so there's that blank
check already written that wants to make character
development irrelevant because she was possessed by the
In fact, if anything I could have used quite a bit less
build up this year. As stated in previous ramblings, the
addiction story line didn't click for me, not subtle enough
for metaphor not realistic enough for real TV, not in
keeping with my erroneous ideas of magic in the
For myself, I draw, but it's for personal pleasure not with
any intent of selling pieces, or sending a message or
creating a statement of our times. I draw because there is
something in a face that compells and I must draw. The
pictures become accurate portraits but also more. So I can
quote Joss interviews but not really understand what he was
trying to do since I don't sketch with others in mind. I was
interested in hearing if anyone else could discuss it from
this perspective.
Thanks for the response...and if you made it this far,
thanks for reading.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Open narratives -- MaeveRigan, 12:52:47 07/13/02
Maybe this has been said already (I admit I haven't read the
entire thread)--but a continuing TV series is open in one
way that a novel or movie isn't--there's always next week,
or next season.
Thus, even IF W/T at the end of B6 exemplified the "lesbian
cliche," as long as the show continues, and people keep
watching, it doesn't have to stop there and the cliche can
be overturned. Even if Tara returns in some way/shape/form,
that's not going to satisfy the die-hard (sorry!) W/T
shippers, but if Willow doesn't stay crazed/evil, that
should help. If she remains gay, gets a new girlfriend,
wouldn't that make a difference?
Of course, like life, it doesn't happen if you don't stick
with it.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
[> [>
Agree entirely -- Rahael, 04:54:57 07/15/02
I was confining myself to the relatively more closed
'artifacts'. Buffy of course, is always open, and even the
writers cannot know where they are going to end up. Even
Joss doesn't plan that far ahead, though I'm sure he has a
feeling, a place where he wants to get to at certain points.
The destination lies ahead. The path's unclear, uncertain.
That's why I'm a Spoiler trollop, and why the thrill of the
chase is so exciting.
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: The narrative -- cjc36, 09:32:55 07/15/02
What is privileged is up to each individual writer to
decide, I guess. In my one attempt to write a novel, I was
forced to deconstruct 2/3 through, because my secondary
protagonist started screaming for more pages, while my
supposedly main character ran out of runway, story wise. In
subsequent redrafts, I corrected the problem and finished
the next version. The "story" took over.
But what does this mean? It meant for me that I could tell
the story of the former secondary lead better than the
first. Her story resonated with an arc that would do all I
had set out to do in the story, and give support and MORE
meaning to the character that was bumped from the staring
role. Once I'd figured out she was the lead, it was as if
I'd found a 'path to ground', and the story was,
essentially, done, an equation that equaled something
definite rather than vague.
Willow's decent resonated with me. I was angry but felt
sorry for her. To me, ME did good. If they didn't do good,
they still have the right to do badly.
I guess I take freedom of artistic expression - even bad
artistic expression, which is basically freedom of speech
over making people mad.
Now should Joss/ME have taken all the 'credit' for creating
a lesbian couple to begin with? Perhaps not, but compliments
are hard to ignore.
My 2 cents.
[> [> [> [>
Re: What makes "The Story" privileged? --
Finn Mac Cool, 08:53:43 07/11/02 Thu
Joss has given the audience many shocks (Angel's turn to
evil, Jenny Calender dying, Angel being sent to hell,
Joyce's death and the tragedy of The Body, Buffy's death and
post-ressurection angst). But, despite all of it, the show
maintains a loyal fanbase. Joss Whedon has done things like
this before. How many people were shocked and outraged when
Buffy killed Angel? A lot, but the show's popularity didn't
sink into a slime pit. Joss has given worse emotional
shocks than this, and still people keep coming back.
[> [> [> [>
Characters and Plot -- Finn Mac Cool, 09:09:49
07/11/02 Thu
Yes, character developement is a great part of the story.
And few could say that Willow's rampage of grief was not
deep characterization.
While the W/T relationship did help ratings success, don't
you think all the questions about what's going to happen to
Willow and how will the Gang react to Tara's death boosted
And where do you get the idea that their relationship was
integral? It may or may not be your favorite, but that
doesn't mean the show can't easily get by without it.
[> [> [> [>
Huh ? -- Ete, 12:03:21 07/11/02 Thu
"On one level, yes, the story can't run by taking an opinion
poll over what should happen next. OTOH, this is an industry
run by ratings, i.e., by viewer preference. This means that,
story or not, ME should not be in the business of turning
off loyal viewers in the story arcs. There is a line here;
whether they crossed it in this particular case seems to be
a matter of judgment."
I'm so surprised to read this. Really, they have a duty to
satisfy us ? Why ? Are ME our employees ?
I'm not sure if this particular arc was well done, but
wether it is a stroke of genious or a very bad aesthetic
decision doesn't matter. It's their work of art, they tell
the story they want.
We (as the public) can like it or not, it comes after the
story. You don't create art so as to satisfy the public, so
as to sell, it doesn't make sense.
Now, I know that this could be just a difference of culture,
because French and Americans do not envision creative
products the same way, or do other people feel the same way
than I ?
[> [> [> [> [>
Re: Huh ? -- Sophist, 12:17:07 07/11/02 Thu
ME may very well be trying to create works of art as one of
its motivations. I'm sure another motivation is making
money. In any case, UPN is in the business of selling
commercials in order to finance its use of airtime. UPN uses
this money for, among other things, paying ME to create art.
My only point was that if the viewers don't want to watch
BtVS, UPN won't pay ME to create it. I was commenting on the
business aspect, not the artistic one.
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Huh ? -- Finn Mac Cool, 15:02:02 07/11/02
As I've pointed out in a different post:
Joss has done far more tragic things than the death of Tara.
Angel/Angelus, anybody? However, the show's fanbase only
seems to grow. I doubt this event will harm the popularity
of BtVS. Besides, Buffy is contracted for one more season;
even if it does bomb, UPN is stuck.
[> [> [> [> [>
Re: Huh ? -- Dochawk, 23:32:09 07/11/02 Thu
Ete, we started this discussion in chat yesterday. American
Television (and French tv for that matter) is simply a place
for advertisers to get your eyeballs. There is nothing at
all about art involved. The job of the producer of a tv
show is to get you to watch their show and therefore watch
the commercials that surround it. The story is secondary.
It is the means by which a good tv show grabs you, but
remember Baywatch was once the worlds most watched tv show.
Great story eh? Alhtough Joss may think his # priority is
his story and to himself as an artist, his most important
job is to deliver that desired demographic to UPN. Thats
why they were willing to shell out 2.3 million dollars an
episode. if Joss creates a story that drives viewers away,
he will hear about it from the network (you wont, Joss has a
20 million dollar contract with Fox, neither is going to
soil that relationship in public). As long as he delivers
the viewers he can tell any story he wants, but his first
responsibility is to the people who pay the bills. Which
are in essence the viewers. So yes, in a way we are his
employers, because its by our response that he gets
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Huh ? -- Finn Mac Cool, 09:35:09 07/12/02
Given how popular Buffy is, and that Joss has been with it
for six years, plus his work on Angel and some movie
scripts, do you really think he NEEDS to be paid any more?
He could probably retire right now and live very well for
the rest of his life. And, UPN can't stop him from telling
his story, because he's got that contract for the seventh
season, which looks like it might be the last. So, really,
Joss doesn't have to give a hoot about advertisers.
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Huh ? -- auroramama, 12:03:56 07/13/02
Re: Joss: his most important *job objective*, as defined by
his direct employers, may be to attract advertiser dollars
(although there's also a PR/marketing aspect: BtVS has
brought prestige to UPN, which is thought to have an
indirect effect on viewers and advertisers.) But he's the
one who defines his artistic and personal objectives. His
most important artistic objective seems to be to create the
story he wants to create. If his job objectives compromise
his artistic and personal objectives past a certain point,
he'll quit his job. Just like the rest of us.
[> [> [> [>
"The Story" -- Arya_Stark, 18:17:58
07/11/02 Thu
Well... I may not be a writer, but my mother is and after
hearing her talk about her writing for years I can tell you
that "The Story" can take on a life of its own above and
beyond even what the writer intended. I have on a couple of
occasions heard her stating (or complaining) that the story
had taken an entirely different route than she had intended
or imagined. It was just what the characters needed to do.
The characters become so real to her and have their own
personalities and sometimes do things she never
So it seems to me that for my mother, as a writer, there may
by an infinite number of "Story" possibilities at the
beginning of a piece of work, but each choice and word
narrows that "Story" down. So by the end there is only one
story to tell.
Maybe I'm just putting words into my mother's mouth, after
all I have never talked to her about this specific portion
of writing. It certainly does seem to be that for my mother
there is only one possible story -- and it often dictates
itself, not the writer dictating the story.
[> [> [>
Re: I agree fully, It's about the story not viewer
preferences -- Rosie, 15:57:32 07/11/02 Thu
I'm not pissed that Tara's dead as much as I am sad at how
poorly it was done. How could you not laugh at the way
Willow's subtle descent into evil was handled. "Candles are
like bongs to witches". Yeah okay. A strung out Amy stealing
sage and forcing a hit on poor little victim Willow who has
the shakes and needs to gulp down some water.
But the season was worth it. We got the sensational 3
episodes of evil Willow who lost most of the audience anyway
when she tried to kill a defenceless Dawn and wanted to kill
her best friend (not to mention having a genocidal plan to
end the world). Great way of handling Willow's change from a
desire for vengeance to a wish to end the world. She just
wants to save the poor bastades didn't you know.
And it all ends with Willow at a satanic temple thrilling
all wicans as she is drained of power by Xander. That was so
worth Tara's death.
Watch Farscape they know how to gradually build up a plot
arc over the season and make it interesting. When John
Crichton was being driven insance in season 2 I was griped
by his visions and his maniac behaviour etc. Willow drying
out was entertainment how? It was just filler while we
waited for the big climax in the final. That's fine but did
the middle section of the season have to drag so badly?
Seems like the writers have to work on their pacing. And
perhaps someone should remind Marti that no she isn't Sylvia
Plath. Enough of angst for angsts sake.
[> [> [> [>
Re: I agree fully, It's about the story not viewer
preferences -- Finn Mac Cool, 17:41:16 07/11/02
Hence Season 6 often being called Buffy's worst season
[> [> [> [> [>
I quite liked season six.....angst and all.....:) -
- Rufus, 04:13:00 07/12/02 Fri
Life isn't just "hugs and puppies" and season six gave us
enough pain and suffering to make the most jovial of us
consider just how sharp razor blades are...but everyone has
had a point in their lives when they must have felt like the
world and their lives had spun out of control never to
return to any order or happiness...but depending on what we
do with our choices and the extras circumstances thrown in,
we can all crawl out of our most grave times and enjoy the
world and see it in a new way. I liked most of this year,
only finding a few eps that I don't fancy. ME took a chance
with reality, mixing reality with the metaphor until the
Buffyverse became a little too real for comfort. I have to
wonder what we and the writers learned from the
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Once more climbing on the S6 supporter bandwagon --
ponygirl, 07:16:24 07/12/02 Fri
I have been a fan of the show since the second season,
sometimes obsessively so, but I can honestly say I have
never felt as connected emotionally to any show as I have
with this season. I feel like I went through a journey this
season, as hard as anything in this life, but ultimately
rewarding. I have to go with Stephanie Zacharek's quote
about the show being something that "rubs, hard, at the core
of who you think you really are". It's a pretty unsettling
feeling, the kind you get when your perceptions are being
slowly and permanently shifted into a new way of seeing.
Season 6 baby!
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Adding my voice again to pro-Season 6 -- shadowkat,
07:39:49 07/12/02 Fri
Before Season 6, I only thought of Btvs as a nice
show, it held my interest, I watched it every tuesday, taped
when I wasn't home. But did not keep the tapes and certainly
did not write essays.
Season 6 changed all that. This season there were
that made my jaw drop by the risks the show was taking.
Smashed - never had I seen anyone do such an erotically
charged sex scene. Or a violent one. OMWF? They flipped
the musical form on its head and made us feel as if we had
entered the show. Normal Again? They asked what is
and did an ironic play on the concept. Outside of maybe two
or three episodes - I thought this was the most
though-provoking season, it certainly put everything
I saw on tv to shame.
From my own email correspondence - I know this season
grabbed numerous new fans, people who thought of Btvs as
just a show about high school kids before now. Now they've
faithfully watched all those re-runs on FX and realized
it was never meant for teens. If it weren't for this season,
I seriously doubt we'd have some of the posters on this
board that we do. (I wouldn't be...)
just my ten cents worth...;-)
[> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Angst -- Finn Mac Cool, 09:42:54 07/12/02
This season certainly was a great, angsty drama.
The only problem, in my POV, is that there was little in it
besides angsty drama.
