls who came there to bash them following
what they had heard. The Kittens still have to deal with
trolls who will make the effort to register in order to tell
the Kittens to stop being vengeful lesbians and that Joss is
God and beyong reproach.
The anger directed at Joss is primarily because he is now
saying that he never saw W/T as lesbains and he treated them
like any other couple. He has also said he had no idea of
the impact that killing Tara would have as he never saw her
as a lesbain.
The Kittens are calling him on this because Joss has spoken
in the past of all the letters he has received from gay
people thanking him for giving them a positive role model.
Young people coming out to their families have written to
Joss thanking him for making it easier for them. He has
received so many letters from people relieved that he got it
and is truly interested in making the world a better and
more tolerant place. He is now saying he never realised
killing off Tara would have such an impact? He must have
foreseen some anger following all the letters calling him a
trused friend surely?
He publicly talked about W/T being the most important thing
he had ever done and how much he valued the storytellers
ability to help people. More than one writer discussed the
lesbian cliche and promised viewers they were not interested
in "what we feel is this tired and old cliche". Marti has
spoken of wanting to "push the frontiers" with what could be
shown of the relationship and how important it was to her
that W/T be treated as equal to the straight couples on the
show. Gay viewers trusted in Joss and gave him ratings based
on the comments he was making. In their position I would be
quite happy to condemn his behaviour. There really is a
sense of personal betrayel following the relationship that
Joss had build up with his audience. He did encounter
grateful viewers at conventions and publicly made promises
about Tara and Willow's relationship not ending with the
cliche of one lesbian dying doomed to misery and the other
becoming evil. He followed this cliche to the letter and is
now denying that he owes anything but to the story. He had
spoken of how it makes him proud to have helped society
through his work. He was sent a toaster by one group (based
on Ellen). He has recieved awards from the gay media. He had
encouraged all of this and spoke publicly about pushing the
WB network to allow two lesbians to kiss on his show. He is
now saying his responsibility is purely to the story. It is
not just the way W/T ended their relationship. Joss's
attitude has encouraged their anger and betrayel felt by the
I would agree that no person would commit suicide based on a
tv show only. I mentioned in my post that certain people
were very depressed because of many factors. The behaviour
of ME is just the final kick in the gut for many. ME have
refused to acknowledge the misery they have caused. They
believe the sex shown in Seeing Red and the kissing in
Entropy is all they owed the viewing public. If their
responsibility had been to the story all along perhaps there
would have been less anger. But Joss made specific promises
which the Kittens feel were broken. That is why they feel
Joss owed them more then they got. Because of the writers
own words.
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Re: I can't agree -- Rufus, 13:55:45 07/29/02
I never mentioned a specific board, you did. And the net is
far from private, even if you have to register to get onto a
site. Working fellow members of a board into a continual
hate fest is far from productive. Tara is a fictional
character who serves the storyline of the regular fictional
character Willow. Willow was for those hours in Two to Go
and Grave supposed to be the Big Bad. I have listened to
interviews and read print interviews from Steve DeKnight,
David Fury, Jane Espenson, and Joss Whedon, as well as read
numerous articles with quotes from Joss. My impression is
that they have learned a lesson from what has happened with
the fan reaction from the death of Tara. The writers are
"real" people, not fictional characters, the treatment of
them has been disgusting. Some members will accept nothing
short of the return of Tara and are treating the writers
like they are "real" murderers. If they want a dialogue with
the writers the constant put downs, foul language, harassing
behavior at The Bronze, personal insults..aren't gonna get
the writers to treat anyone like that in a gentle way.
I understand that some people have a personal investment in
a character, but jeeze get a grip! Any character is
expendable on BTVS and it was Tara that got it this time, to
throw away all the good parts of the show including Willow
makes no sense to me.
Bad behavior isn't going to get a posative response, and
shouldn't get a posative response. The writers have a job,
the characters are their creation, they write what Joss
tells them to write. The characters aren't real and the
writers reflect that when they speak. To treat them like
real life criminals for telling their story is like mob
censorship. If people are hurt by the death of Tara the
constructive thing to do is write about the real hurt, the
personal attacks and insults can't be expected to have the
writers treat their attackers with any respect as those
people have proved they don't deserve it.
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Re: I can't agree -- Miss Edith, 14:31:05
07/29/02 Mon
I never accused anyone on this board of bashing the Kittens.
I was simply saying that other Buffy boards do treat the
Kittens as a joke and indulge in wholescale bashing of a
site that they do not need to visit if they don't wish
I did not say the net was private. I said that the Kitten
board is a community for W/T fans only and I stand by my
comment that the writers do not need to visit if they find
the attitudes offensive. It is considered a haven for W/T
shippers so if they do visit expecting their work to be
praised surely they must know that is not the case and they
will encounter bitterness. Steven DeKnight talking of
fearing ranting lesbians threatening him and implying the
Kittens as a board are involved is a lie. No personal
threats were aimed at the writers on that board. Not all
members are even lesbians anyway.
And I would disagree with your statement that the board is
unproductively "working fellow members of a board into a
continul hate fest". There was fan outrage after SR and I do
agree that the board did have people critisising the writers
work strongly. But the board has calmed down since then
although there is one thread dedicated to ranting and
occasional nasty comments do emerge in other threads. But I
will say again personal insults are not tolerated. The
writing is critisised only, along with occasional comments
about Joss's false promises and how they feel screwed.
Spoiler for Firefly:
Someone called Joss a "comic geek" and made a suggestion on
his sexual preferences based on spoilers that Firefly would
have lines like "they're going to rape us to death, then eat
our flesh" and they were pulled up for it.
End of spoiler.
Personal insults are not hurled at the writers private lives
although people do make comments like f**k ME. But if that
helps them let off steam I cannot see the harm in it. People
are not working others up continuosly. In fact the only time
more anger emerges is following another of MEs tactless
interviews or public comments.
I'm sorry if you disaprove of the board but the writers are
not forced to visit it and as long as such commets are not e-
mailed to the writers the Kittens have a right to condemn ME
when talking amongst themselves on their own website. Maybe
you don't appreciate foul language or the writers being put-
down unkindly. In that case don't visit their website.
As for your comments about harrassing behaviour at the
Bronze in fact the writers themselves commented on their
dismay at the attitude in the Bronze from a significant
minority which was basically "the fat ugly lesbian got what
she deserved" etc. Some Kittens tried to challenge such
attitudes but gave up in the end as the mocking of their
grief over Tara was so widespread.
And I am not denying that some Kittens are not just sticking
to their private forum in which to challenge Joss. There
have been articles on the lesbian cliche appearing in on-
line magazines for instance. But I personally have only seen
the Kittens swear and insult ME on their own board in which
people visiting are almost always expecting unpleasant
attitudes based on the reputation the board has gained.
If I were Joss I would be hurt by the strength of feeling on
that board. But then again if I were Joss I would not waste
my time visiting that board in the first place knowing what
reception ME can expect.
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Re: I can't agree -- Finn Mac Cool, 15:20:19
07/29/02 Mon
Come on! Have you ever doubted that Joss Whedon enjoys
torturing, not only his characters, but his fans as well?
Therefore, complaining about unsentimental comments from him
is kinda hypocritical, since any BtVS watcher should be
clued into the fact that he's an enormous sadist, but not
bothered complaining about it when he's done it in the
(Take post with a grain of salt)
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Re: I can't agree -- Miss Edith, 16:15:34
07/29/02 Mon
I know the writers joke and wind up fans a lot. But the
Kittens don't feel such an attitude is appropriate at the
moment and were actually half-hoping for some compassion to
be shown towards their feelings. It really was interviews
like Steven DeKnight's mocking of fans that got them so
riled up in the first place. Yes to the majority of fans the
comments from the writers may not seem particularly
objective but the Kittens were feeling sensitive and hoped
the writers would take that into consideration. The
perceived belittling of their feelings was certainly not
expected and caught them so unawares that following certain
interviews with the writers many Kittens were indeed
literally spitting with rage.
I am not a Kitten as I have said but I will defend their
right to condemn ME on their board providing it doesn't get
personally offensive to the writers in question. I do not
count insults of their work as personally offensive any more
than I would if reading an episode guide saying the writer
had produced crap/what were they thinking etc. As long as
the comments don't get personal they have not crossed any
lines in my eyes.
It really is easy to joke that Tara is just a fictional
character and we should take the writers comments in a light-
hearted manner as that is the spirit in which they are
given. That is just not how some viewers are feeling at the
moment and they are seeing the recent events from a entirely
different perspective from most fans.
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Re: I can't agree -- Rufus, 16:37:28 07/29/02
I said that the Kitten board is a community for W/T fans
only and I stand by my comment that the writers do not need
to visit if they find the attitudes offensive. It is
considered a haven for W/T shippers so if they do visit
expecting their work to be praised surely they must know
that is not the case and they will encounter
If the Kitten Board want Joss and other writers to be
responsible for every word they write, then they have to be
prepared to be responsible for every word they write on the
very public internet. People tend to mirror those they are
talking to and how can you expect compassion and
understanding from someone as a group when there is open
hostility? The writers have been invited to join the board
but I understand how they would be hesitant to join a
virtual bashing. I don't think this issue will be resolved
by puking emoticons and Death to ME rants. What I do think
will get attention is honest feelings and words that reflect
the pain Kittens and others feel instead of attacks. Someone
has to give at this point and at long as the bitterness is
encouraged I don't see anyone getting past it. I belong to
the Kitten Board and understood a few weeks of rants but not
this continual loop of anger. It's too bad because I fear
that other writers will take from this situation the idea
that it's not worth writing gay characters which I think
would be a great loss.
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Well said Rufus. -- Rahael, 16:39:55 07/29/02
Another must read post from you today!
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Re: I can't agree -- Miss Edith, 16:55:24
07/29/02 Mon
Surely there is a difference for a website for W/T shippers
specifically joing for common ground and a television series
and the message it may inadvertently send out? The internet
is alomst impossible to regulate anyway but I do think
television shows need to be called on what they write and
that the kittens have a right to do so on a product that ME
are offering to the public.
I take your point that the rage expressed is often self-
defeating and their cause will get more attention if they
behave courteously at all times. The Kittens do try to do so
when calling attention to their cause through letters to the
media etc. They only rant on their own board as I have said
and perhaps this can be used against them which I agree is a
The bitterness has lasted for a long time, it can certainly
be argued too long, and no it really doesn't help the
Kittens cause. I have often felt the need to speak up when
the Kittens are dismissed as ranting, irrational lesbians
(again I am not accusing anyone at this board of doing so).
It is a shame that the Kittens have created a situation in
which it is possible for people to dismiss them as such. But
I still feel the Kittens have a right to rant on their own
board without being critisised and told to get over it. If
they start infaltrating all Buffy boards and spreading their
bitterness I would not agree with that. I guess I just feel
sympathy for them needing to vent regardless of whether it
can be considered health or beneficial.
I just think if the Kittens do feel the need to express
anger it is fair enough as long as it is confined to their
own board.
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Re: I can't agree -- Finn Mac Cool, 18:27:01
07/29/02 Mon
If the Kittens can rant about Mutant Enemy on their board,
can't people of a dissenting opinion rant about the Kittens
on a different board?
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Re: I can't agree -- Miss Edith, 18:39:52
07/29/02 Mon
Lol good question I guess you've got me there. But again the
Kittens are really ranting about the writers work, rather
than attacking individuals. Although I suppose calling
someone an a-hole when talking of the episode they wrote is
a personal attack really and now I'm starting to get a
headache. I really am feeling like a broken record at the
moment. I'm not even a Kitten, just sympathetic to the
cause. It's 2:30 over here in Englans so I just feel like
giving the whole thing a rest and signing off.
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Actually No -- Dochawk, 18:54:55 07/29/02
If there were a board where the major theme was anti-lesbian
or anti-Kitten I guess you have a point. Noone likes to be
called names or spat on figuaratively let alone literally.
But pent up emotions need to have a place to be relieved. I
agree with Rufus that noone should have to see "Death to
Joss", kinda inane and there may be some maladjusted person
who takes it literally. The interesting thing is what was
the response on the kitten board to the "Amber Benson is
Fat" brouhaha (one of the most ridiculous and hurtful
statements a person could make) or that "Mark Blucas is
boring". This isn't the first time that the internet has
been used to condemn in a hurtful way something that ME was
doing. The difference is that people had and apparantly
still have truly painful feelings. And to disparage them
for their feelings is just wrong. To say "get over it" or
"your just misinterpeting what happened" which apparantly
many people here seem to be saying totally demeans a whole
group of people's feelings. Now how they act about those
feelings, does have some element to criticize, but people
feel what they feel and "convincing them otherwise" just
makes their sense of isolation and frutration greater.
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Clarifying Myself -- Finn Mac Cool, 22:15:48
07/29/02 Mon
Did I give the impression that I don't think the Kittens
should say what they have? If I did, I'm afraid I didn't
explain myself thoroughly.
I would be incredibly shocked if any W/T shipper who saw
Seeing Red wasn't surprised, hurt, and outraged. I have no
problems with this. Nor do I have problems with them
posting angry and occassionally insulting comments on the
Internet about this. Nor do I think that they shouldn't
talk about the "dead/evil lesbian cliche" if they believe it
is true. I don't have issues with any of these. Damn right
they should be able to feel what they feel and say what they
But, what happens when someone who is a supporter of Joss
and/or a fan of Seeing Red wanders across some of these
Kittenish comments while surfing the Net? They'd probably
be angry and maybe even upset at how a writer and/or episode
they admire was, and still is, to a certain extent, being
bashed. These people have just as much right to feel this
way, and just as much right to post emotional messages about
it, as any of the Kittens do about their views.
I have no problem with people getting loud, upset, and angry
on or off the Internet. But, the louder someone yells and
the more biting their comments become, the backlash can be
expected to only get fiercer.
As for those things about "misinterpreting what happened"
and "convincing them otherwise", most of those have been
from people arguing against the "dead/evil lesbian cliche".
