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Once More in Cyberspace Dedalus - October 24, 2002
Brought to you by: Dedalus Disclaimer: Well, this is it. This is what I think would happen if everyone who went to post on the ATPoBtVS forum spontaneously burst into song and dance. This is rooted pretty solidly in "Once More With Feeling," although obviously with new, rewritten songs and many more characters. I'm surprised I got as many names in as I did, but to get everyone would have been a feat too much for me. Posters not directly appearing in the musical or the cast are still mentioned. This is filled with in-jokes from everything to our chat room to the show itself. I think of it as an affectionate comedy, and it is dedicated to Existential Scoobies everywhere. The music that should be playing in your heads as you read is courtesy of Joss Whedon. Beta reader: LittleBit Cast
Age and reintroducing the Trollbot. ONCE MORE IN CYBERSPACE Part One Setting: The Internet INT. An ATPoBtVS Bedroom Our tale begins in a cyber-bedroom, one that is decorated trendily as well as tastefully. A cyberclock suddenly goes off, disrupting the silence. There is movement under the covers of the bed. A very blurry-eyed Masquerade emerges, only to just lean over and hit the snooze button. She's obviously not quite ready for another day on the voy boards with her faithful crew of intrepid Buffy philosophers. INT. The ATPoBtVS House The digital residence of all the Existential Scoobies. The walls, the ceilings, and even the floors are all white, looking not unlike the loading program from "The Matrix." The furniture in each room is mostly confined to beds, dressers, and the occasional vanity mirror. All throughout the big house the Existential Scoobies are either still snuggled in their little beds (but not together!) (well, usually) or just waking up to face another day. A few are in the process of wiping the sleep out of their eyes and the dust out of their enormous brains. As always, this crew has got a very big day ahead of them, for it is their destiny to fill the internet with their knowledge - or at the very least baffle it with bullshit. (Just between us, most of the time it's the latter) Anyway, a poster named Rahael is brushing her hair in one room, while one called NightRepair is making up her bed in another. A girl named Julia is trying to get in the bathroom downstairs, but a vain little guy known as Dedalus is hogging it as always, prettying himself up. A poster known as d'Herblay is taking far too much time deciding which leather jacket he should wear that day, while his friend LittleBit is already out the door and ready to go. In one room, a boy named Rob is still fast asleep, tuckered out from his non-stop Buffy cheerleading. EXT. The Posting Board Just a modem's throw away from the Scooby house is the posting board itself, where all the intellectual action happens. Like everything else, it's a rather conspicuous shade of white. It's only real distinguishing features are the computer consoles that are placed all over it, though it also has a nice meeting area and countless bookshelves that are constantly used for scholarly research. A few pictures are on the walls, either of Friedrich Nietzsche or a shirtless James Marsters. One post is already heading for the internet, and it's titled "Willow and Wittgenstein." Several posters are already logged onto the board, but not all are working. A girl named Zargon is kindly putting an afghan over the shoulders of a prolific writer called Shadowcat, who once again has fallen asleep in a book the night before and is still dozing peacefully. Two fiancees known as Mundusmundi and Aquitaine are idly flipping through the latest issue of "Existential Scooby Weddings." A poster named Collinwood is there too, organizing the next Dragoncon meet for the coming year, which anyone reading this should be thinking about attending. Anyway, as everyone slowly gets awake enough to log on to the board, d'Herblay finally arrives now that he's got a cool leather jacket to his liking. Before he can even sit down to type, however, he spots an oddly gnarled figure on the outskirts of the board - one that is carrying what appears to be a fishing pole. He can only shake his head, for he's been around long enough to know what that means. He hopes that Masquerade is finally out and about so she can take care of it. EXT. The Archives Masquerade is indeed up, though yawning rather widely. She is stealthily making her way among the graves of posts long since archived. They don't inspire her as they once did, and she doesn't know why. Her responsibilities are pretty involving, especially with the troll population on the rise. It is rare that she feels like this, but sometimes she does. However, she never suddenly breaks into song about it, which is exactly what she does this morning.
Masquerade From behind an archived post, three trolls suddenly attack, but she continues singing as she fights with them. The choreography is really impressive.
I was always smart and quite intellectual
Trolls Grabbing the last troll by the ear, Masquerade casually tosses him off the site and walks on, spotting a lovely lass tied to a digital tree. She goes to free her.
Newly Freed Lass
Masquerade I don't like this way!