After "Tabula Rasa", comedy was virtually gone from all
episodes. Warren, while he got to be suitable disturbing,
was never much of a threat to Buffy. Also, the supernatural
came to be tacked in simply to fulfill viewer
For many seasons Buffy has been great at mixing comedy,
drama, angst, fantasy, horror and action into a collective
whole. I don't have a problem with giving drama/angst the
focus, but it ignored all the other genres it has utilized
so well in the past.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Angst -- Rosie, 10:15:07 07/12/02 Fri
I think it's unfair when people say others didn't like this
season because of the angst (not saying anyone on this board
has specifically, talking in general). I loved the angst in
season 2 and 5.
I disliked season 6 because I felt I was being talked down
to. The dialoge was mediocre and the writers seemed to have
forgotten subtly and metaphour. How often did Willow mention
breasts or tell us she was gay again? Trying to drum in the
point to a thick audience much.
And as for Willow's drugged up rants. Willow's addiction was
just embarrassing melodrama and it wasn't character
exploration in my mind. Willow came across as a total
cartoon just to remind us this isn't really Willow and we
should let her of the hock. Seeing her snuffling "I need
help" after a car accident belongs on soaps not Bts. I mean
first she has a legitimate need for vengeance, then she has
a green psychedelic orgasm leaving her pining for planetry
destruction. And the dumb movie cliches she spouted were an
emarassment. Why not just have her say "Gee I've got the
munchies. Got any chips Giles". Seriously when did the
writers last hear drug talk? "I'm so juiced". Whatever. It
just seemed like ME were taking the oppurtunity to show off
their special effects budget and getting Willow to scream
like a banshee at the police station, have catfights with
Buffy etc for viewers amusement. I was hoping for a subtle
exploration of the darkness within her as a seasonal
And what happened to irony? Was I the only one cringing when
Buffy tells Dawn "I want to show you the world...God there's
so much I want to show you". And then taking her on a tour
of Sunnydale.
Spike's character development was nonexistent aside from
having degrading sex with Buffy in dumpsters or up the ass
in the Bronze. I was thrilled to watch his redemption in
season 5. In Spiral he teamed up with the scoobies offering
the possibility of frienships with Xander, developing
friendsip with Dawn etc. Then this season each episode he is
treated diffently by the scoobies. One episode Xander is
playing cards with Spike or telling him to find a
girlfriends. Then they are sworn enemies again. Spike
becoming an international arms dealer was just weird. He
lives in a crypt with no phone. How does that plot
development make sense? There was no continuity in Spike's
character. Marti admitted the scene where he raped Buffy was
not part of a well thought out character arc. It was a last
minute development to generate sympathy for Buffy as people
were siding with Spike and Buffy needed to come across as
the victim. It was purely to manipulate the audience as the
plan this season was after building up Spike in season 5
they were going to knock him down, convince us her was evil
and then trick us by giving him a soul (hence misleading us
with Spike calling Buffy a bitch etc). If you have to
explain your intentions in an interview odds are you weren't
too successful.
Buffy was using Spike as a sex bunny and to gratify her ego
("tell me you love me"). And the episode DMP just depressed
the hell out of me.
Dawn is constantly whining and has been voted the worst/most
irritating character on tv. She is a whiny steroytypical
cliche. And as for the anvils dropped about her slaying in a
spin-off in the final. I actually like Dawn in season 5 too.
Giles absence sucked and his reason for leaving a severely
depressed Buffy was not plausible. He left a gap and you can
see that when he returns how badly he is needed.
Xander became annoying and difficult to sympathise with.
That is why I personally loathed season 6.
I enjoyed the first half with Buffy struggling to get over
being in heaven. I do like darkness if it is done right.
This season wasn't even close to fine art. JMO of
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Balancing Angst and Humor and Metaphor -- aliera,
11:06:30 07/12/02 Fri
I'm certainly not going to disagree with any of the points
made above. My own continued curiosity about what happened
and where we go from here would belie my protestations. Yet
Joss's comments themselves seem to recognize that although
S6 was exactly what they planned and as happy as he was with
the results, next year needs to be different.
[> [>
Xander and Neil Gaiman might show us a way out of this
mess... -- KdF, 05:07:29 07/12/02 Fri
"You ever think maybe the reason you haven't found a
great relationship on the Hellmouth is... because it's a
Hellmouth? Seems to me it's a pretty terrible place to try
to build anything"
Xander - "I Was Made To Love You"
Generally, BtVS is a series that has always recoiled from
happy endings. The sheer extent of emotional pain and
disaster that we've seen might be rationally explained as a
natural consequence of life haunted by violence. However,
Xander's musings raise another possibility that might make
those who object to Tara's death a little less outraged, if
it were explicitly stated. What if the presence of the
Hellmouth in Sunnydale means that BtVS's characters are
menaced not just by vampires and demons, but by an
inherently malevolent influence on fate and the universe?
To put it bluntly, that if you live on a Hellmouth, then the
consequences of all events will tend to be as hideous and
entropic as possible. What some of the people who are
attacking ME seem to miss is that there has been a tendency
throughout the last six years for what shouldn't happen to
happen. Yes, Tara and Willow should have lived happily ever
after, but the Hellmouth didn't want it that way.
The row over Season Six's climax recalls a similar
controversy some years ago over the death of Wanda in Neil
Gaiman's Sandman. (For those of you who didn't read
the books, Wanda was a female-to-male transexual who was
killed in a hurricane created by a somewhat amoral witch
literally "drawing down the moon".) Because the Moon
Goddess had made it clear that She didn't consider Wanda to
be a woman, some fans argued that Wanda's death was an
example of a minority character being killed off because the
author subconsciously didn't want them in his story. Gaiman
defended himself on similar "needs of the story" grounds to
ME, but also argued that in his universe being a god didn't
necessarily imply that you weren't a dumb bigot.
If we assume that the Hellmouth creates the conditions where
the worst possible events happen, then Tara's death and
Willow's frenzy become yet further examples of what should
not happen in a just universe. I hope that this
approach might be more comfortable in reading the "message"
of Season 6.
[> [> [>
Oh ****! Massive apologies to everyone -- KdS,
05:31:33 07/12/02 Fri
Sorry, bit new at this posting thing. My handle above
should be KdS, which has a purely personal meaning, not KdF,
which I notice has very nasty connotations (which I
completely disassociate myself from).
Addiction, Temptation and the two triads --
darrenK, 11:09:05 07/11/02 Thu
Yesterday, I sent the following to the author:
I completely agree that the "temptations of power" storyline
was more interesting than the "addiction to magic"
storyline. Mutant Enemy obviously decided to switch them so
as not to completely lose Willow. Addiction can be an excuse
for her actions, i.e. she was not herself, but a character
who gives into the lust for power has always been shown to
be virtually unredeemable, e.g. Darth Vader, Sauron, um,
The problem is that I believe that the "temptation"
storyline was the natural one, the one that flowed most
organically from Season 2 to Season 6 and I believe it to be
the storyline we "needed." Addiction has been done better
elsewhere and it felt shoehorned into the plot. It felt
false and falseness is something that the Buffy storyline
has been great at avoiding despite, or maybe because of, all
the absurd devices in their plots.
I can only say that this choice was disappointing and that I
hope that in all of the brouhaha over Tara's death someone
has managed to make this point to Mutant Enemy.
In the temptation storyline, Tara wouldn't necessarily have
had to die. She might have even been the one to oppose Dark
Willow. This would have been interesting considering what an
armpiece her character spent two years being. And if Mutant
Enemy had still wanted to kill her they could have had
Willow do it. But, once more, that goes two shades darker
than a redeemable Willow could get.
On the flip side of things, while the addiction/temptation
storyline is done and there is no redeeming it, the Willow
story isn't over and until it is, I don't believe the Tara
storyline to truly be over. While I don't believe that
Mutant Enemy would or should resurrect her, I think that
there has been plenty of foreshadowing to suggest that she
might act as some sort of guiding spirit for Buffy and the
Scoobies. Her offscreen narration of the last third of
Restless is the most extreme example of this.
The following is a more religious/mythic interpretation of
what happened and has been lost among the din ignited by the
social implications of the storyline. The writers took great
care this season set up two opposing triads. On one side was
the Trio––Warren, Andrew and Jonathan. They were evil, male,
greedy, socially inept, irresponsible and destructive.
Warren was the LEADER, the most purely evil of the three.
The other two were DOMINATED by him, but while aspiring to
be evil, they were conflicted, having to wrestle with the
good parts of their nature. In the end, Jonathan to a
certain extent chose good and tried to redeem himself.
Set against them was another trio––Tara, Buffy and Willow.
They were good, female, altruistic, impoverished, and loyal.
Tara was not their leader. She was their PARAGON, the
responsible witch Willow wasn't and the good mother to Dawn
that Buffy hadn't learned to be. She was an EXAMPLE to the
other two, what they aspired to be while they wrestled with
their addictions and irresponsibility; the evil parts of
their characters. In the end, Willow gave in to her
temptations and become evil.
Buffy has always been the leader of the Scoobies, but no
image showed Tara's new position and moral authority like
the end of Doublemeat Palace: Buffy on her knees in front of
Tara (in the position of the Madonna) begging Tara NOT to
forgive her, but Tara is compassion and can't help but
forgive her.
While it's an obtuse point in the face of the social
implications, the Evil Leader of the male Trio martyred the
Paragon of the Female Trio, damning him, certainly, but also
setting Tara up to be a patron saint of the Scoobies, the
example they will never reach.
Until we see what they do with this we won't know the true
reason that Mutant Enemy killed Tara.
Thanks for reading.
[> [>
Re: Addiction, Temptation and the two triads --
Finn Mac Cool, 11:17:19 07/11/02 Thu
This reflects many of my views on the matter, though
expressed much more eleoquently, and I missed the Tara as
Paragon thing.
In my view, Tara had to be killed because 1)it demonized
Warren to the extent that killing him isn't instant
damnation, and 2)we're shown that Willow wasn't corrupted by
power, but driven mad by loss and rage.
[> [>
Re: I agree on some point, but -- Sang, 12:46:42
07/11/02 Thu
I agree that ME choose addiction and Tara's death over
temptation of power because if it was the other way, Willow
could not be redeemed. If they choose Willow to be corrupt
by power and go against Buffy, it is another Faith story. If
that happens, like Faith, Darth Vadar, Sauron or Nixon,
Willow should be killed or neutralized. But we (or ME)
cannot loose Willow. So the temptation story was out of
question from the beginning.
But I don't agree with many people that temptation storyline
is more natural than addiction story. In real life, they are
not that so distinguishable. And it is not that natural that
the corruption can turn a nice and caring person like Willow
or Buffy into real muderous villan who will fight her best
friend and destory the world.
Anyway, the magick is the most unnatural thing, this is
basically messing with natural order which should be
respected. If you are using some unnatural substance for
your own pleasure, it can end up with horrible
I think ME had tackled really difficult storyline here, they
planed Willow going against her best friend and becoming
evil. On the other hand, they want bring her back in the
end. One other thing, in my guess, they might want was that
the evil Willow should still be Willow, not Angel/Angelus
business again.
Only way they could pull it off was make Willow refrained
her desire of power reluctantly (addiction storyline), thus
in unstable status, and throw her the worst disaster (Tara's
sudden brutal death) so she explode and cannot control
herself anymore and completely give in to the power.
I read many articles about alternatvie stories which Willow
end up as evil but no addiction or death. None of them seems
to work unless you want loose Willow for good or destory our
belief in goodness of Willow.
Though I think people who shiped Tara/Willow can still argue
that ME could choose other storyline which Willow is not
going totally evil.
I understand that there are some angry people and some of
them did nasty and harmful remarks. I think that's the
reaction of people who felt lonely in this world and someday
found something very beautiful and fell in love, then
suddenly taken away loved one brutally. Just like Willow.
By the way, have you noticed that? Regular recurring guest
who stay more than one season and cannot make on regular
cast eventually killed. Principle Snyder, Ms. Calender,
Joyce Summers, Tara. On the other hand, anyone who made
regular hasn't been killed, they just left. Eventhough
Faith, Jonathan, Harmony, Drusilla each appeared more than
one season, they were not regular guests except for other
[> [> [>
Re: I agree on some point, but -- Finn Mac Cool,
15:07:17 07/11/02 Thu
Except for Warren. He appeared a little in Season 5 and was
a regular in Season Six, but he got killed (maybe the rules
change if you're big with the evil).
[> [> [> [>
Re: Warren was not credited -- Sang, 20:19:56
07/11/02 Thu
I meant regular cast as a credited, and regular guest as a
regular but not on the credit. Warren was killed just for
one season of regular guest not regular cast. He was in just
two episodes in season 5.
[> [> [> [> [>
Good to see ya again, Sang :-) -- Caesar
Augustus, 20:53:29 07/11/02 Thu
[> [>
A different view -- Caesar
Augustus, 20:59:24 07/11/02 Thu
To me, the temptation storyline was thematically inconsisent
with the rest of the season.