Unofortunately, grief over the loss of Tara and the end of
W/T has become horribly intertwined with this "cliche"
theory. There is a big difference between scoffing at the
grief of W/T shippers and saying that the "evil/dead lesbian
cliche" doesn't apply to BtVS. However, for people on both
sides of the arguement, the two become increasingly hard to
As for those who just say "get over it", that is a very mean
comment, and deserves whatever snarky remarks it gets in
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Re: Clarifying Myself -- Miss Edith, 12:28:06
07/30/02 Tue
In responce to Dochawks comment maybe I missed it but I have
never seen any Kitten say "death to ME". If such words were
posted I have no doubt they were deleted by the mods. Death
threats against any individual is completely inappropriate
and I think I can safely say we can all agree on that. The
Kittens do have slogans like "Just Say No To ME" and they
say amongst themselves that they feel betrayed and will not
watch any product produced by ME ever again. That is about
as bad as the bashing gets. Well with the occasional naughty
word. But certainly personal threats are not tolerated on
any board that I would post or lurk at. If the Kittens were
planning to go round Joss's house and infringe on his
personal liberty for instance I would not visit that board
or support it in any way.
And the response to the Kittens pain has sadly been "get
over it" all too frequently. I have not seen such an
attitude on this board but often when a Kitten does publish
an article on the Lesbian cliche the responses are pretty
infantile and do not encourage good debate. I would agree
that they themselves have encouraged a backlash by the harsh
criticism of ME on their own board meaning ME supporters
often have a knee-jerk reaction to any article written by a
Kitten. It's a shame as they really do keep the rage and
bitterness confined to their own board. When they write
letters publicly it would be more helpful if the people
opposing the Kittens views ignored the reputation of the
Kitten board and just concentrated on how the Kittens behave
in a sensible debate with them. I would say again that as
long as they keep what could be termed unreasnable ranting
on their own board that I don't see that it should be an
issue for others. As ever JMHO.
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Re: the problem with selective fandoms... -- Miss
Edith, 06:23:13 07/28/02 Sun
The Kitten board is a private community where you have to
register to post. I can't really see a problem with what
they discuss on their own board. As you say it is their own
private community where they are free to behave as they
wish. I'll come right out and say that even though I love
Bts I have lost a lot of love for it in season 6 which
disapoints me greatly. I will stop watching if James
Marsters leaves and people can mock that if they wish. But
the fact is the show doesn't have enough left to interest me
as they have made characters I once liked (Xander, Dawn)
unpleasant for me to watch. The writers can say we were
never true fans and over-identify with one character. But it
was primarily the writers who killed off my interest in the
show this season. I don't like saying I am only hanging
around as long as James Marsters is there but it's just how
I feel.
The confirmed spoilers of Dawn having a bigger role in
season 6 and a lot of time spend in the high school worries
me. I really don't want to see Dawn's scrappy gang as I had
enough trouble getting through ATW when Dawn and Janice
discussed peeing their pants over boys.
End of spoiler.
I want a focus on Buffy, Spike and the core scoobies and I'm
afraid Joss will have to work hard next year to convince me
Buffy will be worth watching on it's own merits. I am
primarily focused on Spike's story at the moment just as I
am on Wesley in Angel.
I am usually at the spoiler board the cross and stake so
hope I've marked out spoilers correctly? That is how you do
it right?
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Re: the problem with selective fandoms... -- Finn
Mac Cool, 06:35:50 07/28/02 Sun
Usually, you're supposed to lable spoilers in the title
line, but this works good, too.
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Re: Okay thanks for letting me know. -- Miss Edith,
08:53:50 07/28/02 Sun
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Ummm...yeah! -- Darby, 12:43:59 07/27/02 Sat
I'm afraid that I can't divorce plotting from writing. Good
writing, even when collaborative, is the whole package. To
me, a roomful of writers as sophisticated as ME's should
have seen the inherent cliche in the scene they were
suggesting and responded in one of three ways:
- They should have seen the distracting nature of it and
made something different carry the story. As I said, the
original concept seemed to have distanced the sex from the
death - maybe it would have avoided the cliche claims.
- They should have decided that the classic subtext that had
repeatedly been glued to this particular cliche be spun in a
new light to subvert that message. The examples Rahael
gives, I think, are mostly legitimate examples of ME doing
this: vamp w/ a soul, lame but not really cliched, and they
promise to spin Spike differently than Angel; Cordelia, the
bitchy airhead was never really an airhead and remained
bitchy after repeated "lessons" (and I'd like to see a bit
more of that preserved where she is now!) but was never
quite the cliche anymore than Buffy was; Angel ---> Angelus
taking a romance/sex cliche and extending it to operatic
heights to deal with it metaphorically; Maggie Walsh - who
knows?, that story was played out off-set and how much did
she piss everyone off to come back a corpse with no real
dialogue? I would add from this season the successful
addressing of the left-at-the-altar cliche, the amnesia
cliche, the everything's-a-dream cliche, the kid-sister-
makes-the-same-mistakes cliche, etc., etc. These people can
do it, the evidence screams it. I just don't think they
pulled it off in this instance.
- They could have figured it would slide by and then, when
it oh-so-obviously didn't, respectfully acknowledged the
goof and apologized to the offended parties. If two years
ago, ME had written demon Forrest in a way that called up
classic "Negro" stereotypes - the Forrest-Adam dynamic
turned out a bit too slave-master, or his attack on Buffy
smacked of old sexual cliches, I don't think there would
have been any hesitation in taking this option, as they did
with the gun-in-school scene that really was much further
from an actual Columbine image than SR was from the cliche
we're discussing. I still don't know why they've circled
the wagons on this particular issue, unless they had
recognized what they were doing, did it anyway because it
was easier, and just are too embarrassed to admit it. When
it comes down to it, Joss does hate to lie directly, it
I know that people are getting sick of this issue,
especially since it doesn't really involve Spike, the
immortal topic. I can't absolutely promise this, but my
current intent is that once this thread zips to the
archives, this is the last I'm going to discuss it. I hope
by now that everyone finally understands the gist of my (and
Sophist's, if I can be so bold) feelings on the matter. If
not, it's time for me to admit I can't adequately explain
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Re: The function of criticism -- Arethusa,
14:29:48 07/27/02 Sat
"The function of criticism is to deconstruct (yeah, I'm
deliberately using a loaded word) and expose hidden
assumptions and attitudes expressed in the show."
Is the function of criticism really to expose hidden
assumptions and attitudes expressed in the show? I think
the function of criticism is to help people understand what
they are viewing or listening to. All creators and viewers
have assumptions and attitudes. Exposing them can help the
audience understand the creator and his work of art, or can
also become an excuse for criticizing the creator for
whatever one disagrees with.
The problem with the W/T story arc was that it wasn't a W/T
story arc-it was a Willow story arc. Therefore, Wedon
didn't feel responsible for the audiences' sexual fantasies
about and emotional investment in W/T. Foolish of him, but
he's been distracted this year. Wedon wanted to show that
even in the best of us are dark places and terrible
violence, and he was successful. It seems the assumptions
and attitudes that are being exposed are those of the
viewers, not necessarily the creators.
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Re: The function of criticism -- Sophist,
15:18:55 07/27/02 Sat
All creators and viewers have assumptions and attitudes.
Exposing them can help the audience understand the creator
and his work of art, or can also become an excuse for
criticizing the creator for whatever one disagrees
Of course. That's why it's important to evaluate the quality
of the evidence presented by the critic. It's perfectly fair
to deconstruct the deconstruction, but it has to be done
with evidence.
It seems the assumptions and attitudes that are being
exposed are those of the viewers, not necessarily the
Ok, suppose I agree with you about this. Do you mean this is
true of all the posts on this issue? If so, what's
the evidence for that? If not, then you still have to
face the merits of the points being made by those who
don't fall into this category.
This is clearly a hot-button issue. Geez, you'd think Spike
was involved. :) The best way to deal with such issues is to
focus narrowly on the evidence. That's what I'm advocating
in this thread.
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Re: The function of criticism -- Arethusa,
18:42:36 07/27/02 Sat
The reason I'm bringing up attitudes and assumptions instead
of evidence is because that is what the W/T critics are
doing. Few people disagree on the facts, but many disagree
on the interpretation of the facts. The only fact needing
determination is: did ME use the Evil Dead Lesbian cliche?
ME says no-and that can be accurate because they wanted
Willow evil and gay and Tara dead, but only to further the
developments they had planned for Willow over the course of
years. That is a fact-ME said they did not see it as the
EDL cliche because they did not write it as the EDL cliche.
It is also a fact that many critics did see W/T as the EDL
cliche, because the events in SR and Grave fulfilled their
criteria for the EDL cliche. So how do you weigh the
evidence when it it totally based on the two sides'
perceptions of the event? The articles I saw written a
while after the furor died down conceded the EDL cliche was
used accidently and/or carelessly, but some critics are
still are upset because their feelings were hurt by certain
writers' attitudes in interviews and the loss of a couple on
tv they identify with. At this point, there is no use
arguing further, because one can't argue that someone needs
evidence to have certain emotions-emotions are based on gut
responses, not facts. No one wins the argument unless ME
apologizes for callousness and the critics accept ME told
the truth when they said the EDL cliche was a thoughtless
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Re: The function of criticism -- mundusmundi,
08:40:50 07/28/02 Sun
Good, sensible post, Arethusa, one that takes us off the
slippery garden path of "objective" analysis (e.g., "If we
accept points A, B, and C, then we must accept
conclusion D.") and gets to the heart of the matter.
Criticism is not an entirely objective enterprise, and there
are ultimately limits to the "evidence" one can use to
support one's point. Then again, maybe it's the opposite --
that evidence regarding artistic interpretation is
limitless and can be used to support or justify just
about any opinion one wishes to make. (It helps explain why
Pauline Kael used to lavish praise on near-universally
regarded stinkers like Casualties of War.)
The point I am poorly making is that criticism is intensely
personal. A good critic may helpfully cite examples, make
comparisons, and interpret hidden motifs, but it really
boils down to a gut reaction. My own gut reaction (which in
no way nullifies anyone else's, so that's clear) was that
"Seeing Red" was a phenomenal episode, maybe the best and
truest Buffy of the season. That the competition is
appallingly thin may have made it seem even more powerful
than it is. "Once More, with Feeling" is an endlessly
pleasurable, instant TV-classic, but IMO never really
capitalized on its central metaphor of song as unbridled
passion or emotion. (Joss really should have given it 2
hours and scrapped something like "Gone" or "Doublemeat
Palace.") "Normal Again" was a thought-provoking mind-screw
that works as a great example of a "gimmick episode," but a
gimmick nonetheless. "Seeing Red," OTOH, marks a return to
what I will deem "classic" Buffy -- a watershed that, as
darrenK might opine, makes you stand up and say, "They fit
all that in one episode?"
I think one reason why "Seeing Red" provoked such a heated
reaction was, to paraphrase shadowkat and others, it took
characters that had been largely stripped of their metaphors
all season, causing some viewers to identify more directly
with them, and then tried to reinsert the metaphors back.
For me, this worked brilliantly with the Troika. The sexual
metaphors (the orbs, Warren's orgasmic "ejaculation" with
the jetpack) were sharp and funny, and they served to make
Warren more terrifying and Jonathan and Andrew much more
touching than they ever were before or after.
However, it also appears that the ingenious sexual motifs of
the episode gave the explicit W/T bedroom scenes, including
Tara's murder, even more impact. I can see why it would be
upsetting. It's supposed to be upsetting, albeit in a
dramatic sense (which ME intended) and not in an overly
personal and/or socio-political context. Maybe they were
naive, disingenuous, or too preoccupied with SpikeSexFest
2002, but I'm willing to give Joss & Co. the benefit of the
doubt and say that they didn't intend it as such.
I'm not explaining myself as clearly as I would like --
that's the trouble with gut reactions -- so I'll stop here.
I'll only add that the Willow/Tara story hasn't necessarily
stopped (no spoilers here, just a hunch), so it's difficult
for either side on this issue to use evidence that seems, at
the moment anyway, inconclusive. We don't know yet what the
fallout will be. It wouldn't surprise me, though, if Joss
addresses this issue next season as he often does, within
the context of the show.
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The purpose of evidence -- Sophist, 10:25:22
07/28/02 Sun
I do agree that our reactions to a given episode are largely
subjective, gut reactions. As they are to any work of
That being said, my point was that if we take this to an
extreme, there is nothing for us to discuss. I like fish,
you like steak. End of discussion. If that were the extent
of the postings here, I doubt any of us would spend the time
we do.
JMHO, but a good critical discussion should be able to
isolate specific points of intertwined fact and judgment.
For example, if I claim that Spike's behavior in SR was OOC
(which I did), then I feel obligated to support that claim
with some detailed explanation of fact and interpretation of
his behavior on the show over the preceeding 4 years (which
I did). Doesn't mean anyone has to agree with my conclusion,
but it does give everyone the opportunity to say "Hey, you
forgot X" or "Why not look at Y this way?".
It seems to me that some of the most contentious discussions
(Spike, W/T) have departed from this track, to the point
where people are talking past each other ("Spike is noble";
no "Spike is eeeevil"). If we focus a little more on the
evidence and a little less on the ultimate conclusion, we
can have a discussion instead of an opinionfest.
Several of the posters did this: Rob challenged the
relationship between W/T sex and bad consequences; Mal the
existence of a double standard; dH the existence of the
"cliche" under discussion. I don't happen to agree with
them, but we can talk about the facts in order to establish
a common ground for further interpretation (such as Rah did
in her discussion about The Merchant of Venice).
In contrast, a post which says (paraphrasing) "this argument
says more about the critics than it does about ME" is not
very useful. Aside from the implausibility of this when
directed at Darby, it's merely an ultimate conclusion, an
opinion. It shuts off discussion instead of encouraging
One of the things I value most on this Board is that the
posters are actually willing to change their minds. I have
(despite my apparent stubbornness), and I've seen others do
so. It's the presentation of supporting evidence (and
argument) that creates that possibility.
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Re: Hey, I love fish! -- mundusmundi, 12:47:49
07/28/02 Sun
I just don't want to eat it every day. But, I digress:
That being said, my point was that if we take this to an
extreme, there is nothing for us to discuss. I like fish,
you like steak. End of discussion. If that were the extent
of the postings here, I doubt any of us would spend the time
we do.