Surfing through the archives And I don't want hosting to be a chore!!! The music dies out as magically as it began, and Masquerade gives a little sigh before going back to work on the archives. EXT. The Posting Board An hour or so passes, and things are beginning to get a bit tense for our heroes, the Existential Scoobies. Some old posters have logged off, and some new ones have logged on. Before long a poster named LadyStarlight comes in, and she finds a full house. A reviewer named OnM is there, working diligently on his Movie of the Week. Wisewoman is there as well, flipping though strange mystic cards. Two posters called Dochawk and Sheri are conversing about the latest episode of Buffy, while LittleBit and Collinwood are still talking about Robin Sachs and his pricey autographs. A chatter named Sully is sitting quietly in a corner. Everyone responds to the newcomer in near unison.
OnM LittleBit thought a moment, and then conceded the point.
Sheri LadyStarlight hesitated, but then cautiously pressed on.
LadyStarlight At this, all the defenses come down, and everyone starts talking at once.
Sheri Out of nowhere and without a hint of warning, the music fairy strikes again.
LittleBit Dochawk starts off very enthusiastically, but quickly backs down after he gets a few dirty looks.
Dochawk Sully timidly walks up as Dochawk takes his seat.
Sully This is totally ignored by everyone.
Sheri Sully won't let it be ignored. A short rock and roll show erupts, complete with spotlights and fireworks.
Sully The concert grinds to a halt and everyone is left looking at Sully.
LadyStarlight Everyone gets inspired during this one.
Sheri Now everyone stands up together, singing as if with one voice.
Sully They all sit back down and catch their breath.
LittleBit EXT. The Jedi Council Forums LittleBit quickly surfs over to TheForce.net. When she logs on to the Jedi Council Forums, a fabulous sight unfolds before her eyes. Dozens of posters are in a neat triangle, all of them dressed up like Jedi knights or Sith lords. The one in front is holding up a picture of Jar Jar with an "X" painted over it.
LeadPoster We think Jar Jar Binks Sucks!!!! During the crescendo, various posters are doing Force-enhanced flips and somersaults. EXT. The Posting Board LittleBit surfs back in to find the same crowd still there.
Wisewoman Everyone turns and looks at her suspiciously.
Wisewoman About this time, Ronia logs in, very excited.
All Ronia's smile fades, but then brightens quickly.
LadyStarlight Everyone agrees with this, and the posters take a moment to compliment each other on their performances. However, OnM soon gives a nicely timed cough.
Sheri Suddenly, Rob appears, bouncing across the board. He does some impressive handstands and cartwheels, shouting as he goes.
Rob LadyStarlight watches him flipping away, apparently concerned.
LadyStarlight EXT. A sunny bit of cyberspace close to a London chat room. d'Herblay and Rahael are casually strolling away from the room, holding hands and all with the goo-goo eyes.
d'Herblay Two conspiracy-haunted guys wearing long trenchcoats and buttons saying "The Truth is Out There" pass by. It is easy to see that they are sneaking glances at Rahael.
d'Herblay Rahael notices d'Herblay looks totally shocked by this. Her expression gets all wounded.
Rahael The two walk on a little more, spotting some posters dressed up like slave girl Princess Leia having a belly dancing contest.
Rahael He gives a sigh of resolve.
d'Herblay Music flows out of nowhere as natural as birdsong.
I've got your e-mail
I saw a web enchanted, pop-ups annoying no more.
I've got your e-mail At this point, d'Herblay is dancing also, and the two hold each other and spin and spin until they surf right into a private chat room.
Rahael Never let me delete! Rahael is really hitting some high notes now.
Rahael EXT. The Posting Board
LittleBit When she has his attention, she motions protectively over at Ronia who is now helping with the research.
Dochawk Ronia looks up, giving both of them a little smirk.
Ronia They don't seem to believe her.
Both LittleBit Sorry!
LadyStarlight EXT. The Leaky Cauldron Forum A young Harry Potter fan is at a computer console, and clearly something too bad is about to happen. He is dancing faster and faster with his feet, and typing faster and faster with his fingers. Unable to control himself, he dances and types in a wild frenzy. It goes on and on until the computer explodes, taking his head with it! Part Two EXT. A shady cyberspace vale Redcat, NightRepair, and Zargon are coming back after checking out a potential lead on the other end of the internet. They walk along, talking about how they hit another dead end.
Redcat As they make their way back to the Posting Board, a blaze of light suddenly erupts behind them. They don't see the portal that opens and closes long enough for Buffy herself to fall through their dimension, only to fall back into yet another portal as quickly as she appeared. The two posters just walk on, oblivious.
