
Part 2

(November 02, 2004)

Written by Tyreseus and OnM

Act Three


We start off with an AERIAL SHOT similar to the one used for the teaser, but moving more quickly this time. Also, the shot lingers just long enough to make the viewer aware of several GOOD-SIZED FIRES burning here and there. A new one erupts, slow-explosion-like, at about two o'clock on the screen. As before, we plummet abruptly to near ground level, then -


CUT TO - OUTSIDE THE MAIN E.R., where the LIGHTS OF MULTIPLE AMBULANCES ARE FLASHING almost constantly at the ENTRANCE TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM. The already surreal sight is heightened by the ARMY VEHICLES parked nearby and the dozen or so ARMED SOLDIERS apparently standing guard as the ambulances unload wounded people, some in civilian clothes and some in military uniforms.


Adjacent to an electrical substation, across from and slightly down the street from the hospital.


A door opens on the front of the utility building, and we see SPIKE carefully peering outside, checking for possible trouble. He gestures toward the inside of the building, and ILLYRIA walks out next, still carrying GUNN, who appears to be unconscious. ANGEL follows Illyria, bringing up the rear. All three look toward the hospital, see the heavily armored guard surrounding the E.R., and pause to evaluate the sitch.

We're here, Charles.

Gunn looks up weakly, but apparently not unconscious after all.

Ooo, welcoming committee. They'll be so happy to see us.

Happy don't matter, Gunn--we're going in.

Yeah, us and what army? 'Cuz...they've got one.

A GREEN ARMY VEHICLE emblazoned with a RED CROSS races by, but heads in a direction away from the main E.R. entrance. It draws Angel's attention, and he points to the access lane it finally pulls in to.


We see an emergency triage area made up of military-issue tents.

There. That's where most of the army guys are.
We avoid them, we'll be O.K.

CUT BACK TO - OUR GUYS STANDING BY THE UTILITY BUILDING, all looking at the army encampment.

How do you--

(starts walking towards the E.R. entrance,
gestures for the rest to follow)
Too many injuries for the hospital to handle them all. The
hospital takes the civilian cases, and the more serious
military ones. Over there's where the nonlethal military
cases check in. Those guys at the door there are probably
performing triage duties, helping to decide who goes where.

Yeeahh, right, but inside it still might be crawling with
authority types we don't exactly want to run into.

(shakes his head)
Doubt it. The hospital has its own staff, the army's gonna
stay out of their way as much as possible. Plus, no one
looks closely at faces during chaotic situations like this.
(looks over at Gunn, reassuringly)
You'll be fine. Let's go.

(to Illyria)
'Lyria? Could you put me down now?
And you better change appearance mode, too.

(morphs to Fred visage)
You are still extremely ill. Are you certain?

Blue--first off, it's a guy-needs-his-dignity
thing, second, very few human women would have the
strength to carry someone his size. Kinda look suspicious,
we go in there you doing that.

Very well.

She carefully lowers Gunn, assisting him into a standing position. He sways a bit, but manages the new posture.

Spike--from what Gunn's told us, this hideout place of
his is still miles from where we are now. See if you can
find us some transportation, and make it as low-profile as
possible. Park it somewhere nearby, and then keep a watch
out for us heading back this way.

(with a hint of irritation)
Yeah, right.
(looks around, heads off down the street)
Didn't fancy being around all those uniforms, anyway.

(to Gunn)
Are lean-ons within the dignity acceptance span?

(nodding, grateful)
Yeah, leaning'd be good.

Illyria-F and Angel move up to flank Gunn, who hangs on to them for stability as they walk over to the E.R. entrance. As they finish crossing the street and begin to enter the hospital driveway, Angel notices that Illyria is shouldering most of the burden of holding Gunn upright. Suppressing what he realizes is an irrational feeling, he suggests a subtle alteration.

Illyria...you're still showing too much strength here.
Let Gunn lean a little more on me as we get up to the door
where they can clearly see us. And if they ask your name,
just give a human one, like--uhh, say, "Joan."

'Joan'? Isn't that exceedingly common?

That's the point. Common means they pay less attention to

(still irked just slightly, but accepts)
As you wish. Charles?

I'm O.K. Let's do this.

CUT TO - (RAPID SERIES) - near the entrance (looking at it) - SOLDIERS looking at the trio and then looking away as an army ambulance pulls in the driveway - inside the E.R. door - at the check-in desk - a hand signing paperwork as a NURSE checks Gunn's heartbeat, blood pressure, and other vital signs.


Gunn is lying, shirt open, on a gurney. An I.V. line has been fitted to one arm near the wrist, and cardiac monitor wires lead away from his chest to a softly beeping machine nearby. Angel and Illyria/Fred are seated on some chairs nearby, waiting.

Angel is affecting a nonchalant air, but Illyria/Fred is glaring angrily through the privacy blinds on the window of the room at the bustle of doctors, nurses and other personnel flitting about the interior.