Well, this is actually a good example of why I'm skeptical
of the "If A, then B" method of presenting evidence (though
maybe I've just read too many of Philip Johnson's anti-
evolutionary screeds, which employ a similar tack, and have
grown cynical). The "A" being presented in your argument
seems to be that I am against using evidence in our
discussions. While this conveniently supports your
concluding "B," (which I will address momentarily), it's
skewing (another word for "taking to extremes") what I
actually wrote.
JMHO, but a good critical discussion should be able to
isolate specific points of intertwined fact and
I guess I agree with this, though it seems a little fuzzy.
I'd add that critical discussion, at its best, will relate
its points to the larger context of the topic which some
of the W/T critiques have done and some haven't, for example
-- rather than leaving them isolated, hanging or
It seems to me that some of the most contentious
discussions (Spike, W/T) have departed from this track, to
the point where people are talking past each other ("Spike
is noble"; no "Spike is eeeevil"). If we focus a little more
on the evidence and a little less on the ultimate
conclusion, we can have a discussion instead of an
Regardless how thoughtful or clever we may be, our responses
are ultimately limited to the quality of the subject matter.
Hardly an ME apologist, I've taken them to task all year and
in my above post for overliteralizing the characters and
themes of this season. The evidence is admittedly
circumstantial and speculative, but I do think that, perhaps
unconsciously, we've taken our cue from the characters and
engaged in these discussions in a more blatant, "Tastes
great, less filling" fashion. Compared to past seasons,
there's been little filet mignon on the table to chew
In contrast, a post which says (paraphrasing) "this
argument says more about the critics than it does about ME"
is not very useful. Aside from the implausibility of this
when directed at Darby, it's merely an ultimate conclusion,
an opinion. It shuts off discussion instead of encouraging
Aside from the fact that this subthread is directly
about the nature of criticism, this "then B" of your
argument, building on the aformentioned "If A," seems to be
accusing me of wanting to stifle discussion. While my
fascist tendencies are admittedly well-known on this board,
the point I was trying to make (and which supported
Arethusa's post and didn't even mention Darby) was that
evidence alone does not a compelling argument make. It's
how that evidence is presented, whether it's
selective or acknowledges any counterpoints, if it's open
and unguarded or cleverly couched, that maters. We can't
force discussion to happen; it has to flow naturally. That's
the difference between a courtroom cross-examination and an
open and honest exchange of ideas.
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Me too. And it's good for you. -- Sophist,
13:16:51 07/28/02 Sun
this "then B" of your argument, building on the
aformentioned "If A," seems to be accusing me of wanting to
stifle discussion.
Not directed to you at all. Someone else in this thread made
a comment of which this is (I think) a fair paraphrase. I
was merely using that as an example, not pointing a finger
at you. Sorry for the implication that you were meant.
My original suggestion for evidence was actually evidence on
this point, i.e., whether the critics were merely exposing
their own assumptions -- what is there about the critics
that would make one say this (and what is there about Darby
in particular that would bring up this comment in a thread
involving his posts)?
evidence alone does not a compelling argument make. It's
how that evidence is presented, whether it's selective or
acknowledges any counterpoints, if it's open and unguarded
or cleverly couched, that maters.
I couldn't agree more.
I'm embarrassed to admit this, but Philip Johnson was my
Criminal Law professor in law school. He actually was a good
professor. His arguments about evolution are either
dishonest or ignorant beyond belief in someone of his
apparent intelligence. I'm not sure, though, that I'd reject
all of Aristotelian logic because of his abuses. :)
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Objective and subjective -- Rahael, 14:18:49
07/28/02 Sun
This is just a view prompted by this very interesting
discussion. I've never, whether in studying history or
commenting on Buffy wanted to espouse an objective opinion.
I recognise that I am subjective, and glad of that
subjectivity. It gives me more freedom - to say just how
things appear to me. It's not based on any carefully thought
out philosophical position, but from my own knowledge that I
am not capable of what I would consider a properly objective
opinion. It allows me make connections and advocate view
points safe in the knowledge that I am not saying that what
I see is the final, authoritative picture. That other
readings are possible, and truer.
I know, as I sit and read a particular memoir, that I find
the writer of that memoir fascinating and engaging - and I
know that as I read a particular historian that I find him
particularly annoying and it's hard for me not to react
instinctively to try and question everything he says.
When I try to comment on Buffy I know perfectly well that I
look for the good. I can't muster a similarly critical
opinion on BtVS as I do on Merchant of Venice, because I
only have one point of view, the BtVS point of view, and
critiques here to work on. While for Merchant, I gain a
degree of confidence of 3 years studying both writers
working in that period, and all nearly all aspects of that
particular society.
So my view of Buffy is even more subjective.
(Also it's pretty uncontentious regarding everything
Shakespeare wrote as incredibly important, while to regard
BtVS as worthy of discussion and thought is a pretty
laughable one in the real world. Perhaps even here, because
I find myself making constant apologies for 'reading too
much into things', or being fanwankery.)
So I agree with Arethusa, essentially. My critiques of Buffy
tell everyone else here more about me, than about Buffy.
Because, come on, I take quite a different view from lots of
people here. I don't like Spuffy, a view that Sophist (one
of many!) takes a diametrical opinion on, and yet I love
Season 6, a view which separates me from Mundus, dH and Masq
among others. I love Seeing Red, and it's probably one of
the eps from Season 6 I'll watch regularly and that
separates me from a huge section of the fandom.
This is why I usually always reveal something of myself when
stating my opinion. Not because I personalise everything,
and imagine the discussion is always somehow about me, but
because my opinion is always about me, and I feel more
comfortable acknowledging this, and whatever may influence
me to that view.
So how can I claim to have any kind of objective view? I
know I have good reasons for my views, but that does not and
should not make them universal. In essence, my attitude to
all these come from me, and do tell you more about me than
about BtVS.
Just as my fascination for certain areas of history will
tell you more about me than I'd care to think. The troubling
question, for instance of why someone so politically aware,
and so angry about certain injustices has done nothing to
study the dark history of her own country. Why do I confine
myself to a past that is away from me, not part of me, of
which I am an outsider? I'm still thinking about that
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Re: Objective and subjective -- Sophist,
15:32:12 07/28/02 Sun
Oh goodness, I would never claim objectivity. We're all
subjective in our judgments and our opinions, and even in
our facts perhaps (don't let's get into that discussion this
far out on the edge of this thread!).
I would modify what you said in 2 small ways: First,
agreement on "facts" allows us to constrain the
subjectivity of our conclusions. It certainly doesn't
eliminate it. I'm in favor of that constraint as opposed to
a let-it-all-hang-out expression of opinion. I think you
agree with this, since your posts always give a "why" for
your view.
Second, I was reacting to a statement that the W/T issue
said more about the critics than about ME. In a
purely subjective world, of course, this is not possible.
Any issue would say no more about one side than the other.
Such a conclusion would be possible in a constrained view,
but then it requires evidence/logic to support it (which was
not given).
As for Aristotle and Plato (mundus's post below), well, I'll
just say that Aristotle may have a few moments, but Plato is
the source of more evil and confusion in the world than
anyone else in history. How's that for throwing a few coals
onto the fire?
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Plato's Republic -- Rahael, 15:36:29 07/28/02
Pretty scary place huh? I'd agree with you!
I do have a soft spot for Aristotle, however!
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Let's see here, Plato begat Augustine and Rousseau . .
. -- d'Herblay, 16:17:07 07/28/02 Sun
. . . and that's pretty much everything that's wrong with
modern European civilization right there.
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LOL. And don't forget Allan Bloom -- Sophist,
16:44:47 07/28/02 Sun
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Re: Me too. And it's good for you. -- mundusmundi,
15:09:29 07/28/02 Sun
Not directed to you at all. Someone else in this thread
made a comment of which this is (I think) a fair paraphrase.
I was merely using that as an example, not pointing a finger
at you. Sorry for the implication that you were
S'ok, thanks for clarifying though. The hot weather's making
me edgy.
My original suggestion for evidence was actually evidence
on this point, i.e., whether the critics were merely
exposing their own assumptions -- what is there about the
critics that would make one say this (and what is there
about Darby in particular that would bring up this comment
in a thread involving his posts)?
Apparently I haven't read the post you're referring to.
Whether I agree with him or not, I'll take Darby's
viewpoints over most anybody else's -- including Phil
Johnson's -- any day.
I'm not sure, though, that I'd reject all of Aristotelian
logic because of his abuses. :)
Mwahaha. Well, this will undoubtedly be an unpopular notion
on a philosophy board, but I think Aristotle's pretty
overrated anyway. Greek science and thought were coming
along nicely with the Pre-Socratics before Plato and
Aristotle set everything back 2,000 years. (Is that sweeping
enough of a statement to provoke discussion? FLAME
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Re: Me too. And it's good for you. -- Darby,
15:46:56 07/28/02 Sun
Thanks. It's probably the heat stroke talkin', but I'll
take what affirmation I can get.
And I didn't take the critics statement personally. I'm
more likely to take statements like that with a Costellian
(as in Abbott and) "I don't know what we're talkin' about!"
Occasionally I think that some posters assume I'm a lesbian
and react accordingly.
I do prefer to follow at least a pseudo-logical evidentiary
argument, but that's my own training and preferences mostly
- it's easier to follow someone else's train of thought
through the fog if you know how the tracks were laid. Most
of the people who present opinions that way here (and I
count Rahael among them, even if she doesn't) are easier to
respond to - if I disagree, I just have to pick at the
That's what has been frustrating in this discussion,
possibly because of the strong personal investment people
have in W/T (I don't, incidentally): I keep trying to
clarify my premises so as to find out why people disagree
with me, but it doesn't seem to affect a lot of the
responses. It certainly has clarified my thinking, and
shifted my focus from the writing of the scene to the
response by ME to criticism about it - I hadn't quite
realized that their insensitivity before and mostly after
the fact is what had gotten me invested in this.
Heck, I figure if you learn something about yourself or your
own motivations, an exchange has definitely been worthwhile.
It is the only good thing about the rare fights I
have with my wife (this personal detail as a service to Rah.
Just kidding - I can't keep personal details out of the mix
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LOL -- Rahael, 16:01:39 07/28/02 Sun
I guess it's my conciousness of my subjectivity which makes
me lay out as good a reason as I have for any viewpoint.
Sometimes though it just comes down to:
Cordy has such great outfits! She's just great!
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Re: The purpose of evidence -- Arethusa,
09:51:28 07/30/02 Tue
"In contrast, a post which says (paraphrasing) "this
argument says more about the critics than it does about ME"
is not very useful. Aside from the implausibility of this
when directed at Darby, it's merely an ultimate conclusion,
an opinion. It shuts off discussion instead of encouraging
I wasn't responding to Darby, I was responding to your
statement that critics need to provide evidence for their
criticisms. I even quoted you! I meant to say that the
Kittens were not providing evidence because their
criticisims were based on their emotional reactions, not
facts. And no, I didn't provide any facts to back that
statement. My later post explained my reasoning behind that
statement. I was not even arguing the W/T Evil Dead Lesbian
cliche-I was saying that the same evidence in the case was
interpreted two different ways by two different groups-ME
and these critics. Their feelings *were* their evidence-and
I actually agree with you that is necessary to argue facts,
not opinions. But it's pretty obvious that expressing an
opinion here, no matter how badly stated, does not stifle
debate-it furthers it.
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Well, that's certainly true -- Sophist, 10:18:41
07/30/02 Tue
But it's pretty obvious that expressing an opinion here,
no matter how badly stated, does not stifle debate-it
furthers it.
LOL. It certainly seems to.
My difficulty with your original statement -- and my
expression did come out harsher than I really meant; one of
the disadvantages of posting instead of conversation -- was
that the Kittens are not posting here. Only Darby was. In
context, therefore, I understood your post as directed at
But even where the Kittens are concerned, I don't know that
it's fair to say their reaction was exclusively
emotional. They did have reasons; those reasons just "got so
lost" in all the screaming.....
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Re: Well, that's certainly true -- Arethusa,
10:42:01 07/30/02 Tue
I don't believe their reaction was exclusively emotional.
That's why I stated that the events of SR and Grave, by
their definitions, did conform to the EDL cliche.
Is needing to have the last word a communicable disease?-
because I think I've caught it!
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Only if you fit the stereotype for lawyers --
Sophist, with multiple irony, 11:02:56 07/30/02 Tue
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um, yeah, shylock did -- anom, 23:33:07 07/27/02
"He [Shakespeare] didn't subvert the cliche (did Shylock
somehow turn round and confront society's prejudices?)"
Isn't that exactly what he did in the "Hath not a Jew eyes?"
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Yes, in the subtle context -- Rahael, 03:50:41
07/28/02 Sun
I was only arguing against reductive face value
condemnations of art. Shylock is a human being, but still a
bad human being, and bad in the way that fitted societies
preconceptions. But Shakespeare still gives him power.
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And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? --
Rahael, 05:03:01 07/28/02 Sun
Let me change that answer somewhat. The lead up to that
affecting speech by Shylock is simply an excuse for revenge.
It's a justification for him heartlessly demanding the death
of daughter not very soon after.
"Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with
the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
to the same diseases, heal'd by the same means,
warm'd and cool'd by the same winter and summer,
as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you
poison us, shall we not die
And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? "
Does Shakespeare subvert antisemitism? or does he subvert
Shylock's call for a recognition of his humanity? Doesn't he
subvert the very humanity of Jews by expressing it and then
cutting it under from Shylock as he becomes more and more a
I don't really see how Shylock combats antisemitism in
Elizabethan England - the key word is revenge - a great deal
of antisemitism in contemporary England was fired by the
notion that the Jews had killed Christ - therefore Shylock's
call for revenge, his desire for his pound of flesh and his
unfeeling unfatherly attitude toward his daughter simply
confirms Jews as treacherous and murderous. In the
heightened religious climate of late 16th C England this is
not a moot point.