Temptation of power, abuse of power, that was addressed very
thoroughly in season 3 (Faith, Mayor, Watcher's council,
Season 6 was more about addiction (and withdrawal) - Buffy's
addiction to Spike, Spike's to Buffy, Willow's to magic,
Dawn's to escapism, etc. For me this should have been
continued rather than reverting to an old theme - granted,
they're intertwined in the case of magic, but at the climax
of Willow's threat, the addiction theme was abandoned for
the temptation theme. This probably does make it easier to
forgive her, but in my opinion is stylistically weaker.
[> [>
I agree -- Wizardman, 22:16:55 07/11/02 Thu
I agree with you about Tara and Warren. Tara was given a
special mystical significance as far back as 'Restless.'
Also, isn't it interesting that of all the Scoobies, it was
Tara that was 'sacrificed' to Glory in 'Tough Love?'
Granted, she chose her fate herself, but she sacrificed
herself to save Dawn, and by extension, the world. Hers was
the example which Buffy followed in 'The Gift.' That makes
an even stronger case for Tara as the Scoobies' patron saint
and guiding light. For my part... I loved Tara. I still do.
I hope that we see her again as a spirit guide- except for
Cordelia and Wes, every character that has left Buffy, in
one way or another, came back for at least one last hurrah,
even Principal Snyder. I'm upset that she died, but I'm also
still upset that Jenny and Joyce died. You've more than
earned it, so rest in peace, ladies- you are greatly loved
and sorely missed.
The friendship ring -- plainjane, 08:59:04
07/10/02 Wed
I dont know if this as been talked about before but i have a
? about the ring that Angel wears. I was watching the
episode where the ghost of a teen and his teacher lover are
in a timeloop and i noticed that at the end when Buffy and
Angel are acting out the death scene Angel is still wearing
his friendship ring I thought his first impulse once he was
Angelus was to get rid of anything or anyone that made him
feel human so, why he is still wearing the friendship ring?
Is this a mistake by the producers?
Re: The friendship ring -- Lyonors, 09:27:48
07/10/02 Wed
If you think about the original concept of the claddagh
ring, as stated by Angel in Surprise...
Angel: My people -- before I was changed -- they exchanged
this as a sign of devotion. It's a claddagh ring. The hands
represent friendship, the crown represents loyalty... and
the heart... Well, you know... Wear it with the heart
pointing towards you. It means you belong to somebody. Like
this. (Quote thanks to Psyche!) *At this point you see he
is wearing his with the heart pointing towards his
Then you would notice he was wearing it with the heart
pointed outwards, IE he doesnt belong to someone...
[> [>
Good eye! -- Masq, 10:37:47 07/10/02 Wed
Surely someone could get an essay out of the symbolism of
this one!
[> [> [>
Re: Good eye! -- Lyonors, 13:55:50 07/10/02
I feel an essay coming on! But it will have to wait until my
newly minted Angel tapes arrive from Masq so I can check on
his wearing of it in AtS! And, just for the record, I'm not
usually that much of a detail hound, I just happen to wear a
claddagh I always notice how a hot guy is
wearing his....even if he is on TV and evil...what was it
that Cordy said about the only good difference between Angel
and Angelus..."hello! leather pants!" *laughs to herself*
[> [>
Re: Claddagh ring -- Alex, 15:49:28 07/10/02

Love (the heart), faith in friendship (the hands), and
loyalty (the crown), are all symbolized by the Claddagh
ring. Traditionally, the Claddagh ring can be worn three
different ways. When placed on the right hand with the heart
facing out, the wearers' heart is still searching. When
placed on the right hand with the heart facing in, there are
possibilities. And when worn on the LEFT hand with the heart
facing in, the wearers' heart is promised forever
1--On the right hand, crown in heart out, the wearer is free
as the birds in the sky. If you want her, go a courtin'.
2--On the right hand, crown out heart in, the lass is spoken
for, so lay off.
3--On the left hand, place of choice, heart in crown out,
she is happily married for evermore.
[> [> [>
Buffy & Angel were "engaged" - Angelus didn't
wear jewellery -- Scroll, 19:44:29 07/10/02 Wed
There's a lot of fanfic out there that says Buffy and Angel
were actually married when they exchanged rings in
"Surprise", but according to my sources, since they were
wearing the rings on their right hands, they were only
"Worn on the right hand, heart facing out, the ring tells
that the wearer's heart has yet to be won; while worn on
right hand with the heart facing inwards declares that the
wearer's heart is already taken. Finally, when true love is
requited, the Claddagh ring is traditionally worn on the
left hand as a wedding or commitment ring with the heart
facing inwards."
- my heart turned out 'til your love turned it 'round;
'til from my right to my left, with this ring I thee
I didn't notice that Angelus wore the ring with the heart
pointing outward (hangs head in unobservant shame) but I
know that Angel still wore the ring in "City Of", the first
episode of Angel. At the end of that episode, he
makes a phone call to Buffy (she picks up phone in "The
Freshman" but other line doesn't speak, she hangs up). By
the next episode, Angel has taken off the ring.
Angelus never wears jewellery in any of the flashbacks we've
seen so far. Angel on Buffy wore the claddagh ring
and another silver ring, and sometimes a chain. Angel on
Angel never wears any jewellery (other than the
claddagh ring in "City Of", the Ring of Amarra in "In the
Dark", and the Band of Blacknil in "Reprise"). Hmm, maybe I
am observant after all. If I'm wrong, please let me
[> [> [>
Heart, Hands, Crown (Head ?)... now what does it make
you think of ? -- Ete, 07:06:00 07/11/02 Thu
Nah, that's too far fetched, though, really it looks like
the same symboles from Primeval/Restless of Animus,Manus,
Sophus... it just lacks Spiritus... the soul ?
[> [> [> [>
Re: Heart, Hands, Crown (Head ?)... now what does it
make you think of ? -- Lyonors, 08:46:27 07/11/02
Well, there's a thought! I bet we could use the origin of
the ring finger of the left hand as a placement for the
wedding ring to round out that spirit bit!
me...Egyptian in origin isnt it? Something about there
being a vein that runs .. .... dangit...comeon some kind of
reference to the spirit being held in the heart! Its a
stretch, but i know we can twist it! ;o)
[> [> [> [> [>
vein of love -- purplegrrl, 09:35:00 07/11/02
The tradition of wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger
of the left hand is Egyptian in origin. They believed that
the vein of love/desire ran from the body into that finger.
By wearing a wedding ring on that finger, the vein of love
was fettered and the wearer would remain true to their
Noticed that too... -- Darby, 09:36:16 07/10/02
It's hard to imagine that it was accidental - I doubt that
DB wore it except as Angel, so wouldn't it have come up with
the Angelus storyline? "Hey, Joss, should I still be
wearing the ring?" - And, along the motivational lines you
cite, can you imagine what a fit the WB would have pitched
if ME decided that Angel needed to grow his hair out as
Angelus? Get back to his roots (sorry)?
Perhaps there's a backstory - is Angelus shown wearing it in
any of the historical scenes? Could it date back to Liam,
or Drusilla? If there isn't a backstory, there should
Does Angel still wear the ring on his own show?
And while we're at it, I wouldn't mind reviving discussion
on the lack of wedding rings in As You Were... I did
notice a total lack of jewelry on the commandos, which would
fit the simplest non-conspiracy explanation...
[> [>
Re: Noticed that too... -- Purple Tulip,
10:13:00 07/10/02 Wed
Hmmm...perhaps I need to go back and re-watch Fool for Love
and Becoming to see the Angelus flashbacks---the whole ring
thing makes me curious now.
[> [> [>
Re: Noticed that too... -- Ronia, 10:26:53
07/10/02 Wed
I read a while ago in an article that the ring was a gift
from his wife...and they just wrote it into the show...can't
back it up though, just what I heard...
[> [> [>
Oh, God, I just imagined a flurry of emails . . . -
- d'Herblay, 13:28:30 07/10/02 Wed
. . . between the members of the Fanged Four fanfic crew,
debating whether Angelus wore the ring, how he wore the
ring, on what appendage he might have worn the ring . .
[> [> [> [>
...appendage? any appendage? hmmm ;-) --
redcat's evil twin, 13:41:05 07/10/02 Wed
[> [> [> [>
Not if we imagine... -- Masq, 13:48:54 07/10/02
That souled Angel bought the rings from the local Sunnydale
jewelry store or pawn shop shortly before Buffy's birthday.
That would explain Angelus' still wearing it later in IOHEFY-
-his obsession with Buffy, plus as Lyonors points out, he's
not wearing it with the heart pointing towards him anymore
(he no longer belongs to her).
Ergo, old Angelus didn't have any claddaugh rings.
[> [> [> [>
Thanks, dH -- LadyStarlight, 14:43:08 07/10/02
Now I have a picture in my head I'm never getting rid
of. And I'm not even writing with that crew!
[> [> [> [> [>
I could have my Clone do a forgetting spell... ;-)
-- The Third Evil, 05:19:42 07/11/02 Thu
Unfortunately, his 'spells' usually involves large
quantities of hard liquor, so your results may vary.
(Hey, he's a clone, whad'ya expect, magic?)
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Yes please. -- LadyStarlight, 09:07:45 07/11/02
And thank the Evil Clone for me. ;)
[> [>
Re: Noticed that too... -- SableHart, 20:56:32
07/10/02 Wed
I actually read on some random website (a while ago) that in
an interview on late night TV, DB was wearing the ring. So
maybe it really does have some personal significance to
[> [>
AYW lack of rings... -- shadowkat, 06:25:07
07/11/02 Thu
"And while we're at it, I wouldn't mind reviving discussion
on the lack of wedding rings in As You Were... I did notice
a total lack of jewelry on the commandos, which would fit
the simplest non-conspiracy explanation..."
I have an explanation for that one. In some situations,
people go without wedding rings. Particularly if you're
secret agents or demon hunters. In the military - they want
you to put the military or commando squad firs, wife/husband
second. You are married first to the service.
This is why many spouses aren't stationed together in the
real military - according to a friend of mine. (Not
completely sure of the accuracy of this.)
So - say you are secret agent Riley and secret agent Sam
and you get in an enemy situation. The enemy sees these
matching rings and thinks oh-hoh! I can get Riley, by
torturing his wife. If he doesn't see the rings, then he has
no clue the two are connected.
In short - when we see them in Sunnydale, they are just
passing through, on a top secret mission, in battle gear,
not in the roles of husband and wife. They only let down
their guard b/c they amongst friends. But notice that
didn't reveal all this up front with Buffy - which makes
sense, Riley was trained from early days of the Initiative
to keep things to himself. What you reveal can be used
against you. He's undercover here. Tracking a dangerous
monster over a large territory. He's not going to reveal
that his partner is his wife unless absolutely necessary -
could put her in all sorts of danger.
[> [>
Real-verse vs. Buffy-verse -- purplegrrl,
09:39:27 07/11/02 Thu
I believe DB used to wear a claddagh ring in real life --
when he was married to his first wife, who is Irish.
Perhaps Joss chose to incorporate the DB's ring into
Angel/Angelus' past or maybe it was just happy
Hope for Season 7 -- Drizzt, 12:37:48 07/10/02
I am a troll; do not talk to me.
I am in love with Buffy...
Okay about season 7; I hope Buffy gets a good boyfreind who
does not abandon or betray her in season 7. There is a
stereotype in action movies; the hero(macho male
usually)saves the day, then gets the damsel in distress.
Buffy has "Saved the World a LOT". I think she has earned
some happiness; she is plenty heroic.
I have hope that Buffy will be happy at the end of season
I do wonder what twist on stereotypes the writers have
planned for season 7?
Re: Hope for Season 7 -- Brian, 13:21:04
07/10/02 Wed
Perhaps that is the bottom line for BtVS. There is always
hope: Hope that couples will find a way to be together; hope
that those characters who have strayed, or are lost, will be
redeemed; and hope that each character will find some kind
of happiness. Just as in our own hearts we always hope for
new beginnings, for another chance to get it right.
[> [>
Re: Hope for Season 7 -- GreatRewards, 13:27:02
07/10/02 Wed
Perhaps they'll introduce an older character named Hope.
And she'll have a cute high school son named... Raymond.
Raymond gets romatically involved with Dawnie and they have
their first "sexual" experience together.
Then someone could come up with some really corny line about
the "Dawn"ing of a Ray of Hope.
Or not. ;-)
[> [> [>
"Dawn"ing a Ray of Hope? LOL -- Drizzt,
13:33:24 07/10/02 Wed
That reminds me of an old comment during season 5...
"Dawn is the Cosmic Blood Clot of the Buffyverse"
I paraphrased the original comment since I do not remember
the original.