How long have we been waiting? Why do they not come
to further his treatment?

Illyria, they don't always treat you instantly in an
emergency room.
They take the most severe cases first. Since I'm not
bleeding or dying....

That has yet to be determined. These workers seem overly
indifferent to me.

Not real big on doctors myself, but I don't tend to need
them much, you know? Still, it's been several hours now,
with only the nurses checking in on him every so often.
The doctor oughta get here pretty soon, I'd think.

(gestures at the I.V. bag)
Well, whatever this juice is they're feeding me, it's
really doing the trick. The pain level is way down from
what it was before, and I'm breathing easier.

CUT TO - A SERIES OF SHOTS alternating between the guys waiting in the exam room and a medium CLOSE-UP ON A CLOCK ON THE WALL IN THE SAME ROOM. The clock indicates 2:17, 2:59, 3:30 (or so) in subsequent shots. One shot shows a NURSE checking Gunn, speaking with him, writing on a chart (no sound, we just see their lips moving). Finally there is a shot with the clock at 4-something.

The door of the exam room opens and a MAN, obviously a DOCTOR, enters, carrying a chart. Angel looks relieved, but Illyria/Fred still seems angry. The doctor looks slightly dazed and obviously extremely tired. After introducing himself and apologizing for the wait, he wordlessly rechecks Gunn's pulse, shines a light in his eyes--the usual stuff. He then examines the thin, well-healed scar running along the side of Gunn's abdomen.

So, Mr. Jones, you say you had a severe abdominal wound?

Yeah, got it patched up, but now it feels like--

The doctor pushes on the spot where the wound was.


(stands back a bit, writes on the chart)
Hummh. A residual infection, most likely. Could be
peritonitis--bacteria from your intestines gets out,
spreads to other organs, inflames the abdominal lining.
Doesn't take that much, and it can be very serious, even
fatal, if not treated quickly. It's good you came in. How
long ago did you say you were injured?

(responds honestly, not really thinking about it)
A couple of nights ago.


Weeks. He means weeks, doc.
He's been kind of wonky the last few hours.

(still suspicious)
O.K. O.K...a couple of weeks...but a wound like that would
take more than a "couple" to heal decently, maybe 6 or 8
weeks at least.
(looks at the scar again)
This is really well healed--normally 3 months or more to
get this nice looking.

I've always been a real fast healer. And, yeah, it was a
lot longer than a couple weeks. I--I'm just--the pain's
been really, really bad, I can't think straight. Time's
been--crazy lately.

Illyria gives Gunn an odd look as he says this, but no one else notices.

(backs down somewhat)
O.K. Right. Look, it's probably something we can treat
effectively with antibiotics like the ones you're getting
right now, and maybe some medication for the pain, but
we're way behind in the lab, and the results of your blood
tests haven't come back yet. For now, I'd like to get a
second opinion from a gastro resident.
(turns to head for the door)
Just hang in there, and I'll be back in a minute, O.K.?

(leans over, whispers to Angel)
He suspects that Charles is a demon, and is going for one
of the humans with a weapon! We must do something to
stop him.

(frowning--she could be right, but...)
Um, Doc, we're kinda in a hurry to get him home as soon as
we can, you know--there's no one there to look out for
his place, and....
(gestures to indicate the outside world)
So if you could just....

This won't take too long. Again, I'm sorry for the wait
before, but as you can see, we're running beyond overload
here. I really need the blood test results first to verify
the presence of an infection.
That'll also tell us what drugs will work the best.

(hesitates, trying to get a clear read on the doctor, who
seems sincere)
Well...if it isn't too long.
He's really been hurting bad.

Illyria/Fred glares angrily at Angel, then swiftly jumps up from her chair and grabs the doctor, spinning him around and locking her arm against his throat in a choke hold. He struggles wildly, which only causes Illyria to tighten her grip. The doctor gasps, painfully. Gunn and Angel both freeze in place, fearing any move might cause Illyria to do further damage.

Tell us how to treat him now, or I will crush your

She eases the pressure on his throat just barely enough to allow speech.

(gasping, inhales raggedly)
What...what are you doing? I'm trying to help him!

(cursing under his breath at Illyria's short fuse)
Joan, honey, this isn't a good idea. Let the man go so he
can help Charles.

(following on Angel's improv)
Joan, please. Let him go--I'm all right, really.

(to the doctor)
I'm really sorry about this, doc. She's bipolar, and keeps
forgetting to take her meds.

(not backing off)
Ignore his ridiculous prattle and answer me, what potions
will cure him?
Where are they kept?

Ant.. antibiotics. Usually we'd prescribe...Flagyl...and
There...(struggles to point)
...in that cabinet right there. Top...top drawer.
(tears start to run down his cheeks)
Keys...ahhhh! ...my...right pocket.

Angel gets the keys, moves over to the indicated cabinet, and roots around until he finds the medicines.

