BtVS watcher since:
about mid-Season 3, but now have all the eps on tape, although most only in the edited FX versions. thank the goddess for psyche's transcripts!
Hanging out at the ATPoBtVS Posting board since:
only since about mid-march, '02, shortly after I discovered that computers aren't just fancy typewriters.
Origin of posting name:
what, i'm red-haired and I'm part cat - you thought this was a pseudonym?
Age / species / day-job:
age: i'm nearing the end of my 5th decade but have only used up four of my nine lives, so i think i have a ways to go yet.
species: mostly vegetarian pagan, but there's some distinctly feline DNA -- i lounge really well and like sharp objects.
day-job: i get to talk to folks i (mostly) like about things that (mostly) matter to me, in return for which i have to grade those same folks' essays and exams. it's called university teaching, but the title "day-job" implies a paycheck, and i'm only adjunct, so i'm not sure if i qualify.
Most memorable BtVS/AtS quote:
Joss Whedon: "Bring Your Own Subtext."
Favorite philosopher:
Cordelia Chase
are you sure the scale only goes up to 10?
Strangest thread topic ever posted:
is there such a thing?
Coolest thread topic ever posted:
"Curiosity, where are you located?" -- WOW!!!
Why I love this board more than unlife itself:
i get to have fabulous conversations with people who live halfway around the world from me. how could i not love this board more than unlife itself?
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represent gender or species of the posters.
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