Redcat EXT. The Posting Board All the posters are sitting around looking quite nervous, as well as tired. The singing and dancing is really beginning to take its toll. Most are too scared to even think about typing, all too aware a symphony awaits whoever tries to do so. Some of the Existential Scoobies are taking a proactive stance, however. We come to MundusMundi and Aquitaine, both of which are trying to keep up with d'Herblay as he paces about the outskirts of the board. They are all talking and being quite animated in their discussion. Some bad news has just been e-mailed in.
Mundusmundi d'Herblay Yes, there's no doubt about it. It happened over at the Leaky Cauldron. A computer blew up, and it took some poor lad with it. Aquitaine Now's not the time for people to lose their heads. Mundusmundi Does anyone suspect sabotage? d'Herblay Nobody knows what to suspect. So I think the important thing now is not to have panic. We really don't even know if the incident is related to the singing. The three continue walking, and they pass right by Julia, who is pouring her heart out to a busted air conditioner that refuses to work. They calmly pass by as if nothing is happening.
Julia The three Existential Scoobies keep on pacing, their discussion growing more intense.
Mundusmundi Aquitaine I agree. When people's heads are being blown off, not a very good time for inaction. d'Herblay And just what would you two suggest? Any move we make is liable to set off an orchestra. The whole internet has become a musical time-bomb. As if to illustrate his point, they pass by Deeva, Dichotomy, and Dead Soul. All three of them are at computer consoles, but instead of standing there they're dancing, kicking up their legs in perfect synchrony. Each are likewise typing on the keyboards just as one would play a piano. They've really got rhythm, but it's commonplace by now.
Mundusmundi d'Herblay He's been in chat for a long while now. I'm not sure if he's any good to anyone. Aquitaine But I heard LittleBit and Anom and some others talking about trying to get him out of there. It might help. d'Herblay And what is he going to do? Write an essay? INT. The Chat Room LittleBit, Julia, Anom, Rahael, and a poster with a guitar named Anthony8 all log on to the ATPoBtVS chat room. The room is rather large, with countless desks boasting shiny computers sitting on every one of them. No one is there except for the guy they're looking for. Dedalus is hunched over a screen, staring at the names that have suddenly appeared on it. LittleBit cautiously approaches.
LittleBit Dedalus takes awhile to respond. First he produces a half-empty liter of Coca-Cola and drinks from it. His eyes are red, and he looks really wired. He's been down there chatting with himself all day.
Rahael Dedalus gets up, and from the look on his face, you can tell he doesn't buy it.
Dedalus LittleBit Don't say that. Dedalus Oh yeah. Why don't all of you just go and have a private chat somewhere. There's the "log off" button. Help yourself. Rahael Come on, we want you to go back to the Posting Board with us. Julia Yeah, we all know you've had such a bad time posting, maybe you could give us some insight into this musical nightmare.
Dedalus LittleBit Ded, what is your problem? Just tell us. Stomping over to the "log off" button, Dedalus is about to punch himself out, but hesitates. He looks back as if something is pulling him back. Anthony8 has been in the background all this time, but as if on cue, his fingers start playing his guitar.
Dedalus Mmmmmmm.
You're confused, ashamed that you can't post.
That's fine, but I'm not gonna play. By the second verse, Dedalus has shocked everyone by grabbing a modem and smashing it into a wall. The volume goes up quite a few notches.
Dedalus The group is about to leave at this point, but Dedalus blocks the exit and keeps singing.
I should stop and log off. Dedalus then jumps up onto a console, and he kicks a computer right onto the floor, where it explodes in a million sparks. Everyone jumps back.
Dedalus Why won't you let me chat in peace?! Dedalus then slumps against a desk, thoroughly exhausted. Anthony8 stops playing, and the women don't seem very impressed.
Julia Dedalus doesn't answer. LittleBit gives him an exasperated look.
Dedalus EXT. The Posting Board By the time everyone logs back on to the posting board, things are in turmoil. Yet another poster - this time on Usenet - has lost his post as well as his life. The Existential Scoobies are trying to keep their cool, but the rest of the internet is in chaos, albeit extraordinarily well-choreographed chaos. Anyway, no one knows who's next. Masquerade has assigned everyone to the bookshelves to research the situation, yet so far, no one has come up with anything. d'Herblay and Dedalus are at a table together, though the former gets angry when he notices the latter is again reading "The Hero With a Thousand Faces." Dedalus defends himself, and from the look on d'Herblay's face, he has obviously been talking a really long time.
d'Herblay INT. The Chat Room After spending hours researching the musical mayhem to no avail, LittleBit and Ronia log on to the chat room and are sitting there talking.