Right...Good. Anything else, doc?

(getting hoarse, wheezes)
You'll...need syringes. Sec...(coughs) second drawer.
There's...bottles in the third drawer there--codeine and...
acetaminophen--it'll help relieve the pain. And--
take some naproxen...gotta bring the inflammation down.
Can't be sure...without tests, but those...usually do it.
(Illyria tightens her hold on his throat).

(wincing--good god, Illyria, don't kill him, please...)
O.K. then, guess we'll go now.
(he quickly grabs some bandages and a few other items
setting nearby)
Joan, help Charles out of here.
Again, really really sorry, doc. We appreciate your help,

Angel moves over to the door, looks outside to gauge the route of best retreat. Gunn gets up off the gurney and reaches for Illyria's arm. But Illyria is still holding the doctor, who's begun to turn blue from the chokehold and is now sagging in her grip.

Joan, let him go now.

(cold as death)
Do not give me orders, half-breed. The only language these
fools understand is violence and death.

(returns the death stare in Illyria's direction)
He's not a fool, he helped us, and I said
let him go.

Illyria looks over at Gunn and sees a pleading look in his eyes. She continues her grip for a few additional seconds, then, with a disgusted look, relents. The doctor slides to the floor, unconscious, but still alive. Miraculously, no one has noticed the disturbance.

How easily broken these humans are. So weak, so puny.

Let's go. Now.

The three of them slip out the door and make their way along a corridor to an EXIT, where they head back outside.


Spike is waiting in a BEAT-UP OLD BUICK parked off to one side. As he sees Gunn, Angel and Illyria/Fred leaving the hospital by a side door, he gets out of the car and walks towards them, waving. They quickly move in his direction and follow him to the car. Spike gets in the driver's seat, Angel rides shotgun and Gunn and Illyria pile into the back.



POV - THE BACK SEAT, looking at Spike as he drives, with Angel just barely in frame on the right. Angel says nothing, but is clearly barely keeping the lid on top of something.

Spike looks briefly back over his shoulder, sees Illyria (blue) looking pretty much in the same mood as Angel, and Gunn just looking wiped out. Spike barely suppresses a chuckle, and turns his attention back to the road.

Humm, O.K., let me guess.
Did Xena go all evil and try to sack the village again?

Borderline, but no.

Tsk. Didn't like our insurance carrier, that it?

No one speaks. The moment stretches.

I see. Anyone coming after us now?

Not for a few minutes anyway. Let's work with that.
Gunn, where to?

South on Derry, then go about 5 miles to Mansus Street,
turn left. Two blocks and there's a vacant lot where you
can leave the car. The main entrances will be locked this
time of night, so we'll have to hit the tunnels again for
a short bit. Have to go in from below.

Got it.

They drive on. Spike looks over at Angel, who is obviously still upset about Illyria.

Yo, forehead. There's a pack of cigs in the glove box.
Pass it to me, would ya?

He pushes in the car's cigarette lighter as he says this, waiting for it to heat up.

(weary look)
Must you?

Yeah, I must. Need my fix. Now gimme.

Angel hesitates, then flips open the glove compartment.

Roll the window down, then.


He takes the pack, taps one loose, pulls it the rest of the way with his lips, then yanks the lighter from the dash. The end of the tobacco glows orange and then amber as he puffs and exhales. The smoke fills the night air around them. Spike looks back at Gunn and Illyria, then over at Angel, then once again to the road.

Hey, things coulda turned out worse, back there.
Somebody must be looking out for us, right Charley?

Angel snorts, softly but distinctly.

(after a pause)
Yeah, guess so. Just wondering who.

Right. Gotta have faith, that's all.

Smoke streams out the window, swirling around in chaotic trails by the windshield.

(softly, bitterly)

Spike stares down the street. His POV - the streetlamps gradually approaching and receding, boarded and broken windows and doors on the houses and shops, litter scattered on the sidewalks, the current emptiness of a night that was once almost a living thing in itself.

He drags on his cigarette, exhales, then pulls it from his mouth with one hand and stares at the ember at the tip. He regards it longingly for a few more seconds, then flips it casually out the window.



The car rolls down the street, quickly shrinking with the perspective, vanishing in the darkness.


Act Four

FADE UP - INT. SHOT OF HIGH, STAINED-GLASS WINDOWS. Light streams in through them, although they are faded in areas and somewhat coated with soot and dust. We PAN DOWN smoothly and simultaneously PULL BACK to show the interior of a CHURCH, narrow in width, with a small, plainly finished altar at the front. The altar grows visually smaller as the camera DOLLIES BACK between rows of pews.

DOLLY SHOT until we pass through a tall, arched doorway at the rear of the sanctuary and then turn 90 degrees to the left and keep going. As the turn is completed, we see the FRONT DOORS to the church on the right, where despite a lot of shadows, careful viewers will notice a LARGE WOODEN BEAM laid across thick metal bars, rendering the doors UNOPENABLE.