[> [>
Re: Hope for Season 7 -- MayaPapaya9, 22:53:34
07/10/02 Wed
"Hope that couples will find a way to be together; hope that
those characters who have strayed, or are lost, will be
I just had to say, nice use of Becoming Pt. 2
Some regulars here talked to -- Drizzt,
13:58:28 07/10/02 Wed
[> [>
Re: Some regulars here talked to --
GreatRewards, 15:12:54 07/10/02 Wed
I guess I'm not "regular" enough, because I have no idea why
you wouldn't expect people here to talk to you. Did you do
something wrong?
All I know is I like your name. I've read a number of books
starring the infamous Dark Elf and think he's pretty darn
[> [> [>
Re: Some regulars here talked to --
Drizzt, 19:36:14 07/10/02 Wed
Yes I did make some mistakes...
My first post here(wich incidentally was my first post EVER
on any discussion board) was trollish in nature; got no
response, so I stayed On Topic for three or four months.
Became an accepted regular myself...then acted trollish
Ummm...that was mostly last year though.
Who is Spike Now? (Spoilers from last season) --
Alex, 15:43:24 07/10/02 Wed
We usually like to think of Angel and Angelus as two
different people. And we don't like to blame Angel for the
sins of Angelus.
So, my question is who is Spike now? Just like Angel has a
different personality than Angelus, shouldn't souled Spike
be significantly different than souless or even chipped
And can we hold this "souled Spike" in anyway accountable
for anything that Spike has done up to this point (including
the attempted rape of Buffy)?
How do we consider this? One person? Three?
Now we have William-Spike-Chipped Spike-Souled Spike.
Again who is Spike now? And should this new Spike be
forgiven of all the past deeds of the Spike we have seen up
to this point?
Re: Who is Spike Now? (Spoilers from last season) -
- Dichotomy, 18:51:42 07/10/02 Wed
This question has always haunted me, and I asked it a long
time ago on a different board and was told in no uncertain
terms by many posters: Spike Bad (because he had no soul),
Angel Good (because he does).
Now right off the bat, I'll admit I'm very intrigued by
Spike and like his character. But even so, I've never
understood the whole concept of Angel being good and worthy
and excused for past horrors and all that by virtue of his
good deeds AND his soul, and Spike being eeevil, even given
his acts of kindness and bravery, because he is chipped and
has no soul. If Angel is a different being than Angelus,
then why should he feel the guilt at all? Very confusing to
me, but no doubt someone can explain it.
Of course I realize it's not so simple: there's the whole
issue of motivation (Spike does good because he loves Buffy;
Angel does good to atone for his past) and ability (Spike
doesn't hurt humans because the chip prevents it; Angel
could eat humans, but doesn't because his morals now prevent
it). So I do understand that the question of Spike's
goodness is open to debate (and debated it has been, quite
In the end, I don't know who Spike is now, but it seems to
me that if Angelus isn't considered quite the same being as
Angel, then Spike shouldn't be considered the same being as
resouled Spike--who should be held accountable for his
actions from the resouling onward. If not, then wouldn't
that mean that Angel was forgiven too quickly for all that
he did as Angelus (after the moment of perfect happiness,
Now I've gone and confused myself! Someone throw me a, a
..... floaty water ring thingy, for when you can't swim.
(Apparently I've short circuited the area of my brain
responsible for vocabulary.)
[> [>
Re: Who is Spike Now? (Spoilers from last season) -
- Finn Mac Cool, 19:27:15 07/10/02 Wed
Actually, the popular opinion is that Angel is a hybrid of
the human Liam and the demon Angelus. He feels guilt
because Angelus is still inside of him.
Joss has promised Spike will not be like Angel. He may be
like Faith (can't handle the guilt so tries very hard to be
evil). However, I'm betting it's something else that I
don't have a clue about.
[> [> [>
Whatever ME want him to be -- Caesar
Augustus, 20:18:23 07/10/02 Wed
1. Spike will be good now, human soul 'n all
question: will he brood (nah, it's been done)
then what WILL he do? he did a lot of GOOD as chipped Spike
too, so he won't be keen to just think 'I was a different
2. Spike will be much the same, since Spike's demonic soul
is amoral, and so is William's. This is my theory, but far
from universally accepted.
3. Spike could even be more EVIL (according to some very
wacky theories I've heard - they say that Spike had gained a
human soul because of his good deeds, and was restored his
3 is too wacky for me, but would, granted, be a
classic ME twist. 1 is likeliest, but will it leave Spike
personalitiless? 2 is what I would do if I was a writer -
think of Spike's demonic soul and human soul actually CO-
EXISTING, unlike Angel having to fight off Angelus. Maybe
William's human soul will simply add to Spike's soul rather
than negating it.
But, bottom line, no way to know until season 7 hits our
screens. (unless you're an evil spoiler trollop)
[> [> [> [>
Re: Whatever ME want him to be -- Alex, 21:07:34
07/10/02 Wed
"2. Spike will be much the same, since Spike's demonic soul
is amoral, and so is William's"
I never saw William as being amoral. Liam was amoral, but we
really don't know about William. We do know he was a very,
very, very bad poet though.
[> [> [> [> [>
Re: Whatever ME want him to be -- Finn Mac Cool,
21:44:16 07/10/02 Wed
Most vampires have expressed what some might call a reverse
conscience. They are compelled to do evil the same way
humans are compelled to do good. Spike, however, appears
simply to have no scruples or morals whatsoever, mixed in
with a lust for blood. One theory goes that William was
amoral, and it carried over into Spike.
Also, I'm not sure you could call Liam amoral. I mean, have
we ever seen him when he wasn't drunk? And, if a flashback
of Angel has shown that, what exactly did he do that would
hint at amorality? I'd say Liam was corrupt, but amoral is
going too far.
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Amoral vs. Immoral -- Lyonors, 08:41:25 07/11/02
I once had an English teacher that explained to me the
difference between Immoral and Amoral...Thank you Mrs.
By her definitions, and trust me, she's probably
Immoral means going against the widely held moral standards
of a given society.
Amoral means not understanding or caring about the widely
held moral standards of a given society and doing whatever
pleases the individual.
So my question would be to everyone who has made a statement
about Spike's morality...which do _you_ think he is?
[> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Amoral -- Finn Mac Cool, 08:48:24 07/11/02
I think Spike is amoral. He likes to kill humans, but will
just as easily kill demons. He may often seem more immoral
than amoral, but that's only because he's an amoral creature
who also has the vampiric blood lust, therefore immoral
actions tend to benefit him best. Meanwhile, guys like
Angel or the Master pursue evil almost religiously and would
never consider helping the good guys, no matter how it might
benefit them. Spike has no such qualms.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Amoral -- Rahael, 09:00:28 07/11/02 Thu
Doesn't Spike take pleasure in violence/bad things precisely
because it contravenes the moral codes of society?
Doesn't he have the capability of seeing right and wrong,
and understanding what each is?
"Because it's wrong!"
(And on a complete aside. While writing this out, I just
got a phone call - I've been selected for that interview,
that a couple of you know I've been waiting on tenterhooks
for: Wooo Hoooo!!!!.)
Now I have to think up a presentation. Nerves!!
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Spike's Actions -- Finn Mac Cool, 09:14:36
07/11/02 Thu
Spike knows what HUMANS consider to be good and evil. He is
inherently amoral, but he enjoys violence and drinking
blood, causing him to do evil things. A truly immoral
creature, if stopped from killing humans, would not fight
demons, since that would be right. Spike doesn't have a
problem with that.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Lost honour among thieves....... -- Rahael,
09:34:18 07/11/02 Thu
Vampires still love. They have likes, dislikes, tender
moments. They believe in rituals, loyalty, courage....
Spike does understand the pleasure of breaking rules simply
because it's cool. He cares about proper behaviour. He cares
that he made a promise 'to a lady'. He cares about what
really constitutes 'rebellious' behaviour, and what's simply
moronic (All the Way).
So it's not that he's above all rules, he just takes
pleasure in breaking some and irritating people like
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
OT: Congrats! And good luck! -- shadowkat,
10:02:41 07/11/02 Thu
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Can I get a whoo! and maybe even a hooo! --
d'Herblay, 11:35:06 07/11/02 Thu
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Congrats, Rah! And good luck! -- Masq, 06:48:15
07/12/02 Fri
We'll miss your contribution to the fff this round, but
contrary to troll-guy up there in the Margarita thread, we
do have lives and they are important!
Keeping you in my thoughts!
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
sure! although it'd help... -- anom, 09:15:56
07/12/02 Fri
...if I had some slight idea of what the hell you're talking
about! Interview? What interview? For what?
In any case, good luck w/whatever it is!
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: A whoo hoo -- aliera, 12:48:17 07/11/02
The very best of wishes to you Rahael.
As someone who simply visits here but feels gifted by the
opportunity to read your posts, I have been wanting for some
time to thank you. They are elegantly done, often thought
provoking and lately have touched the heart.
May all good things come to you.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Congratulations, Rah!!!! Best of luck!! (and a third
on those whooos and hooos, too -- redcat, 13:24:45
07/11/02 Thu
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Yay you ! -- Ete, 13:34:55 07/11/02 Thu
and on topic, I think Spike does more things because he
enjoys them than because they're contraire to the
An interresting exception is the way he talks and overall
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Thank you all! Need all the luck I can get --
Rahael, 13:40:01 07/11/02 Thu
It's really rather cheeky of me to try for it - but I've
been emboldened. Nothing ventured........
and Aliera, a very touched thank you to you...I have enjoyed
your posts these last few weeks.
On topic - Ete you may be quite right. Perhaps he isn't
quite either? He probably likes to see himself as amoral - I
think Angelus would love to see himself as immoral.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Good luck, Rah! -- LadyStarlight, 14:41:46
07/11/02 Thu
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Congratulations! -- Arethusa, 15:23:01 07/11/02
[> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Re: Amoral vs. Immoral -- Lyonors, 10:02:53
07/11/02 Thu
To go along with this question I put forth this example of
what I consider Spikes Amorality:
From Becoming Part II (Thanks to Psyche's Transcripts)
**Note: Shortly after Spike's little Happy Meals with Legs
Speech that we all love so much! ;o)**
Spike: I can't fight them both alone, and neither can
Buffy punches him hard in the jaw, making him flinch. He
straightens back up and feels his jaw, checking for
Buffy: I hate you.
Spike: And I'm all you've got.
The police officer begins to stir on the hood of the
Buffy: (looks down briefly) All right. Talk.
Spike: (turns to the officer) I'm just gonna kill this
Buffy clears her throat loudly. Spike faces her.
Spike: Oh, right.
Just a bit o' fuel for the fire...I'm interested in hearing
some more examples either way.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [>
After watching Becoming 2 ... -- Caesar
Augustus, 19:21:59 07/11/02 Thu
It's very hard to choose immorality over amorality.
Spike has a few passions which are on the immoral side, such
as his desire for killing Slayers, but he doesn't seem to
have a passion for immorality itself.
[> [> [> [> [> [> [>
Hmmmmm I pick...........Both........:):):) --
Rufus, 04:17:59 07/12/02 Fri
After all Spike's motivated by both the human and demon in to me some of his actions are immoral, some
amoral...depending on how you look at them.
[> [> [>
"Actually, the popular opinion is..." Aha!!
Now I understand your surety. You work for Gallup... --
redcat, taking your advice & reading your other posts :-),
15:16:27 07/11/02 Thu
We won't find out until sweeps next season. --
LeeAnn, 23:20:45 07/10/02 Wed
Souled Spike (spoilers for season 6, well only a little
bit) -- Seasmucker, 20:13:10 07/10/02 Wed
I’ve been lurking here for a long time and I’ve really come
to like this board, so I was wondering what you guys would
have to say about a few thoughts I’ve been having.
One of my favorite themes in BTVS has always been the
evolution of the perception of good and evil. I’ve always
thought that the portrayal of humans and demons through the
seasons on this show greatly parallels the way we see the
world as we grow up.
In the beginning of season 1, good vs evil is metaphorically
represented by humans vs demons/vampires. Then, through
Angel, the vampire with a soul, the show presents the
essence of what makes humans good and what makes demons
evil. Basically, humans are good because they have a soul,
while demons are evil because they do not.
Having established that distinction, the show went on to
blur the lines between good and evil by pushing the
boundaries of what souled and unsouled beings are capable
of. Pushing the boundary of the Souled were Faith,
Professor Walsh, Ben and now Willow, to name a few. Doing
the work for the Unsouled, we’ve seen Whistler, Clem, and of
course, Spike. Through these characters, the comfortable
black and white world of Buffy has become increasingly
ambiguous with all sorts of exciting shades of grey.
The point of my rambling is this: What if having a soul
MAKES Spike evil? Or at least more evil than he’s ever
I think the idea has potential for several reasons. First,
it would be the natural final point for the ramifications of
having a soul. We’ve come from seeing a soul as being
automatically good to seeing that a soul doesn’t prevent a
being from doing considerable evil. I would think that the
next obvious step would be to show that a soul can actually
inspire evil. Second, I’m sure that the writers are very
aware of distinguishing Angel from souled Spike, and this is
a good a method as any.