I think that this play, along with Marlowe's Jew of Malta
simply confirms, and gives new power to antisemitism. Every
mention of 'Shylock' in England in the following centuries
(apart from the late 20th) is derogatory. And he later
morphs into Fagin as well.
I have no problem with the fact that artists can be
prejudiced and express terrible, harmful sentiments. Let's
not excuse them simply because they are gifted (without
having to deny their giftedness). I have trouble with this
play and I have never seen it staged. There are so many
other great plays by Shakespeare, I choose not to go watch
this one.
Hmmmm. I seem to have shifted my place in this debate.
If I were convinced that there was a terrible and prejudiced
logic that ended with Tara dying I wouldn't shilly shally
about saying "but I'm not saying Joss is homophobic". To me,
if you perpetuate terrible ideas/stereotypes without
thinking, then you carry the germ of prejudice and be held
up for criticism for it. That doesn't diminish the art. But
as far as I can see, the fact that people are so attached to
Tara and Willow and so angry about their storyline is the
best defense that ME can mount. They did it - they created
two real human beings we cared about. How many people in
Elizabethan England cheered when Marlowe had Barabbas boiled
to death in oil in the 'Jew of Malta'? How many of them shed
a tear for Shylock?
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Take it a couple of lines on -- KdS, 05:13:04
07/29/02 Mon
Rahael, I don't think that Merchant is as antisemitic as you
claim, (and I've seen a lot of productions, including one
shocking occasion when a section of the audience laughed at
"That he presently become a Christian"). The next line
after the section you quote is "The villainy that you teach
me I shall execute, And it shall go hard but that I better
the instruction." To me, that's the key line of the speech,
showing how hatred creates hatred back. Yes, Shylock is in
many ways an evil man, but a great deal of it is the result
of the lifelong abuse he's received.
(More of this when the Season 1 annotations get to "Out of
sight, Out of Mind")
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Let's take the play as a whole -- Rahael,
07:07:50 07/29/02 Mon
Because its that very presence of that damning and true
point of view that makes the play even more difficult for
me. Shakespeare seems to understand what it is like to be
made a villain, to lose ones humanity. But does he fall
back on terrible and destructive stereotypes? yes. Does he
use the existing vocabulary of prejudice? yes. Does he
successfully subvert these prejudices? no. Shylock demands
his pound of flesh, rejects the quality of mercy, goes for
vengeance over 'turning the other cheek'. Shylock is greedy.
He is grasping. He talks constantly of money. He is
coldhearted. He has a littleness which all of Shakespeare's
other great anti-heros don't have. He is also a little
ridiculous. Just compare the nobility of Othello, and the
subtle process by which his mind is poisoned, to that one
speech Shakespeare gives Shylock. I find it even more
disturbing, the concatenation of every Jewish stereotype
current being piled on Shylock why does Shakespeare load
all of that onto him? Why not just make him a Jew who
demands his pound of flesh?
One of Shakespeare's greatest gifts is that he understands
that part of the play's power is the dialogue it sets up
with the audience. A late 20th Century audience's reactions
to Merchant is going to be very different from the
Elizabethan one.
I don't think Merchant, by any means at all, is the most
antisemetic thing out there. It is however antisemitic, and
it does confirm antisemetic prejudices in Elizabethan
England, even if it gives Shylock an excuse for his hatred
and his villainy.
When his daughter runs away, he is reported as being more
concerned about the money she take with her than her,
because of course, the stereotype goes that Jews only care
about money.
Shylock is never mentioned without his Jewishness being
reinforced. Hes the Jew, the fiend, the dog Jew
Jessica says:
Alack, what heinous sin is it in me
To be ashamed to be my father's child!
But though I am a daughter to his blood,
I am not to his manners. O Lorenzo,
If thou keep promise, I shall end this strife,
Become a Christian and thy loving wife
Then later, Salerio refers to him as
creature, that did bear the shape of man,
So keen and greedy to confound a man:
To our modern ears this sounds like profund and terrible
prejudice. But, would it have done so in Elizabethan
England? Remember some of the most tolerant opinions of
Jews in that time were motivated by the idea that only and
when the Jews converted to Christianity would Christ be able
to make his second coming. This was an age which went to
civil war over the idea of the end of the world, and the
idea of Antichrists. This was an age which suspected Jews of
slaughtering Christian children (that pound of flesh).
Shylock confirms your earlier point by saying:
But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs
Yes, he finds excuses. But hes still a dog who revels in
hatred and spite. How many other Shakesperian characters
react with more nobility to the slings and arrows of
Another exchange about Jewishness in the play:
Marry, you may partly hope that your father got you
not, that you are not the Jew's daughter.
That were a kind of bastard hope, indeed: so the
sins of my mother should be visited upon me.
Truly then I fear you are damned both by father and
mother: thus when I shun Scylla, your father, I
fall into Charybdis, your mother: well, you are
gone both ways.
****I shall be saved by my husband; he hath made me a
And when toward the end of the play, moving appeals are made
to his better nature, appeals for love and mercy, there is
nothing noble or moving in Shylocks reply. His spite even
overcomes his love of money hed rather have the pound of
flesh than 3000 ducats.
I have possess'd your grace of what I purpose;
And by our holy Sabbath have I sworn
To have the due and forfeit of my bond:
If you deny it, let the danger light
Upon your charter and your city's freedom.
You'll ask me, why I rather choose to have
A weight of carrion flesh than to receive
Three thousand ducats: I'll not answer that:
But, say, it is my humour: is it answer'd?
What if my house be troubled with a rat
And I be pleased to give ten thousand ducats
To have it baned? What, are you answer'd yet?
And Antonio says:
I pray you, think you question with the Jew:
You may as well go stand upon the beach
And bid the main flood bate his usual height;
You may as well use question with the wolf
Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb;
You may as well do anything most hard,
As seek to soften that--than which what's harder?--
His Jewish heart:
Its not Shylock the human beings heart. Its his Jewish
Heart. And in the context of the Biblical Christ story,
where Jesus lost his blood and body because of the supposed
treachery of the Jews, the constant reiteration of the words
blood body and the counterpoint of Shylocks hard Jewish
heart with the Christian message of mercy, love and
forgiveness, is particularly compelling, and would have been
so to the audience Shakespeare was writing for. Portia
particularly uses the word Christian blood.
Not on thy sole, but on thy soul, harsh Jew,
Thou makest thy knife keen; but no metal can,
No, not the hangman's axe, bear half the keenness
Of thy sharp envy. Can no prayers pierce thee?
The envious, unchristian, villainous Jew, who did not
share in the values of European society, who lived motivated
by envy and hatred of others formed part of a potent myth of
a fifth column, a dark underworld to Christendom. I have
encountered it too many times in the course of reading to
see Shakespeare use these sentiments, address them toward an
individual whose actual actions are inexcusable (what
excuse for the cruelty? We still condemn cruelty and malice
and spite, even if you can understand why someone feels
them) with complacency.
His constant, unvarying demand for blood, flesh, and his
reiteration of his bond all this is heavily loaded with
Christian meaning. It speaks to a crucial political agenda,
of the conversion of the Jews. At the back of the
Elizabethan audiences mind, is the knowledge that the Jews
murdered Christ, that they demanded his death, that they
appealed to Law (as Shylock does) over Mercy, Pity,
And in the end, Shylock is forced to become a Christian.
Perhaps its my own status as an outsider in English/Western
culture that makes me find all of this disturbing. If this
isnt that anti-Semitic
.its anti-Semitic enough for
And it's precisely because Shakespeare was talking to a
prejudiced audience, and using the language of prejudice to
utterly condemn a character that tells us that we cannot
separate art from context. We universalise Shakespeare so
much that we sometimes separate him from the audience he was
writing for, his situation in a particular culture and
context. Half the subtlety of his history plays vanish when
you remove it from his time. Shakespeare shows us the best
and worst of humanity. And shows that he too, partakes of
both. This does not diminish him in my eyes.
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Now that was the most brilliant essay I've seen on this
Board or anywhere else in a long time. -- Sophist, in
awe, 08:38:35 07/29/02 Mon
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*blushing* - Sophist, you've made my day! --
Rahael, 09:49:15 07/29/02 Mon
You might even have made my week!!
I had a read through the play this lunchtime (I haven't read
it for a very long time) and the ritualistic aspect of what
Shylock demands is very striking indeed. He demands it in a
court (which reminds us of the greatest court, the court of
God on Judgement Day), and Portia tells Shylock, ominously,
that if he can't give mercy, he will not find it
Also the 3000 ducuts sound awfully reminiscent of the 30
pieces of silver that Judas betrays Christ for.
I also had a very quick look at Marlowe. I only managed to
read the first couple of acts or so, before I had to abandon
it, but it looks like Marlowe is a little more complex than
Shakespeare here because he counterpoints the villainous
Barabas (also seen counting his money in the first scene)
with other Jews of a different temperament. Also his
daugther Abigail seems a little more feisty than Jessica.
But the devil is in the details. I'll have to look it up
properly tomorrow.
Marlowe really is a very interesting playwright. In Edward
II, he depicts a degenerate, foolish homosexual king. Yet he
also writes a beautiful, erotic homosexual scenes in early
modern English literature. Now, that's what I call
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Re: Let's take the play as a whole -- Miss Edith,
09:55:11 07/29/02 Mon
When studying The Merchent Of Venice at school most of us
were sympathetic to Shylock. I remember it being used in the
Buffy episode OFSOFM in which the teacher drew attention to
Shylocks suffering and his famous speech which is of course
used today to condemn discrimination. Marcy was a
sympathetic villian in a way and based heavily on Shylock as
her suffering had caused her to reject her own humanity but
many members of the audience could see Marcy was striking
out at society precicely because of the pain society had
inflicted on to her. Therefore the play is interpreted as
sympathetic to a modern audience the majority of the time.
But when reading the play I did not immediately make the
connection of Shylock to the Jewish sterotype that the
Elizabethan audience was aware of. Although the play is
interpreted today as sympathetic to Shylock's cause he was
not a good character with one fatal flaw as someone like
Othello was. No one could ever describe Shylock as a noble
hero in that way. Shakespeare was pandering to sterotypes
which would have confirmed the Elizabthens ideas of Jews.
Making a Jew be a regular person with no love of money would
have challenged the sterotype successfully. Making Shylock
the unpleasant other was just comfirming prexisting beliefs
that the Elizabethan audience would have held.
The words in the play can be used to challenge
discrimination and the meaning of the play is today widely
interpreted as condemning the society which would treat
others as outcasts. That is perhaps the greatest legacy of
the play. I do agree though that it would not have done much
for the Jews cause at the time the play was written. But the
words Shakespeare wrote can be used today for good and
frequently are. I had heard the famous "Hath not a Jew eyes"
speech long before I had even read the play.
The play is used today to condemn society for creating such
people as Shylock which in my eyes makes it a useful play to
study. It's really all in the perspective and as the
Elizabethans were so hostile to Shylock they interpreted the
play as confirmation that Jews needed to be conveted etc. I
do think the modern audience would put a very different
interpretation on the play. Therefore in my eyes making it a
worthwhile play to study. JMHO.
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Ummmmm -- Rahael, 10:06:37 07/29/02 Mon
I obviously expressed myself badly.
I didn't say that he shouldn't be studied! All I was trying
to decode was Shakespeare's intent. I precisely made the
point that different audiences read it different ways, and
that is Shakespeare's greatest strength, his awareness of
the dialogue with the audience.
I cannot forget the Jewish stereotype when I see it, and I
cannot forget how his audience would have. And at the back
of my mind, I remember all the terrible things that have
happened to the Jews way before the 20th Century. This is
why I don't go see it on stage - but where on earth did I
argue for censorship??
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Re: Sorry -- Miss Edith, 11:07:13 07/29/02
I certainly was not trying to suggest that you were
advocating censership so sorry if what I was trying to say
came across badly. I was actually agreing with you (in my
own ham-fisted way) that the play cannot be seen as
Shakespeare challenging sterotypes as that isn't the way it
would have come across to the Elizabethan audience. But I do
think that good can come of the plays message and the way it
is interpreted today as condemning prejudice thanks to
Shylock's speeches. That is a fine legacy IMO and that is
really what I was trying to say.
I just added at the end of my post that I do think The
Merchent Of Veince is an important play to look at as the
messages can be considered very differently from what
Shakespeare may have originally intended. It was not an
argument against your post, just one of my long-winded
rambles that usually go off-track and in a very different
place from the original intention. I agree that the play is
not the condemnation of discrimination that people today
like to believe Shakespeare had in mind. That is really what
I was trying to get across and just added some of my own
thoughts about how the play is generally used/studied today
and the good that can come off it. That was not taken in any
way from you saying the play should not be studied and I
apologise if I gave that impression.
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Re: Sorry -- Rahael, 11:16:42 07/29/02 Mon
No, I'm sorry for misinterpreting you!
In my excuse, we are having our own little 'cockroach' party
in our office. (ughhhhhhhh!)
One just happened to drop on my head. Let's just say I
wasn't in the best mood ever.
Xander's right about the hardiest cockroaches surviving. In
fact, I've seen more of them today than I did pre -
Okay, this is just making me ill!
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Shylock and sympathy (gets back on topic towards the
end :-) -- KdS, 10:18:18 07/29/02 Mon
Apologies if this is quite long. I need to go home and have
something to eat (it's half past five over here), so I'll
try and give my opinions in as much detail mas possible in
case this falls into the archive.
I'm sorry if you saw my phrase "not that antisemitic" as
minimisation. I didn't intend it that way. Every thing you
say is true, but it's only one side of the play, and it's
the conflict within the play that I find so fascinating.