We pass through an ordinary doorway into a room that looks like a cross between an office and a storeroom, go on through another doorway and DOWN A FLIGHT OF STAIRS, then through a basement hallway, past several other doors, finally into a SMALL ROOM containing a bed and simple furnishings.

We slow, almost stop, then PULL BACK one more time until we are in what looks like a "cold cellar". The very narrow, not more than five-foot-high doorway is centered in the frame. In a high-contrast shot, light from the room shines through it, but the cold cellar is all darkness within. We finally stop moving entirely. Several seconds pass, then several more. Finally, we hear a faint creaking sound, which gets abruptly louder.



POV - Looking at the thin door from the opposite side from last shot.

The space inside the doorway frame is PITCH BLACK. The creaking sound ends with a "thunk" noise, and there is a soft sound, like a mumbled whisper, or a ghost moving about. We take a short beat, and then a face appears out of the blackness, followed a second later by a body below it.

(tired, and slightly incredulous)
It's still here. I'll be damned.

ILLYRIA (blue) follows behind him, emerging from the doorway in the same out-of-the-pitch-black manner. She looks around the tiny room as GUNN is doing.

One of the odder expressions you humans are frequently
prone to utter.
As if you are not already in this state by virtue of
merely existing.

ANGEL emerges next, followed by SPIKE.

Where are we?

In the basement level of an old monastery. I found this
place by accident a bunch of years ago when I got
separated from my boys--we were running the tunnels
blindly, trying to get away from a pack of some really
nasty Shoduh demons. Anyway, I got all turned around, came
up here, and the brothers took care of me until I could
get back home. For a few months after that, I came back
here every few weeks, whenever things were getting really
hard to handle. It was a kind of haven. You know--
quiet, peaceful.
Apart from the world.

As Gunn relates his story, Illyria stands silently in the middle of the room with an unfocussed stare, as if communing with the walls. Angel eyes the door that leads out into the hallway and moves towards it, then peers carefully out into the hall. Spike rummages around the room absent-mindedly, picking up books, candlestick holders, an inkwell, etc. He comes across a statue of the Virgin Mary standing on the plain wooden nightstand beside the bed, picks it up, stares at the face of the statue for several long seconds, then simply replaces it where it was with a softly murmured 'hummff'. He slides open the drawer of the nightstand, reaches into it without really looking, and suddenly yells--


--a deafening sound in the dead quiet of the tiny room.

Spike's arm snaps back away from the drawer, as a SMALL CRUCIFIX drops over the front panel and falls onto the floor. Angel and Gunn both jump. Illyria remains immobile and unperturbed. A SMALL WISP OF SMOKE rises up from Spike's palm, and he shakes it vigorously to help dissipate the pain. Angel and Gunn see what the cause of the outcry was, and roll their eyes at the same time. Angel turns and walks out the door into the hallway. Gunn puts one hand over the center of his chest.

Yo, Spike--I've already got an aching gut,
I don't need a heart attack on top of it.

(slightly pissed, but mostly sheepish)
Ye-a-ahh, a haven, eh?
(rubs his palm)
Well, I feel right at home.

It's not a regular church anymore--it's a place of
refuge. The monks almost never leave the building.

(finally moves)
Then how do they obtain food?

She doesn't wait for an answer before heading out the door into the hallway. Spike and Gunn follow her.


We see Angel about halfway up the length of the hall, carefully pushing open doors leading into other SLEEPING ROOMS as he goes. There is no noise or any other response from inside any of the rooms, but the FAINT SOUND OF CHANTING of some kind can be heard coming from above the stairs.

That's kinda fascinating. I asked one of the senior monks
the exact same question one time. They have a good-
sized vegetable garden in the central courtyard, but he
told me that they depended primarily on the generosity of
visitors from the outside, people like me who came here by
accident and found solace in their spiritual lifestyle.

And how do you think they'll feel about two vampires
and a demon moving in?

Hey, we're all fighting the good fight in whatever
way we can, aren't we?

Uhmmm, broken record here.
And for that matter, do monks usually fight?

They do every Tuesday night on Channel 99 Wuxia Theatre.

Yeah. Did you even see "Crouching Tiger"?

Look, we need someplace to regroup, right? Well, who would
think of looking for us in a church? There's no place
safer. Not only that, one of the brothers here was a
doctor before he "got the call." He looks after the health
of the others, brings them medicine and stuff. Dunno if
he's still here, though, he was pretty old when I saw him last.
He'd know how to use those drugs you got for me.

I can administer the potions if you wish. By now I have
acquired a detailed knowledge of human anatomy and the
quaint electrochemical underpinnings which allow your
inefficient systems to function.

(somewhat surprised)
Really? You know about the right doses and everything?


Don't worry there, Charley. I'll make her read the
directions first.

(sighs, heads up the steps)
Well, time to go meet our salvation.