Angel and Spike(the souled version) are in a unique position
in the Buffyverse in that they go against the natural order
of things. Vampires aren’t supposed to have souls. So,
when a vampire gains a soul, we can see its purest effect.
By making souled Spike evil, besides providing a perfect
counterpoint to Angel, the writers can show that a soul,
while a powerful catalyst, does not necessarily make one
evil or good. Regardless of our natural inclinations, it is
in the end a choice that we must make. I say this because
the importance of choices is another thing I’ve always like
about BTVS, but that’s another post.
Thoughts? Comments?
UUmmm ... are you saying William was evil? -- Caesar
Augustus, 20:23:54 07/10/02 Wed
If you're suggesting that Spike's human soul will make him
evil, that would mean William was evil. Not sure about
As I mentioned somewhere else, it would be a great twist
plotwise, but I don't see it making much sense if his human
soul turns him evil. Maybe his demonic soul ...
[> [>
Re: UUmmm ... are you saying William was evil? --
Seasmucker, 20:30:44 07/10/02 Wed
I'm not saying William was evil, only that the human
personality doesn't seem very well associated with the
souled-vampire personality. I mean, I don't really see a
resemblance between Liam and Angel, ya know? So I don't
think that souled Spike has to resemble William.
[> [> [>
Souls and Spike's future (Speculation based on very
nebulous spoiler reports) -- KdS, 05:02:37 07/11/02
I don't really agree with the concept of an "evil soul".
The way I tend to interpret souls in BtVS/AtS is that they
allow one access to the full moral spectrum (so vampires and
evil demons are inherently evil, but that actively good
soulless entities like Whistler and possibly Lorne and Skip
would be incapable of real evil). Spike always seemed
amorally predatory, rather than consciously evil like
Angelus or Darla, and I think that he really isn't ready for
what a conscience will do to him.
While Angel got cursed as a punishment by someone else,
Spike did it himself, in hope of reward. If after all that
he doesn't get Buffy, or if getting Buffy doesn't outweigh
the downside, I have a horrible feeling that Spike will
slide into denial and nihilism like Faith post-GD, possibly
to a Big Bad extent.
JW has been quoted as saying that Season 7's Big Bad will be
"everyone's worst nightmare" (or words to that effect). A
Spike seeking revenge on the SG and/or the world for his
pain, or simply wanting everything to be over a la Willow,
would fulfil this in all kinds of ways.
At the shallowest level, it would mean an enemy who had been
close enough to everyone to know their weak spots. It would
be a massive personal betrayal for Dawn. It would create an
even worse moral dilemma for the SG than Warren Mears - a
souled entity deserviong of redemption rather than death,
but with full-scale demonic power. Most spectacularly, for
Buffy it would be yet another person "gone bad" due
partially to her own actions.
Of course, I'm probably competely wrong. This being BtVS,
the first big test for Spike's future will be if he's
smoking the first time we see him...
[> [> [> [>
Smoke Alarm Spoilers Season 6 & 7, + Spoiler
Speculation -- Arethusa, 05:52:56 07/11/02 Thu
"This being BtVS, the first big test for Spike's future will
be if he's smoking the first time we see him..."
My crackpot theory: The First Evil comes back, using Tara's
image to manifest. Willow et al have to fight something
with Tara's face and form. That would be everyone's worst
nightmare, and back to the very beginning.
And from some interviews I read at, I got the
impression new-and-improved-Spike will be very similar to
Spike, and not overwhelmed by guilt. Has Spike ever blamed
himself for anything?
All just guesswork, of course.
[> [> [> [>
Everyone's worst nightmare?(Speculation based on very
nebulous spoiler reports) -- shygirl, 11:56:18
07/11/02 Thu
Seems to me everyone's worst nightmare would be Giles not
Spike. People seem to expect the worst from Spike, but they
don't expect it from Giles.. who is everyone's "Daddy"
[> [> [> [> [>
Re: Everyone's worst nightmare?(Speculation based on
very nebulous spoiler reports) -- Thomas the Skeptic,
13:30:43 07/11/02 Thu
Here's my vote for Giles as "worst nightmare". I read
Christopher Golden's serial novel "The Lost Slayer" a few
months ago and the central theme of the book was what would
Sunnydale be like five years from now if Giles were to
become a vampire? Believe me, he turned it into a literal
hell on earth. The scenes of VampGiles, with all of his
intelligence, wisdom and dry British wit intact but without
compassion or conscience, were positively chilling.
Re: Souled Spike (spoilers for season 6, well only a
little bit) -- Purple Tulip, 06:26:13 07/11/02
I like your ideas. I was kind if thinking that when Spike
comes back with a soul, that he will not be any different,
and this will go to prove to Buffy that he really was good
all along. It would show that Spike didn't need a soul to
be a good "person" because the love that he had for Buffy
was enough to make him really want to change, which is
stronger than just winning some trials.
Buffy the animated series -- Jimmy,
10:00:04 07/11/02 Thu
Does anyone know when Buffy the animated series is going to
start? I have heard rumors that it will start in the Fall
of this year (2002) and that it will be on FOX Kids. That's
all I have heard and I am not even sure if that info is
correct. If anyone knows anything please let me know.
Re: Buffy the animated series -- Darby, 13:50:05
07/11/02 Thu
It's supposed to be moving back into production (something
like within a week of head honcho Jeph Loeb leaving for more
certain pastures), but the Fox Kids' deal lapsed and I've
forgotten who is underwriting it now. Don't expect it
anytime soon.
[> [>
Re: Buffy the animated series -- Matthew,
16:46:27 07/11/02 Thu
I read that Jeph Loeb left because the series was toast. I
wouldn't expect it at all anymore.
[> [> [>
Found the info -- Darby, 19:55:30 07/11/02
It's at
it could still be Fox Kids - they don't specify. At least
that explains why I couldn't remember.
Was spike trying to get his soul back, or was he trying
to go back to being evil? -- briseis, 10:36:00
07/11/02 Thu
I've been away from the board for awhile, and didn't watch
the later episodes of the seasons, after the mid-season
break, just read the transcripts, so I might have totally
missed contrary intonations, facial expressions, etc. From
what I'm reading of recent postings, it seems as if people
have concluded that Spike was trying to get his soul back so
he could be someone Buffy could accept, but what I concluded
reading the transcripts, was that Spike was doing a Faith
after his attempted rape of Buffy & when he concluded he
wasn't going to be forgiven or accepted by her. That when
he said he was going to "give Buffy what she deserved" I
assumed he was motivated by a love-turned-to hatred by pride
unwilling to face its vulnerability and flaws, and was
seeking to regain the power to hurt her. Even though I
thought this, as soon as Spike's words were out, "I want to
be like I was" I figured this would be a be-careful-what-you-
wish for situation, and that he would get his soul back.
There is still a question in my mind about whether he only
got his soul back, or, unverbalized by the African demon,
did he get his soul back in the process of also being
completely returned to "what he was",ie. human.
Personally, I think that would be really interesting, but I
do assume ME wouldn't do that becauseyou can't do as many
exciting action TV things with Spike as a human being. One
fall from a one-hundred foot tower, and that's it for
Spike, for example.
In any event, I was curious as to why everyone thinks
Spike was well-intentioned in his African quest.
Re: Was spike trying to get his soul back, or was he
trying to go back to being evil? -- DL, 12:35:12
07/11/02 Thu
I'm still sorting out what I think about Spike's voyage to
Africa, but I can paraphrase an interview with JM.
He said that when he was first instructed on how to play out
the African test scenes, he was to do so as though he was
trying to get his chip removed. Later, ME told him that he
was actually trying to get his soul restored. So it seems
like a slight misdirection for the cliffhanger.
That puts Spike where he is a vampire (still a dead body)
with a soul (kinda like Angel). But that's where the
similarities between the two stop.
Hope that helps you out a little bit!
[> [>
Spike's jacket -- Susan, 12:59:09 07/11/02
Regardless how James Marsters was directed to play the
scenes after the AR and in Africa, I find it interesting
there are very specific stage directions about his leaving
his leather jacket behind (all from Psyche's shooting
The first time it's mentioned, Spike leaves his black
leather jacket behind at Buffy's after the AR scene. Later,
when we see Spike in his crypt with Clem, the stage
directions state that he still doesn't have the leather
For me, that implies at least the writers's intention that
Spike was evolving from his evil or at least ambiguous self
into someone different--still to be determined.
Perhaps it was written so that Spike was unconscious of his
choice? Or maybe it was a way to spoiler-proof the scripts?
Just a thought.
It'll be interesting to see what Spike will be wearing in
the fall....
[> [> [>
Re: Spike's jacket -- DL, 13:11:08 07/11/02
Very interesting...I've not looked at the shooting scripts,
but that's a great point. The jacket is obviously a symbol
of recklessness, abandon, and to an extent, evil. If he
kept leaving it behing, it may have been a silent
Either that, or because it's really, really hot in
In terms of stage direction, I think they made the right
decision in telling JM to play it as he had. It's all
speculation, but maybe the director wanted Spike to force
himself into believing that he wanted the chip removed while
Spike really knew that he wanted a soul. I don't want to
see him lose hold of his bad boy image because to me, that
image is what differentiates Spike from Angel.
[> [>
Sort of Spoilerish in my responses above and below -
sorry! -- DL, 13:14:37 07/11/02 Thu
Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Etrangere, 13:32:08 07/11/02 Thu
There's a wicked cool thread about names down there on the
board. In an awesome post, fresne has mentionned the fact
that few posters used their real name and that this choice
reflected a will to say something. So what about we tell why
we choose this nickname ?
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? -- cat,
13:44:37 07/11/02 Thu
Simple, cat has always been my nickname, ever since high
school. Sorry, no hidden meanings, no in-depth analysis
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Rahael, 13:46:33 07/11/02 Thu
My posting name is the middle name of my mother. Alone in
all our family, my sister and I were not given middle names.
I think at one point both she and I had made our mother
promise that she would give it to us (well, she promised me!
I think the other supposed promise has a certain shade of
green mendacity about it.) umm yeah, we fight over it.
But I chose it because I liked it, and because it's
something of hers. It also has a pleasing ambiguity - it's
hard to place geographically. It is simply the native
version of the Biblical name Rachel. (I'm not always so
pleased that so many people think it's a man's name!)
[> [>
I was thinking Rahael Imperial Aerosol Kid --
LeeAnn, 22:09:13 07/11/02 Thu
Till I looked up the spelling: Rael Imperial Aerosol Kid
And the lamb
lies down
Analyzing my own board "name"? Navel gazing
much? Well, let's give it a shot.... -- cjl,
13:48:37 07/11/02 Thu
"CJL" are my initials. However, it's worth noting that all
of my friends and family know me as "JL"--the "C" is the
English equivalent of my Hebrew name, a name I never use in
everyday conversation. It's on my driver's license and
birth certificate. That's it.
So, in a way, "CJL" is my way of presenting myself exactly
as I am...and yet, hiding behind a form of alter ego at the
same time. Perhaps using the full name allows me to explore
aspects of my personality I would never expose in face to
face meetings, and write in a style somewhat different from
my everyday speech.
It might also be a way of telling the board that "I'm going
to be completely upfront with you" about our mutual
obsession, but there's a part of myself that's NOT for
public consumption.
Hmmm. Not a bad analysis, if I say so myself. And it might
have even a shred of credibility, if everybody on the board
couldn't simply go to Archive #1 and get my real name off my
e-mail address...
Ok.. I'll bite. =) -- neaux, 13:51:51 07/11/02
hmmm... neaux is really part of my name... its pronounced
"NO" for the 100th billion time. :P
I rarely capitalize my name because its the end part of my
last name (not because of an e e cummings complex)
I think the fact that I use this nickname shows that I am a
truthful person but still try to hide who I really am. I
only reveal myself to true friends. But it also shows that
I am playful. I like puns and witty jokes.. and dont mind
being the butt of many jokes. I think it also shows my
willingness to find the coolness in myself and be happy with
it. It shows pride for my family. I think it also means I'm
too lazy to be really creative.
for any more interest in neaux- do a search for "neaux" on
the web.
I should be starting -- Ete, 13:52:42 07/11/02
Etrangere means Stranger in french. I first took it on a
board dedicaced to George RR Martin's "a song of ice and
fire" cycle. In those books Stranger was both the name of a
horse of my favorite character Sandor Clegane, and the name
of one of the seven God, described as such : "The Stranger
is neither male nor female, always the outcast and the
wandered from far places"
I like this name because it represents well my persistant
feeling of otherness in any group i find myself in. But also
an equality in which you meet the others.
[> [>
mmm I might have been a bit slow :) -- Ete,
13:58:18 07/11/02 Thu
[> [>
funny coincidence, that -- Direwolf, 09:14:12
07/13/02 Sat
I took my name from Martin's A Song of Ice & Fire as well. A
direwolf is a kind of a prehistoric wolf, much bigger than
modern wolves (though not quite as large as they are
depicted in these books). "Ice & Fire" is my favorite
fantasy series, and wolves were always my favorite animal,
so it wasn't hard to pick, particularly in a site dedicated
to a fantasy series.