Ronia Then Ronia became a bit gloomier.
LittleBit LittleBit soon logs out, and Ronia is left there, staring into cyberspace. After spending a curious amount of time idly playing with her long hair, she can't resist slipping into a melancholy little ditty.
Ronia Her song is interrupted when she thinks she hears something over her shoulder. She hasn't noticed before, but the empty chat room is kind of spooky. And what's even spookier is that it's not as empty as it should be! Ronia finds this out when she turns around and finds herself looking into the blank eyes of three troll henchmen.
Ronia The three henchmen work fast, logging her away to who knows where. Part Three INT. The Bronze Board A few hours have passed, and Ronia awakens to find herself in a strange new site. She's laying on a table, but she knows she better get away as quickly as possible, so she doesn't lay there for long. When she goes to move, she finds her movements uncommonly graceful, and then she hears music in the background. As soon as she goes to run away, the troll henchmen come back, and all four of them compliment each other nicely as they go through a rather mesmerizing bit of ballet. They go round and round, all their moves precise yet fluid. One troll grabs her and spins her around on the floor, and she lands with such force that she slides all the way to the steps of a stage. There, two feet are at her eye level. They are wearing some really slick tap dancing shoes, and the person wearing them knows how to make them move. Ronia catches a breath when she looks up and finally sees who is behind all of this. It's the old nemesis of the Existential Scoobies. VampireHunterD.
VampireHunterD He begins to dance, and boy can he ever. Ronia just looks on, obviously bewildered.
VampireHunterD Here I'm the real host, I've got all that clout. When you gotta post, when ya gotta print it out! They came to me and all started blamin' But I've got the music - I bring the flames in. Now we're chattin', this is what it's all about!
Cuz I know what you post Ron!
Ronia VampireHunterD All these philosophies have gone on too long. Now my music is drowning them cause it's just so wrong. All those unread posts sitting there rustin' Plus some posters look like they're about to start bustin' That's the price you pay when voy is but a song! VampireHunterD slides over closer to Ronia, who tries to hold him at bay with a cross.
VampireHunterD Cuz I know what you post - Ronia Now see here, I smell beer I'm going to start quakin' VampireHunterD I'll make it real! Ronia Don't be sore, I'm twenty-four And I'm already taken! VampireHunterD I can make whole sites start to crumble And still have time to do a little rumble! Ronia For pete's sake you can't just take Like I'm some kind of booty! VampireHunterD Troubles comin', this place is burning I keep playin' while the net keeps turning! Ronia They'll be pissed if I'm dissed I'm an Existential Scooby! The music suddenly dies out and VampireHunterD stops dancing all over the stage. He gives Ronia a surprised glance.
Ronia The troll master calls one of his henchmen over.
VampireHunterD EXT. The Posting Board Unaware of what is happening, our heroes the Existential Scoobies are trying to find out where their comrade Ronia is. Dedalus is talking to Mundusmundi.
Mundusmundi He motions over to the Trollbot that Dedalus is taking out of storage.
Dedalus Mundusmundi spots a few black puddles around Trollbot. He points to them.
Dedalus Even with the leaky oil, the two fix up the Trollbot with minimum effort, and after a bit of wielding, it is re-activated. It has a big grin on its face.
Dedalus Trollbot screws up its face in confusion.
Trollbot Mundusmundi and Dedalus both jump in fright, for sure enough, one of the troll henchmen is right there. They question him.
Troll Before anyone can catch him, the little gnarled troll runs out of the posting board, laughing an eerie, high-pitched laugh.
Trollbot Dedalus looks away, obviously a bit aggravated. He and Mundusmundi decide to go over to the meeting area and let everyone know what has happened. They leave the Trollbot there, and it watches from a distance. It's clearly kind of sad. As if playing on its emotions, another song begins, though no one else hears it.
My optics are fuzzy, and I don't see well.
I wish I could sing the right song to make them leave this board
The trolls around me, I don't slay at all.
I wish I could hold them close, and let them troll at last. From the meeting area, LittleBit, Anthony8, Dedalus, d'Herblay, Aquitaine, Rahael, Mundusmundi, and the newly logged in VampRiley watch the Trollbot walk off into the internet all alone.
Dedalus Coming from the chatroom, the illustrious yet beleaguered webmaster Liquidram addresses the question the only way it can be addressed - with more songs.