As Angel says this, the camera PANS UPWARD, CGI-ing "through" the ceiling of the basement and over into the SANCTUARY OF THE CHURCH.

From the side of the room, we see a LINE OF MONKS IN CASSOCKS passing between the pews as Gregorian chants ring through the air. We cannot see their faces from this angle.

The camera PULLS LEFT and reveals an ANCIENT-LOOKING MONK standing behind a pillar at the side of the chapel. He seems oddly nervous, and repeatedly darts glances over at his chanting brothers, as if waiting for something to happen to them. Finally, as the other monks reach the front of the sanctuary, he runs silently towards the back of the room and slips out the large central doorway. As he does so, the chanting ABRUPTLY CEASES, and the surrounding space becomes utterly quiet. The group of monks turn, seemingly as one, and look back towards the rear of the church. Seeing nothing, they turn back and the CHANTING CONTINUES right where it left off.


THE TOP OF THE STAIRS LEADING INTO THE OFFICE/STOREROOM. Angel emerges and looks about the room, which is brightly lit compared to the basement area, the morning sun just coming up and shining in the windows.

The light is filtered somewhat by virtue of the soot and dust coating the window glass, but Angel hesitates, and gingerly checks by waving an arm to see if the intensity is within vampire-safe levels. He winces slightly, and draws his hand back. Illyria, Gunn and Spike have topped the stairs now also, and Spike sees Angel draw back from the windows.

Oh, and a lovely little room we have here!
All bright and cheery and flame-inducing.

I'm sure there's another way 'round. This was just the
direction that the chants were the loudest.
(turns, heads back to the stairs)
I'm going to go look around a bit more.
Want to come along, Spike, or do you need to work on
your tan?

Pale is in this year, mate. Don't you follow fashion?

The main chapel has stained glass, but it still gets
pretty bright in some places. Maybe you guys will have to
hang out below until late afternoon or early evening.
Probably best if I see the brothers first anyway. I'm sure
at least some of them will remember me.

You are still not fully functional, Charles. This might be
a good time to administer your healing agents.

(heading down the first few steps,
looks back over his shoulder)
That's a good idea. You sure you can handle this,

Illyria merely glares at Angel dismissively, and does not give a verbal reply.

O.K. then. Scream if you need us, Gunn. We'll probably hear you.


I would suggest that you sit on that table there, with your
left side facing the window. It will provide an optimal
approach for me.

Spike follows Angel down the stairs as Illyria unshoulders the SACK OF SUPPLIES. She reaches into the sack and pulls out the bottles of antibiotics, the vodka, some syringes, cotton balls, and the various other treatments taken from the hospital a few hours ago.

Gunn watches with incredulity as Illyria deftly checks the label of the first bottle, unzips the plastic wrapper from the syringe, stabs the needle through the bottle seal, fills it partway with liquid, clears the bubbles, and then turns to him.

Present your left arm, please.

(now looking very nervous)
Gee, that...really looks...sharp...there.

Charles. This is a trivial course of action compared to
the bending of time and space, and that procedure is one
that requires only a minor portion of my total mental
resources to accomplish.
(she pauses briefly, then)
Or, it did.



(wincing up at Illyria warily--please don't kill me, please
don't kill me
(holds it out)

Gunn looks away as Illyria quickly swabs the injection site with a cotton ball and some of the vodka. She positions the needle a short distance above his skin.

He closes his eyes and tenses for what he is certain will be a degree of agony from a violent stabbing effort. As the needle pierces his skin, Gunn's face relaxes slowly. Illyria injects the medication with gentle efficiency--he feels only the faintest tingling sensation for barely a second, which then recedes almost instantly. He reopens his eyes to see Illyria filling a second syringe with the contents of another bottle of medication. He looks down at his arm, where the puncture mark can barely be seen.

Damn! When did you learn how to do that?

(clearing the bubbles in the second syringe)


A large room, a primary storehouse and workshop area for the monks. Boxes filled with canned goods and other items are piled on shelves, while the main area of the floor is filled with pieces of furniture, lamps, bookcases, etc., in partial states of disassembly. One wall is lined with long workbenches and other tools.

So what's all this about? They planning to do
a guest spot on 'This Old Church'?

(quietly impressed)
No, I've seen this before. There are Orders that collect
old furniture and stuff that could be fixed up, but that
people can't afford to pay for. Stuff too well made to
just throw out. They repair it, and give it back. You pay
them whatever you can afford, and it doesn't have to be
money--it can be with some service in return. Food, plumbing
work, roof repairs, whatever.

So. They help the hapless, eh?

Angel doesn't respond, just stares around the room.

And you know, that Jesus fellow was a carpenter, or so
they say.

Angel wanders around the room, touching several pieces of furniture as he does so. He begins to speak without looking back at Spike.

And among the things he built were crosses for the Romans
to crucify people on. Fellow Jews, just like him.

