BtVS watcher since:
March 1997, (Welcome to the Hellmouth/Harvest)
Hanging out at the ATPoBtVS Posting board since:
summer of 2000.
Origin of posting name:
"Scroll" represents my willingness to be written on and read by others.
Age / species / day-job:
22 / female / university student/technical writer (would also like to mention I'm Canadian).
Most memorable BtVS/AtS quote:
Faith: "Help me?" Angel: "Yeah." (Sanctuary)
Favorite philosopher:
Can't say I have a favourite philosopher though as an English major I'm partial to Kenneth Burke.
I'm probably a 7 or 8 in the Think Quotient. I can carry on a thought but seldom come up with original ones by myself.
Strangest thread topic ever posted:
I think all the threads posted here are strange.
Coolest thread topic ever posted:
But I also think they're all wonderful and very cool!
Why I love this board more than unlife itself:
Because this is the only place I can go to and talk about Buffy without someone staring at me like I was from outer space.
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