Shippers don't you see This announcement is even more surprising when Spotjon suddenly pops up to enjoy a duet with the departing Liquidram.
Spotjon Wish I could post
Both Wish I could stay. Liquidram and Spotjon also log off to seek their internet fortunes elsewhere.
Dedalus When all hope seems lost, Agent156 enters the meeting area. As one might expect, he's wearing a fedora and trenchcoat.
LittleBit Agent156 is shocked and more than a little bit hurt that no one will listen to him.
Agent156 Agent156 stomps out and everyone watches him go.
Dedalus The Existential Scoobies stay on the Posting Board, all their fates uncertain. EXT: The Vents Now Agent156 is all alone. A man alone on the internet. He faces a large vent, and obviously he is having second thoughts. Then he hears the music.
Now through the vents, she calls to me At this point, Agent156 grits his teeth and crawls into the vents, visions of Ronia taunting him on.
Agent156 EXT. Cyberspace near the Vents
LittleBit INT. The Bronze Board
Both EXT. The Posting Board
VampRiley Everyone gets up and marches triumphantly out into cyberspace.
All INT. The Vents This is a strange montage sequence of people crawling through vents.
All Just let them turn! EXT. The Bronze Board As it happens, a poster named Rufus took the subway and beat everyone there. She kicks down the door with an Existential Scooby adrenaline kick.
VampireHunterD Part Four INT. The Bronze Board
VampireHunterD Rufus walks onto the board, facing her adversary who is sitting up on the stage, Ronia looking quite anxious beside him. Rufus fixes him with a glare.
VampireHunterD As she so often does in situations such as these, Ronia gags a little.
Voy's a show, and we all post our parts.
It's alright, if some posts print out wrong. The three troll henchmen attack at this point, but Rufus finishes them off in a winning combination of dance and martial arts.
To just keep up the pace
Don't give me trolls. Suddenly, Agent156 logs on, as do the rest of the Existential Scoobies. Mundusmundi points over at where Rufus is singing.
Mundusmundi Rahael and Aquitaine immediately run over and start keeping pace with Rufus.
Rufus We get into some seriously fast music, then it slows again.
As it is now this is such a bore.
All the voy - formats.
All the stuff - life sends.
On if you get to print. As Rahael and Aquitaine go back to the sidelines, Rufus slowly approaches the stage.
There's nothing to tell
So give me something worth printing out. Rufus looks over at VampireHunterD, but he just looks back. Then she quickly darts over to the side of a stage \where a computer console is sitting. Uncontrollably, she begins to type faster and faster as the music crescendos. Smoke begins to come out of the computer. We've seen this happen before. The frantic typing continues, on and on, and most of the Existential Scoobies are paralyzed. In a very Zen-like move, the poster Age effortless slides into the Bronze and instantly stops Rufus.
You'll print along.
You have to go on typing. Ronia stands up and walks forward on the stage.
VampRiley Rufus recovers from her near explosion as VampireHunterD gives a little round of applause.
VampireHunterD The troll master then looks at all the Existential Scoobies gathered around, and notices many of them have become couples.
VampireHunterD d'Herblay and Dedalus share a brief, awkward glance.
VampireHunterD A female figure suddenly logs on out of nowhere. A mixture of shock and recognition flood VampireHunterD's face as he sees her.
Mom She then logs off, and afterwards, Dedalus snickers.
LittleBit Everyone just sort of stands there, unsure of who is going to make the next move. Fortunately, VampireHunterD admits defeat. His shoulders sort of sag.
VampRiley One last troll song erupts, a reprise of "Bringing the Flames In."
VampireHunterD VampireHunterD logs off and disappears on stage. The Existential Scoobies are left standing in the Bronze Board, sharing looks and anxious to get back to their own beloved board. But they all know one more song is coming, so they may as well get on with it.
Anthony8 The Existential Scoobies all come together and act out the final number.
Shouldn't the type appear? How do we post from here? EXT. The Bronze Board While all this is going on, Solitude1056 finally logs on after spending the whole day doing calculus. Sol takes one look inside at the weird goings on, then turns to surf back over to another site. However, the Trollbot is there and quickly approaches. The scene is awkward at best.
Solitude1056 The music kicks in again, and the two stare at each other. Eventually, they begin to take steps closer and closer to one another, like twin moths drawn to a flame.
Solitude1056 They finally come together in a long, passionate kiss.
All The End Like this? Hate it? Please drop the author a note, or use the feedback form -- it makes us all happy. (well, maybe not if you hated it, but you get the idea.)