It's probably a bit pompous, but I see in wolves a kind of
honesty and nobility I would have liked to see in myself.
They are rough and powerful, but true to their nature. They
don't skulk around, but they don't have to show their teeth
and fight all the time just to prove something about
themselves either. I like that.
My real name? You probably wouldn't believe it WAS a real
name, but it's biblical. That's all I have to say...
[> [> [>
There's also an Arya Stark who posts sometimes :) -
- Ete, 09:24:49 07/13/02 Sat
[> [> [>
Re: Wolves -- Brian, 08:52:05 07/14/02 Sun
Wolves are my favorites as well. Nice to know there are more
of us.
I do it for Johnny! -- ponygirl, 14:05:36
07/11/02 Thu
Took my name from The Outsiders, the book by S. E. Hinton,
or the movie by Francis Ford Coppola. It was a big weepfest
for me in high school, except for the line "do it for
Johnny!" that still cracks me up. A friend and I used to
call each other names from the book, except me being a girl
switched Ponyboy to 'girl.
Ete! I always thought your name was a Camus reference. See
this is great for learning more about each other, thanks for
starting the thread.
[> [>
Ahhh . . . I always wondered what Julie Brown meant by
that . . . -- d'Herblay, 14:38:35 07/11/02 Thu
[> [> [>
Re: referencing "The Homecoming Queen's Got A
Gun"??? -- GreatRewards, 15:32:18 07/11/02
I LOVED the album that song was on!!!!
[> [> [> [>
One of my favorite rhyming couplets of all time . .
. -- d'Herblay, 16:08:26 07/11/02 Thu
I met a guy, who drives a truck
He can't tell time but he sure can drive-
- Julie Brown, "I Like Them Big and Stupid," Trapped in
the Body of a White Girl
Right up there in the roster
of hidden rhymes with:
You're the cutest of the Scoobies,
With your lips as red as rubies,
And your firm yet supple . . . tight embrace!
Not that "boobies" would have been too risque for UPN. Or am
I missing a better reading?
[> [> [> [> [>
Earthgirls are easy -- Masq, 18:19:05 07/11/02
One of my favorite movies of all time. And a cool album to
Or was that just a song on the album and the album was
called something else?
Well, you know how long ago I owned Julie Brown songs since
I'm calling them "albums".
[> [> [> [> [>
Re: One of my favorite rhyming couplets of all time
(the sequel) ... -- OnM, 05:07:31 07/12/02 Fri
Then there was the folk-song-format Robin Hood parody (the
name of the artist escapes me at the moment, I'll remember
it at some totally unrelated time later on today, probably
while up on a ladder installing a speaker or something):
The friar's name was Tuck
And he didn't give a damn
No he wouldn't ever help out in a fight
And he wouldn't help 'em hunt
That lazy rotten friar
He'd just sit around and feed himself all night
Oh, Robin was a bloke who owned many bows
Kept 'em all nice and clean
He died in his prime at the age of 46
From a nasty case of eyeball gangrene
(The age of death also changes each verse, and never rhymes
with anything, ever).
Your comment about 'boobies' being not too risque for UPN is
true, but of course it's not the point. I call on the
exemplary example from the great Classic Movie, Who
Framed Roger Rabbit:
Roger is handcuffed to Eddie, the hapless detective, and has
been dragging him all over the place. They finally locate a
hacksaw and are about to cut the handcuffs off when the
detective is having trouble holding them steady.
"Here, lemme help you with that", offers Roger, who
slips effortlessly out of his end of the handcuffs and holds
Eddie's half steady.
Eddie is understandably very irate, and demands that Roger
tell him why he didn't do that earlier if he could have.
"I couldn't", Roger replies, very sincerely. "Only
when it was funny".
Ah, perfect Toon logic...
Speaking of which, off to work now...
[> [> [> [> [> [>
Roger Rabbit!! One of my fave movies of all-time...
-- Rob, 13:01:31 07/12/02 Fri
When will they come out with a special edition DVD of
[> [>
'Ete' also means 'Spring'-- care to comment?;) --
SingedCat, 17:54:57 07/11/02 Thu
[> [> [>
actually it means Summer, and yes I care :) -- Ete,
18:18:13 07/11/02 Thu
Since my real name is Anne-Elisa,
and that Buffy is a form of Eisabeth
it means I have the same names meanings than Buffy :
Elisa / Buffy / God has promised
Anne / Anne / Grace
Ete / Summers
[> [> [> it's "summer" -- julia
le prof de francais, 18:18:58 07/11/02 Thu
[> [>
Re: "Stay golden, Ponyboy" always made me
laugh :) -- Purple Tulip, 06:15:59 07/12/02 Fri
[> [> [>
LOL, forgot that one! -- ponygirl, 06:25:37
07/12/02 Fri
[> [> [> [>
OT: Outsiders DVD coming out soon, I think. --
Dichotomy, 08:31:29 07/12/02 Fri
I think I read somewhere that the DVD is being released with
many deleted scenes. Maybe there'll be some more chuckle-
worthy dialogue in those!
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Thomas the Skeptc, 14:05:58 07/11/02 Thu
You might think I took my name from the disciple Thomas who
doubted Christ was truly resurrected until he placed his
hand into the wound in Christ's side, but actually I
was inspired by Thomas Reid, an 18th century philosopher
who doubted the skeptical claims of David Hume. I thought,
you can't be more skeptical than to doubt the claims of the
father of modern skepticism. Not that I don't believe in
anything but I do tend to consider all new information I
encounter in a critical light until I feel I have enough
knowledge to consider myself informed.
Errr,I needed an alias.... -- AurraSing,
14:33:57 07/11/02 Thu
I wanted to post on a local bulletin board that was a
political hotbed,but since my hubby is an employee of the
civic goverment,I could not use my own name or I would risk
getting him canned.....
So I picked the name of a mysterious bounty hunter and have
stuck with it for the past 2.5 years.
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
redcat, 14:38:24 07/11/02 Thu
My posting name comes from so many places inside
(and outside!) me. I grew up a red-haired, hazel-eyed,
kid in a world where everyone else I knew, except a few
members of my own family, had black hair, brown eyes and a
As you can imagine, as a kid I was called everything from
Carrot-top to Hey!Red, and I’ve a few old friends who
(affectionately, most of the time) call me Red-let because
I’m pretty short and still have an *enormous* amount of
I’m also part cat, both by inclination and astrological
sign. I lounge extremely well, like sharp objects (I’m the
only non-
violence activist I know with an antique sword collection
hanging on her walls), tend to fall on the pads of my feet,
clearly have nine lives, four up which I’ve already used up.
I write my board name without a capital first letter as part
of my spiritual practice. My RL first name, given to/taken
me in my mid-twenties, and which became my legal name over
20 years ago, contains a conscious element that forces
daily to remember that I’m pretty small in the grand scheme
of things, but loved none-the-less. It’s ending, “-ela,” in
Yiddish on which it is partly based, is an affectionate
diminisher, like Bubbelah, meaning precious little
(although Lorne calling Angel this makes little sense to
me), or Kiddelah, meaning precious little child. The small
functions for me in the same way.
And after reflecting on this and the other fabulous recent
threads on the board about identity, costumes, names and
cultures, I’m inspired to acknowledge that posting under
this name allows me to practice at least two parts of what I
treasure about myself. Like a good cat, I’m sometimes soft
and fuzzy and good to cuddle close to, especially on
hard, cold nights. But also, like any good red-haired
witch’s red-furred familiar, I can bring out my claws and
with the best of them. Well, OK, on THIS board, not with
the best of them, but I tag along pretty well...
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
LadyStarlight, 14:39:39 07/11/02 Thu
Well, 'Lady Starlight' is actually a song by the Scorpions.
My college boyfriend used to play it for me all the time.
So, I suppose it's a way of recreating/paying tribute to
that time in my life.
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? -- PWAC,
14:49:20 07/11/02 Thu
Okay...been lurking for a bit...this is as good a thread as
any to pop on and say hi.
PWAC stands for Princess Without a Country.
Boring story...involving my ex...not worth telling.
But I liked the nickname and when trying to think of a name
to use in the Buffy fandom that one just popped to mind.
[> [>
Welcome, your highness! -- redcat, 15:00:49
07/11/02 Thu
[> [> [>
Thanks. -- PWAC, 15:26:07 07/11/02 Thu
[> [>
Welcome! ;o) -- Wisewoman`, 08:40:55 07/13/02
...but I can't help hearing your nick as "Pee-Whack!"
I'm really bad with coming up with names. -- Masq,
14:59:08 07/11/02 Thu
Just ask my cats!
(Or my untitled novel)
I would have just gone with the generic "Posting Board
Name", but "Masquerade" was shorter.
: )
[> [>
BTW......... -- AurraSing,
16:08:20 07/11/02 Thu
As I'm sure LadyStarlight could confirm,I bought a new
Greyhound puppy a month ago.
She's 9 months old,about 90% pure white with a blue fawn
mask over just her eyes and ears plus some fawn over hear
rear.Very lovely,very sweet and it's a total fluke I lucked
into finding this breeder because Greyhound breeders
(showdogs) are very,very rare up here in Canada.
I got a really good vibe when the breeder had sent me a
photo of the litter taken when they were 8 weeks old and
this adorable puppy really stood out.....and the breeder
told me her name was 'Masquerade' and she was looking for a
good family home for her!
For the curious,her registered name will be "Lazuli's Masked
Lady of Huzzah" since using "Masquerade" would make the name
too long for CKC registration.
I still feel a little odd standing on the back deck and
yelling "Masquerade!!" when I need her to come in but she
sure is a lovely creature....hopefully she will have a good
show career but either way she has made a gracious addition
to my household.
[> [> [>
Hmmm... Masquerade is a puppy -- Masq, 16:41:26
07/11/02 Thu
Wait until you start calling her "Masq" for short...
And then have to yell at her for chewing on the
Of course, if you're yelling, you'll have to call her by her
full name, in which case it won't seem to odd.
[> [> [> [>
Actually,the Masq part sounds normal...... --
AurraSing, 18:19:54 07/11/02 Thu
But when I yell "Masquerade!" it sounds like I'm planning on
some sort of party and wondering where the guests have
buggered off to!
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
matching mole, 15:17:37 07/11/02 Thu
No profound reason. Matching Mole (with capital letters)
was the name of an obscure art rock band circa 1972.
Musically not a particular favourite of mine although the
lead track from their first album, 'O Caroline' is a great
sad love song of the painfully sincere variety. However
I've always loved the name (and the two identical Wind-in-
the-Willows-esque moles on the LP cover) and the story of
the name (which involves translating the name of another
band into French and then phonetically translating back into
Also it seemed unlikely that anyone else would choose it as
a posting name.
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Arethusa, 15:19:54 07/11/02 Thu
I was reading some Greek myths and liked the name on sight.
Arethusa was a beautiful water nymph (naiad) who was pursued
by an "amorous" god. She fled far and fast, but just as she
was about to be caught a merciful god changed her into a
river. The name is also given to ships (naturally), a
butterfly, a famous coin, and an orchid. I identify with
Arethusa, and it's nice to be in such beautiful company.
[> [>
Rivers and "amorous" gods -- Rahael,
15:27:23 07/11/02 Thu
How funny!
My real name literally the same story, just a different
Shiva was meditating in a garden. The combined beauty of
Shiva, the garden and the meditation became a young woman,
who like Dawn, was newly born.
The gods spotted her, and started following her. Being so
new to the world, she became alarmed and started running. In
her fright, when she came to a cliff edge, she jumped. The
gods were so remorseful at what they had done, that they
changed her into a river before she could hit the ground.
And, that's the origin of a river in India, which is also my
real name.
I had heard of the Daphne/Apollo story, but not of such a
similar one as yours!
[> [> [>
Re: Rivers and "amorous" gods --
Arethusa, 16:19:01 07/11/02 Thu
Good heavens. Arethusa's story tells the origins of a river
on the island Ortygia.
My real name is more prosaic-the French version of the
Hebrew name for "lily." My mother chose it partially
because of her Welsh grandmother-who was named Ann.
It all goes back to "The Gift" . . . --
d'Herblay, 15:36:12 07/11/02 Thu
Sometime in May of last year, there was a little-seen
episode of dramatic television called "The Gift." Now, I had
been a fan of the series since I first saw "Nightmares" back
in 1997, and I typically watched and rewatched episodes over
and over again, but "The Gift" drove me into a fury of
rewatching. After the end of "There's No Place Like Plttz
Grlb," I rewound the tape and watched "The Gift" again. Then
I popped in "Blood Ties" and watched the entire second half
of Season Five in succession. Then I started again with
"Buffy vs. Dracula," and made my way back to "Checkpoint."
