These reviews are submitted weekly by OnM, one of the forum's longest-participating voices, and sometimes also showcase guest authors who review movies at OnM's invitation. To read an excerpt, click on a date at left.

The reviews are listed by date, reflecting OnM's style. He explains, "I usually deliberately avoid giving away the movie title until at least a couple of paragraphs into the column. The reason for this is to (hopefully) get someone interested enough before they know what film I am talking about.

"It is natural for people to have prejudices for or against a certain work of art, based sometimes on experience and sometimes on comments from other critics and reviewers. I have avoided films because of negative comments by others. Or, someone may not care for a certain director or actor, and avoid the film for that reason, and in so doing miss a worthwhile work or performance."

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: The Series are property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, & 20th Century Fox.
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