(taken slightly aback)
Uhh, yeah, but...that was the early Jesus, wa'n't it?

(quietly, touching a finished table, sleek with new varnish
under a heavy coating of dust)
People change.

A pause, then -


Illyria and Gunn have finished up with the injections, and Illyria is stashing the various items back into the tote while Gunn stares out the window.

His POV - we can see a few trees, and what looks like the remnants of some shrubbery.

You haven't said anything to the others yet.

(slightly absent-mindedly, without turning from the window)
Ummh.. about what?

About what happened after the confrontation with your soldiers
and that frightened woman in the street.

(long pause, but continues staring outside)
Yeah, well...don't think I want to just yet. Maybe that'll just be
between you and me.

Angel would be angry if he knew. He does not trust me,
and if you fail to tell him, he may not trust you in future.

Maybe. But it's my call.
Have you figured out how it happened?

No. It is still inexplicable. I originally considered
that it might be stray mystical energy catalyzed via the
dragon's stone but then immediately dismissed that as a

Why? I had thought about that angle myself.
It is a talisman, after all, and it opens portals.

I did not open a portal. I caused time to bend. It is not
the same. And you informed us in Fasach that use of
the stone requires the craft of a potent sorcerer, which I
am not. My own connection to the mystical is not shaped in
that manner.

Maybe it's not mystical. Maybe...
Maybe it's like a battery...you know, the rechargeable
kind? You think that they're dead, your cell phone or
flashlight or whatever stops working, then an hour or so
later there's just enough juice to make another call, or
light the light. Then they really are gone.

Illyria gets the same distant look in her eyes that she had earlier in the alleyway shortly after the time-bending incident. She raises one hand near her face, almost touching it with her fingers. A small blue electrical spark arcs between one finger and the side of her face for a few seconds, then stops. Her eyes refocus to the room as the hand drops back down to her side.

Interesting. Possible...
Yet another aspect of this skein of odd magicks
that is your 'science'.

(chuckles softly)
Yeah, it has some advantages. Plus...way less chanting.

(beat, head tilt)

She looks over towards the doorway, where the rhythmic CHANTING SOUNDS from the monks carry on unabated. Gunn continues to stare out through the soot-darkened window glass.

We should go to see your friends now. I assume it would be
best if I change my appearance again.

(still staring outside)
Yeah, O.K. They're pretty accepting, though.

They would accept a demon? In a human holy place?
I have my doubts.

(turns away from the window, faces Illyria)
That leather getup may be a bit intense, but outwardly
you're still mostly human in appearance.

(shifts to Fred form and voice)
But I'm not human.
(and back to Illyria voice)
Am I?

Right now that doesn't really matter.

Because I look like her?

(a beat, then...)

There is a long silence, and we suddenly realize that the CHANTING HAS STOPPED, had in fact stopped about twenty seconds ago.

Finally! I hate to interrupt them when they're doing that.
They get really deep into a meditative state, and if you
break into that by speaking, it's kind of jarring to them.
Let's go introduce ourselves, tell them about....


Something is not right.

(suddenly wary)
Uh, yeah, but how do you know that?

(tilts her head, listens intently)
The cadence is perfect, exactly as it was the previous
four times.

Well, they do get into a groove sometimes, but this has
been a mighty long one, even for them.
(looks out the window)
We're at least an hour after sunrise, and they
should be heading off to get some breakfast way before
now. The early morning rites are rarely over a half-hour.

(looking directly at Gunn)
The repetition is too perfect. The spacing of the sounds
are replicated within milliseconds. Even musically
advanced humans are incapable of such precision.

You're saying it's a machine? Some recording we're

I'm saying we should approach your friends with great


Spike and Angel are nearing the top of it. The SOUNDS OF THE CHANTING MONKS are much louder than they were before, as if they are in the immediate vicinity.

What's with the see me/feel me/touch me/heal me bit?
They've been going on for half-past forever already. Don't
they ever bleeding stop?

Monks, chants. It's a thing.
If we stay here, we're gonna have to get used to it.


The LINE OF MONKS is passing in front of the pews near the altar. Gunn and Illyria/Fred cautiously enter from the back of the room. Seeing the monks, Gunn begins to walk down the center aisle. As he reaches the half-way point, he begins to call out -

Brother Hobbes? Brother Rosen? Calvin?
Are you still here?
It's Charles Gunn--do you remember me?

The chanting stops. The monks appear to turn about and look at Gunn. Before Gunn can utter another word, he's stunned to see what appeared to be the wooden floorboards of the aisle turn from a mahogany color to a MOTTLED, SICKLY-LOOKING PALE BEIGE, AND THEN BEGINNING TO MOVE LIKE FLOWING LIQUID.