After the villainous "I hate him for he is a Christian"
speech in I,iii, there's the affecting description by
Shylock of Antonio's brutality towards him in the "Signor
Antonio, many a time and oft on the Rialto have you rated
me" speech. Even after the denunciations of Jessica in
III,i, there's the heart -breaking moment when Shylock finds
that Jessica has sold his engagement ring. (While I agree
with most of what you say, I don't see Shylock as cold-
hearted. Repressed, yes, but who wouldn't be when if you
show emotion most people will simply use it against
I accept that you might find the idea disturbing, but I
think you miss some of the argument by not seeing a present-
day production of the play. Despite everything that you
say, I've left every production I've seen feeling
sympathetic to Shylock. Admittedly, most modern productions
tend to cut or alter certain lines to make Shylock more
sympathetic. Mostly the "I hate him for he is a Christian"
speech is cut, but one production I've seen reversed the two
halfs of III,i, so that Shylock's conversation with Tubal
comes before his encounter with Salerio and Solanio, making
his outbursts there more forgivable. Similarly, the
explicitly anti-Semitic lines and behaviour of the Christian
characters are pointed up. You may feel that such softening
is dishonest, but it's not just a late 20th century post-
Holocaust phenomenon. In the late 19th centruy, Henry
Irving played Shylock in London in a manner which led one
critic to call him "the only gentleman in the play".,
suggesting that Shylock's legal attack on Antonio is the the
lashing out of a man driven to desparation by persecution
and humiliation, climaxing with the betrayal of his
My personal interpretation of the Merchant is that
Shakespeare intended to create a stock anti-Semitic villain,
but when it came to it was unable to prevent himself from
injecting moral ambiguity and even sympathy into Shylock's
personality. It's the struggle between the anti-Semitic
climate, which you rightly point out, and the author's
better instincts that fascinate me.
It's ironic that this discussion came out of a "dead/evil
lesbian" thread, as it seems to me that ME have gone in
exactly the opposite direction to Shakespeare. Shakespeare
tried to write a bigoted piece, but was unable to prevent
himself from arousing sympathy for his character. ME, on
the other hand, as I interpret it, thought it would be cool
to make Willow a Big Bad, but didn't have sufficient courage
to risk her losing the audience's sympathy. However, they
failed to notice that the strategies they used to achieve
this, first the pathologisation of magic in the addiction
storyline and then Tara's death, echoed an established
pattern of prejudice and stereotype. Who's more morally
culpable, someone who intends to produce hate propaganda and
fails to control their better nature, or someone who tries
to be tolerant and fails in the opposite direction?
PS: I've only seen "The Jew of Malta" once, in a semi-staged
production, and it makes an ambiguous comparison to
"Merchant". Barabbas is far more of an over-the-top, "Big
Bad" style villain than Shylock, but there's not a great
deal specifically or stereotypically Jewish about it (apart
from the posoning, of course), and many of his Christian
antagonists are just as overtly vicious as he is and far
more hypocritical. (Intriguingly, it's the Islamic
characters who come off as the most moral). Then again,
Marlowe was supposedly an atheist.
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The Protestant mindset -- Rahael, 11:47:02
07/29/02 Mon
Actually, I agree with you - I don't think it's dishonest to
change the play, to find new forms of dramatisation, to add
our own interpretations.
That's actually a key part of Renaissance literature -
translation becomes a creative, original exercise. When Sir
Thomas Wyatt translated Petrarch's sonnets, the way he
translated them made crucial, subtle political points.
Subtle, because they criticised Henry VIII. The
retranslation of Shakespeare to this day is not only
perfectly valid but a worthwhile creative enterprise which
makes subtle political points of its own. To take a play
filled with anti-semitisim, to own it, to change it - that's
a victory.
It's an interesting point about Marlowe's atheism, because
I'm not all that sure that Shakespeare entirely bought into
the Protestant mindset. If you look at his history plays, I
find that Tillyard's finding of a providential mindset,
pretty dated. In fact, everything Shakespeare depicts shows
a remarkably modern (or is it Ancient, lol) mindset. When it
comes to politics, he seems to turn to Plutarch's idea of
fortune, rather than the Elizabethan hand of God guiding
history argument.
I used to have arguments with my tutor who was convinced
that Shakespeare was this deeply religious man who saw
Richard II as some kind of Christ like figure - yes, he does
take on Christ like overtones as he starts to lose his
crown, but I think that that's Shakespeare playing around
with powerful, resonant narratives. Richard, in my opinion
comes across like a silly twit everywhere else.
I am now starting to wonder exactly what date we might have
for Shylock being written - at what point in his thinking. I
don't think Shakespeare buys into the idea of apocalyptic
thought, because he does not seem to display it in his
history plays, which is the crucial arena really. (There's
also the figure of Malvolio!)
Marlowe is, you're right is also someone else who stands out
of the religious mindset of the time (just as Jonson, does
actually). That's what's so fascinating about a lot of late
Elizabethan theatre - it's slightly out of all that radical
Protestant ideology.
It also seems pertinent to point out that actors stood
slightly out of the fringes of society - they were often
referred to as vagabonds and thieves, and led a precarious
existence. (Marlowe and Shakespeare both had good reason to
fear the Monarchy) But their plays were hugely popular.
I agree with your interpretation of Shakespeare's approach
toward Shylock. But my original point in all this is that
a) Shakespeare does not make Shylock confront contemporary
society's prejudice
b) the characterisation is not really given a 'fresh
though you are right, Shakespeare does struggle. After all,
the characters who surround him are not at all likeable.
At the end of the day, I regard Merchant as an uneven play,
perhaps precisely because of that inner conflict.
Disappointingly, he doesn't make Shylock half as charismatic
and attractive as Richard III ( a much more subtle and
ambiguous play, imo)
And as you may have seen in the Film thread,, I avoid a lot
of things which might disturb me, not just Merchant!
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What Jews? -- auroramama, 18:34:09 07/29/02
As long as people are speaking knowledgeably about the play,
I want to ask: to what extent does the play reflect the
extreme shortage of actual Jews in Britain at the time?
As far as I know, there were no avowed Jews in the realm
from roughly the time of the massacre at the tower in York
until Cromwell. Shakespeare and Marlowe were writing about
a being somewhere between a Moor and a fairy in terms of
familiarity to the viewer; a being they'd read or heard
about, but never met. Dare I say -- a metaphor?
On the Continent, of course, there were actual Jews to treat
in the ways suggested by these myths. But there has to be
some difference between maligning mythical or faraway
people, and maligning the folk a couple miles down the road.
Or were people accused of Judaism and killed for it, as
people were killed for being "witches"?
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The Jews were there -- Rahael, 04:40:24 07/30/02
The idea that there were no Jews in England, especially in
Elizabethan England is a myth. There weren't many of them,
it is true, but there were small communities in England, and
in London.
The early modern 'state' if it can be called that, is in no
way efficient enough to enforce this - that's what underlays
my scepticism. It can't even make people pay tax (
Elizabeth's inability to collect correct tax dues could
arguably be one of the long term causes of the civil war in
Charles' reign). Anyway, Cromwell's welcome is a de facto
ones - Jews are already present in England, as far as I
I would need to read more deeply to answer your question. A
good book would be "Shakespeare and the Jews" by
I don't think the Jews ever really become some far away
myth. As I've said before, the depth of apocalyptic thought
in England, the degree to which people became obsessed by
the second coming (this keeps increasing up to Cromwell's
time) means that Jews were a real consideration. Which is
why the idea of Jessica and Shylock converting seems to be
so predominant. So yes, it is kind of mythic, and
metaphoric, but in a destructive way. We talk of myth making
on the board as a wonderful thing, but forget that some of
the most disturbing, poisonous stories are themselves
And I, who was formerly an asylum seeker in Britain, now a
citizen (a little 'conversion' of my own) know all too well
that people don't need to meet an asylum seeker to believe
that they are scroungers, illegal, dirty, threatening, part
of that eternal fifth column that society keeps mythmaking
about and defining itself against.
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More thoughts -- Rahael, 09:11:00 07/30/02
I think your point about 'avowed' Jews is also important,
given the fact that Shylock is forced to renounce his
There is also a parallel with Catholics, whose avowed
numbers are very few in Britain. Yet anti-catholic prejudice
ran virulent and strong. The building up of the structures
of hatred and prejudice, the legitimising of the
demonisation of other human beings - those are ever present,
and always relevant. Doesn't the very expulsion of the Jews
say something? or does their absence legitimise what
Shakespeare did?
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Demonizing the unknown -- Sophist, 09:43:06
07/30/02 Tue
Some sociologists argue that prejudice arises more easily
and persists longer when only small numbers of "others" are
present. The thinking is that it's easy to demonize and
caricature a group if you have never had day-to-day dealings
with members of that group (which might temper or even erase
the stereotype).
One could certainly argue that anti-Catholic hatred
increased in England over a time period in which there were
fewer and fewer overt Catholics. The same argument might be
made regarding the Jews -- prejudice was strong when there
were small numbers, but lessened after Cromwell formally
allowed them back in.
OTOH, this theory hardly fits very well with, say, slavery
in the US or pogroms in Russia. Anti-semitism, in
particular, has a very convoluted history which makes such
explanations problematic.
Oh yeah -- there were a few Jews in England in the 16th
Century, but not many. Most viewers of The Merchant of
Venice probably never met one, and would have known only
the stock characters in other plays or the popular
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Yes -- Rahael, 10:51:15 07/30/02 Tue
I had exactly the same thought process re demonising the
known and the unknown!
Human societies do seem very good at demonising whole groups
- as long as they had certain threatening
a noticeable marker of 'otherness'
an attribution of 'treachery'
and of course, prejudice can simmer away, claws sheathed,
until certain stress factors are triggered - social and
economic insecurities, dislocations etc - and then,
A book published last year contained the intriguing premise
that Shakespeare's family may have been former Catholics.
This would certainly explain how he doesn't seem to enter
into a certain Protestant mindset, and also the complexity
with which he presents 'the other' in his plays. Of course,
John Donne, who started life as a Catholic ended up making
spittle flecked, hate filled anti Catholic sermons in
Prejudice is a funny thing.
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what phallic wig lady? -- skeeve, 09:36:11
07/29/02 Mon
Ok, I do know the reference. The only reason I even
suspected the phallicness of the wig lady, was because
Willow hinted at it. Just to be sure, I asked my
girlfriend. She informed me that the wig lady's attachment
did look like a penis, but she didn't say "duh". It's still
possible that Willow and my girlfriend are a little over-
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Re: what phallic wig lady? -- Darby, 12:15:58
07/29/02 Mon
Y'know, I didn't see it originally, either, but whoever
wrote that episode talked somewhere about seeing the demon
during editing and doing an, "Uh-oh!" over its appearance.
At that point, I did have a "Duh!" moment, and watching it
in reruns recently I don't see how I could have missed it
that first time.
[> [> [> [> [>
I think Steve DeKnight substantially impeached your
argument -- Sophist, 12:37:50 07/27/02 Sat
in his interview after SR aired. He then acknowledged
both the existence of the "cliche" and ME's
awareness of its existence.
I suspect that part of the failure in communication here has
to do with the use of the term "cliche". Personally, I think
"stereotype" is more accurate. Just to be unduly syllogistic
in the hope of clarity, here's the way I see the issue:
1. Gays and lesbians have been stereotyped in movies and on
I take it this is a fairly uncontroversial judgment.
2. One method of stereotyping involves making the
relationship end badly and/or the characters be
This is perhaps a little more a matter of judgment, but I
think most of us here would acknowledge this point.
3. The stereotyping has occurred often enough in a
particular plot framework of sex/death/evil to call that
particular plot a cliche.
This, I suspect, is controversial. However, I would argue
that agreement to point no. 3 is irrelevant to the W/T
discussion. If you agree with points 1 and 2, it remains
possible to discuss whether ME handled the potential of
stereotyping in a way that was artistically sound and
emotionally sensitive.
That issue needs to be addressed on the merits.
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Justification after the facts -- d'Herblay,
17:28:00 07/28/02 Sun
You have to excuse me, I've never ridden this dead horse
before. The threads were way too heated when "Seeing Red"
first came out, and I was in the throes of preparation for
an anticipated visitor at the time. So please forgive my
reluctance to return to the sub-thread of my own creation,
and my inability to decide where to post my reply. (I also
may conflate certain points of Darby's and Sophist's in
here, and may very well misrepresent them both.)
I took another look at the Kitten
Manifesto, and I really think that they are conflating
two entirely separate clichés. That having someone
die a horrible death is very much not the same as having
someone turn evil. That Sal Mineo's death in Rebel
Without a Cause is very different from Sharon Stone's
predatory behavior in Basic Instinct. Now, I am not
that steeped in examples of the first clichés, but
perhaps due to failings in my character I have seen many
examples of the second, and I have a very tough time seeing
Evil Willow as an example of this. The clichéd Evil
Lesbian is typically a woman (a beautiful one, always, but
then that's Hollywood) who is voracious in her sexuality,
devouring men and women both, and spitting them out once
she's had her fill. I can't really see Willow as such a
maneater (though were she, she'd be eating healthy --
cutting the skin always cuts the fat). I don't agree with
Sophist's willful confusion of cliché and
stereotype, nor the concept that a cliché can
exist even though it is unrecognized (perhaps
Platonically?); for the definitive aspect of a cliché
is not its pervasiveness but its triteness.
However, whether or not such an "Evil/Dead Lesbian"
cliché exists, what bothers me most is that it is a
justification for condemnation after the fact of the
episode. The Kitten Board was aghast at the inevitability of
Tara's death long before they came up with a political
rationale for such recoil. I suspect that where one stands
on the validity of the cliché argument has more to do
with one's original response to "Seeing Red" than with one's
sense of the injustices Hollywood has done to homosexuals.
To then, in an attempt to persuade, switch from an aesthetic
argument to a political one seems a little like bringing a
gun to a knife fight. It's just not cricket.
I suspect that trying to persuade people to change their
aesthetic reactions is a fool's game, because the essential
subjectivity of the response does not lend itself to
objective argumentation. This is not to say that we cannot
discuss our aesthetic reaction to the show, but the function
of criticism discussed above entails much more than what is
at heart a thumbs up/thumbs down reaction. There is such a
thing as criticism without value judgements -- I found Age's
commentary on "Gone" as valuable as his commentary on
"Birthday" despite finding the latter episode sublime and
the former subpar. Part of the fun of this board is finding
gold in episodes you thought were leaden. I suppose I just
don't like being told that the episode I thought was golden
was nothing but pyrite.
