There Were No Words
ChemicalRAM ~ Aug 5 2001
Buffy was shattered. This was not the way it was supposed to
be. Although they were no longer enemies, and were, in fact, friends,
there was nothing more between them. That is what she told herself every
single time she was with him and when she dreamed of him. She could have
defended herself if he had thrown her to the ground. She could have
continued the charade if he had exhibited any kind of passion
whatsoever. His tenderness was her undoing.
The essays are copyrighted by the respective authors. Fiction authors own the copyrights
on their plots, word choices, and indedependent characters, but do not hold copyright over
any characters already created or owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enterprises, Twentieth
Century Fox, or anyone else we've forgotten. Copying an author's original work without
permission is still a no-no; if you're going to quote an author, please ask permission
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