BtVS watcher since:
Since Episode 2.
Hanging out at the ATPoBtVS Posting board since:
Shortly after Fool for Love in November. I was feeling obsessively BtVS and yet wanted more than wasn't "Spike cute" in that episode.
Origin of posting name:
It's one of the Lais of Marie de France, a 12cent poet/writer. It's a quirky little story about a girl named Fresne with a lot of snarky subtext. I've been using it as a net/email name since college.
Age / species / day-job:
29 / Human, definitely human / Technical Writer
Most memorable BtVS/AtS quote:
Hmmm...ask the impossible why don't you. Spike's Love's Bitch speech. Xander's Crazy Troll Logic.
Favorite philosopher:
The Tick
Strangest thread topic ever posted:
While not mine, the philosophical fungus thread certainly caught my attention. Although trying to explain it to anyone...shrug.
Coolest thread topic ever posted:
The explosion of posting after the Gift.
Why I love this board more than unlife itself:
When a wide range of knowledge and life experience gets together and cogently discusses my favorite t.v. show, well, it's just gosh darn addictive.
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