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Justification after the facts -- Sophist,
18:22:04 07/28/02 Sun
I took another look at the Kitten Manifesto, and I really
think that they are conflating two entirely separate
Personally, I'm not much impressed by some of their
arguments. I don't think I was making theirs, and I don't
think Darby was either.
Speaking for just myself here, the only argument I've
ever made (well, in my own brain; never sure how it came out
here) was that there was evidence to support a cliched or
stereotypical handling of W/T. What I've objected to is that
some posters (not you) have denied any validity at all to
that position. There are lots of ad hominem
assertions being made on both sides of this issue (not by
you; can I have a continuing understanding of this for this
post at least?), and I was trying to suggest that that
wasn't helpful.
What would be helpful is: (1) admit that the facts are
there, but argue that they don't add up to stereotype here
because of X; (2) point out which aspects, asserted to
exist, do not in fact exist.
I don't agree with Sophist's willful confusion of cliché
and stereotype
I'm stickin' to this one. I'm right on this. Subjectively,
of course.
To then, in an attempt to persuade, switch from an
aesthetic argument to a political one seems a little like
bringing a gun to a knife fight. It's just not
To some degree, I accept this. OTOH, there do seem to me
issues with, say, The Merchant of Venice that make it
uncomfortable to watch. And I do wince whenever Ilsa refers
to Sam as "boy". It's kind of like a pimple on the Mona
I suppose I just don't like being told that the episode I
thought was golden was nothing but pyrite.
That's ok. I'm sure you can also see this difficulty from
the vice versa side as well.
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Well said! (now THAT's a cliche) -- mundusmundi,
19:15:27 07/28/02 Sun
But it warrants saying anyway. I am encouraged by most of
the replies in this thread, which are a refreshing break
from the Mutant Enemy on Trial! stuff we'd been
seeing since November or so. (And not just on this board,
which as we all know is a comparatively civil court to some
of the other Inquisitions in Buffyland.) I do hope next
season marks a return to more metaphors and less denotative
writing. A suggested rule of thumb for Joss's writing team:
Never explain more in your interviews than the amount of
words it takes to put on the page.
On the subject of visitors, be them anticipated or dreaded,
I'd like to thank you, d'Herb, since I've rudely forgotten
to do so, for your hospitality recently. Despite my
notorious sense of direction (as in I have none), it only
took me two circumnambulations of The Circle to find my way
out of Cleveland in one piece. Thanks for a much needed rest
[> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Any time! -- d'Herblay, 19:36:45 07/28/02
Circumambulations . . . I like that. Fairmount Circle
is just a circle, though. University Circle is
the circle, despite not being circular. Something for
next time!
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Footnote on the pleasures of etymology -- Sophist,
08:45:23 07/29/02 Mon
From Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary:
cliche: n [F. lit., stereotype fr. pp. of
clicher to stereotype, of imit. origin]
[> [> [> [> [> [> [>
"It was a dark and stormy night" and other
racist stereotypes -- d'Herblay, 15:27:02 07/29/02
The stereotype referred to in your etymology is a
printer's plate. Such an origin is what etymologists would
call a "dead metaphor." I do not see two things which happen
to be expressed through the same metaphor as necessarily
equivalent; I have never confused drug addiction with
lesbian sex, before or after "Wrecked." In any case,
according to the Shorter Oxford, the two words have
similar histories, stereotype having the meaning
ascribed to cliché half a century before
cliché did and about a century before
stereotype branched off to assume its own meaning.
The current meaning of stereotype is: A
preconceived, standardized, and oversimplified
impression of the characteristics which typify a
person, situation, etc., often shared by all members of a
society or certain social groups; an attitude based on such
a preconception. Also, a person or thing appearing to
conform closely to such a standardized
Cliché is
defined as "a hackneyed phrase or expression."
(Italics added.) A cliché is defined by its form; a
stereotype by its content. Now, Rah or some other
postmodernist will tell you that form can never be
completely divorced from content, and I admit that the sets
described by each word overlap, but they do not completely
correspond. "It was a dark and stormy night" is a
cliché, but a stereotype only in the Pacific
Northwest. "All lawyers must have the last word" is a
stereotype, but not yet a cliché, as far as I know.
But I'm sure I can be proven wrong, at least on this final
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
To St. Jude, the patron saint of lost causes, --
Sophist, 17:34:14 07/29/02 Mon
I commend the defense of the legal profession. Even my
quixotic nature has limits.
The terminology question has, to me, 2 parts:
1. Am I bound to use the word cliche just because others do?
Clearly not. I think it fits the situation better. Of
course, I always did subscribe to the Humpty Dumpty theory
of words......
2. To what extent do the words "cliche" and "stereotype"
have overlapping meaning? They share an origin in the
printing industry. Probably because of that common origin,
they share overlapping meaning; the thesauruses
(thesaurusis? thesaurususes?) I consulted both show "cliche"
and "stereotype" as synonyms. Notwithstanding your examples
of different meanings in other contexts, I believe they have
a shared meaning in the particular context under
Any good lawyer will tell you that the first word is much
more valuable than the last. I freely concede to you the
final post on this topic.
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Justification after the facts -- Miss Edith,
11:34:31 07/29/02 Mon
I would agree that Dark Willow was pretty sexless on the
whole. But at the end of Villians there was a clear link to
the vampire Willow with the words "Bored now". The vampire
Willow was portrayed as evil, and having a sexual appetite.
She came on to many women in the Bronze for instance. She
even came on to the "good Willow" who was dating Oz and was
very innocent and frightened.
Our evil Willow was linked to the Willow from the
alternative dimention when she showed evidence of getting
sexual gratification from playing with the puppy. Remember
her slowly inserting the bullet into Warren? What did it
draw parellels to? To me it suggested a rape or sexual
violation. She makes reference to Warren getting off on
killing and Buffy being the "big o" which encourages the
audience to examine Willow's own pleasure from torturing and
killing and compare it to Warren.
Even with Rack Marti has said in interviews when he had a
"taste" of Willow it was meant to be a metaphorical rape.
One which Willow returned when she later drained his power
in an eerily similiar way. I do think a cliche can be found
in Willow becoming an evil, sexual lesbian and I fully
believe it was not intended by the writers do present such a
harmful message. Nevertheless the writers do need to
acknowledge the harmful effects their product may have on
certain viewers.
[> [>
Following up on the sound thrashing I've given this
same dead horse on other occasions... -- Sophist,
08:37:46 07/26/02 Fri
And Willow's transformation was a result of her hurt and
pain over Tara's death, especially so soon after finally
reuniting with her, not as a declaration that lesbian sex
leads to death and evilness. Why didn't this happen the
other bajillion times they had sex?
This argument doesn't work Rob. There was no "other
bajillion times they had sex". We were shown 2 -- and
only 2 -- times when W/T had sex: in OMWF and in SR.
In OMWF, as you recall, the sex came after Willow's first
"forget" spell. I'm sure you remember many people accusing
Willow of "raping" Tara by having sex with her after that
spell. In any case, the sex was followed immediately
by the breakup of the relationship. In SR, of course, Tara's
death came right after the extended bout of sex. Both cases
therefore support the cliche rather than work against
Darby's right.
[> [> [>
Re: Following up on the sound thrashing I've given this
same dead horse on other occasions... -- Rob,
09:19:41 07/26/02 Fri
We were shown only 2 times. That doesn't mean there only
were 2 times. They've shared a bed since the middle of the
fourth season.
And while the lesbian sex in OMWF was juxtaposed with their
breakup, it was not the cause. If they were going to have
broken up because of sex, then they would have broken up a
long time ago.
I think it was all just bad timing. UPN obviously allowed a
great deal more to be shown sexually than WB ever would. So
it happens that ME was allowed to show Willow and Tara doing
more things of that sort the same year that their storyline
had been to kill Tara. It's unfortunate, but that is all,
I'm coming from this standpoint...My two favorite characters
in the show's history are Tara and Anya. One of my very
favorite characters was killed, but I'm not mad. When it
happened, yes, I was sad. But I am not mad at the writers--
as usual, they have turned painful situations into what I
believe was some brilliant storytelling.
And I think the most important thing to remember is that
Tara was killed by the villain of the story, someone who we
had already seen kill his girlfriend. She was not killed by
the hero of the story, arriving in the nick of time to shun
and destroy alternative lifestyles and uphold bigotry and
homophobia. She was killed by a bad guy, and not just a bad
guy, but perhaps the most hated in the show's history--a bad
guy who we have seen in the past treat women as objects, and
worse, as sex toys.
No matter how many arguments I read supporting the fact that
Tara's death/Willow's evil was the "Lesbian Cliche," I can't
get over that obstacle in the argument.
[> [> [> [>
Re: Following up on the sound thrashing I've given this
same dead horse on other occasions... -- Sophist,
10:49:46 07/26/02 Fri
I think it was all just bad timing. UPN obviously allowed
a great deal more to be shown sexually than WB ever would.
So it happens that ME was allowed to show Willow and Tara
doing more things of that sort the same year that their
storyline had been to kill Tara. It's unfortunate, but that
is all, IMO.
Yes and no. I want to be clear here: I am not
accusing ME of deliberately catering to the cliche. I am
saying they could have handled the relationship in S6 so as
to avoid it.
In that sense, the fact that we were never shown them having
sex in S4-5 (or even kissing in a romantic context) is one
of the constraints ME had to deal with. It was not
ME's fault (ME made it clear that Standards & Practices
imposed the restrictions), but ME had to account for it. By
not doing so, they gave us episodes in which lesbian sex led
to disaster. That's cliche. They could have avoided cliche
by better writing or longer plot development. They
We were shown only 2 times. That doesn't mean there only
were 2 times. They've shared a bed since the middle of the
fourth season.
Not to quibble, but how do you know this? I don't recall
seeing them sharing a bed together at all in S4, and not in
S5 until after The Body (Willow was still rooming with
Buffy); I could be wrong. In any case, as others have
pointed out many times, we really only "know" what we see on
the screen. If they don't show it, we don't know it.
[> [> [> [> [>
Re: Following up on the sound thrashing I've given this
same dead horse on other occasions... -- Rob,
11:31:42 07/26/02 Fri
About the sharing a bed for three years thing...
I basically got that from the fact that, through most of the
second half of the fourth season, Willow was usually
sleeping at Tara's place. I think she spent more time in the
room w/ Buffy at the start of the fifth season, but when
Buffy left school, moved in with Tara. And then lived with
her until their breakup in the sixth season. So, you're
right, it wasn't a straight-through three years, but it was
a significant amount of time.
[> [> [>
Re: Following up on the sound thrashing I've given this
same dead horse on other occasions... -- Malandanza,
09:51:18 07/26/02 Fri
"This argument doesn't work Rob. There was no "other
bajillion times they had sex". We were shown 2 -- and only 2
-- times when W/T had sex: in OMWF and in SR. In OMWF, as
you recall, the sex came after Willow's first "forget"
spell. I'm sure you remember many people accusing Willow of
"raping" Tara by having sex with her after that spell. In
any case, the sex was followed immediately by the breakup of
the relationship. In SR, of course, Tara's death came right
after the extended bout of sex. Both cases therefore support
the cliche rather than work against it."
We've never seen a X/A sex scene -- we've things leading up
to a scene and implying that they'd just had sex, but never
an actual sex scene. However, I'm willing to believe that
they had frequent sex, that Anya's first experience as a
human wasn't with Spike.
Similarly for Olivia and Giles -- no sex scenes, but do any
of us doubt that she's his "orgasm" friend?
No Willow/Oz scenes (or Oz/Veruca scenes for that
Dru and Spike? Platonic friends, I'm sure.
Anyway, you get the point -- we don't need to see the sex to
know it's happening (in fact I agree with Riley about having
seen too much of Spike's dead body this season).
If you look back at the ATPoBtVS main site at the "What Does
Joss Have Against Sex" section, you'll see that Joss isn't
singling out Willow and Tara to show that lesbian sex is
bad. I can't see their situation is that different from
Buffy/Angel, Cordelia in Expecting or Buffy, Anya and
Harmony in HLoD. Joss is treating lesbian couples
more harshly than straight couples, he's treating them
exactly the same.
Which is the goal of tolerance, right?
[> [> [> [>
Re: Following up on the sound thrashing I've given this
same dead horse on other occasions... -- Sophist,
11:06:30 07/26/02 Fri
We've never seen a X/A sex scene -- we've things leading
up to a scene and implying that they'd just had sex, but
never an actual sex scene.
I believe we did in Forever.
Similarly for Olivia and Giles
Hardly a fair comparison. We've only seen Olivia twice. Tara
and Willow were together for 3 years. In any case, we did
see G/O kissing and in bed together in Hush. More than we
saw for W/T.
No Willow/Oz scenes
Again, not a very fair comparison. W/O were together
sexually for only 6 episodes (from GD to WaH). We saw lots
of smoochies and they were in bed together with clear sexual
implications on several occasions (not least GD and WaH).
In the case of W/T, we never saw even a hint of actual sex
in S4-5 except in NMR (there was metaphor).
I am not blaming ME for the double standard that prevailed
in S4-5. ME acknowledged the double standard at the time and
blamed it on Standards & Practices (and I believe ME). My
point is, as I said to Rob above, that ME failed to take
that into account in writing the events of S6.
[> [> [> [> [>
Re: Following up on the sound thrashing I've given this
same dead horse on other occasions... -- Malandanza,
23:17:26 07/27/02 Sat
"In the case of W/T, we never saw even a hint of actual
sex in S4-5 except in NMR (there was metaphor)."
You mention one scene that showed X/A right after they'd had
sex -- I would add the scene from HLoD and The
Gift where the sex scenes are omitted but we have before
or after shots clearly indicating that sexual activity took
place. So three instances for the longest lasting,
unbroken, highly sexual relationship out of all the
Scoobies. Yet we have ample evidence from the sexual banter
between Anya and Xander that they enjoyed a rich and varied
sex life. Willow and Tara were together for a much shorter
period of time, if you exclude the Season Six separation and
the episodes from Season Five where Tara was a zombie, yet
we had two sex scenes. I also don't think there was
anything metaphorical in the presex scene at the end of
NMR -- just look at the writer's asides (dialogue
deleted, but available at psyche's):
Tara, alone, has been crying in the dark. A knock takes
her to the door. Willow stands in her threshold, holding a
lit candle.
