BtVS watcher since:
Welcome to the hellmouth... but i missed the teaser......does that make me a bad person?
Hanging out at the ATPoBtVS Posting board since:
Long time lurker, I started posting and chatting when I found out that it had a chat
Origin of posting name:
From when Nick And I first met
Age / species / day-job:
18 / Male Humanoid Demon / Video store guy/ dancer (if you have to ask what kind of dancing then you are too young to know)
Most memorable BtVS/AtS quote:
a tie, between oz's: I mock you with my monkey pants,
and Giles: Oh dear, the Earth is Doomed.
Favorite philosopher:
I guess about 8
b. Thread that made you first decide to stick around and/or post:
It was "Hey anybody wanna chat?" by Random
Why I love this board more than unlife itself:
I met my momma, my auntie, and my many, many adopted cousins on this board, I also found people as warped and twisted as I am.
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represent gender or species of the posters.
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Mutant Enemy, & 20th Century Fox. This site is created by and for fans, and is entirely
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