BtVS watcher since:
1998? Faith was already evil/Mayor Wilkins was not yet a snake.
Hanging out at the ATPoBtVS Posting board since:
off and on since 1999
Origin of posting name:
Once won a hardcore blood match of Trivial Pursuits by knowing the name of the Lindberg Baby kidnapper: Bruno Hauptman.
Age / species / day-job:
38 / Male / Writer (you'd never know it. I love spell check.)
Most memorable BtVS/AtS quote:
Joyce: My daughter is going to kill you.
Favorite philosopher:
Lao Tzu
Strangest thread topic ever posted:
Well, there was some talk about how Angel could shag if his blood didn't move.
Coolest thread topic ever posted:
So many in this category..I can't pick.
Why I love this board more than unlife itself:
I have rarely come across a group of people so well read, so thoughtful and so friendly. My enjoyment and understanding of the show skyrocketed after I found this place. I regret that I can't be here more often.
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