She hands it to Tara, who steps quietly aside for Willow to
enter. Tara's silent, her whole body tensed, waiting for the
Tara looks up at her, too hopeful to be sure of her meaning.
Willow looks a bit tentative as well.
Tara smiles -- Willow returns it.
They both look like their hearts might explode out of their
Willow just smiles a little. Tara returns it, her eyes never
leaving Willow's as she blows the candle out...
I don't need to see a sex scene to understand what took
place in the dark after Willow blew out the candle and I
think it's disingenuous of you to suggest that we have no
idea what happened -- as if it is just as plausible that W/T
decided to turn the lights back on and play Monopoly for the
remainder of the evening. The next episode is The Yoko
Factor, where Willow broaches the subject of moving in
with Tara instead of "dorming it up with Buffy again". She
also announces to everyone that Tara is her girlfriend and
takes Spike's hints and innuendoes very seriously. Then, of
course, Restless has a sensuous scene where Willow
paints a Sappho love poem on Tara's body. It is clear that
W/T sex began in Season Four -- and ME didn't have to
include an explicit sex scene to get the point across any
more than we needed sex scenes of Xander and Anya playing
"Shiver Me Timbers" or engaging in a little erotic spanking.
"I am not blaming ME for the double standard that
prevailed in S4-5. ME acknowledged the double standard at
the time and blamed it on Standards & Practices (and I
believe ME). My point is, as I said to Rob above, that ME
failed to take that into account in writing the events of
I don't see a double standard. W/T have had as many
suggestive scenes as have X/A with less time. Of course we
saw more of the Buffy & Riley show than either Willow or
Xander -- it's Buffy's show, after all, and ME was trying to
make the transition to a post-Angel Buffy while pushing
their overinvolvement is bad story line -- so there were
reasons to show B/R together that had to do with the story.
Furthermore, if ME took five minutes out of every episode to
show Tara and Willow having mutually satisfying, guilt-free,
no consequences sex to satisfy the Doubting Tomases of the
world, it would detract from the story (much as the
gratuitous sex scenes in Season Six detracted from the
story) and open ME up to additional criticism for indulging
in Lesbian Chic or perpetuating the oversexed lesbian cliche
(and Sharon Stone would probably be quoted just as often to
support the theory). The safest thing for ME to do would be
to make sure that they never have another lesbian romance on
the show -- it's a lose-lose situation for them.
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Following up on the sound thrashing I've given this
same dead horse on other occasions... -- Sophist,
08:26:16 07/28/02 Sun
Since ME admitted that they had to follow a double standard,
indeed were forced to do so by corporate authority over
their own complaints, I don't find it very persuasive to
argue that there actually was no double standard.
I don't need to see a sex scene to understand what took
place in the dark after Willow blew out the candle and I
think it's disingenuous of you to suggest that we have no
idea what happened
I'm not ingenious to be disingenuous. I just write poorly
sometimes. My sentence read as follows:
In the case of W/T, we never saw even a hint of actual
sex in S4-5 except in NMR (there was metaphor).
What I meant by this was that NMR was a pretty clear
indication that sex would follow, and that there were other
occasions of metaphorical sex (WAY being the most
conspicuous). I see now that it reads as if I was saying the
sex in NMR was metaphorical; didn't mean that.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Following up on the sound thrashing I've given this
same dead horse on other occasions... -- Miss Edith,
09:31:25 07/28/02 Sun
It wasn't just the lack of sex scenes. It would have been
nice to see W/T kiss a few times as well since all the otehr
characters could kiss their partners. W/T didn't kiss in
season 4 on-screen. They kissed once in the whole of season
5 (The Body) and had a couple of kisses in season 6 in
Barganning and ATW but only kissed passionately in Entropy
and Seeing Red. So I would agree there was most cetainly a
double standard which ME didn't do enough to address before
killing off Tara.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [>
The Double Standard -- Malandanza, 10:02:20
07/28/02 Sun
"Since ME admitted that they had to follow a double
standard, indeed were forced to do so by corporate authority
over their own complaints, I don't find it very persuasive
to argue that there actually was no double
Perhaps that's because we are speaking of different things -
- ME recognized that WB had a double standard. That, had
they wanted to show W/T in the same graphic detail that they
showed B/R, they would not have been able to.
What I'm talking about is whether or not ME had a double
standard. I see very little difference between how X/A was
shown and how W/T was shown. Both relationships began under
dubious circumstances (Anya having sex with Xander to get
him out of her system and Xander agreeing because he isn't
Oz, while Willow ran to Tara immediately after the guilt-
filled ending of her relationship with Oz). In both
relationships, one party was weaker than the other and
subjected to verbal abuse from the stronger partner. Both
relationships ended in pain (with Xander on a rampage trying
to kill Spike and Willow on a rampage succeeding in killing
Warren). We haven't seen many public displays of affection
from either couple, nor private displays. But the series is
about Buffy, not whether X/A or W/T have lots of on screen
So I stand by my statement -- there has been no double
standard in the way the W/T relationship has been portrayed
(perhaps, in part, due to the WB censers -- W/T frequently
in bed together would have been a good ratings gimmick).
Willow's rampage is not part of the Evil/Dead Lesbian cliche
any more than Xander's rampage, or Buffy's (after Faith had
sex with Riley) or Giles' (after Jenny was killed by
Angelus) are part of the Evil/Dead Lesbian cliche. It is ME
being consistent.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: The Double Standard -- Sophist, 15:14:54
07/28/02 Sun
I don't think that's what ME meant to make the distinction
you are now suggesting.
However, since I'm evidence guy in this thread, I went back
through the S5 scripts to see what was shown. Here's what I
Sex scenes: X/A 1 (Forever); W/T 0
Scenes with sex implied visually or verbally: X/A 7 (ItW
[3], The Replacement [2], Blood Ties, TG); W/T 0*
Romantic kissing scenes: X/A 5 (The Replacement, Family,
ItW, Blood Ties, TG); W/T 0
In bed together scenes: X/A 1 (Triangle); W/T 2 (Family,
Other: X/A 1 (IWMTLY); W/T 1 (Checkpoint)
This, of course, left out some small stuff, but it looks
like a double standard to me. OTOH, I guess reasonable
people could differ.
*The scene from Tough Love is very subtle. It could imply
W/T just had sex, but it might not. I did not count it
because doing so would support the EDL argument -- it was
followed immediately by their argument and Tara's
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: The Double Standard -- Finn Mac Cool,
16:04:02 07/28/02 Sun
Well, Anya was something of a sex maniac. It seems likely
there would be more sexual stuff between them because both
Xander and Anya had very intense hormones.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Padding the Resume -- Malandanza, 06:06:05
07/29/02 Mon
I understand why you compared Season 5 X/A and W/T -- it was
the season both couple were together -- however, bear in
mind that Tara was insane for the final episodes, so
including X/A from those episodes is inappropriate --
especially from the standpoint of what I like to call the
Cuban Missile Crisis cliche (afterwards referred to as the
CMC cliche). "Documentaries" professing to show America
during the Kennedy Administration typically come to a point
where young Americans are interviewed about their activities
during the Cuban Missile Crisis -- and invariably talk of
how they decided to go wild in the face of the impending
apocalypse. The impression suggests that America was one
vast Bacchanal during those days, but that's because the
documentary makers are including only the risque remarks,
not the remarks by people who carried on as if nothing were
happening or used the time to mend their ways with sober
reflection and plenty of churchgoing. The CMC cliche is
perpetuated in movies when, in the face of certain death,
the young pagans decide to eat, drink and be merry -- BtVS
has followed this cliche in Innocence (B/A),
.GD2(W/Oz) and The Gift (X/A), so this is yet
another reason to discount evidence from the final episodes
of Season Five.
As for your "Scenes with sex implied visually or verbally"
category, this seems to be mostly Anya's disturbing sex talk
-- remarks which embarrass Xander and all his friends (much
as Faith's casual sex remarks would bring conversations to
screeching halts). I have to agree with Finn on this one,
at least in spirit. I wonder why you view it as a double
standard that Anya talks about giving Xander erotic sponge
baths but Willow does not. Do you think it would be at all
in character for Willow to brag of her sexual exploits with
Tara? Or that Tara would be less than mortified to have
private life turned into a subject of universal
conversation? How are these instances an indication that ME
favors heterosexual relationships? -- I would have thought
the opposite was true. That W/T is favored by the lack of
these remarks.
Romantic kissing scenes. Presumably you used the word
"romantic" to exclude this scene from The Body:
[Willow]'s crying now, shaking, and there is a manic pitch
and rhythm to her speech that indicates she's going to go
off again...
Tara comes at her and holds her, takes her head in her
TARA: Shhh...
WILLOW: Tara...
TARA: Shhhhhh, darling...
WILLOW: I can't do this...
Tara pulls her close, to stop the shaking. She kisses her,
on the mouth and again on the cheek, looks close into her
eyes. She speaks softly, Willow answering her with almost a
little girl's quaver...
Personally, I found that scene to be closer to "romantic
kissing" than the ones you cited for X/A -- like this
XANDER: Gimme sugar. I've come to buy sugar.
-- and kisses Anya fairly deeply.
Sexual, yes, but romantic? hardly. I couldn't find the
romantic kissing scene you mentioned from Blood Ties
and the one from The Replacement was with Anya and
Xander Suave, not the whole Xander.
I also wonder why you didn't take a look at pure romance
scenes like this one from OoMM:
ANGLE ON WILLOW AND TARA as Willow takes a seat among the
silken pillows.
TARA: I just keep thinking how cool it would be if we could
get a real psychic to set up here and read fortunes and
WILLOW: You should do it.
TARA: Not me. But I'd love to just watch and learn from
someone who's really good, y'know.
WILLOW: You're good, I'll prove it! Here...
Willow puts out her hand.
WILLOW: Do me.
Tara takes Willow's hand, holds it gently, traces a line on
her palm.
TARA: Hmmm.
WILLOW: What do you see?
TARA: Willow-hand...
Tara smiles at it lovingly and they stay like that... just
holding hands.
Which is worth a dozen "gimme sugar" scenes. X/A had only
one such scene in Season Five as I recall -- in ItW,
where Xander confesses his love for her -- and it doesn't
really compare.
Also bear in mind that much of the Soap Opera relationship
development occurs over the summer. At the start of Season
Two, we see a pronounced change in W/X, in Season Three, X/C
and W/Oz have both advanced substantially, in Season Four,
W/Oz went from CMC cliche panicking to being in a
comfortable, very sexual relationship without us needing to
see the details, in Season Five, the "perfect" B/R
relationship has collapsed and Riley is a nervous, jealous
basket case. The same holds for W/T -- we didn't need to
see the details of the relationship worked out for us -- it
happened over the summer the same as the heterosexual
relationships. And it was apparently obvious enough that
even Joyce figured out that they were a couple:
DAWN (V.O.):
She and Willow are both witches. They do spells and stuff
which is so much cooler than slaying. I told mom one time I
wish they'd teach me some of the things they do together,
and she got really quiet and made me go upstairs.
(Real Me)
So strip away the extraneous padding, and I think that W/T
hold their own. Better than that, in fact -- their
relationship proved stronger than either the B/R or X/A
relationships -- only death could permanently separate
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Padding the Resume -- Miss Edith, 10:46:06
07/29/02 Mon
Well Marti Noxen has said in interviews that she is
interested in seeing how far they can push the network and
if W/T will be allowed sex on-screen. She specifically said
it was their "next big hurdle". Therefore W/T were unequal
to the other couples based on MEs own words. It was the
fault of the network rather than the writers but there is
still a case to be made that W/T weren't treated as equally
as any straight couple would be on the same show.
And you make the point that Tara was insane at the end of
season 5. A sexless lesbain relationship is certainly not
equal. Many hopeful fans are discussing ways Tara could be
brought back and some have suggested she could return in
Ghost form. (Not a spoiler BTW, just hopeful fan
speculation). That would be encouraging the cliche of a
sexless lesbain couple. That is not what the fans want.
W/T had plenty of obstacles when they were alive which meant
no physical intimacy. But they also had plenty of moments in
which the natural thing would have been to kiss and this was
avoided. I do blame the conservative networks, rather than
ME, but I would still say this is an example of W/T not
reveiving equal treatment before the cliche was finally used
in SR and the chance of social progression resulting from
Buffy ended.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
I've thought about this, and -- Sophist,
17:39:54 07/29/02 Mon
it's a little hard to respond without a fuller understanding
of which episodes you would include and what categories you
think are appropriate. OTOH, that's a lot of work. If you
don't have the time, or are ready to move on to other
topics, feel free to let it drop.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Lest my other post seem like I'm dodging your
points, -- Sophist, 08:05:29 07/30/02 Tue
here is my response:
Tara was insane for the final episodes, so including X/A
from those episodes is inappropriate -- especially from the
standpoint of what I like to call the Cuban Missile Crisis
From another perspective, of course, it was convenient that
W/T weren't "available" to live out the CMC cliche. There
are lots of reasons people on the show don't have sex in
particular episodes. The benefit of evaluating an entire
season is that these reasons have the chance to even out. I
don't see any reason to create a special exception just to
exclude these episodes from consideration.
Scenes with sex implied visually or verbally" category,
this seems to be mostly Anya's disturbing sex talk
S/H had such scenes. S/BB had such scenes. B/R had such
scenes. W/T were the only couple in S5 who did not
have such scenes. That's what a double standard is.
Presumably you used the word "romantic" to exclude this
scene from The Body
Absolutely right. ME bragged about the fact that they were
able to "subvert" the network prohibition on lesbian sex by
creating a scene in which kissing had no sexual
implications. This is one of the prime pieces of evidence
supporting ME's position that there was a double standard
imposed on them by higher authority.
the one from The Replacement was with Anya and Xander
Suave, not the whole Xander
I don't understand the relevance of this.
we didn't need to see the details of the relationship
worked out for us -- it happened over the summer the same as
the heterosexual relationships
Perhaps, but the hetero relationships were also shown during
the season. They were not relegated to the summer. That's
what I would call a double standard.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Lest my other post seem like I'm dodging your
points, -- Malandanza, 10:08:23 07/30/02 Tue
I got in this debate merely to side with Rob's statement
that Willow and Tara had had sex "a bajillion" times without
anything horrible happening to either of them. I considered
your response, that W/T had only had sex twice (There was
no "other bajillion times they had sex". We were shown 2 --
and only 2 -- times when W/T had sex: in OMWF and in
SR), to be absurd and still maintain that it is so.
