Masquerade got her Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of California, Davis in 1996. In 1999, she gave up a career as an Evil bitch-monster of death Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nebraska Omaha, to move to San Francisco and attempt a more bohemian lifestyle. That lasted as long as it took her to get a job in the computer industry. After eight years in the Bay Area, she relocated to Tempe, Arizona, where she writes software and novels.

E-mail her , visit her personal website, or meet her on her blog, Infinite Doorways .


"Inhibition is nature's way of keeping you from doing something really stupid..."

Valerie Running Deer is a brash, brilliant neuroscience graduate student. Elizabeth Baldwin is her uptight, control-freak advisor. Elizabeth and Valerie's relationship has always been a battle of wills, but when Elizabeth hands over one of Valerie's original research ideas to another student, Valerie fires the shot that turns their cold war into a hot one: she makes a pass at Elizabeth's daughter Lisa, a coy, impetuous teen who has been harboring a crush on her.

Valerie's spiteful impulse is diffused when she starts to fall for Lisa behind Elizabeth's back, but a confrontation is inevitable. Valerie's tumultuous journey towards it will entangle her in the circuitous dance of the relationships around her as friends, colleagues, and family struggle to balance need and trust, impulse and restraint. Control freaks. Hot heads.

Timid artists. Impulsive kids. Dis/inhibition explores the complications of self-control both outside and inside the scientific laboratory.



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Masquerade's forays into fanfic:

Angel the Series Season 6 (with the Mutant Existential Scoobies)

The Destroyer (post-NFA Connor virtual series)

Flagstaff Gathering, 2010


Flagstaff, AZ, June 17-21, 2010


Washington, D.C. Gathering, 2009


Bethesda/Washington, D.C., June 24-29, 2009


Vancouver Gathering, 2008


Vancouver, June 5-9, 2008


Toronto Gathering, 2007


Toronto, June 14-20, 2007


Lake Tahoe Gathering, 2006


South Lake Tahoe, June 22-29, 2006


New York City Gathering, 2005


New York City, July 1-4, 2005

< FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Arial">More

Chicago Gathering, 2004

Chicago, July 2-5, 2004


ATPo Board Meets, 2003

San Francisco, June, 2003


Vancouver, June 6-8, 2003


Buffy Meet-up, San Francisco, 2002

Masquerade, Mike and Josh from, and LunaticSX

LunaticSX and Eric from

ATPoBtVS/AtS Meet pics, 2002

Buffyboy, Fresne, Masq, Dochawk

back to front row: Vickie's husband, Vickie, Liq kidlet #1, Sheri, Fresne, Fresne's pal, d'Herbaly, Masq, Dochawk, Liq kidlet #2. Photo credit: Liq!

Deeva, Masq, Fresne, Dead Soul, d'Herblay

Masquerade's PBP2000 pics

Corvus, X-Lander, and Masquerade

Mircalla and Masquerade


Alyson and her fans

Masquerade and Elisabeth Rohm

Masquerade and Amber Benson

Larry Bagby and Masquerade

Alexis Denisof and Masquerade

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This page last updated 8/13/12