BtVS watcher since:
the beginning of season 4 (I saw an ep here and there before that, but that's when I started watching seriously).
Hanging out at the ATPoBtVS Posting board since:
January, 2001
Origin of posting name:
I was lurking, and was struck by the classical flavor of "Aquitaine" and some other names. I'm also something of a humanist. So when I went to post, I wanted a name that conveyed both those things.
Age / species / day-job:
30 / actor, history buff / teacher
Most memorable BtVS/AtS quote:
Gotta be the "Love's Bitch" Speech from Lovers' Walk. I've heard it, and read it, but never seen it. I can't wait for this fall's syndication!
Favorite philosopher:
Kant for how people ought to behave, Foucault for how people actually behave.
Coolest thread topic ever posted:
Buffy and Power
Why I love this board more than unlife itself:
Where else can I hang out with a bunch of fellow geeks who see art in pop culture, and philosophy in art?
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