Willow and Tara had sex in season four and five, repeatedly,
and far from being shown as a bad thing, they had the best
relationship on the show.
In proving your case for Season Five you find:
Sex scenes: X/A 1 (Forever); W/T 0
In bed together scenes: X/A 1 (Triangle); W/T 2 (Family,
Since I consider "In bed together scenes" to strongly imply
sex (especially the Family scene), I'd say your evidence
supports the lack of a double standard. I'm not sure why
you included the sex talk by Anya since it emphasizes the
one-dimensional aspects of the X/A relationship -- that it
was about sex, and nothing more, while the romantic scenes
between Tara and Willow emphasize that their relationship is
superior. You also mention the "romantic kissing scenes,"
yet now call them sexual:
"Absolutely right. ME bragged about the fact that they
were able to "subvert" the network prohibition on lesbian
sex by creating a scene in which kissing had no sexual
implications. This is one of the prime pieces of evidence
supporting ME's position that there was a double standard
imposed on them by higher authority"
I can see how you can confuse cliche and stereotype, but
romantic and sexual? X/A had a more sexual relationship,
W/T had a more romantic relationship. Also, note that I
have distinguished between the double standard of the WB and
the lack of a double standard for ME -- here, you make
reference to the WB's double standard, yet again, while
providing evidence that ME was fighting against the WB
double standard.
With all these complaints about a double standard, I still
have no idea what you would have liked to see happen between
W/T that we did not see -- did you want a bedroom/sex scene
in every episode? Are you unhappy that Willow doesn't
casually reveal intimate details about her life with Tara to
her friends' (and Tara's) discomfort the way Anya does?
Would you trade the romantic scenes for some "gimme sugar"
Finally, I ask you to consider what type of relationship you
would rather have -- the type between W/T in Seasons Four
and Five or the type that X/A had. Personally, I'd much
rather have a girlfriend like Tara than Anya. If you think
the ideal relationship is the heterosexual one, perhaps you
have reason to complain about a double standard. If, on the
other hand, you think that Tara would make the better
girlfriend, I'm at a loss to understand how you can
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
[> [>
Re: Lest my other post seem like I'm dodging your
points, -- Miss Edith, 11:08:17 07/30/02 Tue
Yes Tara and Willow were a romantic couple and this was
carried off very well by the actresses. The writers used
dialogue to strengthen the couples bond and W/T were
encouraged by the directers to exchange loving glances in
order to portray the relationship successfully. But in
Family the network objected to W/T being seen in bed
together, in sexless pjs. Buffy and Riley at that time were
having sex on camera and it was played up as romantic with
music etc.
ME have publicly said there was a double standard and told
the audience they wanted to overcome it. That is evidence in
my mind without needing to call examples to the lack of
kissing or on-screen sex. The writers have said they were
unable to portray the lesbian couple as equals, however they
tried to get around this and still show W/T as romantic.
That doesn't change the fact that W/T were not treated as
equal to hetrosexual couples. I agre that Anya and Xander
were mainly about sexual lust and did not appeal to me
personally. I did prefer watching W/T just holding hands or
smilling cutely. That was because of the chemistry existing
with the actresses. Nevertheless there were no kisses
exchanged in the 4th season and only once in seaosn 5. That
is not equality regardles sof the sly tricks used to
overcome this and keep the viewers happy.
Many new viewers were confused by W/T and wondered if they
were meant to be college roommates as they had missed an
episode like NMR. More than one viewer has said they touch
enough to suggest they are more than friends, but not as
much as a couple would so what is the relationship meant to
be. That is evidence that there was something lacking with
W/T no matter how much the writers tried to get past it with
sly inuendo etc. There was so much subtlty precisely because
of a double standard. It is easy to say that W/T were
romantic anyway and their love shone through. Yet there was
something missing. Public affection. The lack if kissing was
not truly rectified until Entropy. The one kiss in The Body
was hardly an example of passion as shown by the straight
couples. Remember Buffy and Angel's first kiss. Xander and
Cordy showing overwhelming lust in Whats My Line. Buffy and
Spike kissing in TR with a romantic song in the background
selling many viewers on the relationship. The first sex
scene in Smashed. W/T were denied all of this until Entropy.
Hence the supporters of W/T having video caps of the kiss
with the words "Home at last" on their website. People are
protesting as directly after that kiss the following episode
concluded with Tara getting a bullet through her heart.
I am not denying your argument that Willow and Tara were a
romantic couple anyway. I would disagre with the suggestion
that they didn't therefore need to be shown kissing as the
love was evident.
[> [> [> [>
Addendum -- Sophist, 12:36:25 07/26/02 Fri
I tried to edit my last post to include this but wasn't able
Dru and Spike? Platonic friends, I'm sure.
Dru and Spike were in just 3 episodes (School Hard, Lie to
Me, and WML) before Spike became, uh, unable. Once Spike
recovered, they left town and we never saw them as a couple
or Oz/Veruca scenes for that matter
Well, er, um. This, *ahem*, raises issues a little beyond
what I had in mind.
[> [> [>
OT: Swan Lake -- Rahael, 14:46:20 07/26/02
This is OT even for me. Today I picked up a DVD of the
modern dance production of Swan Lake by the 'Adventures in
Motion Pictures' Dance Company. It's pretty well known,
because all the swans are male.
It's really, really magnficent. Sad and scary, magical and
tragic. The incredibly beautiful, masculine and sexy swans
are quite easy to bear as well!
But the reason I'm putting it in this thread is that of
course, there is an incredibly homoerotic undertone. Well, I
wouldn't really describe it as an undertone, its very
explicit. The Swan represents the Prince's imagination, but
he is also the seductive lover. The Prince is tortured,
weak, scared. Escaping into his imagination, to the arms of
his Swan. All of this to Tchaikovsky's music. The effect to
me at least, is mesmerising and to be honest, far more
affecting and gripping than even Buffy.
The last scene is just....gah! beautiful. Swans crawl out
under the Prince's bed and attack him, furiously and
viciously till he lies broken. His Swan comes too late to
save him. The final image is blown up on the back of the
stage, the Swan, holding his dead lover in his arms,
Needless to say, the Swan is dark, dangerous and wild. The
evil twin moment is really creepy because you can imagine
that both the evil and the good sides of the Swan might be
the same person. It reminds me incredibly of Angel, most
particularly because the Evil version of the swan wears
leather trousers (Adam Cooper! sigh).
Is this cliched? the dark and dangerous Swan, holding his
dead lover in his arms? Because it strikes me as remarkably
similar to Dark Willow and Tara. Of course, Willow just
walks away, while you imagine that the Prince finally finds
his peace in death.
I highly recommend this dvd to you. I was lucky enough to
see it on stage, and I could watch it endlessly....
Cathartic isn't the word. I've seen the Kirov perform
Petipa's restored version, and while that was great, this
was stunning.
[> [> [> [>
And here's a link -- Rahael, 15:10:17 07/26/02
Just for a visual.
And just to make my thoughts clearer, what I feel is this:
cliches to me are dead metaphors. Things which are
meaningless, unoriginal, boring. The work of hacks and
people who don't care about their work. Fazed by difficulty,
they reach for the well worn.
If an scene/play/drama/image is powerful, thought provoking,
challenging. If it makes the audience gasp, it it moves you,
well if that's cliches, I wish I could wield them. I
understand that the finale of Season 6 didn't work for a lot
of people. But for me, Seeing Red was a great episode, and
Dark Willow was compelling. I like these wild, unstoppable,
dark characters. It has something of the night about it.
I totally respect that it didn't work for other people, but
it worked for me. And I'm not someone who is uncritical and
unaware of stereotypes or harmful messages. And that too,
should be accepted.
[> [> [> [> [>
I agree, Rah, and yes... -- Rob, 15:20:42
07/26/02 Fri
...I taped that "Swan Lake" on PBS last year, and watched
it. Quite frankly, it was brilliant, and I am not a normal
ballet fan. There was something very modern about it. The
last time I enjoyed a ballet so much was the dark, modern
version of "Nutcracker" that was produced 7 or 8 years back,
called "The Hard Nut," which stressed the original horror
and gore of the original E.T.A. Hoffmann tale (no sugar plum
fairies here lol)...The other thing of note in that version
is that the snowflake princesses were played by...men.
Thanks for posting the quotes, Rufus -- aliera,
06:03:24 07/26/02 Fri
Re: Joss on the Death of Tara ...taken from Watch with
Wanda ...no spoilers -- Miss Edith, 04:38:32 07/27/02
I think what really got to people was the writers
callousness. Joss is constantly making tactless comments
like "Being gay is so passe" or talking about the pain he
caused hurting him when people ask him how he feels for
them. Mybe the sad letters he is receiving should be a
discussion about the writers of the letters being in pain,
not making it all about him.
Joss also mentions knowing a gay person (his Godfather) to
prove he's not a bigot. People aren't arguing he is
homophobic, they are simply upset at the message his show
sent out whilst underatanding it was not necessirily
intentional they still think Joss needs to take responsibily
for they way Tara dying could be seen to fit the cliche.
I agree all the arguments are growing tiresome and the
writers are not going to win back the fans they have driven
A better way of handling the situation would have been to be
aware of how people would feel and show them some
compassion, tell them you are sorry for how they are
feeling. Instead it was treated as a joke. I have heard all
the arguments about the writers just being people who joke
around a lot naturally. But there is a time and a place for
laughter. When Steven DeKnight was asked how he felt about
the gay teens writing letters to the radio hosts conducting
the interview feeling suicidal they asked what his
reply/feelings were. Joking about Tara just having a flesh
wound was disrespectful and almost seemed like he was trying
to sabatage the show Buffy. The writers are constantly
giving new interviews which simply add more fuel to the
fire. Joss saying he and Marti discussed whether it would be
okay for Willow to return to men but deciding they couldn't
because fans would be outraged. It wasn't the fans who made
Willow say she was gay, not bisexual (which I feel was the
more obvious choice). Why blame the fans for Joss feeling
forced to stand by the decision he made and keep Willow gay.
People are being told on other boards that they intimadatewd
Joss into feeling unable to put Xander and Willow together.
That is just ridiculous. If the writers wanted Willow to be
bi they should not have been constantly hitting us over the
head with anils about Willow being "gay now".
Joss wanted to upset and anger people and I guess the fans
gave him what he wanted.
I don't disagree with the writers choosing to kill Tara. If
it were my show I'd have kept her around but Joss is free to
do as he wishes. I just find it very ill-advised to kill off
Tara the first episode she has lesbian sex. The scene in
OMWF was not explicit and I know adults who missed the
subtext completely (I was kind of surprised too as it seemed
so blatent but some people did miss the subtext of the
scenes in WAY as well). The fact is the writers could have
avoided making such an obvious link by reuniting Tara and
Willow for a few episodes which would have made the final
sex scenes and death less sensationalist. Including it all
in on episode did come across poorly and the writers should
have been prepered for fans reactions.
[> [>
Re: Joss on the Death of Tara ...taken from Watch with
Wanda ...no spoilers -- mundusmundi, 09:40:54
07/28/02 Sun
Those are all good points. Whedon specifically and ME in
general have always been a little snarky, but this year
they've been downright defensive. To me, that seems to
indicate that they know, deep down, the season was largely a
failure -- and in the case of DeKnight, I detect an edge in
his voice that may be a mark of wounded pride for having
written (in terms of pure craft) one of the best episodes of
the year. Not justifying his comments, just offering a
speculative interpretation.
This also raises another point that somebody mentioned in a
season-ending essay: Why are the writers feeling the
need to come out and explain everything? It's
generous of them to welcome rapport with the fans, but this
year I'm seeing less dialogue and more didacticism. Have
they lost the confidence to let their stories speak for
My own little opinion - with evidence -- Majin
Gojira, 20:52:58 07/28/02 Sun
Man, this is a heated debate, eh?
I don't really understand why people are up with the "Point
the finger of blame" thing.
Everyone can agree with the fact that Tara's death was
tragic, but after that, everything gets fuzzy.
Ok, I'm going to debunk the 'evil lesbian' thing with some
evidence no one can deny: "Something Blue"
Pain-driven acts of...let's say...stupidity through
majic...are not unknown to Willow, SB shows this. It's
Does it envoke the Lesbien Cleche? Maybe, but ask yourself
this: If Willow was still with Oz, and he was shot in a
similar maner (with a silver bullet), would Willow still do
the same thing?
Answer: Duh! Of course she would!
It's in Willow's charcter, set in before she ever came out
of the closet.
Well, Is my Argument valid or no? I got evidence to support
my claim...let's see how it holds.
Oh, and now an opinion: The reason ME is backpedling
slightly is because they assumed that people would interpret
it differently than what many people have done.
And besides, you people still forget: ME want's their
characters to suffer - it's what keeps us watching!
Majin Gojira
Reviewing Movies is a lot like Palentology: The evidence is
there; but no one can agree on it.
[> [>
LOL. I love your closing line. All too true --
Sophist, 09:03:31 07/29/02 Mon
In SB, Willow's spell was intended to control
herself, not to take revenge on others. She had been
told by her friends that she was grieving too much and had
to move on (paraphrasing, of course). She cast the spell in
order to "will away the pain" from herself.
Because the spell went wrong, she ended up inadvertently
harming her friends. Of course, she put a stop to it as soon
as she realized what had gone wrong.
In Villains-Grave, in contrast, Willow intended to harm
others. Far from stopping when she realized her friends were
in danger, she tried even harder to destroy them.
By the way, I'm not arguing that SB somehow makes Willow's
behavior in S6 out of character or anything like that. I
just don't think it shows much either way.
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