Even more horrifying is the sight of the "brothers," who are likewise dissolving and then changing into DARK RED SCALY SPINES, the tips of which each have a pair of HUMAN-LIKE EYEBALLS attached to them. All of the sets of eyes are now trained on Gunn, as what was the "floor" rounds up to become the body of a HIDEOUS CENTIPEDE-LIKE CREATURE COMPLETE WITH A PAIR OF SHARP, NASTY PINCERS SURROUNDING ITS MOUTH.

(backing away fast)
No, you probably don't.

THE CREATURE twists and heaves, its mouth contorts, and a DEAFENING BELLOW emerges that sounds just like the chanting, but at ten times the normal speed and about 120 decibels. The walls of the church cause the already enormous sound level to REVERBERATE, stretching out the din and rattling the stained-glass windows. Gunn clamps his hands tightly over his ears and turns to run. The creature starts after him.

Illyria has shifted back into her normal appearance, and is already tearing up the aisle, headed right for the beast. She passes Gunn and launches herself onto the top of the creature's head, but as she raises a fist to punch down hard onto its skull, the monster snaps back its head and throws her off. She arcs over to one side and CRASHES DOWN into the pews, which crack, splinter and break loose from the floor on impact. She gets back up and slowly limps away.

From the front of the chapel, we see Angel and Spike heading in the creature's direction, but it moves so quickly they are unable to catch up to it before it reaches Gunn, who is nearly at the doorway to the sanctuary. The beast raises its head several feet off the floor, curls back slightly and moves to strike, but at the last instant the OLD MONK we saw earlier appears and shoves Gunn to the side, causing the demon to miss him and smack its face roughly into the floor of the aisle.

The demon bellows once more in pain, and the front third of its body lifts off the floor, writhing about madly. We can see Angel, Spike and Gunn each lying on the floor in different locations, all HOLDING HANDS OVER EARS AND GRIMACING. A small crack opens in one wall from the vibration, and plaster chips and dust drift down from it onto the floor.

Suddenly, the creature stops bellowing, and the eyes on its spines start looking around for its prey. Gunn scrambles up off the floor and drags the old monk with him, hoping to hide from the demon long enough for Angel, Spike and Illyria to mount another assault.

Together, they dodge behind the pews, but too slowly. The old monk is winded and dazed, and doesn't manage to hide completely before the demon spots him. It snaps downward again and bites the monk on the leg. Gunn's still half-deafened, but recovers his wits -

Get off him, you sonofa--!

Putting everything he's got into it, Gunn punches the creature hard right in the center of its face, and the demon pulls back again. It bellows once more, but not quite as loudly.

Gunn pulls the wounded and bleeding monk further under the pews to temporary safety. The demon, moving more cautiously now, tries to figure out a way to get at them, but it's too large to fit between the pews.


The creature turns to see Angel, who is up near the altar holding a good-sized CHUNK OF WOOD from the broken pews that Illyria crashed into.

Illyria, heads up!

He throws the piece of wood over to Illyria, who is already making another dive for the demon's head. She catches it in midair, lands on top of the demon and instantly RAMS THE THICK WOOD BEAM DOWNWARD like a spear into the creature's skull. The wood splinters, barely making a mark on the creature's natural armor. Illyria jumps off, not waiting for the beast to flip her a second time.

(yelling as loud as he can)
The eyes! Cut off all the eyes, then it can't see us!

(yelling back)
With what? There's no weapons here!

(getting an inspiration)
The face! Try the face, it was sensitive there, remember?
When it hit the floor the first time?

Illyria runs towards the front of the church, grabbing another PIECE OF BROKEN LUMBER from the damaged pews on the way. Spike does the same, and they begin to BEAT AWAY on the back of the beast, causing it to turn around and move towards the altar.

'ats right, get yer nose right up here, buggy boy--
give us a nice shot at it!

He dodges the snapping pincers as the creature lunges at him and tries to stab it in the face with the jagged wood. The creature dodges the thrust, then swings its head back and knocks Spike to the side, slamming him against a nearby wall and knocking him out.

Illyria starts lining up her shot, but the demon is learning quickly, and before she is in midthrow, it tosses her backward past the altar and against the front most wall, directly underneath a large bronze metal cross. The impact shakes the wall so violently that the cross breaks loose from its mounts, and plummets downward, nearly hitting the already stunned Illyria, who twists out of its path just in time.

CUT TO - Angel, eyes on Illyria. He turns back around.


(still back with the old monk)
Yeah, what?

Get out in the aisle!
Draw its attention again, I've got an idea!

You got it!
(to the monk)
Stay here, I'll be back for you, O.K.?

Gunn clambers out from behind the pew, stands right in the center of the aisle, and yells at the beast. It turns around and roars again, evidently recognizing its original prey. As it sets off for Gunn, Angel CALLS OUT TO IT from the front of the church. Its head swings back again. Angel climbs on top of the altar, holding the METAL CROSS with smoking hands. Before the beast can even twitch, Angel STABS THE CROSS INTO THE DEMON'S FACE with such force that it buries itself nearly up to the crossbar.

