Dark Winds
Lady Starlight ~ July 19 2001
He filled two garbage bags with the aftermath of the small
party Dawn had had and decided to take a short break. He sipped at his
second cup of coffee and mentally listed the chores to be done that day.
It was a good thing that Red and Tara had taken him under their
wing—helped him with the shopping, shown him how to clean a house and
teaching him how to cook. Otherwise, papers or not, Dawn would have been
thrown into a foster home after the first month. ...They got along
fairly well, once they had settled into their new roles. He had
re-educated her musical tastes. "Backstreet Boys indeed" he snorted; and
she had introduced him to Dawson’s Creek. He still thought Dawson was a
bloody poof, but now he kept his opinions to himself.
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