Then I endeavored to watch ever episode of Buffy I
had on tape, in chronological order.
I made it up to "Superstar," when a previously scheduled
trip to France interrupted my viewing. But, I turned on the
TV in Bordeaux, and lo! There was Buffy contre les
vampires! And, serendipitously, the episode was "La
Maison Hauntee," which was not "Fear, Itself" as one might
suspect but instead "Where the Wild Things Are." I took this
as a sign. I began to have Buffy dreams, in which I
was Spike. I dreamt I was in the musical episode, for
example -- I didn't know the words and Dawn didn't know the
dance steps, but we did our best to follow Buffy. (Another
of my dreams may have anticipated the events of "Smashed.")
And, again serendipitously, my hotel room in Blois was
number 314.
But you can't go to France and come back with just memories
of television. My peregrinations in the Loire valley
reawakened for me my interest in the works of Alexandre
Dumas. Seeing the bedroom floor on which Henri III had the
Duc de Guise murdered made me want to read Chicot the
Jester and The Forty-Five. But the book I had
brought with me was The Count of Monte Cristo. I
began to imagine a story in which Spike taught Dawn how to
avenge herself. (It might have been better than "As You
Were.") (In a digression, another book I took with me to
France was Black Alice, by Thomas M. Disch and the
incomparable John Sladek, in which the villain often quotes
his favorite poem: "Invictus," by William Ernest Henley.
While I was in France reading this book the cable news was
filled with news on the execution of Timothy McVeigh, who
went to his death quoting his favorite poem: "Invictus."
This synchronicity may have something to do with my theory
that Spike is, himself, Henley.)
When I returned to the States, I just had to share my
Buffy obsession with others. I had been a participant
at The Watcher's Diary for a
time in Season 4 (as "charred"), but it was in the midst of
an implosion. So I went looking for someplace else to hang
my hat, someplace with a coterie of posters who were
refined, who indulged in deep, philosophical juicyness. And
I found such a place -- Abov
e The Law. Casting about a name that spoke to my sense
of moral ambiguity, and looking over the books that formed
the bulk of my reading in those post-France days, I came
across the later alias of Aramis. There's a section of the
Le Vicomte cycle where he just scares me. I loved it.
So I posted as "L'abbe d'Herblay," though because ezboard
won't let you use apostrophes in names, it came out as
"Labbe dHerblay," which is just gobbledygook.
Above The Law is excruciatingly slow, and I became
dissatisfied with the waitresponses. I had been a devoted
follower of Masq's analyses for quite a while, and I finally
checked out her link to this board. I liked what I saw, and,
perhaps realizing that I better fit Le chevalier
d'Herblay of Twenty Years After than the monk of
the later books, I dropped the "L'abbe." And here I've been
ever since.
[> [>
What a great story! -- Dedalus, 19:16:53
07/11/02 Thu
[> [> [>
And I forgot about the part where I was walking down
Rue Dante . . . -- d'Herblay, 20:38:09 07/11/02
. . . on my last day in Paris, and I passed a comic book
store with a big poster of James Marsters on the door,
announcing that he would be there for a signing the next
Synchronicity just means that a lot of things happen
at the same time, right?
[> [> [> [>
How could you forget that! -- Dedalus, 21:41:45
07/11/02 Thu
[> [> [> [>
Re: And perhaps a bit of serendipity . . . --
aliera, 05:11:59 07/12/02 Fri
[> [> [> [>
I love that street... there's a starplayer where I
always buy y rpgs :) -- Ete, 06:39:20 07/12/02
[>, sorta -- GreatRewards, 15:38:09
07/11/02 Thu
A while back, I discovered a (then) new service called The premise: Read advertisers' emails, earn
points, redeem points for valuable stuff!
Since I didn't want to clutter my "real" email address with
a bunch of junk mail, I decided that I needed a new email
address "just for MyPoints". But what to call it? Well, it
just so happened that on the Home page of, they
had a huge bullet saying something about "Great
so.... there you go. I created
Since then, I've redeemed my points for $150 in Home Depot
gift cards (because I shop there a lot) and I am still going
strong! Free money! You can't beat that! They truly ARE
Great Rewards.
At the risk of sounding like a commercial, check out if you haven't already. Sign up (it's free)
and tell 'em GreatRewards sent you (I get points for
referrals, :-P ).
And now, back to your regularly scheduled
[> [>
Or tell 'em I sent you. ;) -- LadyStarlight,
16:14:12 07/11/02 Thu
except I forget how that works exactly....
[> [> [>
I'm saving my points to get the DVDs, if that's going
to inspire anyone? -- LadyStarlight, 11:22:45
07/12/02 Fri
[> [>
but get there through the ecology fund! -- anom,
16:40:14 07/12/02 Fri
"At the risk of sounding like a commercial, check out if you haven't already. Sign up (it's free)
and tell 'em GreatRewards sent you (I get points for
referrals, :-P )."
It's a service that lets you donate other people's money
(big businesses or organizations, when you click on their
buttons); one of the businesses is MyPoints. (You have to
scroll about halfway down to find it.)
This public service announcement was brought to you by
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
fresne, 15:44:44 07/11/02 Thu
I 'm inclined to think that it is a moral (not an amoral or
immoral) imperative that I post to this thread.
My posting name is from one of the Lais of Marie de France.
Fresne, which means ash tree in French, was so named because
she was found in an ash tree. It's a wonderfully subtle
little story and to my mind is an interesting take on the
whole Griselda story.
At a certain point in the story, Fresne's lover is going to
set her aside to marry another woman because his feudal
dependants have put pressure on him to honor his obligations
/marry a woman who can have kids (Fresne appears to be
infertile, like an Ash tree) and has a dowry/family/place in
the world.
The night before the wedding, Fresne goes to inspect the
wedding bed (she acts as her lover's chatelaine) to make
sure that everything is good enough. However, she decides
that the coverlet just won't do and has a piece of beautiful
piece silk (she owns two things in the world, the silk and a
gold ring) placed on the bed.
It's a simultaneously catty and generous thing to do. I
therefore like it very much. And as a result of this
generous/catty leap of faith, everything falls into place
for her. In contrast, to a purely mean/jealous statement
made by Fresne's mother at the beginning of the story (all
twins are the result of infidelity, which everyone knows
isn't true, but now all women must suffer for), which got
Fresne abandoned in an Ash tree in the first place.
Since, as it turns out that the other woman, Cordre/Hazel
tree, is Fresne's twin sister (gotta love the classics). And
after identities get straightened out, Fresne's lover (I
don't recall if he has a name) is easily able to trade the
fruitful twin that he doesn't want, Cordre, who by the way
never speaks, for the one he does, Fresne.
I read the story in college and have been using it for
email/posting ever since. I don't tend to capitalize because
I got into the habit when I couldn't capitalize it on-line
in college.
And in aside, all three of my given names (first, middle,
last) can be first names. Thus, while I've never had a
nickname, I'm often referred to by any of my three names,
which rather makes me feel like a trinity.
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
MaeveRigan, 15:55:46 07/11/02 Thu
Delusions of grandeur?
Online is the only place I can indulge them. My posting name
means Queen Maeve--the one who made Cú Chullain's life hell
by starting the somewhat apocalyptic Cattle Raid of Cooley
and (according to one myths) sanctified the reign of every
new Irish king by spending a night with him. Or maybe that
was her divine namesake!
Completely unrelated to Buffy, but it's fun. And maybe
explains why I sometimes identify with Evil!Willow.
Irony. Doubly so, in fact. -- Sophist, 16:17:08
07/11/02 Thu
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
shadowkat, 17:53:21 07/11/02 Thu
When I first went online I discovered a horrible thing,
everyone had the names I wanted. I tried versions of my own
name, which unfortunately is incredibly popular - there
are over a million people with it in the US alone. Then I
tried the name Phoenix - taken. So...I thought and
and realized that one of my favorite comic book code names
had been shadowkat. I loved the metaphor and I happen to
love and understand cats. They make sense to me, moody,
reserved, do what they wish, follow no one's rules, make up
their own minds...And the character the name was based on,
had the ability to hack into computers, phase into
electrical systems and disrupt them, and was very
She floated on air. Wore a cool custom that consisted of a
leather jacket and jeans. So I went with it.
[> [>
You never told me you coveted the name Rufus....;)
-- Rufus, 03:55:25 07/12/02 Fri
My name is from a cat, all my names are from cats I've's all about cats....when it isn't about cats it's
about Buffy...well and chocolate(everyonce in awhile I eat
something green that isn't a gummi bear).
[> [> [>
Re: You never told me you coveted the name
Rufus....;) -- shadowkat, 06:05:41 07/12/02 Fri
Yes...I'm a cat girl...or cat woman. ;-)
I wanted to use the name of my favorite who died
when I was a child, but people seem to already have it:
Simon. (not here but elsewhere).
yes...have the same addictions: cats, Buffy, chocolat...and
oh there are those pesky books (any books, comic books,
really love fantasy/sci-fi = been collecting the good ones
when I can find them.)
'Tis mine own -- julia, 18:16:30 07/11/02
When I first started coming to ATP, I thought about creating
a new posting name. I'd been Bellegant in a former
incarnation with another fandom, which shall remain nameless
here, and, although I had some attachment to that name, it
didn't seem right to cross-name myself. But, after lurking
a bit, I realized that I didn't want to use a false name at
all. In fact, I began by using both my first and middle
names which I soon shortened to just my first name. I have
a great fondness for my own name and no sense of wanting to
dissemble or create a false identity. So with me, what you
read is what you get.
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? -- Caesar
Augustus, 19:37:09 07/11/02 Thu
Augustus ruled pretty much the whole Western World, like I
will one day.
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Darby, 19:51:08 07/11/02 Thu
I've had a friend for almost 40 years (yikes!) whose name is
the same as mine, save for the last 2 syllables. In high
school, I became "Darby," those last two syllables. My
eventually-to-be wife, who I met through my friend, didn't
know that Darby wasn't my first name until we'd been going
out a couple of months (college - you know, stuff doesn't
come up...) - she at first suspected an elaborate ruse.
But that wasn't as bad as her mother's suspicion, that I'd
carry her off and make a Lutheran out of her (and I'm not
Now mostly it's used by old friends from home and college
and new friends here.
My wife has pretty much settled on "Darbs."
Could be worse. Mt brother-in-law picked up "Gorf" in
college. His buddies thought he looked like a frog and
wouldn't catch on that "Gorf" is "frog" backward. Hey, it
was college and they were addled by beer.
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? -- tim,
20:08:41 07/11/02 Thu
Those of us using our real names don't get much story. It's
interesting, though (to me, anyway) that redcat and I use
the lowercase for the same reason. However, there's always a
part of me that thinks this might just be false modesty on
my part--hopefully, the message actually gets through to
Incidentally, I've thought lately about taking up a
board name, probably something with McLeod in it, since it
was my Grama's (and no, that's not a typo) maiden name and
also is the noblest part of my heritage. (My dad's family
came to the States when Ireland ran out of potatoes.) Always
dug the whole Scottish castle, descended-from-kings thing.
Not that this is terribly unique in Western civilization,
but I have to find my excitement somewhere.
Now that I think about it, that would seem to counteract the
whole point of the lowercase-ness. Ah, well. "People aren't
consistent. Hitler was a vegetarian." (Gregory Benford,
[> [>
Hmm, I have a McLeod dirk in my collection. A very
humble dirk, to be sure, but still a McLeod's... --
redcat, 21:01:59 07/11/02 Thu
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? -- Finn
Mac Cool, 20:26:50 07/11/02 Thu
My name comes from a mythical Irish knight, Finn Mac Cool,
who ruled Ireland's version of the Round Table, called the
Fianna. I just always thought he was a cool character (it's
even in his name for gods' sakes!)
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
JBone, 20:35:05 07/11/02 Thu
from my Meet the Posters
JBone is the latest of many nicknames in my life. Other
nicknames include JP, Jay Pat, Dr. Jay, Jay Bird, JD, Dilly,
Dilly-Bar, Polack, Polski, Smiley, Baby Face, Guru Dude,
Smart Ass, Farm Boy, Slick, Chief, Lucky, Shadow, Dimples,
Gimpy, Hop-A-Long, and of course JBone.
And I've been reminded that my Mother did call me Twinkle
Toes when I was little; something about me not coming off
the dance floor at family weddings. I don't think I'll
[> [>
Re: Question for JBone -- Purple Tulip, 06:28:14
07/12/02 Fri
I was just wondering where you're from because you sound and
awful lot like someone I know.
[> [> [>
It's unlikely, but... -- JBone, 11:15:42
07/12/02 Fri
my mom does seem to know everyone. I was raised in the flat
farm lands of South Dakota before I moved to the big city to
make it big.
[> [> [> [>
Re: It's unlikely, but... -- Purple Tulip,
13:24:46 07/13/02 Sat
Ok- I wasn't sure---I'm from the small farm lands of upstate
ny, so we kinda have something in common. I have a friend
who has nickname similar to the one you listed, and I
thought that it would be incredibly weird if you were that
person. Anyway, sorry to bother you with that!