Everyone braces for another room-shaking blast of noise, but the creature makes none. It writhes upwards for a few brief seconds, then collapses motionless on the floor. Angel stares at it for a beat, then jumps down off the altar, smoke still trailing from his hands as he moves. He stops a few feet in from of the dead creature, stares at it, then raises his hands, noting the reddened and blistered palms.

You know---that really smarts.

Gunn and Illyria gather around him. Suddenly, a noise from the right makes them look over. Spike holds his head as he struggles to his feet. He looks up and over at the rest of the gang, sees the ex-chameleon-centipede-demon lying with the cross buried in its brain, and stares at it. He wanders over to join the rest.

And who managed this crafty little bit of blasphemy?

Angel simply holds up his hands, showing the damage to them.

I bet that smarts, doesn't it?

It was an impressive impact.

You could say that.

(puzzled look)
I did say that.

(rolls eyes)
I say we take a break. Any objections?



I have no objection.

The ayes have it. Let's go get our new friend
and have a proper introduction.

They walk past the demon and down the aisle to the chapel exit where the old monk, his leg still bleeding from the earlier attack, is standing and staring, eyes open wide in disbelief. The monk looks at each of the gang as they pass him, then finally over to Gunn, who extends his arm, palm out for a handshake.

(smiling warmly)
Hey, brother, can you spare some time?

The monk's eyes twinkle, and he nods his head vigorously in the affirmative. A wide smile breaks across his face. The two of them turn and follow the others.



Gunn and the old monk are communicating via sign language.

(aside, to Angel)
He knows sign language too?

Evidently. Dunno if it was from the Wolfram and Hart brain
upgrade, or if he learned it when he was staying here

(nods to Hobbes, turns back to the others)
So, after that thing got in here, Hobbes managed to
barricade the main doors to prevent any more refugees from
getting lured in, but he could only do that from the
inside, so he's been trapped in here for three weeks, all
alone. We lucked out--he forgot about the trap door in
the cold cellar.
(he gives a vigorous thumbs-up gesture in the old monk's
You da man, Hobbes!

Hobbes just nods a little, looking sort of 'aw, shucks' as he does so.

Why does he not speak?

It's called a "vow of silence." It has to do with gaining
a higher level of spiritual purity.

Kinda like Teller, then.
So which one of us gets to be Penn?

Illyria looks even more baffled. Gunn and Angel both sigh and shake their heads. But the monk abruptly chuckles, causing everyone to stare at him. He pushes back away from the table, gets up off his chair and goes to retrieve another bottle of wine from a wooden box sitting to one side. He returns to the table and refills the glasses at each setting, except for the one in front of Illyria, which is untouched from the original pouring. He looks at her quizzically, gestures at the glass.

(at a loss)
No, thank you...I am....

She's on a 12-step program there, Hobbes.

Hobbes gets an gets an "ahh!" look on his face, reaches over, smiles and pats Illyria fondly on the shoulder. Illyria looks down at her shoulder, then up at Hobbes, then over at Spike and Gunn, who are trying not to break out laughing. Angel does a small eyebrow-raise bit, then -

Brother, are you sure it's all right for us to stay here?
It could easily bring you more trouble, you know. There
are people....
and things...that are hunting us.

Hobbes moves his arms and hands quickly in sign language gestures. Angel looks over at Gunn.

It's just "Hobbes".

Hobbes signs again, and then looks over at Angel.

And he's asking if maybe you didn't mean "haunting"?

Angel doesn't reply, but his expression darkens somewhat. Hobbes gestures to an ANCIENT-LOOKING WOODEN PLAQUE hanging up on one wall of the dining room. All eyes turn to it. It reads:

~ Beatus qui solacium asylumque offerat ~

"Blessed is he who offers comfort and sanctuary."

Hobbes smiles widely again, then indicates where his leg has been recently treated and bandaged by Gunn and Illyria. He spreads his arms out wide, indicating the space around him, then reaches into the folds of his robe, removes a small set of archaic-looking keys, and hands them to Angel.

Angel smiles back at Hobbes and reaches out to shake his hand.

Thank you.

Hobbes sit back down at the table, bows his head for a few seconds in silent prayer, then looks back up. He reaches out to grasp the glass of wine in front of him, and then raises it to drink. As he finishes his quaff, there is the sound of a LOUD KNOCKING AT A DOOR somewhere outside of the room. Hobbes looks over in the direction of the sound, pauses a few seconds, then gestures to Angel to go answer it. Gunn, Illyria and Spike all look at Angel.

O.K....next one.




Written by    Tyreseus and OnM
Executive Producer         Masquerade
Senior Script Editor         Anom
Main Credits photo credit         LittleBit

Angel           David Boreanaz
Gunn           J. August Richards
Illyria           Amy Acker
Spike           James Marsters

"Angel the Series" is the property of
Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
No copyright infringement intended.