[> [> [> [> [>
zallright, I'm a nickname magnet -- JBone,
09:05:22 07/14/02 Sun
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Drizzt, 21:06:26 07/11/02 Thu
1. FanMan
My original name on the internet was FanMan.
Reasons; I am an obsessed fan of the Buffy show, I am male&
over 18. BTW, I checked with a search engine; there are more
than 100 other fanmans, however all of them that I saw were
fans of various sports. I am not a sports person.
2. SexVixen
Reasons; I had started to think that my original name was
corny. I wanted to get the attention of someone who was not
replying to me; a guy(he has never posted here to my
knowladge). Only posted about five times with that name
untill I chose my next was an interum name untill
I decided what would be a cool new nickname.
3. Drizzt
Reasons; Drizzt is my favorite character in the Forgotten
Realms. I acted trollish when I was FanMan; people here
reacted in a civilized manner by ignoring me. Then I had the
gall to start posting here with Drizzt as my new name
without mentioning that I was FanMan...
4. "***********"
Reasons; I chose to become a registered user at another
discussion board. I really wanted Drizzt as my nickname,
however that name was allready taken. You get over 30
thousand hits in a websearch for "Drizzt"...Drizzt is very
popular. So, I made up a name that had it's own meaning for
me. My fourth name means...a cyborg with a wide variety of
paranormal interests.
Well, I wanted... -- DickBD, 21:25:25 07/11/02
.."Matching Mole" or "Cactus Watcher" or some of the other
cool names, but they were taken. Lacking imagination, I
simply used my own first name. The "BD" part is a bit of a
mystery. I have had quite a bit of success with some
expository books that were published a number of years ago,
a niche thing. You've probably never heard of them, but
they have been more lucrative for me than teaching was! The
"BD" refers to the subject of the most popular books.
While I am at it, I would like to mention that I mainly
lurk. I am much older than nearly all of you, but I must
say that I dearly love this board. And I have become
attached to all of you--even just as nicknames with
provacative and insightful opinions!
[> [>
My name... -- Wizardman, 21:46:38 07/11/02
Well, it is my posting name at the Bronze. I realize that
having the same name for two different places may seem a
little unoriginal/boring, but I like the continuity. As to
why I chose Wizardman... well, my first post was going to
about Willow and her magic, and I am male, so I chose
Wizardman. I know- it's boring compared to some of the other
names and their origins, but I am a boring person in RL (and
here as well, I'm sure =) ).
[> [>
Have you checked the frequent poster profiles? --
Wisewoman, 21:48:05 07/13/02 Sat
To be "much older" than some of the rest of us, you'd have
to be in your 70s, in which case, great!!
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Buffyboy, 23:34:13 07/11/02 Thu
Last November when I began to obsessively watch FX every
night in order to catch up on the first five seasons of
BtVS, my wife derisively refereed to me as “Buffyboy.”
Thus, of course, in all matters Buffy, “Buffyboy” is now my
chosen name.
P.S. Have you notice how many people, on this board and
elsewhere, like me, first saw BtVS on that fateful night of
Nov. 6, 2001? In my case it was the very positive review of
OMWF by Tim Goodman in the San Francisco Chronicle that did
the trick. Let me publicly thank Mr. Goodman. I will
forever be in his debt; well, at least until he asks for
some payback.
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Farstrider, 00:23:52 07/12/02 Fri
As I am sure many of you already know, "Jain Farstrider" is
a character in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. It's
actually a character spoken of but that we have never met
(maybe) - many people in the Wheel of Time universe regard
him as fictional or at least exaggerated, kind of like Davey
Crockett to a frontiersman. I also like Farstrider because
it is also accurate - as a rather tall person, I take big
Also, it was one of the few names I could think of that not
too many people have taken. I even have it on hotmail -
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Tillow, 06:06:53 07/12/02 Fri
My real name is too common and I wanted to post something
quick. The day I posted my first post I was talking to a
friend and I was listing character names and they all came
out messed up. I said, Tillow and Wara and Bike and Spuffy.
This was a pretty long time ago. I didn't know the word
Tillow had anything to do with the ship. Ah well...
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Purple Tulip, 06:21:55 07/12/02 Fri
I've had different names on different boards---but this is
the only Buffy board I frequent. I thought about what I
wanted my name on here to be and I wanted it to be something
original and something that made sense to me to pick. So I
came up with Purple Tulip because purple is my favorite
color and tulip is my favorite flower. So, nothing deep, no
hidden meanings, just me.
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Cactus Watcher, 06:38:42 07/12/02 Fri
I wanted something that had to do with Buffy. Being male and
middle-aged 'watcher' sounded reasonable. I figured the
must be another 'plain' watcher out there, so I chose to
modify it. My original idea was Desert Watcher from the
desert scenes in Restless. But, thinking about it, it
sounded too pretentious. So, since I've got a backyard
cactus garden...
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
Lilac, 07:49:32 07/12/02 Fri
I am always very impressed by people who can select
significant alternate names for themselves -- something that
is daunting to me. When I first decided to post, I was at a
loss so decided to take a lead from Cactus Watcher and look
out the window. I could have gone with dandelion, lambs
quarter, or creeping charlie (OK, that one would probably
have marked me as a troll), but decided to take the high
road with Lilac. While I don't feel like a particularly
lilacky person, my town is the Lilac Village, and is loaded
with the things. The entire town smells wonderful in May. We
have an entire park devoted to the hundreds of varieties the
things. Lilacia Park was donated to the village by Colonel
and Mrs. Plum -- how cute is that?
[> [>
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
yabyumpan, 08:42:08 07/12/02 Fri
Like many others here, after my cats: yabyum & pan
(interesting, or maybe not, that no one seems to have chosen
their dog's or goldfish's name. Nice to be among othet cat
yabyum is from Tantric Bhuddism,it's the sexual position
most likely to allow the arising of the Kundalini.
pan, in honour of the great Pagan god of nature and
fertility and the image used by christianity to represent
the devil
[> [> [>
You can't go away without defining the terms! --
Darby, 10:10:32 07/12/02 Fri
I'm not asking for diagrams on the overhead projector, but
can we know, even ballpark, what position this is without
invoking the wrath of the cyberspace police?
Kundalini? Isn't that a type of pasta?
[> [> [> [>
Re: You can't go away without defining the terms! -
- yabyumpan, 11:38:36 07/12/02 Fri
I'm not very good at explaining stuff but this is this best
site I could find that has a good image and
And yes, as a sexual postion it's wonderful; as a spiritual
practice, which is what it essentially is, it puts you in
touch with 'the Devine', the pure essence of life.
[> [> [> [> [>
ooops! meant Divine -- yabyumpan, 11:43:08
07/12/02 Fri
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? -- Majin
Gojira, 08:12:48 07/12/02 Fri
My posting name is Japanese
Majin = Demon
Gojira = Godzilla
In the vain of a film I am Dieing to see (Godzilla, Mothra,
King Ghidorah: Giant Monster All Out Attack), I am Demon
Godzilla :D
Straight Forward, to the point - and it explains about half
my posts here!!!
Majin Gojira
"Dude, It's dead! Quit Kicking that horse!"
"It ain't dead till I say it's dead!"
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
VampRiley, 08:29:50 07/12/02 Fri
When the board first went up at, I was LiamK. It
was just something I came up with, which wasn't my real
name. I'd use another name maybe to ask a question or
something, but I liked LiamK. But, then one day, on this
board, there was a discussion on the type of vamp Riley
would have made. I thought it was a cool name, saw no one
was using it. So, I switched. Not much of a story here.
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
LittleBit, 13:19:52 07/12/02 Fri
When I first decided to post on the Board, I was looking for
a nickname that was from the series. I ran a number of
possibilities through my head, sit-n-spin, rock-n-roll, Evil
Undead, the Buffster, big poof, etc., but they all seemed
derogatory (although Evil Undead has its appeal). And then
there was a group of very similar nicknames all with an
affectionate overtone: LittleBit, li'lBit, Bit, Nibblet. And
there it is ... I picked the 'formal' version, and consider
all the rest to be nicknames of my nickname. :)
Re: Why did you choose your posting name ? --
SingedCat, 13:24:29 07/12/02 Fri
Easy. 1993, living in a studio in Atlanta, working at the
immortal (in our hearts, anyway) Oxford Bookstore. New
Year's, I took home a display copy of the Oxford Dictionary
Word-A-Day Calendar.
singed cat (sinjd cat), n., a thing which is worth more than
it at first appears.
I liked that. It also struck me as a good name for my music
concern-- Singed Cat Music -- (and maybe a band someday--
all girl, of course. :D)
"singed" also comes right before "singer" in the dictionary,
and I'm a singer. Professional now, but I have always sung--
since my brother first told me to shut up..;)It's part of my
identity. if you like to see. NB-
it's pretty new- more later.
I feel left out... -- Rob, 13:43:25 07/12/02
...because I don't have an interesting story. Robert's my
name. Dropped off the ert. And that's about it.
I know...Me, of all people, should have some deep
explanation for my posting name, and be able to deconstruct
why I used that as a nickname. Truthfully, there are very
few nicknames for "Robert," and I am definitely not a "Bob."
Haven't been "Robbie" since I was 9. So I'm "Rob" now.
So that's the story. Also thought it would be easiest for me
just to use my real name, since I used to go on a bunch of
different boards, years ago, and I would get confused about
what name I used for each. And then people on both wouldn't
realize which names were all me.
So I stuck with my real-life nickname.
[> [>
Re: Real Name -- Brian, 14:25:50 07/12/02
Brian is my real first name. ( I didn't know any better),
and this was the first and is only chat board I ever use.
Namewise, the only quirk I can thing of is that in Celtic my
name means to have a thundering voice, and I ended up in
theatre and learned how to project my voice, so now people
two blocks away tell me they can hear me coming.
[> [> [>
That reminds me... -- Rob, 20:40:06 07/12/02
...although my real name has little meaning (except for the
fact that my middle name, William, is after a cousin of my
grandfather's who was the only member of that side of the
family to survive the Holocaust), my Hebrew name is very
It's Ari'yeh Zev. Ari'yeh is Hebrew for "Lion"
and Zev is Hebrew for "Wolf." The name is supposed to
be equivalent of strength and fortitude. Not sure how much
it applies, but there it is...
[> [>
Me too... -- Juliette, 11:13:20 07/13/02 Sat
I usually go as 'Juls' but for some reason I felt like using
my full name for a change. 'Jewels' or my middle name,
'Grace' sometimes get used as well. Nothing fancy!
If you've talked to me or read my posts you'd know
-- Off-kilter, late as usual, 01:22:34 07/13/02 Sat
Can't hide the fact that I'm not always on the same plane of
reality with other folk, so why not highlight it? Must have
missed some kind of training session growing up where they
tell you how to pick up on social cues and stuff. Off-
kilter seemed to fit.
BTW spousal-type laughed hysterically after reading my
handle. I get no respect.
Not my fault... ;o) -- Wisewoman, 21:43:42
07/13/02 Sat
My SO dubbed me Wisewoman in recognition of my continuing,
so far unsuccessful, quest for wisdom. Then these guys
dubbed me dubdub, which I actually prefer!
[> [>
Question o' y'all... -- Darby,
07:39:45 07/14/02 Sun
Is there a pattern to when you're which?
Did that make any sense at all?
Um, do you apply the aliases to specific situations or use
them randomly? There, that was better...
[> [> [>
Re: Question o' y'all... -- dubdub,
09:39:41 07/14/02 Sun
I find when I first post to a thread I use Wisewoman
to, sort of, establish myself, and thereafter in the same
thread I may use dubdub, particularly if there is a
satirical or comical aspect to the post. An exception to
this rule is if I'm responding to someone who knows me well
(Rufus, d'Herblay, Sol, liq, Rahael, Dedalus, OnM, anom,
etc, etc, etc) and I know they won't be confused by the
If something is deadly serious (at least in my mind) I use
Wisewoman throughout.
[> [> [> [>
Re: Question o' y'all... -- redcat,
10:54:24 07/14/02 Sun
Pretty much the same here, dubdub. I generally use "redcat"
when I post or respond the first time, but sometimes shorten
to "rc" if I'm sure it will be clear to folks who I am.
Occasionally I post as erythro-kitty, but only when I'm
feeling catty...
[> [> [>
Now, should you want a real story . . . --
d'Herblay, 11:09:40 07/14/02 Sun
. . . ask her about "Paracelsus"!
[> [> [> [>
Re: Yikes!! -- dubdub, 11:42:18 07/14/02 Sun
Away with you, naughty man! Revealing my secret avenger never know when we might need to press it
back into service!!
It's my shape-shifting character in my son's RPG game
scenario -- Liquidram, 03:58:34 07/14/02 Sun
and it sounded wicked cool.... or so I thought ...
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